FluentFiction - Slovak

FluentFiction - Slovak

Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with. Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica? Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

  1. 20 HR. AGO

    Chilling Adventure: Conquering Fears in an Abandoned Factory

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Chilling Adventure: Conquering Fears in an Abandoned Factory Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-21-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript: Sk: V zime, keď sneh pokrýval krajinu a studený vietor prenikal do kostí, Miloslav a Jana sa rozhodli preskúmať opustenú fabriku na okraji mesta. En: In winter, when the snow covered the land and the cold wind penetrated to the bone, Miloslav and Jana decided to explore the abandoned factory on the outskirts of the town. Sk: Miloslav bol nadšený, chcel získať jedinečné fotografie pre svoju fotografickú súťaž. En: Miloslav was excited; he wanted to capture unique photographs for his photography competition. Sk: Jana, jeho verná priateľka, ho nasledovala. En: Jana, his loyal friend, followed him. Sk: Aj keď mala strach z uzavretých priestorov, chcela prekonať svoj strach a podporiť Miloslava. En: Even though she was afraid of enclosed spaces, she wanted to overcome her fear and support Miloslav. Sk: Fabrika stála ako zabudnutý obor, jej okná boli rozbité a staré stroje zarastené hrdzou. En: The factory stood like a forgotten giant, its windows shattered and old machines overgrown with rust. Sk: Vzdychala zima a podlaha bola pokrytá jemnou vrstvou mrazu. En: Winter sighed, and the floor was covered in a thin layer of frost. Sk: Miloslav neobjavil nič takéto fascinujúce už dávno. En: Miloslav had not found anything so fascinating in a long time. Sk: Jeho oči svietili túžbou po dokonalých záberoch. En: His eyes shone with the desire for perfect shots. Sk: Keď vkročili dnu, ticho ich obklopilo. En: When they stepped inside, silence surrounded them. Sk: Zafúkalo, dvere zavrčali a Jana sa nepatrne zachvela. En: A gust of wind blew, the doors growled, and Jana shivered slightly. Sk: Bola opatrná, jej srdce búšilo. En: She was cautious, her heart pounding. Sk: No držala sa pri Miloslavovi. En: But she stayed close to Miloslav. Sk: „Všetko je v poriadku,“ povedala si potichu, ale odhodlane. En: “Everything is fine,” she quietly but resolutely told herself. Sk: Miloslav sa rozhodol ísť hlbšie do fabriky. En: Miloslav decided to go deeper into the factory. Sk: Lákali ho staré stroje, ich nejasné kontúry a chladné kovové povrchy. En: He was drawn to the old machines, their vague outlines, and cold metallic surfaces. Sk: Jana s ním kráčala krok po kroku. V hlave sa snažila premôcť strach, urputne premáhala svoju úzkosť. En: Jana walked with him step by step, trying hard to overcome her fear and fiercely battling her anxiety. Sk: Dostali sa do starého strojového oddelenia. En: They reached the old machinery department. Sk: Tu Miloslav našiel to, po čom túžil - perfektné miesto na fotografiu. En: Here, Miloslav found what he was longing for - the perfect spot for a photograph. Sk: Svietidlo jeho foťáku osvetlilo schátralé stroje, intrigujúce vzory tieňov a línií. En: The light from his camera illuminated the dilapidated machines, intriguing patterns of shadows and lines. Sk: Pripravil sa na fotenie, podlaha však zrazu hlasno vrzla. En: He prepared to take photos, but suddenly the floor creaked loudly. Sk: Srdce im na okamih zamrzlo. En: Their hearts froze for a moment. Sk: Jana stála nepohnuto, oči pevne zafixované na Miloslavovu tvár. En: Jana stood motionless, her eyes firmly fixed on Miloslav's face. Sk: On sa usmial na upokojenie a zvážil situáciu. En: He smiled reassuringly and assessed the situation.br...

