266 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Danish listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Danish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Danish and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Denmark, or perhaps you want to speak Danish with your family from there? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Danish-speaking experiences.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Danish listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Forbedr din lytteforståelse i dansk med vores fortællinger i dag!

Fluent Fiction - Danish Fluent Fiction Network

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 5 Ratings

Are you ready to supercharge your Danish listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Danish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Danish and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Denmark, or perhaps you want to speak Danish with your family from there? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Danish-speaking experiences.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Danish listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Forbedr din lytteforståelse i dansk med vores fortællinger i dag!

    Cracking the Code of Danish Humor: A Tale of Friendship in Copenhagen

    Cracking the Code of Danish Humor: A Tale of Friendship in Copenhagen

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Cracking the Code of Danish Humor: A Tale of Friendship in Copenhagen
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: I det travle liv af København, en pulserende by fuld af farver og liv, var der en usædvanlig gruppe venner.
    En: In the busy life of Copenhagen, a vibrant city full of colors and life, there was an unusual group of friends.

    Da: De hed Lars, Signe og Anders.
    En: Their names were Lars, Signe, and Anders.

    Da: Alle tre var fra forskellige dele af verden, men skæbnen havde bragt dem sammen i Danmark.
    En: All three were from different parts of the world, but destiny had brought them together in Denmark.

    Da: Lars var fra Australien, Signe var en indfødt dansker, og Anders, fra Sydamerika, var flyttet til Danmark for at studere.
    En: Lars was from Australia, Signe was a native Dane, and Anders, from South America, had moved to Denmark to study.

    Da: En aften sad de i deres stamcafé, 'Hyggelig Hjørne', i hjertet af byen.
    En: One evening they were sitting in their regular café, 'Cozy Corner', in the heart of the city.

    Da: De grinede, drak kaffe og nød godt af hinandens selskab.
    En: They laughed, drank coffee, and enjoyed each other's company.

    Da: Pludseligt slog Signe lattermildt ud med hånden og sagde en sjov kommentar.
    En: Suddenly, Signe jokingly waved her hand and made a funny comment.

    Da: Lars og Anders kiggede på hinanden, forvirrede.
    En: Lars and Anders looked at each other, puzzled.

    Da: "Begriber I virkelig ikke hvad jeg sagde?
    En: "Do you really not understand what I said?"

    Da: " spurgte Signe, stadig grinsende.
    En: asked Signe, still smiling.

    Da: Anders rystede på hovedet.
    En: Anders shook his head.

    Da: "Nogle gange er dansk humor bare for svær for os," sagde han og trak på skuldrene.
    En: "Sometimes Danish humor is just too difficult for us," he said, shrugging.

    Da: Dette samme scenario gentog sig tit og ofte, og det blev mere frustrerende for Lars og Anders hver gang.
    En: This same scenario repeated often and it became more frustrating for Lars and Anders each time.

    Da: De besluttede at gøre noget ved det.
    En: They decided to do something about it.

    Da: De ville lære at forstå dansk humor.
    En: They wanted to learn to understand Danish humor.

    Da: De næste par uger studerede de danske komedieserier, stand-ups, og læste om den danske kultur.
    En: Over the next few weeks, they studied Danish comedy series, stand-up shows, and read about Danish culture.

    Da: De opsøgte alle mulige lokalsamfund i byen, forsøgte at deltage i samtaler og forstod stadig ikke hvorfor danskere lo af visse ting.
    En: They sought out various community events in the city, tried to participate in conversations, and still didn't understand why Danes laughed at certain things.

    Da: Lars og Anders var ved at give op.
    En: Lars and Anders were about to give up.

    Da: Men det var vigtigt for dem at forstå deres danske venner.
    En: But it was important for them to understand their Danish friends.

    Da: Så de fortsatte.
    En: So they persisted.

