Getting to Yes, And… | Eli Finkel and Paul Eastwick – ‘The Love Factually Podcast’

Second City Works presents "Getting to Yes, And"

Kelly hosts a special Valentine’s Day Bonus Pod with professors Eli Finkel and Paul Eastwick who host the “Love Factually” podcast. Eli and Paul are relationship scientists at Northwestern and The University of California, Davis. Their podcast looks at a modern romantic comedy each week through the lens of the science of relationships. 

“Relationship outcomes depend not only on the specific qualities of each partner but also on the unique patterns that emerge when the partners’ qualities intersect.” 

“There isn’t just one true and proper way to love, to relate, to bond, to touch.”

“Motivated reasoning is a cognitive process where people use reason to support their existing beliefs or desires and lay at the heart of ‘When Harry Met Sally.’”

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