    16 min
  2. 1 DAY AGO

    Courage on the Vysoké Tatry: A Ski Adventure in Silence

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Courage on the Vysoké Tatry: A Ski Adventure in Silence Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-20-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Marek sa obliekol do teplej lyžiarskej bundy. En: Marek dressed in a warm ski jacket. Sk: Z okna hotela videl snežnú krajinu Vysokých Tatier. En: From the window of the hotel, he saw the snowy landscape of the Vysoké Tatry. Sk: Snehové vločky padali jemne ako perie a ticho obklopovalo celú dolinu. En: Snowflakes fell gently like feathers, and silence enveloped the entire valley. Sk: Bol s Lenkou a Jozefom na zimnom pobyte, užívali si fašiangy — čas zábavy a karnevalov. En: He was with Lenka and Jozef on a winter getaway, enjoying fašiangy — a time of fun and carnivals. Sk: Dnes sa chystali na dlhý deň na svahu. En: Today, they were preparing for a long day on the slope. Sk: Všetci traja nastúpili na lanovku, ktorá ich mala vyviesť hore na kopec. En: All three boarded the cable car, which was supposed to take them up the hill. Sk: Marek cítil jemné napätie, keď sa lanovka pohla. En: Marek felt a slight tension as the cable car started moving. Sk: Bol skúsený lyžiar, ale výšky mu vždy robili problémy. En: He was an experienced skier, but heights always gave him trouble. Sk: Vedľa neho sedela Lenka, ktorá mu pevne stisla ruku. En: Next to him sat Lenka, who squeezed his hand tightly. Sk: "Neboj sa, bude to v poriadku," povedala upokojujúco. En: "Don't worry, it will be alright," she said reassuringly. Sk: Jozef bol vo svojom živle. En: Jozef was in his element. Sk: S nadšením sledoval výhľad a plánoval, ako najrýchlejšie zísť dolu svahom. En: He enthusiastically watched the view and planned how to get down the slope as quickly as possible. Sk: Keď lanovka dorazila do polovice, zrazu sa zastavila. En: When the cable car reached halfway, it suddenly stopped. Sk: Zostali visieť vysoko nad zemitou krajinou. En: They were left hanging high above the earthy landscape. Sk: Vietor začal silnieť a sneh sa zmiešal do hustej snehovej búrky. En: The wind started to strengthen, and the snow mixed into a dense snowstorm. Sk: Marek zatvoril oči a zhlboka sa nadýchol. En: Marek closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Sk: Tep mu zrýchľoval. En: His pulse quickened. Sk: "Čo budeme robiť? En: "What are we going to do?" Sk: " spýtal sa Jozef, zatiaľ čo Marek bojoval s vnútornými démonmi. En: Jozef asked, while Marek battled with his inner demons. Sk: Jozef navrhol, že by mali signalizovať o pomoc, mávnutím bundy. En: Jozef suggested they should signal for help by waving a jacket. Sk: Lenka sa snažila udržať náladu ľahkú, usmievala sa a hovorila o tom, že každá búrka raz pominie. En: Lenka tried to keep the mood light, smiling and talking about how every storm eventually passes. Sk: Chvíle sa zdali nekonečné. En: Moments seemed endless. Sk: Marek cítil, ako mu dôvera Lenky pomáha. En: Marek felt how Lenka's confidence helped him. Sk: Rozhodol sa zostať pokojným. En: He decided to stay calm. Sk: Ak vyjadrí strach, mohol by všetkých znervózniť. En: If he expressed fear, he could make everyone nervous. Sk: Skúsil Jozefovi vysvetliť, že je lepšie čakať, než riskovať, že ich nikto nevidí. En: He tried to explain to Jozef that it's better to wait than to risk not being seen. Sk: Počasie sa zhoršovalo, vetry sa nahlas ozývali pomedzi stromy. En: The weather...