    Da: Til sidst, efter mange fejlagtige forsøg, kom aftenen, hvor de sad i 'Hyggelig Hjørne' med Signe igen.
    En: Finally, after many failed attempts, the evening came when they were sitting in 'Cozy Corner' with Signe again.

    Da: Hun kom med en vittighed.
    En: She told a joke.

    Da: Til deres overraskelse forstod både Lars og Anders...

    • 13 min
    Tivoli's Scandinavian Delight: A Friendship's Sweet Mispronunciation

    Tivoli's Scandinavian Delight: A Friendship's Sweet Mispronunciation

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Tivoli's Scandinavian Delight: A Friendship's Sweet Mispronunciation
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: En sommerdag besøgte Lars og Freja Tivoli.
    En: One summer day, Lars and Freja visited Tivoli.

    Da: Solen skinnede.
    En: The sun was shining.

    Da: Børn grinede.
    En: Children were laughing.

    Da: Musikken spillede.
    En: Music was playing.

    Da: Dagen var klar.
    En: The day was bright.

    Da: Lars og Freja var gode venner.
    En: Lars and Freja were good friends.

    Da: De så karusellerne først.
    En: They saw the carousels first.

    Da: Freja valgte en sej karusel.
    En: Freja chose a cool carousel.

    Da: De skreg af glæde.
    En: They screamed with joy.

    Da: Derefter gik de til Tivoliarium.
    En: Then they went to the Tivoliarium.

    Da: De elskede at opleve det mystiske sted.
    En: They loved experiencing the mysterious place.

    Da: Efter masser af sjov, blev de sultne.
    En: After lots of fun, they got hungry.

    Da: De fik øje på en bod.
    En: They spotted a stall.

    Da: "Rødgrød med fløde" stod der på et skilt.
    En: "Rødgrød med fløde" was written on a sign.

    Da: Freja kunne godt lide det.
    En: Freja liked it.

    Da: Lars havde aldrig hørt om det.
    En: Lars had never heard of it.

    Da: Han fandt ordet interessant.
    En: He found the word interesting.

    Da: Men han kunne ikke udtale det.
    En: But he couldn't pronounce it.

    Da: Han prøvede igen og igen.
    En: He tried again and again.

    Da: Det blev sjovt for Freja.
    En: It became amusing for Freja.

    Da: Hun måtte grine.
    En: She had to laugh.

    Da: Efter at have grinet, underviste Freja ham alvorligt.
    En: After laughing, Freja taught him seriously.

    Da: Freja overtalte ham til at prøve igen.
    En: Freja persuaded him to try again.

    Da: De brugte timer på at øve det.
    En: They spent hours practicing it.

    Da: De gentog ordet igen og igen.
    En: They repeated the word over and over.

    Da: Til sidst præsenterede Lars en næsten fejlfri udtale.
    En: In the end, Lars presented an almost flawless pronunciation.

    Da: Freja klappede af glæde.
    En: Freja clapped with joy.

    Da: Rødgrød med fløde endte med at blive Lars' favorit dessert.
    En: Rødgrød med fløde ended up becoming Lars' favorite dessert.

    Da: Han bestemte sig for at bestille en portion.
    En: He decided to order a serving.

    Da: Smagen var fantastisk.
    En: The taste was fantastic.

    Da: Afslutningen af deres dag i Tivoli blev et minde som de ville huske.
    En: The end of their day in Tivoli became a memory they would cherish.

    Da: Til sidst fik de vist hinanden, at der er ingen skam i at lære nye ting.
    En: In the end, they showed each other that there is no shame in learning new things.

    Da: Den dag lærte de en vigtig lektie.
    En: That day, they learned an important lesson.

    Da: Venskab handler om at lære, le og være der for hinanden.
    En: Friendship is about learning, laughing, and being there for each other.

    Da: Selv i de mindste ting.
    En: Even in the smallest things.

    Da: Som at udtale et simpelt ord.
    En: Like pronouncing a simple word.

