Ask NT Wright Anything

The weekly podcast that connects you to NT (Tom) Wright’s thought and theology by allowing you to ask the questions. Produced by Premier Unbelievable and hosted by Mike Bird.
Great Addition
Michael Bird is a great addition to the show! Although, Justine provided a nice Teacher/Student dynamic (Wright humorously correcting his Latin), Dr. Bird adds clarity to the matter instead of confusion! He is quite the scholar and affirms Dr. Wright’s trajectory. These scholars are the top tier of academia and we are blessed to have them!
Knowledge and comfort
I have been binging the show and you gentlemen have encouraged me and motivated me to dive deeper into scripture. I’d like to say that the sound of both your voices are soothing to me and I regularly play an episode to fall asleep by. I’m currently sick and was feeling really terrible last night. I found a book narrated by NT Wright and downloaded it so I could listen through the night. Thank you for sharing knowledge and wisdom and for doing so in a gentle way. I’m still challenged by new ideas, but I find I’m not offended, because they are presented with such kindness.
Who is this new host?
I tune in to hear NT Wrights wisdom- not the host. Justin was great but this new guy talks way too much. It’s enough to keep me from listening going forward.
There are some incredibly gifted theologians who can move between the academic and general audience worlds with great aplomb. Wright is such, and he can shed brilliant light upon difficult subjects in a scholarly manner for consumption by the standard operational, average believer such as I.
- 频道
- 创作者Premier Unbelievable
- 活跃年份2018年 - 2025年
- 单集246
- 分级儿童适宜
- 版权© Copyright 2018 All rights reserved.
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