300 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Danish listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Danish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Danish and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Denmark, or perhaps you want to speak Danish with your family from there? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Danish-speaking experiences.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Danish listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Forbedr din lytteforståelse i dansk med vores fortællinger i dag!

Fluent Fiction - Danish Fluent Fiction Network

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    • 5.0 • 5 Ratings

Are you ready to supercharge your Danish listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Danish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Danish and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Denmark, or perhaps you want to speak Danish with your family from there? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Danish-speaking experiences.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Danish listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Forbedr din lytteforståelse i dansk med vores fortællinger i dag!

    Stormy Interlude: A Summer Festival Tale in Nyhavn

    Stormy Interlude: A Summer Festival Tale in Nyhavn

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Stormy Interlude: A Summer Festival Tale in Nyhavn
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: I Nyhavn, København, var sommerfestivalen i fuld gang.
    En: In Nyhavn, Copenhagen, the summer festival was in full swing.

    Da: Flot pyntede både, farverige boder og musik fyldte gaden.
    En: Beautifully decorated boats, colorful stalls, and music filled the street.

    Da: Lukas og Freja gik hånd i hånd og nød den varme sol.
    En: Lukas and Freja walked hand in hand, enjoying the warm sun.

    Da: De elskede dette sted og denne tid af året.
    En: They loved this place and this time of the year.

    Da: Pludselig ændrede alting sig.
    En: Suddenly, everything changed.

    Da: Himlen blev mørk, og en dyb tordenbrag lød.
    En: The sky darkened, and a deep thunderclap echoed.

    Da: Folk kigge forvirret op og begyndte at samle deres ting.
    En: People looked up in confusion and began to gather their things.

    Da: Et voldsomt vindstød fik bodernes paraplyer til at flyve væk.
    En: A violent gust of wind sent the stalls' umbrellas flying away.

    Da: Børnene begyndte at græde, og de voksne råbte til hinanden.
    En: Children started crying, and adults shouted to each other.

    Da: Lukas og Freja kiggede hinanden dybt i øjnene og vidste, at de måtte finde læ.
    En: Lukas and Freja looked deeply into each other's eyes and knew they needed to find shelter.

    Da: De løb hånd i hånd gennem de smalle gader.
    En: They ran hand in hand through the narrow streets.

    Da: Regnen begyndte at falde ned i tunge dråber.
    En: The rain began to fall in heavy drops.

    Da: Vandet samlede sig hurtigt i små floder på brostenene.
    En: Water quickly gathered into small streams on the cobblestones.

    Da: Lukas så en lille café og pegede mod den.
    En: Lukas saw a small café and pointed toward it.

    Da: De løb hurtigt derhen og skubbede døren op.
    En: They hurried there and pushed the door open.

    Da: Inde i caféen var det varmt og tørt.
    En: Inside the café, it was warm and dry.

    Da: Flere festivalgæster havde også søgt ly der.
    En: Several festival-goers had sought refuge there as well.

    Da: En mand spillede stille musik på et klaver, mens regnen trommede mod ruderne.
    En: A man was quietly playing music on a piano while the rain drummed against the windows.

    Da: Freja fandt et bord ved vinduet, og Lukas bestilte to kopper varm chokolade.
    En: Freja found a table by the window, and Lukas ordered two cups of hot chocolate.

    Da: De satte sig og så ud på stormen.
    En: They sat down and looked out at the storm.

    Da: "Det var tæt på," sagde Lukas og smilede.
    En: "That was close," Lukas said with a smile.

    Da: Freja nikkede og tog en slurk af sin chokolade.
    En: Freja nodded and took a sip of her chocolate.

    Da: "Jeg er glad for, at vi fandt denne café," svarede hun.
    En: "I’m glad we found this café," she replied.

    Da: Mens de sad der og lyttede til klavermusikken, begyndte regnen at aftage.
    En: As they sat there, listening to the piano music, the rain began to subside.