    Da: Rødgrød med fløde.
    En: Rødgrød med fløde.

    Vocabulary Words:
    One: EnSummer: SommerDay: DagLars:...

    • 10 min
    Discovering 'Hygge' in Copenhagen: A Cozy Tale of Friendship

    Discovering 'Hygge' in Copenhagen: A Cozy Tale of Friendship

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Discovering 'Hygge' in Copenhagen: A Cozy Tale of Friendship
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: I det hjørne af København, hvor husene klæder sig i mange farver, bor Lars.
    En: In the corner of Copenhagen, where the houses are dressed in many colors, lives Lars.

    Da: En dag ringede hans dørklokke.
    En: One day, his doorbell rang.

    Da: Der stod en pige.
    En: There stood a girl.

    Da: Det var Signe.
    En: It was Signe.

    Da: Signe var fra Australien.
    En: Signe was from Australia.

    Da: Hun var i København for første gang.
    En: She was in Copenhagen for the first time.

    Da: Signe havde hørt om noget specielt.
    En: Signe had heard about something special.

    Da: Noget hun ikke helt forstod.
    En: Something she didn't quite understand.

    Da: Det var 'hygge'.
    En: It was 'hygge'.

    Da: "Kan du fortælle mig om 'hygge'?
    En: "Can you tell me about 'hygge'?"

    Da: ", spurgte hun.
    En: she asked.

    Da: Lars kiggede på hende.
    En: Lars looked at her.

    Da: Han smilede.
    En: He smiled.

    Da: "Kom ind", sagde han.
    En: "Come in," he said.

    Da: Der var varmt i Lars' hus.
    En: It was warm in Lars' house.

    Da: Der var også mange lys.
    En: There were also many lights.

    Da: Certificerede danske hyggebelysning.
    En: Certified Danish coziness lighting.

    Da: Lysene lavede små skygger på væggene.
    En: The lights created small shadows on the walls.

    Da: Det var bløde skygger.
    En: They were soft shadows.

    Da: De gjorde huset hyggeligt.
    En: They made the house cozy.

    Da: "Se", sagde Lars.
    En: "Look," said Lars.

    Da: "Dette er 'hygge'".
    En: "This is 'hygge'."

    Da: Men Signe forstod det ikke helt.
    En: But Signe didn't quite understand.

    Da: "Er 'hygge' lys?
    En: "Is 'hygge' lights?"

    Da: ", spurgte hun.
    En: she asked.

    Da: "Mere end det", sagde Lars.
    En: "More than that," said Lars.

    Da: Lars åbnede sin bogsamling.
    En: Lars opened his book collection.

    Da: Han fandt en bog.
    En: He found a book.

    Da: Det var hans yndlingsbog.
    En: It was his favorite book.

    Da: Han satte sig i sin bløde stol.
    En: He sat in his soft chair.

    Da: Signe satte sig ved siden af ham.
    En: Signe sat next to him.

    Da: Lars begyndte at læse.
    En: Lars began to read.

    Da: Ordene flød som vand i en flod.
    En: The words flowed like water in a river.

    Da: De fik Signe til at føle sig varm indeni.
    En: They made Signe feel warm inside.

    Da: Og her var det, hun begyndte at forstå 'hygge'.
    En: And here, she began to understand 'hygge'.

    Da: Det var denne følelse.
    En: It was this feeling.

    Da: "Er 'hygge' bøger?
    En: "Is 'hygge' books?"

    Da: ", spurgte hun.
    En: she asked.

    Da: "'Hygge' er også bøger", sagde Lars.
    En: "'Hygge' is also books," said Lars.

    Da: Derefter viste Lars hende til køkkenet.
    En: Then Lars showed her to the kitchen.

    Da: Han lavede varm kakao.
    En: He made hot cocoa.

    Da: Kakaoen duftede sødt.
    En: The cocoa smelled sweet.

