Her Renewed Mind | Mental Focus, Find Your Purpose, Overcome Fear, Grow in Jesus, Kingdom Mindset, Women Empowerment, Persona

Dr. Candice Johnson | Personal and Spiritual Development Coach, Speaker, Owner, visionSPEAK Consulting
Her Renewed Mind | Mental Focus, Find Your Purpose, Overcome Fear, Grow in Jesus, Kingdom Mindset, Women Empowerment, Persona

Encouragement for a Beautiful Mind * Find Your Purpose * Overcome Fear * Women Empowerment * Growth Mindset * Prayer * Mental Health *Joy * Kingdom * Mental Health Awareness You can renew your mind for life transformation and Dr. Candice Johnson will show your how. Are you tired of all the distractions that plague your mind? Wish you could focus more on your purpose and calling? Do you desire to connect with others in a way that would bless their life (and yours)? Well, you have come to the right place! This podcast will encourage you to develop a deeper relationship with God and feel more mentally focused and connected, so you can enjoy a peaceful life and be a blessing to others. Hi, I am Dr. Candice, a daughter of God, mom of a teenager, and joy igniter with a vivid imagination. I remember waking up in the morning with what seemed like a million thoughts running through my head: Did I send that email? Is Kyla awake? Why didn’t my friend respond to my text? Does my boss like me? I tried to suppress all of those thoughts, so I could start my day. But the flood of thoughts just kept swirling around in my head causing me to overthink and get stuck . . . I finally realized that my mind was a battlefield and the way I was going to win the war in my mind was with the word of God. I prayed and began to dig into my Bible. I started to meditate on God’s truth. I wrote scriptures on index cards and even took them with me to work. I printed out declarations and taped them on my bathroom mirror. I started to memorize scripture again, just like in Sunday School. The negative thoughts began to flee as I replaced them with God’s word. If you are ready to be FREE from overthinking and negative thoughts And gain . . . -Mental focus and clarity -Connection with God and others -Understanding of your purpose -Confidence in your calling so you can be a blessing to others Then this podcast is for YOU! Grab your water, lace up your shoes, and pop in your air pods, it’s time to go on a beautiful journey. Connect with me: *Watch the free Kingdom Identity Course: https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/programs *Subscribe to the website: www.visionspeakconsulting.com *Keep in touch: visionspeakconsulting@gmail.com Topics Include: Identity, Encouragement, Empowerment, Mental Health, Leadership, Joy, Parenting, Education, Business Development, Jesus Christ, Christian, Kingdom, Kingdom Identity, Kingdom of God, Kingdom Mindset, Definitions, New Words, Peace, Rest, Purpose, Calling, Growth Mindset, Scriptures, Bible, Women Empowerment, Overcoming Fear

  1. 25 DE FEV. · BÔNUS

    BONUS | Fear Won't Win. Your Time is Now!

    Sis, what could you do if fear wasn’t holding you back? It’s time to stop second-guessing yourself and start walking in boldness! On this previously recorded Facebook Live, Professor Monique O'Neal and l unpack the truth about fear, share real transformation stories, and tell you how to break free for good. Plus, we give you all the details on the Queen Arise Masterclass: Overcoming Fear—an experience you don’t want to miss! Enter the giveaway by Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 8:30p EST to gain free entry to the Masterclass. #FaithOverFear #QueenArise #YourTimeIsNow With Love, Dr. Candice ***** NEXT STEPS Queen, Arise Masterclass +Join the BRAND NEW Queen, Arise Masterclass: Overcoming Fear with guest presenter, Monique O’Neal. March 1 from 11a-12:30p EST. Register HERE!  +Join the intimate VIP Q & A Session with Monique O’Neal, just 15 minutes after the Masterclass. Register HERE.  Stay Connected +Subscribe to the website HERE to receive encouragement and updates on events and happenings  +To sow into visionSPEAK Consulting, Click ⁠HERE⁠. +Want to ask a question or two or share a takeaway? Email: visionspeakconsulting@gmail.com Queen Arise Book and Journal +Queen, Arise: Taking your rightful place as God’s royalty  +Queen, Arise Journal Queen, Arise Merch +Queen, Arise T-Shirts & Sweatshirt Queen, Arise Courses +Join the #QueenArise movement, grab the Queen, Arise On-Demand Course today! Click HERE to join. +Are you struggling with confidence in who you are and your purpose? I invite you to join the FREE training, Queen: Arise: Who Are You? Where you will gain insight and encouragement to BE who God has called you to be. Visit, Queen, Arise FREE Training to enroll. Goal Setting Take the Next Step eWorkbook College Planning +Are you a parent or guardian who is confused and overwhelmed with the College Planning Process? Check out the College Planning with Grace (On-Demand) Workshop that includes a Resource and Scholarship List and Timeline, HERE  +College Planning Timeline and Resource and Scholarship List

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    102 | From Knowing to Living: How to Live Confidently in the Love of God

    Hi Sis, When you truly understand and embrace the unconditional love of God, everything changes. Fear loses its grip, insecurity fades, and you step boldly into your God-given identity and purpose. But how do you move from simply knowing about God’s love to actually living confidently in it every day? We explore that and more in today's episode.  I pray your mind is renewed and you are empowered  to step forward with faith. Love, Dr. Candice ***** NEXT STEPS Queen, Arise Masterclass +Join the BRAND NEW Queen, Arise Masterclass: Overcoming Fear with guest presenter, Monique O’Neal. March 1 from 11a-12:30p EST. Register NOW! https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/service-page/queen-arise-masterclass-overcoming-fear?referral=service_list_widget *Join the intimate VIP Q & A Session with Monique O’Neal, just 15 minutes after the Masterclass: https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/service-page/overcoming-fear-vip-q-a-session?referral=service_list_widget Stay Connected +Subscribe to the website: https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/ to receive encouragement and updates on events and happenings  +To sow into visionSPEAK Consulting, Click: https://linktr.ee/drcandicejohnson +Want to ask a question or two or share a takeaway? Email: visionspeakconsulting@gmail.com Queen, Arise Book & Journal +Queen, Arise: Taking your rightful place as God’s royalty: https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/store +Queen, Arise Journal: https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/store Queen, Arise Merch +Queen, Arise T-Shirt and Sweatshirts:  https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/store Queen, Arise Courses +Join the #QueenArise movement, grab the Queen, Arise On-Demand Course today: https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/challenge-page/5c7e895b-8a6c-479b-91b1-cd31be093be1?programId=5c7e895b-8a6c-479b-91b1-cd31be093be1 +Are you struggling with being confident in who you are and walking out your true identity? I invite you to join the complimentary training, Queen: Arise: Who Are You? Where you will gain insight and encouragement to BE who God has called you to be. Visit, https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/challenge-page/e5b77364-8101-4950-b779-4fb1ba946cc8  Goal Setting Take the Next Step eWorkbook: https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/product-page/take-the-next-step-eworkbook College Planning  +Are you a parent or guardian who is confused and overwhelmed with the College Planning Process? Check out the College Planning with Grace (On-Demand) Workshop that includes a Resource and Scholarship List and Timeline: https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/challenge-page/collegeplanningwithgrace?programId=2babb43e-d0f2-4b4b-ac33-7ede7bd9e516 +College Planning Timeline and Resource and Scholarship List: https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/product-page/college-planning-timeline-and-resource-and-scholarship-list   Christian confidence, overcoming fear with faith, God’s unconditional love, faith-based personal growth, renewing your mind in Christ, identity in Christ, biblical encouragement, spiritual transformation, Christian mindset renewal, walking in faith boldly

  3. 17 DE FEV.

    101 | Feeling Unworthy or Fearful? Embrace and Rest In God's Love

    Do you struggle with feelings of unworthiness, fear, or doubt? In this episode, I'm sharing what it truly means to receive and rest in God’s perfect love. If you're ready to let go of fear, insecurity, and striving, this episode will encourage you to live confidently as a beloved daughter of God. I pray this is a blessing to you. If you would like prayer, please send me an email at visionspeakconsulting@gmail.com I love you and most of all Jesus loves you!!! Love, Dr. Candice ***** NEXT STEPS Queen, Arise Masterclass +Join the BRAND NEW Queen, Arise Masterclass: Overcoming Fear with guest presenter, Monique O’Neal. March 1 from 11a-12:30p EST. Register HERE!  +Join the intimate VIP Q & A Session with Monique O’Neal, just 15 minutes after the Masterclass. Register HERE.  Stay Connected +Subscribe to the website HERE to receive encouragement and updates on events and happenings.  +To sow into visionSPEAK Consulting, Click ⁠HERE⁠. +Want to ask a question or two or share a takeaway? Email: visionspeakconsulting@gmail.com Queen Arise Book and Journal +Queen, Arise: Taking your rightful place as God’s royalty  +Queen, Arise Journal Queen, Arise Merch +Queen, Arise T-Shirts & Sweatshirt Queen, Arise Courses +Join the #QueenArise movement, grab the Queen, Arise On-Demand Course today! Click HERE to join. +Are you struggling with confidence in who you are and your purpose? I invite you to join the FREE training, Queen: Arise: Who Are You? Where you will gain insight and encouragement to BE who God has called you to be. Visit, Queen, Arise FREE Training to enroll. Goal Setting Take the Next Step eWorkbook College Planning +Are you a parent or guardian who is confused and overwhelmed with the College Planning Process? Check out the College Planning with Grace (On-Demand) Workshop that includes a Resource and Scholarship List and Timeline, HERE  +College Planning Timeline and Resource and Scholarship List

  4. 10 DE FEV.

    100 | 100th Episode: Celebration Lessons, Surprises, and What’s Next! 🎉

    Ohhhhh Sis, We’ve made it to 100 episodes of Her Renewed Mind! 🎙✨ In this special milestone episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes to share what inspired this journey, the biggest lessons I’ve learned, and some unexpected surprises along the way. Plus, I’ll reveal what’s next for the podcast and how you can continue growing with me! Get ready for an episode filled with reflection, encouragement, and vision for the future. Thank you for celebrating with me! 🎉 I love you BIG, Dr. Candice Sow $100 in celebration of our 100th Episode. Click HERE; Zelle: cwjohnson05@gmail.com ***** NEXT STEPS Queen, Arise Masterclass +Join the BRAND NEW Queen, Arise Masterclass: Overcoming Fear with guest presenter, Monique O’Neal. March 1 from 11a-12:30p EST. Register HERE!  +Join the intimate VIP Q & A Session with Monique O’Neal, just 15 minutes after the Masterclass. Register HERE.  Queen Arise Book and Journal +Queen, Arise: Taking your rightful place as God’s royalty  +Queen, Arise Journal Queen, Arise Merch +Queen, Arise T-Shirts & Sweatshirt Queen, Arise Courses +Join the #QueenArise movement, grab the Queen, Arise On-Demand Course today! Click HERE to join. +Are you struggling with confidence in who you are and your purpose? I invite you to join the FREE training, Queen: Arise: Who Are You? Where you will gain insight and encouragement to BE who God has called you to be. Visit, Queen, Arise FREE Training to enroll. Goal Setting Take the Next Step eWorkbook College Planning +Are you a parent or guardian who is confused and overwhelmed with the College Planning Process? Check out the College Planning with Grace (On-Demand) Workshop that includes a Resource and Scholarship List and Timeline, HERE  +College Planning Timeline and Resource and Scholarship List Stay Connected +Subscribe to the website HERE to receive encouragement and updates on events and happenings  +To sow into visionSPEAK Consulting, Click ⁠HERE⁠. +Want to ask a question or two or share a takeaway? Email: visionspeakconsulting@gmail.com Christian mindset renewal, Faith-based personal growth, Christian podcast for women, Biblical encouragement, Renewing your mind in Christ, Spiritual growth and transformation, Kingdom mindset coaching, Faith-driven leadership, Overcoming fear with faith, Christian motivation and inspiration

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    99 | BRITTANY WEIRD: The Journey to Finding Her

    Hi Sis, Today, I welcome BRITTANY WEIRD, mother, coach, personal trainer, author, and Daughter of God to Her Renewed Mind. In this episode, you’ll hear Brittany Weird’s inspiring testimony of how faith transformed her life from tragedy to triumph, along with practical insights on living boldly for Jesus and stepping into your God-given purpose. Enjoy, Dr. Candice JOIN THE QUEEN, ARISE 5 DAY CHALLENGE! FREE TEACHING, TRAINING, ENCOURAGEMENT & EMPOWERMENT Feb. 3-7, 2025. Click HERE to register  ***** NEXT STEPS + Sow $100 in celebration of our 100th Episode (February 10, 2205). Click HERE; Zelle: cwjohnson05@gmail.com Queen, Arise Masterclass +Join the BRAND NEW Queen, Arise Masterclass: Overcoming Fear with guest presenter, Monique O’Neal. March 1 from 11a-12:30p EST. Register HERE!  +Join the intimate VIP Q & A Session with Monique O’Neal, just 15 minutes after the Masterclass. Register HERE.  Queen Arise Book and Journal +Queen, Arise: Taking your rightful place as God’s royalty  +Queen, Arise Journal Queen, Arise Merch +Queen, Arise T-Shirts & Sweatshirt Queen, Arise Courses +Join the #QueenArise movement, grab the Queen, Arise On-Demand Course today! Click HERE to join. +Are you struggling with confidence in who you are and your purpose? I invite you to join the FREE training, Queen: Arise: Who Are You? Where you will gain insight and encouragement to BE who God has called you to be. Visit, Queen, Arise FREE Training to enroll. Goal Setting Take the Next Step eWorkbook College Planning +Are you a parent or guardian who is confused and overwhelmed with the College Planning Process? Check out the College Planning with Grace (On-Demand) Workshop that includes a Resource and Scholarship List and Timeline, HERE  +College Planning Timeline and Resource and Scholarship List Stay Connected +Subscribe to the website HERE to receive encouragement and updates on events and happenings  +To sow into visionSPEAK Consulting, Click ⁠HERE⁠. +Want to ask a question or two or share a takeaway? Email: visionspeakconsulting@gmail.com Topics discussed include: Faith, transformation, tragedy to triumph, purpose, testimony, encouragement, motivation, bold living, Jesus, spiritual growth, kingdom mindset, