Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die

Marieke Hardy
Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die

Hello, my name is Marieke Hardy and I’m Going To Die. But that’s ok, because so are you. And so is everybody you know, including - and trust me, I’m as conflicted about this as you are - your dog. It’s confronting, especially in the brutal world we’re all doing our best to survive, but I believe there’s something important about this universal experience we’re all having together that worth interrogating. Join me as I speak to a variety of interesting, beautiful, imperfect humans (who are definitely going to die) and help them plan their dream funerals as they reflect on their lives, their longings, and how best to navigate this intense ride. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  1. Virginia Trioli Is Going To Die

    2D AGO

    Virginia Trioli Is Going To Die

    VIRGINIA TRIOLI IS GOING TO DIE Virginia Trioli is presenter of Creative Types on ABC TV and a former co-host of ABC News Breakfast and host of Mornings on ABC Radio Melbourne. A two-time Walkley Award winner, she spent nine years as a news reporter, features writer, and columnist in Melbourne. Her new book A Bit on the Side: Reflections on What Makes Life Delicious is a gorgeous interrogation of food and memory, but Virginia's not afraid to tackle weightier matters of death and grief. And she's put a lot of thought into what her Dream Funeral may look like.... Instagram (IG @LaTrioli) Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy). You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator) Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26) Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds) Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan) Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions) With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow) Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy) and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham) Drop an email to Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1h 7m
  2. Bruce Pascoe Is Going To Die

    MAR 14

    Bruce Pascoe Is Going To Die

    BRUCE PASCOE IS GOING TO DIE Bruce Pascoe is a writer and farmer with extensive knowledge of the Australian landscape that reframes the colonised whitewashing of centuries of First Nations innovation. He has published 36 books including Dark Emu, which won the NSW Premier’s Award for Literature in 2016. Bruce is a deep thinker and so articulate about what it is to bear witness to the cycles of life and death in the natural world, and what he feels about his own legacy…and how much there’s still left to achieve. Instagram (IG @Bitheega) Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy). You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator) Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26) Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds) Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan) Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions) With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow) Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy) and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham) Drop an email to Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    52 min
  3. Mehreen Faruqi Is Going To Die

    MAR 2

    Mehreen Faruqi Is Going To Die

    MEHREEN FARUQI IS GOING TO DIE Dr Mehreen Faruqi is the Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens and Senator for NSW. She is also a civil/environmental engineer with 20 years experience in sustainability and environmental management, and before her time in Parliament worked in local government, consulting and higher educations institutions. As the first Muslim woman in any Australian parliament, Mehreen has been a political outsider fighting for her right and the rights of others like her to be let inside on their terms whilst surviving racial discrimination, violence, and death threats. So how does this formidable woman feel about being a public face for activism and grief? And how does she self-care amidst the turbulence of the political system? PLEASE NOTE: This was recorded in February - and global politics moves fast. Instagram (IG @MehreenFaruqi) Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy). You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator) Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26) Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds) Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan) Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions) With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow) Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy) and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham) Drop an email to Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    55 min
  4. Jon Ronson Is Going To Die

    FEB 23

    Jon Ronson Is Going To Die

    JON RONSON IS GOING TO DIE Jon Ronson is a British-American journalist, author, and filmmaker, known for works such as Them: Adventures with Extremists, The Men Who Stare at Goats, and The Psychopath Test. He's also possessed of an insatiable curiosity and devilish intellect - so what plans has this provocateur made for his own Funeral, and how much thought has he given to who will deliver his eulogy? Jon’s two TED talks have been watched more than 30 million times. In the US he is a contributor to This American Life, the New York Times magazine and GQ magazine, and has appeared many times as a guest on shows like The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The New Yorker Radio Hour. In the UK Jon has written regularly for The Guardian, as a columnist and feature writer. Instagram (IG @jonronson) This episode was recorded at the beautiful Sammy Petersen's studio and we are very grateful. Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy). You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator) Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26) Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds) Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan) Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions) With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow) Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy) and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham) Drop an email to Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    57 min
  5. Live at The Wheeler Centre: Ben Shewry Is Going To Die


    Live at The Wheeler Centre: Ben Shewry Is Going To Die

    LIVE AT THE WHEELER CENTRE: BEN SHEWRY IS GOING TO DIE Recorded live as part of The Wheeler Centre's Spring Fling program, this conversation features renowned Chef and memoirist Ben Shewry as he unpacks a lot more than the food and bev service at his Dream Funeral. Ben was born in New Zealand in 1977 and moved to Melbourne in 2002. He worked with chefs David Thompson and Andrew McConnell before taking on his first head chef role at Attica in 2005. Originally obsessed with the detail and balance of Thai food, Ben began to develop a style at Attica that reflected his rural New Zealand upbringing and, increasingly, a fascination with Australian indigenous ingredients. Ben is a passionate, sensitive, reflective human being whose vulnerabilities and openness about life (and death) make him an ideal candidate for a deep dive into mortality. His latest book, Uses for Obsession, can be purchased here. Instagram: @BenShewry This podcast was recorded at The Wheeler Centre as a part Spring Fling, a celebration of books, writing and ideas. Explore more conversations like this on The Wheeler Centre podcast — available wherever you listen to podcasts. Follow @wheelercentre for new releases Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy).You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator)Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26)Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds)Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan)Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions) With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow)Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy)and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham) Drop an email to Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some  wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources: ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    58 min
  6. Celebrating John Clarke


    Celebrating John Clarke

    CELEBRATING JOHN CLARKE John Clarke was a pioneering comedian, actor and writer, whose television appearances as farmer Fred Dagg in the 1970s marked the emergence of a distinctive home-grown style of New Zealand comedy. In 1977 Clarke moved permanently to Australia, where he was best known for the popular television series The Games and a series of satirical mock interviews with Australian Bryan Dawe. His wide-ranging talents included scriptwriting, music, documentary presenting, and literary pastiche, and his comic performances encompassed pratfalls, parody and political satire. John died of a heart attack in 2017 aged 68 whilst hiking in the Grampians with his wife and friends. Celebrating John is his daughter Lorin Clarke - herself no stranger to life in the creative arts. Lorin wrote, directed and narrated the award-winning ABC RN audio fiction serial, The Fitzroy Diaries (originally aired on ABC RN's Life Matters), which you can find here. It won the Best Fiction award at the Australian Podcast Awards in May 2019.  Lorin also writes for television and is a regular columnist for The Big Issue. Her recent memoir, Would That Be Funny? Growing Up With John Clarke is out now. Lorin is currently directing a documentary film about her Dad. Lorin Clarke (IG Lorin Clarke Official)Lorin Clarke's website ( Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy).You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator)Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26)Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds)Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan)Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions) With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow)Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy)and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham) Drop an email to Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some  wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources: ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1h 1m
  7. Phil Jamieson Is Going To Die


    Phil Jamieson Is Going To Die

    PHIL JAMIESON IS GOING TO DIE Phil Jamieson has spent the last quarter-century fronting one of Australia’s most popular and successful bands. An accomplished singer, songwriter and guitarist, Jamieson’s generation-defining lyrics and vocal melodies first became etched into rock fans’ DNA in 1995, when the Lismore-born quartet he helped form as an 18-year-old - Grinspoon - rode a new wave of alternative music to become the first act Unearthed by national youth radio station triple j with its debut single “Sickfest”.  So began a love affair that maintained its heat and passion for over one thousand live shows, six consecutive Top 10 debuts and multi-platinum album sales.  Phil's also had tackled some incredibly public challenges - including an infamous battle with addiction and an ensuing media frenzy that saw him in deep confessional mode on Andrew Denton's Enough Rope in 2007.  It's perhaps these experiences which have made him more reflective than others when it comes to thinking about death and mortality...though when it comes to planning his dream Funeral, Phil's ready to get the party started. Jamieson’s live performance talents have continued to diversify and develop as he has explored new stages and formats. Embracing a solo career, Jamieson also made the transition from live music venues to the boards of theatres around the country in 2017, being cast as St. Jimmy in the Australian stage production of American Idiot. The Broadway musical made an impactful debut with its initial Australian premiere in Brisbane, leading to a national tour in 2018 - a performance that earned Jamieson acclaim: “Phil Jamieson carried the role in Perth, and absolutely nailed it. Jamieson has more of a swagger than an in-your-face psychopathic Jimmy, which I enjoyed more than I expected...whenever Jimmy is on stage, it’s difficult to focus on anything else.” - SYN MEDIA Jamieson has also been involved in several philanthropic and industry-specific initiatives. Instagram: @PhilJamieson Facebook: PhilJamiesonMusic As well as spending time in the studio, writing his next solo album, Phil is currently working on the release of Grinspoon’s 8th studio album, first new music in 12 years: ‘whatever, whatever’ released August 9 Also touring Nationally with Grinspoon from September 17 - December 6 on a 45 date album tour. Grinspoon website has tour dates + album info / pre orders Facebook: Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy).You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator)Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26)Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds)Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan)Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions) With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow)Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy)and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham) Drop an email to Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some  wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources: ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1h 8m
  8. Celebrating Jasper Haigh


    Celebrating Jasper Haigh

    CELEBRATING JASPER HAIGH Jasper Haigh was a lively and troubled seventeen year old when he drove his car through an intersection in Geelong in 1987, dying soon after. His older brother Gideon - compartmentalising his shock and grief - grew up to be an esteemed writer.He has published more than fifty books and contributed to more than a hundred newspapers and magazines in a decades-long journalism career. His cricket books include The Cricket War, The Summer Game and On Warne, and he has written on subjects from abortion, asbestos and architecture to incest and HV Evatt. The Office: A Hardworking History won the NSW Premier’s Literary Award for Non-Fiction, and Certain Admissions won a Ned Kelly Prize for true crime.  37 years after Jasper’s death Gideon found he was unable to keep his internal tumult at bay any longer, sitting down to write about Jasper in a 72-hour burst. The result, a small but deeply powerful memoir called My Brother Jaz, is out now. TW: Suicide, eating disorders, grief Website: GideonHaigh.comSubstack: Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy).You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator)Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26)Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds)Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan)Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions) With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow)Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy)and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham) Drop an email to Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some  wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources: ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1h 5m

Ratings & Reviews

out of 5
2 Ratings


Hello, my name is Marieke Hardy and I’m Going To Die. But that’s ok, because so are you. And so is everybody you know, including - and trust me, I’m as conflicted about this as you are - your dog. It’s confronting, especially in the brutal world we’re all doing our best to survive, but I believe there’s something important about this universal experience we’re all having together that worth interrogating. Join me as I speak to a variety of interesting, beautiful, imperfect humans (who are definitely going to die) and help them plan their dream funerals as they reflect on their lives, their longings, and how best to navigate this intense ride. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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