    Da: De drak deres kakao sammen.
    En: They drank their cocoa together.

    Da: De snakkede og grinte.
    En: They talked and laughed.

    Da: Nu begyndte Signe at forstå 'hygge'.
    En: Now Signe began to...

    • 14 min
    Unveiling 'Hygge': A Cozy Journey in Copenhagen

    Unveiling 'Hygge': A Cozy Journey in Copenhagen

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Unveiling 'Hygge': A Cozy Journey in Copenhagen
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: I hjertet af det summende København eksisterer der en lille tryg krog.
    En: In the heart of bustling Copenhagen, there exists a small cozy nook.

    Da: Her bor Lars.
    En: Here lives Lars.

    Da: Han elsker sin by.
    En: He loves his city.

    Da: Brostenene.
    En: The cobblestones.

    Da: Kanalerne.
    En: The canals.

    Da: Men mest af alt, han elsker 'hygge'.
    En: But most of all, he loves 'hygge'.

    Da: I dag skal han forklare 'hygge' til sine venner.
    En: Today he will explain 'hygge' to his friends.

    Da: Vennerne er ikke fra Danmark.
    En: The friends are not from Denmark.

    Da: De er fra England, USA og Japan.
    En: They are from England, USA, and Japan.

    Da: De kender ikke til 'hygge'.
    En: They are not familiar with 'hygge'.

    Da: Lars tænker, det er mærkeligt.
    En: Lars thinks it's strange.

    Da: Han starter enkelt.
    En: He starts simply. "

    Da: " 'Hygge' er en stemning," siger Lars.
    En: 'Hygge' is a feeling," says Lars.

    Da: "Det er venner, mad og varme.
    En: "It's friends, food, and warmth."

    Da: " Vennerne nikker, men forstår det ikke rigtigt.
    En: The friends nod but don't quite understand.

    Da: "Tænk over en kold, mørk aften," starter Lars igen.
    En: "Imagine a cold, dark evening," Lars begins again.

    Da: "Du er hjemme.
    En: "You're at home.

    Da: Du har varme sokker på.
    En: You have warm socks on.

    Da: Du drikker kakao.
    En: You're drinking hot cocoa.

    Da: Og du griner med venner.
    En: And you're laughing with friends."

    Da: " Vennerne smiler, men ryster på hovedet.
    En: The friends smile but shake their heads.

    Da: Fortsætter med, " Vi har det samme, men det er ikke 'hygge'.
    En: Continuing, "We have the same, but it's not 'hygge'."

    Da: "Lars vil vise dem.
    En: Lars wants to show them.

    Da: Han inviterer dem hjem.
    En: He invites them home.

    Da: Han tænder stearinlys.
    En: He lights candles.

    Da: Han laver varm kakao.
    En: He makes hot cocoa.

    Da: Han tager deres frakker.
    En: He takes their coats.

    Da: De snakker.
    En: They chat.

    Da: De griner.
    En: They laugh.

    Da: De spiser kager.
    En: They eat cakes.

    Da: Lars spørger, "Føler I det?
    En: Lars asks, "Do you feel it?"

    Da: " Vennerne ser rundt.
    En: The friends look around.

    Da: Så ser de på hinanden.
    En: Then they look at each other.

    Da: De smiler og nikker.
    En: They smile and nod.

    Da: "Ja, Lars," siger de, "Nu tror vi, at vi forstår 'hygge'.
    En: "Yes, Lars," they say, "Now we believe we understand 'hygge'."

    Da: "Lars er glad.
    En: Lars is happy.

    Da: Det er svært at forklare 'hygge'.
    En: It's hard to explain 'hygge'.

    Da: Men det er lettere at føle 'hygge'.
    En: But it's easier to feel 'hygge'.

    Da: Og fungerer bedst med ens venner omkring sig.
    En: And it works best with friends around.

    Da: København er ikke kun brosten og kanaler.
    En: Copenhagen is not just cobblestones and canals.

    Da: Det er også 'hygge'.
    En: It's also 'hygge'.

    Da: Lars siger farvel til sine venner.
    En: Lars bids farewell to his friends.

    Da: Vennerne går hjem.
    En: The friends go home.

    Da: De tager...

    • 11 min
    Lost in Translation: Decoding Danish Humor Across Continents

    Lost in Translation: Decoding Danish Humor Across Continents

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Lost in Translation: Decoding Danish Humor Across Continents
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Solens stråler dansede på de rødbede-lignende ansigter af Maja og Lars. De stod i midten af Kongens Nytorv, København. De blev forvirrede. Men ikke over vejen de skulle gå. Men over hvordan de skulle forklare dansk humor til en udlænding, som befandt sig tusindvis af kilometer væk på en Skype chat.
    En: The sun's rays danced on the beetroot-like faces of Maja and Lars. They stood in the middle of Kongens Nytorv, Copenhagen. They were perplexed. Not about the street they had to cross. But about how to explain Danish humor to a foreigner thousands of kilometers away on a Skype chat.

    Da: Maja kiggede på Lars. Hans øjne var sprængfyldt med forvirring. Humor er svært, tænkte hun. I særdeleshed dansk humor. Det er som at prøve at forklare farveskalaen til en blind person.
    En: Maja looked at Lars. His eyes were filled with confusion. Humor is difficult, she thought. Especially Danish humor. It's like trying to explain color to a blind person.

    Da: Hun så på hendes telefon. Hun begyndte at skrive. "Dansk humor...hattes...er svær at forklare," kommer hun ud for. Det var ikke perfekt, men det var et startpunkt.
    En: She looked at her phone. She started typing. "Danish humor... hats... is hard to explain," she typed out. It wasn't perfect, but it was a starting point.

    Da: Lars kiggede hen over hendes skulder. Han så på de ord, der stod på hendes skærm. Han forstod hendes punkt, men han kunne ikke hjælpe meget. Han kendte bare dansk humor. Han forstod ikke, hvordan det fungerede. Han kunne bare genkende det, når han så det.
    En: Lars looked over her shoulder. He read the words on her screen. He understood her point, but he couldn't help much. He just knew Danish humor. He didn't understand how it worked. He could only recognize it when he saw it.

    Da: Tiden gik. Maja og Lars talte, grinede, og forsøgte at finde den rette måde at forklare det. De brugte eksempler, skrev lange sætninger, og endda begyndte at tegne billeder. Men de kom ingen vegne. Det var som om de var faret vild i en labyrint.
    En: Time passed. Maja and Lars talked, laughed, and tried to find the right way to explain it. They used examples, wrote long sentences, and even started to draw pictures. But they got nowhere. It was as if they were lost in a maze.

    Da: Efter flere timer af forsøg og fejl, blev de trætte. De sad i en trappeopgang, udmattede. Så faldt det dem ind. De havde glemt en ting. Humor er universel. Den er ikke begrænset af sprog eller traditioner. Måske er dansk humor bare en del af den universelle humor.
    En: After several hours of trial and error, they grew tired. They sat in a stairwell, exhausted. Then it dawned on them. They had forgotten one thing. Humor is universal. It is not limited by language or traditions. Perhaps Danish humor is just part of the universal humor.

    Da: Meget tilfredse clickede Maja på Skypes send-knap. "Dansk humor er svær at forklare, fordi det er en del af en større helhed. Det er som et familiemedlem. Du kan ikke altid forstå det. Men du kan altid genkende det."
    En: Feeling very satisfied, Maja clicked the send button on Skype. "Danish humor is hard to explain because it is part of a larger whole. It's like a family member. You don't always understand it. But you can always recognize it."

    Da: Det var slutningen på deres undervisning i dansk humor for den dag. Det var ikke perfekt. Men det var et skridt på vejen. Og det tæller.
    En: That was the end of their lesson in Danish humor for...