    Da: De andre gæster i caféen åndede lettet op.
    En: The other guests in the café breathed a sigh of relief.

    Da: Stemningen blev roligere, og folk begyndte at tale sammen igen.
    En: The atmosphere became calmer, and people started talking to each other again.

    Da: Efter en time var stormen væk.
    En: After an hour, the storm had passed.

    Da: Solen...

    • 13 min
    Sunny Adventures and Unexpected Twists at Tivoli Gardens

    Sunny Adventures and Unexpected Twists at Tivoli Gardens

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Sunny Adventures and Unexpected Twists at Tivoli Gardens
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: På en solrig dag gik Søren, Kirsten og Emil til Tivoli Gardens.
    En: On a sunny day, Søren, Kirsten, and Emil went to Tivoli Gardens.

    Da: De elskede forlystelserne og glædede sig meget.
    En: They loved the rides and were very excited.

    Da: De købte billetter og gik straks ind.
    En: They bought tickets and went straight in.

    Da: "Se på den rutsjebane!"
    En: "Look at that roller coaster!"

    Da: råbte Emil.
    En: shouted Emil.

    Da: De løb hen til køen.
    En: They ran to the line.

    Da: Søren stod først, med Kirsten og Emil lige bagved.
    En: Søren stood first, with Kirsten and Emil right behind him.

    Da: De kunne næsten ikke vente.
    En: They could hardly wait.

    Da: Da det blev deres tur, satte de sig i vognen.
    En: When it was their turn, they sat in the cart.

    Da: Emils hjerte bankede hurtigt.
    En: Emil's heart was pounding.

    Da: Vognen begyndte at køre op ad bakken.
    En: The cart began to climb the hill.

    Da: De kunne se hele parken fra toppen.
    En: They could see the entire park from the top.

    Da: Pludselig susede vognen ned ad bakken.
    En: Suddenly, the cart zoomed down the hill.

    Da: Alle skreg af glæde.
    En: Everyone screamed with joy.

    Da: Efter rutsjebanen ville de prøve en anden forlystelse.
    En: After the roller coaster, they wanted to try another ride.

    Da: "Lad os tage til karussellen," foreslog Kirsten.
    En: "Let's go to the carousel," Kirsten suggested.

    Da: De gik hurtigt derhen.
    En: They walked quickly over there.

    Da: Pludselig snublede Emil og faldt ned på jorden.
    En: Suddenly, Emil tripped and fell to the ground.

    Da: "Av!"
    En: "Ouch!"

    Da: råbte Emil.
    En: yelled Emil.

    Da: Han tog fat i sin ankel og græd.
    En: He grabbed his ankle and cried.

    Da: Søren og Kirsten skyndte sig hen til ham.
    En: Søren and Kirsten rushed to him.

    Da: "Er du okay?"
    En: "Are you okay?"

    Da: spurgte Søren bekymret.
    En: Søren asked worriedly.

    Da: Kirsten kiggede på Emils ankel og så, at den var hævet.
    En: Kirsten looked at Emil's ankle and saw that it was swollen.

    Da: "Jeg tror, han har forstuvet anklen," sagde Kirsten stille.
    En: "I think he's sprained his ankle," Kirsten said quietly.

    Da: De hjalp Emil op.
    En: They helped Emil up.

    Da: Emil kunne ikke gå.
    En: Emil couldn't walk.

    Da: Søren og Kirsten holdt ham oprejst.
    En: Søren and Kirsten kept him upright.

    Da: De gik langsomt hen til en bænk.
    En: They slowly walked to a bench.

    Da: Heldigvis kom der en medarbejder fra Tivoli.
    En: Luckily, a staff member from Tivoli came by.

    Da: "Hvad er der sket?"
    En: "What happened?"

    Da: spurgte han.
    En: he asked.

    Da: "Min ven har forstuvet anklen," sagde Søren.
    En: "My friend has sprained his ankle," said Søren.

