34 min

Getting Out From Behind the Desk with Lindsay Robinson Courageous Help

    • Careers

In this episode, we’re joined by Lindsay Robinson, a 20+ year veteran Executive Assistant currently at LinkedIn and formerly at Team Epiphany and the National Basketball Association.

Lindsay joins us to discuss all the ways assistants can impact people — from sharing access to creating connections to being honest about how we’re feeling. She shares the important role EAs have in bridging gaps and leading with humanity in everything we do.

Connect with Lindsay on LinkedIn.

In this episode, we’re joined by Lindsay Robinson, a 20+ year veteran Executive Assistant currently at LinkedIn and formerly at Team Epiphany and the National Basketball Association.

Lindsay joins us to discuss all the ways assistants can impact people — from sharing access to creating connections to being honest about how we’re feeling. She shares the important role EAs have in bridging gaps and leading with humanity in everything we do.

Connect with Lindsay on LinkedIn.

34 min