    16 min
  3. 2 DAYS AGO

    Rediscovering Roots: A Winter Walk in Bratislava's Garden

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Rediscovering Roots: A Winter Walk in Bratislava's Garden Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-19-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Zamrznutá dlažba ticho kňučala pod topánkami Marka a Jany, keď spolu prechádzali zimným svetom bratislavskej botanickej záhrady. En: The frozen pavement quietly whined under the shoes of Marek and Jana as they walked together through the winter world of the Bratislava botanical garden. Sk: Vzduch bol čistý a svieži, všade okolo nich sneh prikrýval stromy a kríky jemnou bielou dekou. En: The air was clean and fresh; all around them, snow covered the trees and bushes with a gentle white blanket. Sk: Ich babička tento pokojný, tichý svet milovala. En: Their grandmother loved this peaceful, quiet world. Sk: Tu trávila mnoho popoludní, obdivovala rastliny a rozprávala o minulosti. En: She spent many afternoons here, admiring the plants and talking about the past. Sk: Marek pozrel na Janu. En: Marek looked at Jana. Sk: Videl, že sa zamýšľala. En: He saw that she was deep in thought. Sk: "Pamätáš, keď nás sem babička brávala? En: "Do you remember when grandma used to bring us here?" Sk: " opýtal sa s nádychom nostalgie. En: he asked with a touch of nostalgia. Sk: Jana sa mierne usmiala, ale jej oči zostali uprené dopredu. En: Jana smiled slightly, but her eyes remained fixed forward. Sk: "Samozrejme, Marek. En: "Of course, Marek. Sk: Ale teraz mám toľko práce. En: But now I have so much work. Sk: Niekedy je ťažké vrátiť sa späť. En: Sometimes it's hard to go back." Sk: "Marek pochopil jej pohľad na vec, ale nechcel nechať spomienky vyjsť navnivoč. En: Marek understood her perspective, but he didn't want to let the memories go to waste. Sk: "Babička by bola rada, keby sme tu strávili nejaký čas," povedal. En: "Grandma would be happy if we spent some time here," he said. Sk: "Vždy hovorila, že rodina je dôležitá. En: "She always said that family is important. Sk: Možno by sme si mohli obnoviť nejakú tradíciu. En: Maybe we could start a new tradition." Sk: "Chvíľu mlčali, len kráčali po snehovej ceste. En: They walked in silence for a while, just walking down the snowy path. Sk: Kolem nich sa vinuli tiché, bezoblačné nebesia. En: Around them, the sky stretched out, quiet and cloudless. Sk: Naraz Jana zastala. En: Suddenly, Jana stopped. Sk: Oči sa jej zastavili na jednom z listnatých kríkov, ktoré prežili zimu. En: Her eyes paused on one of the deciduous shrubs that had survived the winter. Sk: "Pamätám sa na tento strom," povedala ticho, hlas jej zosilnel. En: "I remember this tree," she said quietly, her voice growing stronger. Sk: Mareka jej pohľad prekvapil. En: Marek was surprised by her reaction. Sk: "Jana? En: "Jana? Sk: Čo sa deje? En: What's going on?" Sk: "Jana sa usmiala a oči jej jemne zvlhli. En: Jana smiled, and her eyes gently moistened. Sk: "Babička ma tu naučila, ako rozoznať jeho vôňu aj v zime. En: "Grandma taught me how to recognize its smell even in winter. Sk: Vždy mi pripomínala, že niektoré veci zostávajú s nami, aj keď už odišli. En: She always reminded me that some things stay with us, even when they're gone." Sk: "To bol moment, keď sa Marek a Jana zastavili. En: That was the moment when Marek and Jana paused. Sk: Posedeli na zasneženom lavičke, a rozprávali sa o babičke. En: They...

    15 min
  4. 3 DAYS AGO

    When Dinosaurs and Passion Collide: Miroslav's Triumph

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: When Dinosaurs and Passion Collide: Miroslav's Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-18-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript: Sk: V mrazivom zimnom dni, kedy snehové vločky tančili za veľkými oknami, sa Prírodovedné múzeum naplnilo návštevníkmi. En: On a freezing winter day, when snowflakes danced outside the large windows, the Prírodovedné múzeum filled with visitors. Sk: Tí prišli obdivovať nové dinosaurie exponáty vystavené v obrovskej hale. En: They came to admire the new dinosaur exhibits displayed in the enormous hall. Sk: Miroslav, introvertný kurátor múzea, sa však nachádzal v inom svete - vo svete starých čias, kde dinosaury kráľovali. En: Miroslav, an introverted museum curator, found himself in another world - the world of ancient times when dinosaurs reigned. Sk: Jeho cieľom bolo ukázať túto fascináciu ostatným. En: His goal was to share this fascination with others. Sk: Miroslav mal dnes veľkú úlohu. En: Miroslav had a big task today. Sk: Mal predniesť prezentáciu o novom exponáte, na ktorej pracoval celý rok. En: He was to give a presentation on a new exhibit he had been working on all year. Sk: Miroslav sa staral o každý jeden detail - od dokonalého osvetlenia, ktoré zvýrazňovalo obrysy dinosaurov, až po informatívne popisky, ktoré naplnili návštevníkov úžasom. En: Miroslav paid attention to every single detail - from the perfect lighting that highlighted the contours of dinosaurs to the informative captions that filled visitors with wonder. Sk: Jeho kolegovia, Jana a Peter, mu držali palce. En: His colleagues, Jana and Peter, were rooting for him. Sk: Vedeli, že Miroslav je expert na dinosaury, ale bojí sa hovoriť pred ľuďmi. En: They knew that Miroslav was an expert on dinosaurs, but he was afraid of speaking in front of people. Sk: Miroslav sa obával, že nedokáže udržať pozornosť svojho publika. En: Miroslav worried that he might not be able to hold his audience's attention. Sk: V neustálom šumení návštevníkov nastal čas prezentácie. En: In the constant murmur of visitors, the time for the presentation came. Sk: Miroslav si pripravil prezentáciu plnú diapozitívov - obrázky, ktoré pútali pozornosť. En: Miroslav had prepared a presentation full of slides - images that captured attention. Sk: Aby prekonal svoj strach, rozhodol sa začleniť osobné príbehy. En: To overcome his fear, he decided to incorporate personal stories. Sk: Chcel návštevníkov vtiahnuť do svojej vášne. En: He wanted to draw visitors into his passion. Sk: "Vážení návštevníci, vítam vás," začal nervózne, "chcel by som vám porozprávať príbeh, ktorý sa začal kúsok za touto budovou. En: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome," he began nervously, "I would like to tell you a story that started just beyond this building." Sk: "Ticho padlo v hľadisku, Miroslav ich získal hneď na začiatku. En: Silence fell over the audience, and Miroslav captivated them right from the start. Sk: Hovoril o tom, ako ako dieťa našiel svoj prvý fosílny zub v dedinách neďaleko Bratislavy a odvtedy miluje dinosaury. En: He spoke about how, as a child, he found his first fossilized tooth in the villages near Bratislava, and since then, he has loved dinosaurs. Sk: Ale, uprostred jeho rozprávania, technika zlyhala. En: But in the middle of his narration, the technology failed. Sk: Obrazovka zhasla. En: The screen went dark. Sk: V tú chvíľu zahodil obavy a spoliehal sa len na svoje slová. En: At that moment, he cast aside his...

    17 min
  5. 4 DAYS AGO

    Unveiling Secrets: The Sculpture's Hidden Message

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Secrets: The Sculpture's Hidden Message Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-17-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Štrbské Pleso ležalo ticho pod hrubou pokrývkou snehu. En: Štrbské Pleso lay silent under a thick blanket of snow. Sk: Studený vietor víril vločky a oblieval okolie mrazivým šepotom, akoby ukrýval tajomstvá priamo v zasnežené štruktúry. En: A cold wind swirled the flakes and enveloped the surroundings with a freezing whisper, as if hiding secrets directly within the snowy structures. Sk: Na okraji zamrznutého jazera stála snehová socha, vytvorená šikovnými rukami Kataríny, miestnej umelkyne. En: At the edge of the frozen lake stood a snow sculpture, created by the skillful hands of Katarína, a local artist. Sk: Bolo to pred troma rokmi, čo ju dokončila, ale dnes tam prišli Marek a Zuzana, aby objavili niečo skryté. En: It was three years ago that she completed it, but today Marek and Zuzana came to discover something hidden. Sk: Marek bol mladý milovník histórie. En: Marek was a young lover of history. Sk: Fascinovali ho miestne legendy, najmä jedna o stratenom pokladu v Tatrách. En: He was fascinated by local legends, especially one about lost treasure in the Tatry mountains. Sk: „Zuzana, tu musí byť niečo viac“ povedal Marek, ukazujúc na snehovú sochu, zakopávajúc pritom do ťažkého snehu. En: "Zuzana, there must be something more here," said Marek, pointing at the snow sculpture while stumbling in the heavy snow. Sk: „Ver mi, táto správa môže byť dôležitá.“ En: "Trust me, this message could be important." Sk: Zuzana sa naňho skepticky pozrela. En: Zuzana looked at him skeptically. Sk: „Marek, to je len socha. Prečo sa taký čas venuješ strašidlám a starým príbehom?“ povzdychla si, ale predsa len ho nasledovala. En: "Marek, it's just a sculpture. Why do you spend so much time on ghosts and old stories?" she sighed, but nevertheless followed him. Sk: Keď sa približovali, Marek sa sklonil, aby odstránil sneh z niekoľkých vyrytých kameňov. En: As they approached, Marek bent down to remove the snow from a few engraved stones. Sk: Z nečakanej štrbiny vykĺzlo niečo malého. En: Something small slipped out of an unexpected crevice. Sk: Marek ho zdvihol – bol to starý zažltnutý papier, zakrútený a v polovici zamrznutý. En: Marek picked it up—it was an old yellowed paper, curled and half-frozen. Sk: „Pozri!“ zakričal vzrušene. En: "Look!" he shouted excitedly. Sk: „To je list!“ En: "It's a letter!" Sk: „Dobre, ale čo s ním? Necháme to tu, alebo ho zničíme v akte sebaobrany pred mrázom?“ uškrnula sa Zuzana, no zovrela si kabát tesnejšie k telu. En: "Fine, but what do we do with it? Leave it here or destroy it in an act of self-defense against the cold?" Zuzana smirked, but pulled her coat tighter around her body. Sk: Z hosťovskej chaty v diaľke videli prichádzať Katarínu. En: From a guest lodge in the distance, they saw Katarína approaching. Sk: Keď sa priblížila, jej tvár stvrdla, keď si všimla perforovaný papier v Marekovej ruke. En: As she neared, her face hardened when she noticed the perforated paper in Marek's hand. Sk: „Prečo ste to našli?“ spýtala sa Katia s pohľadom lesklým od slz. En: "Why did you find that?" Katarína asked, her eyes glistening with tears. Sk: „To je list...“ En: "That is a letter..." Sk: „List od tvojho otca?“ prerušil ju Marek, dúfajúc, že uhádol. En: "A letter from your father?" interrupted Marek, hoping he...

    17 min
  6. 5 DAYS AGO

    Starlit Paths: A Family's Journey in Slovak Tatras

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Starlit Paths: A Family's Journey in Slovak Tatras Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-16-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Marek s deťmi kráčali cez snehom pokrytý les v Tatrách. En: Marek and the children walked through the snow-covered forest in the Tatras. Sk: Sneh jemne padal, vzduch bol chladný a ticho v lese prerušovali len ich kroky. En: Snow fell gently, the air was cold, and the silence of the forest was interrupted only by their steps. Sk: Zuzana kráčala pomaly, pozerala sa na svoj mobil a občas zastavila, aby niečo odfotila a dala na sociálne siete. En: Zuzana walked slowly, looking at her phone and occasionally stopping to take a photo to post on social media. Sk: Jozef, Marekov malý syn, kráčal vedľa otca, oči široko otvorené, akoby les bol obrovská, zázračná krajina. En: Jozef, Marek's little son, walked beside his father, his eyes wide open as if the forest was a vast, magical land. Sk: „Pozrite, deti,“ povedal Marek a ukázal na veľký smrek ozdobený ľadovými vločkami. En: "Look, children," said Marek, pointing to a large spruce decorated with icy flakes. Sk: „To je krása prírody. En: "That's the beauty of nature. Sk: V zime je všetko tiché a pokojné. En: In winter, everything is quiet and peaceful." Sk: “Zuzana len prehodila mobil do druhej ruky. En: Zuzana just switched her phone to the other hand. Sk: „Ocko, načo je to dobré? En: "Dad, what's the point? Sk: Kamaráti sú teraz online, mne je zima. En: My friends are online now, and I'm cold." Sk: “Marek sa usmial. En: Marek smiled. Sk: „Zuzana, poďme sa pozrieť na jedno špeciálne miesto. En: "Let’s go see a special place, Zuzana. Sk: Myslím, že sa ti to bude páčiť. En: I think you'll like it." Sk: “ Otočil sa k Jozefovi. En: He turned to Jozef. Sk: „A ty, Jozef, môžeš nám cestou povedať, čo všetko si zapamätal o stromoch. En: "And you, Jozef, can tell us along the way what you've remembered about the trees." Sk: “Cestou Marek rozprával o zvieratách, ktoré žijú v lese. En: Along the way, Marek talked about the animals that live in the forest. Sk: Vysvetlil, ako zajace zanechávajú stopy v snehu. En: He explained how rabbits leave tracks in the snow. Sk: Jozef počúval s otvorenými ústami, jeho strach sa pomaly rozpúšťal v zvedavosti. En: Jozef listened with his mouth open, his fear slowly melting into curiosity. Sk: Nakoniec sa dostali na vrchol kopca, kde sa pred nimi otvoril výhľad na zasnežené vrchy. En: Finally, they reached the top of the hill, where a view of the snowy peaks opened up before them. Sk: Zuzana odložila mobil. En: Zuzana put down her phone. Sk: „Wow,“ zašepkala. En: "Wow," she whispered. Sk: „To je nádherné. En: "That's beautiful." Sk: “Slnko začalo zapadať. En: The sun began to set. Sk: Marek si uvedomil, že sa vracajú neskôr ako plánoval. En: Marek realized they were returning later than planned. Sk: Teplota začala prudko klesať a cesta bola nejasná. En: The temperature started to drop rapidly, and the path was unclear. Sk: „Musíme sa ponáhľať naspäť,“ povedal Marek rozhodne. En: "We need to hurry back," said Marek decisively. Sk: „Nenecháme sa odstrašiť. En: "We won't be deterred." Sk: “Zuzana konečne strčila mobil do vrecka a pozerala sa okolo. En: Zuzana finally tucked her phone into her pocket and looked around. Sk: „Čo teraz, ocko? En:...