    Da: Medarbejderen hentede straks en førstehjælpskasse.
    En: The staff member immediately fetched a first aid kit.

    Da: Han bandt en ispose om Emils ankel og ringede efter hjælp.
    En: He wrapped an ice pack around Emil's ankle and called for help.

    Da: En ambulance kom og tog Emil til hospitalet.
    En: An ambulance came and took Emil to the hospital.

    Da: Søren og Kirsten fulgte...

    • 15 min
    Stormy Secrets: Unveiling Hidden Treasures in Nyhavn

    Stormy Secrets: Unveiling Hidden Treasures in Nyhavn

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Stormy Secrets: Unveiling Hidden Treasures in Nyhavn
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Luften var fyldt med duften af grill og lyden af glade stemmer.
    En: The air was filled with the scent of barbecue and the sound of cheerful voices.

    Da: Jeg var midsommer i Nyhavn, København.
    En: It was midsummer in Nyhavn, Copenhagen.

    Da: Mennesker dansede og sang under de farverige lyskæder.
    En: People danced and sang under the colorful light strings.

    Da: Freja gik hånd i hånd med Kasper, og Emil fulgte efter med et stort smil.
    En: Freja walked hand in hand with Kasper, and Emil followed with a big smile.

    Da: De havde ventet længe på denne fest.
    En: They had been waiting a long time for this festival.

    Da: Freja kiggede ud over vandet.
    En: Freja looked out over the water.

    Da: Bølgerne glitrede i solens sidste lys.
    En: The waves glittered in the last light of the sun.

    Da: "Det her sted er magisk," sagde hun.
    En: "This place is magical," she said.

    Da: Kasper nikkede og krammede hende tættere.
    En: Kasper nodded and hugged her tighter.

    Da: Emil lo og tog sin mobiltelefon frem for at tage et billede.
    En: Emil laughed and took out his mobile phone to take a picture.

    Da: Da festen nåede sit højdepunkt, begyndte Freja at vandre omkring.
    En: As the party reached its peak, Freja began to wander around.

    Da: Hun elskede de små boder, de mange farver og de gamle træskibe fortøjet langs kajen.
    En: She loved the small stalls, the many colors, and the old wooden ships moored along the quay.

    Da: Pludselig bemærkede hun en ældre mand, der solgte gamle bøger og dokumenter.
    En: Suddenly, she noticed an elderly man selling old books and documents.

    Da: Noget ved hans bod trak hende hen.
    En: Something about his stall drew her in.

    Da: "Kan jeg hjælpe dig, unge dame?"
    En: "Can I help you, young lady?"

    Da: spurgte manden med et venligt smil.
    En: asked the man with a friendly smile.

    Da: Freja rodede i bunkerne af bøger og fandt til sin overraskelse en gammel dagbog.
    En: Freja rummaged through the piles of books and, to her surprise, found an old diary.

    Da: Hendes hjerte sprang et slag over, da hun så efternavnet på omslaget.
    En: Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the surname on the cover.

    Da: Det var hendes mors pigenavn.
    En: It was her mother's maiden name.

    Da: Forsigtigt åbnede hun dagbogen.
    En: Carefully, she opened the diary.

    Da: De håndskrevne sider var ødelagte af tidens tand, men hun kunne stadig læse nogle af ordene.
    En: The handwritten pages were damaged by the passage of time, but she could still read some of the words.

    Da: "Familiehemmelighed," "skib," og "storm" sprang frem.
    En: "Family secret," "ship," and "storm" stood out.

    Da: Hun vendte sig mod manden og spurgte ivrigt: "Hvor har du denne dagbog fra?"
    En: She turned to the man and eagerly asked, "Where did you get this diary?"

    Da: Manden trak på skuldrene.
    En: The man shrugged.

    Da: "Den har været i min familie i generationer.
    En: "It has been in my family for generations.

    Da: Men ingen har læst den i årevis."
    En: But no one has read it in years."

    Da: Freja vidste, hun måtte have den.
    En: Freja knew she had to have it.

    Da: Hun købte dagbogen og løb tilbage til Kasper og Emil for at vise dem sit fund.
    En: She bought the diary and ran back to...

    • 18 min
    Mystery at Rosenborg: The Great Crown Heist

    Mystery at Rosenborg: The Great Crown Heist

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Mystery at Rosenborg: The Great Crown Heist
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Sofie vågnede tidligt.
    En: Sofie woke up early.

    Da: Solen skinnede blidt ind i hendes værelse.
    En: The sun was gently shining into her room.

    Da: Hun kunne se Rosenborg Slot fra sit vindue.
    En: She could see Rosenborg Castle from her window.

    Da: Det store slot stod majestætisk midt i København.
    En: The grand castle stood majestically in the middle of Copenhagen.

    Da: Sofie arbejdede på slottet som guide.
    En: Sofie worked at the castle as a guide.

    Da: Denne dag var speciel.
    En: This day was special.

    Da: Der var en vigtig udstilling om gamle kongelige skatte.
    En: There was an important exhibition of ancient royal treasures.

    Da: Mange mennesker kom for at se de gamle artefakter.
    En: Many people came to see the old artifacts.

    Da: Sofie glædede sig til at vise dem rundt.
    En: Sofie was excited to show them around.

    Da: Ved indgangen mødte Sofie sin kollega, Lars.
    En: At the entrance, Sofie met her colleague, Lars.

    Da: "Hej, Sofie!
    En: "Hi, Sofie!

    Da: Er du klar til den store dag?"
    En: Are you ready for the big day?"

    Da: spurgte han.
    En: he asked.

    Da: "Ja, Lars.
    En: "Yes, Lars.

    Da: Jeg er meget spændt," svarede Sofie.
    En: I'm very excited," Sofie replied.

    Da: De gik sammen gennem slottets lange gange.
    En: They walked together through the castle's long corridors.

    Da: De passerede flotte sale og gamle møbler.
    En: They passed splendid halls and old furniture.

    Da: Sofie kunne høre besøgende, som talte om de smukke udstillinger.
    En: Sofie could hear visitors talking about the beautiful exhibits.

    Da: Pludselig hørte de larm fra en af salene.
    En: Suddenly, they heard noise from one of the halls.

    Da: Sofie og Lars skyndte sig derind.
    En: Sofie and Lars hurried there.

    Da: En sikkerhedsvagt stod og talte med nogle besøgende.
    En: A security guard was speaking with some visitors.

    Da: Han så bekymret ud.
    En: He looked worried.

    Da: "Hvad sker der?"
    En: "What’s happening?"

    Da: spurgte Sofie.
    En: Sofie asked.

    Da: "En af de gamle skatte er væk," svarede vagten.
    En: "One of the old treasures is missing," the guard replied.

    Da: "Den kongelige krone er forsvundet."
    En: "The royal crown is gone."

    Da: Sofie gispede.
    En: Sofie gasped.

    Da: "Hvordan kan det være sket?"
    En: "How could that have happened?"

    Da: Vagten pegede mod en udstillingsmonter, som stod tom.
    En: The guard pointed to an empty display case.

    Da: "Vi ved det ikke endnu.
    En: "We don't know yet.

    Da: Men vi må finde den!"
    En: But we must find it!"

    Da: Sofie tænkte hurtigt.
    En: Sofie thought quickly.

    Da: "Lad os søge i hele slottet.
    En: "Let's search the entire castle.

    Da: Vi kan tjekke alle rum," foreslog hun.
    En: We can check every room," she suggested.

    Da: Lars og vagten nikkede.
    En: Lars and the guard nodded.

    Da: "God idé, Sofie."
    En: "Good idea, Sofie."

    Da: De begyndte deres søgning.
    En: They began their search.

    Da: Sofie løb fra rum til rum.
    En: Sofie ran from room to room.

    Da: Hun kiggede bag møbler og inde i skabe.
    En: She looked behind furniture and inside closets.

    Da: Efter en times søgen...

    • 17 min
    Love and Laughter at Tivoli Gardens: A Day to Remember

    Love and Laughter at Tivoli Gardens: A Day to Remember

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Love and Laughter at Tivoli Gardens: A Day to Remember
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Solen skinnede klart over Tivoli Gardens.
    En: The sun shone brightly over Tivoli Gardens.

    Da: Børn lo og karrusellen drejede.
    En: Children laughed and the carousel turned.

    Da: Lyden af musik fyldte luften.
    En: The sound of music filled the air.

    Da: Freja og Mikkel gik hånd i hånd gennem parken.
    En: Freja and Mikkel walked hand in hand through the park.

    Da: De ledte efter souvenirs på det lokale marked.
    En: They were looking for souvenirs at the local market.

    Da: Freja stoppede ved en bod.
    En: Freja stopped at a stall.

    Da: Der var mange smykker.
    En: There were many pieces of jewelry.

    Da: “Se, Mikkel!
    En: "Look, Mikkel!

    Da: Denne halskæde er smuk,” sagde hun og løftede en lille guldmedaljon.
    En: This necklace is beautiful," she said, lifting a small gold locket.

    Da: Mikkel nikkede og smilede.
    En: Mikkel nodded and smiled.

    Da: “Den er flot.
    En: "It's lovely.

    Da: Hvad med denne ring?
    En: How about this ring?"

    Da: ” Han viste Freja en ring med en rød sten.
    En: He showed Freja a ring with a red stone.

    Da: De grinede sammen.
    En: They laughed together.

    Da: De gik videre til en anden bod.
    En: They walked on to another stall.

    Da: Her var der træfigurer.
    En: Here there were wooden figures.

    Da: En mand skar figurer ud af træ.
    En: A man was carving figures out of wood.

    Da: “Goddag,” sagde manden.
    En: "Good day," said the man.

    Da: “Kan jeg hjælpe?
    En: "Can I help you?"

    Da: ” Freja pegede på en træfugl.
    En: Freja pointed at a wooden bird.

    Da: “Den er sød,” sagde hun.
    En: "It's cute," she said.

    Da: “Ja, den er lavet af egetræ,” sagde manden stolt.
    En: "Yes, it's made of oak," the man said proudly.

    Da: Mikkel købte fuglen til hende.
    En: Mikkel bought the bird for her.

    Da: De takkede og gik videre.
    En: They thanked him and moved on.

    Da: De nåede en bod med lædervarer.
    En: They reached a stall with leather goods.

    Da: Tasker, bælter og tegnebøger hang fra kroge.
    En: Bags, belts, and wallets hung from hooks.

    Da: Freja rynkede panden.
    En: Freja frowned.

    Da: “Jeg kan ikke vælge.
    En: "I can't choose."

    Da: ”Mikkel kiggede grundigt.
    En: Mikkel looked carefully.

    Da: Han fandt en brun taske.
    En: He found a brown bag.

    Da: “Hvad synes du om denne?
    En: "What do you think of this one?"

    Da: ”Freja tog tasken og prøvede den.
    En: Freja took the bag and tried it on.

    Da: “Den er perfekt!
    En: "It's perfect!

    Da: Tak, Mikkel.
    En: Thank you, Mikkel."

    Da: ”De gik hen til en bod med keramik.
    En: They went to a stall with ceramics.

    Da: Der var krus og tallerkener.
    En: There were cups and plates.

    Da: “Lad os købe en kop til mor,” sagde Freja.
    En: "Let's buy a cup for mom," said Freja.

    Da: De fandt en smuk blå kop.
    En: They found a beautiful blue cup.

    Da: De købte den og gik videre.
    En: They bought it and moved on.

    Da: Dagen gik hurtigt.
    En: The day passed quickly.

    Da: De havde mange poser.
    En: They had many bags.

    Da: De var glade og trætte.
    En: They were happy and tired.

    Da: Tivoli Gardens...

    • 13 min
    Surprise Dance: Copenhagen Friends in an Unforgettable Flash Mob

    Surprise Dance: Copenhagen Friends in an Unforgettable Flash Mob

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Surprise Dance: Copenhagen Friends in an Unforgettable Flash Mob
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Freja, Magnus og Malene gik langsomt gennem Tivoli Gardens.
    En: Freja, Magnus, and Malene walked slowly through Tivoli Gardens.

    Da: Solen skinnede, og blomsterne duftede dejligt.
    En: The sun was shining, and the flowers smelled delightful.

    Da: Børnene løb rundt, og der var smil overalt.
    En: Children were running around, and there were smiles everywhere.

    Da: Freja havde lyst til en is, så de tre venner begyndte at lede efter en isbod.
    En: Freja felt like having an ice cream, so the three friends started looking for an ice cream stand.

    Da: "Jeg tror, der er en nær H.C. Andersen Slottet," sagde Malene og pegede i retningen af et højt, hvidt tårn.
    En: "I think there's one near the H.C. Andersen Castle," said Malene, pointing towards a tall, white tower.

    Da: De begyndte at gå, men pludselig skete noget mærkeligt.
    En: They began to walk, but suddenly something strange happened.

    Da: Musik begyndte at spille fra højtalerne, og folk omkring dem begyndte at danse.
    En: Music started playing from the speakers, and people around them began to dance.

    Da: "Magnus, hvad sker der?"
    En: "Magnus, what's happening?"

    Da: Freja kiggede forvirret rundt.
    En: Freja looked around confused.

    Da: Magnus trak på skuldrene.
    En: Magnus shrugged.

    Da: "Jeg ved det ikke, men det ser sjovt ud," sagde han og smilede.
    En: "I don't know, but it looks fun," he said and smiled.

    Da: Uden at tænke mere over det, begyndte de tre venner også at danse med.
    En: Without thinking more about it, the three friends started dancing too.

    Da: Det var som om, de blev fanget af musikken og glæden omkring dem.
    En: It was as if they were caught by the music and the joy around them.

    Da: Folk klappede og hujede, og deres bevægelser blev hurtigere og mere energiske.
    En: People clapped and cheered, and their movements became faster and more energetic.

    Da: Efter nogle minutter stoppede musikken pludselig, og folk begyndte at klappe hænderne sammen i begejstring.
    En: After a few minutes, the music suddenly stopped, and people began to clap their hands in excitement.

    Da: Freja, Magnus og Malene stoppede også og kiggede rundt.
    En: Freja, Magnus, and Malene stopped too and looked around.

    Da: De opdagede, at de var midt i en flash mob!
    En: They realized they were in the middle of a flash mob!

    Da: "Wow, det var utroligt!"
    En: "Wow, that was amazing!"

    Da: sagde Freja og smilede bredt.
    En: said Freja with a big smile.

    Da: Magnus og Malene nikkede ivrigt.
    En: Magnus and Malene nodded eagerly.

    Da: "Skal vi ikke stadig prøve at finde den isbod?"
    En: "Shouldn't we still try to find that ice cream stand?"

    Da: spurgte Magnus.
    En: asked Magnus.

    Da: "Jo, lad os gå videre," svarede Malene.
    En: "Yes, let's keep going," answered Malene.

    Da: De gik hen til en ældre dame, der sad på en bænk.
    En: They walked over to an elderly lady sitting on a bench.

    Da: "Undskyld, ved du, hvor vi kan finde en isbod?"
    En: "Excuse me, do you know where we can find an ice cream stand?"

    Da: Damen smilede venligt og pegede mod en lille sti.
    En: The lady smiled kindly and pointed towards a small path.

    Da: "Ja, der er en lige deroppe ad stien," sagde hun.
    En: "Yes,...

    • 13 min

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