    • 12 min
    Sweet Mess: A Tale of Pastries and Powdered Sugar in Tivoli

    Sweet Mess: A Tale of Pastries and Powdered Sugar in Tivoli

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Sweet Mess: A Tale of Pastries and Powdered Sugar in Tivoli
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Historien begynder en strålende sommerdag i Tivoli.
    En: The story begins on a brilliant summer day in Tivoli.

    Da: Mellem de farvestrålende blomster og de gamle træer, der står som vagter rundt om det historiske forlystelsespark, finder vi vores tre hovedpersoner: Lars, Signe og Sofie.
    En: Among the colorful flowers and the old trees that stand as guards around the historic amusement park, we find our three main characters: Lars, Signe, and Sofie.

    Da: Lars er en høj, skaldet mand på midten af fyrrerne, altid med et lunt smil på læben.
    En: Lars is a tall, bald man in his mid-forties, always with a warm smile on his lips.

    Da: Signe, hans kone, er en lille, rødhåret kvinde med en energi, der kunne matche selveste Rutchebanen.
    En: Signe, his wife, is a petite, red-haired woman with an energy that could match the famous Roller Coaster.

    Da: Deres datter, Sofie, er en tiårig pige med krøllet hår og store blå øjne fulde af nysgerrighed og eventyrlyst.
    En: Their daughter, Sofie, is a ten-year-old girl with curly hair and big blue eyes full of curiosity and adventurous spirit.

    Da: Lars havde lige købt tre stykker wienerbrød fra bageriet lige ved indgangen.
    En: Lars had just bought three pastries from the bakery right by the entrance.

    Da: De duftede himmelsk af smør og kanel, svøbt i et fint lag puddersukker på toppen.
    En: They smelled heavenly of butter and cinnamon, wrapped in a fine layer of powdered sugar on top.

    Da: Men alle, der nogensinde har forsøgt at spise et wienerbrød uden at drysse puddersukker, ved, hvor svært det kan være.
    En: But anyone who has ever tried to eat a pastry without getting powdered sugar everywhere knows how difficult it can be.

    Da: Lars og Signe udvekslede et blik.
    En: Lars and Signe exchanged a glance.

    Da: De vidste begge, at deres hvide bluser snart ville se ud som en sneboldkamp efter et møde med wienerbrødet.
    En: They both knew that soon their white blouses would look like a snowball fight aftermath after meeting the pastry.

    Da: Men det sidste, de ville, var at skræmme Sofie fra at smage denne danske delikatesse.
    En: But the last thing they wanted to do was to scare Sofie away from tasting this Danish delicacy.

    Da: "Så piger," sagde Lars med en dramatisk tone, som om han skulle til at fortælle den mest spændende historie, "vi har en udfordring.
    En: "So, girls," Lars said in a dramatic tone, as if about to tell the most exciting story, "we have a challenge.

    Da: Hvordan spiser vi disse wienerbrød uden at få puddersukker over det hele?
    En: How do we eat these pastries without getting powdered sugar all over?"

    Da: "Sofie, med sin uendelige kreativitet, havde en strålende ide.
    En: Sofie, with her endless creativity, had a brilliant idea.

    Da: "Vi bruger servietterne som skjold," sagde hun triumferende, mens hun straks begyndte at pakke hendes wienerbrød ind i servietterne som en lille burrito.
    En: "We use the napkins as shields," she said triumphantly, while immediately starting to wrap her pastry in the napkins like a little burrito.

    Da: Lars og Signe smilte stolt og fulgte hendes eksempel.
    En: Lars and Signe smiled proudly and followed her lead.

    Da: Derinde i servietten lå deres wienerbrød, klar til at blive spist uden at drysse.
    En: Inside the napkin lay their pastries, ready to be eaten without sprinkling.

    • 14 min

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