    17 min
  7. 6 DAYS AGO

    From Snowbound Struggles to Unbreakable Bonds

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Snowbound Struggles to Unbreakable Bonds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-15-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Snežilo nepretržite celé dni a dedina sa ponorila do tichej, bielej krajiny. En: It snowed continuously for days, and the village was immersed in a quiet, white landscape. Sk: Štefan hľadel cez okno svojho malého, dreveného domčeka v srdci slovenského vidieka. En: Štefan looked out the window of his small, wooden house in the heart of the Slovak countryside. Sk: Dym z komína sa pomaly strácal v sivom nebi. En: Smoke from the chimney slowly faded into the gray sky. Sk: Zranená noha ho bolela, aj keď sa pokúšal odložiť hnev a frustráciu. En: His injured leg ached, even as he tried to put aside his anger and frustration. Sk: Nemohol robiť práce, ktoré mal rád — kosiť trávu, opravovať ploty, krájať drevo. En: He couldn't do the work he loved—mowing the grass, repairing fences, chopping wood. Sk: Bol odkázaný na pomoc druhých, hlavne na susedu Zuzanu. En: He was dependent on others' help, especially his neighbor Zuzana. Sk: Zuzana odvždy túžila po dobrodružstve. En: Zuzana had always longed for adventure. Sk: Čítala knižky o exotických miestach a snívala o cestovaní. En: She read books about exotic places and dreamed of traveling. Sk: Teraz však stála pred Štefanovým domom s úplne iným poslaním. En: Now, however, she stood in front of Štefan's house with a completely different mission. Sk: Vedela, že je dôležité pomôcť Štefanovi. En: She knew it was important to help Štefan. Sk: Zároveň tušila, že by mohla cítiť zmysel a spokojnosť z tejto pomoci. En: At the same time, she suspected she might feel a sense of purpose and satisfaction from this help. Sk: Vybrala sa k nemu jednu zamračenú sobotu ráno. En: She set off to his place one cloudy Saturday morning. Sk: "Štefan, dobrý deň! En: "Štefan, good day!" Sk: " pozdravila ho s úsmevom, vstupujúc do jeho dvora, ktorý bol pokrytý vrstvou snehu. En: she greeted him with a smile, entering his yard, which was covered with a layer of snow. Sk: "Prišla som pomôcť. En: "I came to help. Sk: Čo potrebuješ urobiť? En: What do you need done?" Sk: " dodala s rozhodnosťou a preleštena čapica sa jej leskla v zimnom slnku. En: she added with determination, and her polished cap gleamed in the winter sun. Sk: Štefan sa snažil usmievať, ale vnútro mu kolísalo. En: Štefan tried to smile, but inside he was wavering. Sk: "Dobrý deň, Zuzka," odvetil. En: "Good day, Zuzka," he replied. Sk: "Nerád niekoho obťažujem, ale možno by si mohla pomôcť s drevom. En: "I don't like to bother anyone, but maybe you could help with the wood. Sk: Začína nám dochádzať. En: We're starting to run out." Sk: "Zuzana ho prekvapene pozrela. En: Zuzana looked at him, surprised. Sk: "To nie je problém. En: "That's not a problem. Sk: Počula som, že bude snežiť ešte viac. En: I've heard it's going to snow even more. Sk: Rýchlo urobíme zásoby. En: Let's quickly stock up." Sk: " Nečakala na odpoveď a začala s organizovaním práce. En: She didn't wait for an answer and started organizing the work. Sk: Niekoľko dní pracovali spolu. En: They worked together for several days. Sk: Zuzana nosila polená do domčeka, pričom rozprávala o svojich snoch a očarovala Štefana svojou energiou. En: Zuzana carried logs into the house, while talking about...

    19 min
  8. JAN 14

    When Snow Falls: Finding Strength in Team Collaboration

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: When Snow Falls: Finding Strength in Team Collaboration Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-14-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript: Sk: V malej útulnej kancelárii, na predmestí Bratislavy, sneh pomaly padá na strechy domov. En: In a small cozy office on the outskirts of Bratislava, snow slowly falls on the rooftops of houses. Sk: V tejto kancelárii, Lukáš pracuje na novom projekte. En: In this office, Lukáš is working on a new project. Sk: Je veľmi sústredený, no niečo ho trápi. En: He is very focused, but something troubles him. Sk: Termín projektu sa neúprosne blíži a technické problémy sa hromadia. En: The project deadline is relentlessly approaching, and technical problems are piling up. Sk: Lukáš sa neustále snaží vyriešiť chyby v kóde, ale stále to nejde. En: Lukáš continuously tries to fix errors in the code, but it's not working. Sk: Jeho obavy narastajú. En: His worries are growing. Sk: Vie, že projekt je pozadu. En: He knows the project is behind schedule. Sk: V myšlienkach sa zaoberá jednou otázkou: "Čo robiť? En: In his thoughts, he is occupied with one question: "What to do?" Sk: " Premýšľa o Zuzane, jeho kolegyni, ktorá je známa svojou kreativitu. En: He thinks about Zuzana, his colleague, who is known for her creativity. Sk: Ale aj keď vie, že by mu mohla pomôcť, váha. En: But even though he knows she could help him, he hesitates. Sk: Nechce ukázať, že má problémy. En: He doesn't want to show that he is having problems. Sk: Zuzana sedí vo svojej kancelárii o niekoľko ulíc ďalej. En: Zuzana is sitting in her office a few streets away. Sk: Počúva jemnú hudbu a zároveň kreslí nové návrhy na tablete. En: She listens to soft music while drawing new designs on her tablet. Sk: Jej kreatívna myseľ jej neustále prináša nové nápady. En: Her creative mind constantly brings her new ideas. Sk: Keď dostane od Lukáša správu, prekvapí ju to. En: When she receives a message from Lukáš, she is surprised. Sk: Napísal: "Môžeme sa dnes stretnúť? En: He wrote: "Can we meet today? Sk: Mám problém s projektom. En: I have a problem with the project." Sk: " Súhlasila. En: She agreed. Sk: Sedia spolu za stolom s počítačmi. En: They sit together at the table with computers. Sk: Lukáš vysvetľuje problémy, ktoré má. En: Lukáš explains the problems he is facing. Sk: Zuzana počúva pozorne a začnú spoločne premýšľať nad riešením. En: Zuzana listens carefully, and they begin to brainstorm solutions together. Sk: Po niekoľkých hodinách debaty a brainstormingov majú konečne nápad, ktorý by mohol fungovať. En: After several hours of discussion and brainstorming, they finally have an idea that could work. Sk: Vzduch je nabitý energiou. En: The air is charged with energy. Sk: Povedia si: "Toto je ono! En: They say to each other: "This is it!" Sk: " Sústredene kódujú celú noc. En: They code intently throughout the night. Sk: Projekt napreduje. En: The project advances. Sk: O niekoľko dní nato je hotový. En: A few days later, it is finished. Sk: Lukáš je nervózny, ale na prezentácii projekt uspeje. En: Lukáš is nervous, but the project succeeds at the presentation. Sk: Ich šéf je nadšený. En: Their boss is thrilled. Sk: "Dobre odvedená práca, tím! En: "Well done, team!" Sk: " povie s úsmevom. En: he says with a smile. br...

    14 min

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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with. Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica? Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

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