
A sea captain barges into the office of a shipping merchant, dragging in a barrel of water. He’s here on business, with a humble proposition. He opens the lid and reveals a newt. Inspired by the work of Czech science fiction pioneer Karel Čapek, Newts! chronicles an alternate history of the 20th Century in which the western world discovers, exploits, educates, arms, and is ultimately overthrown by a species of highly intelligent amphibians. It’s a farcical yet deadly serious tale about self-interest and the nature of humanity, told as a six part audio drama with original music.
- 7 Episodes
Great songs
I felt like I was listening to a musical. I ended up looking up some of the singers because their voices were so good. Very enjoyable listen!
Cast album?
This was wonderfully written and the songs are so good. Do you know that feeling when you finish a piece of media and just want more but there’s no where to go, that’s me right now, relistening to the final moments over and over. A fully fledged cast album would be amazing as well. Short of that at the very least more people should listen to this.
Too good to listen just once!
Listened to this a couple of weeks ago and can't stop thinking about it. So clever and funny, and the songs are great! I came back to this page to see if the creators have made any similar podcasts, but I might just have to binge this one again.
A lot of fun!
Fun story, well made - great for a road trip!
- CreatorPRX
- Years Active2K
- Episodes7
- RatingClean
- Copyright© 2022
- Show Website
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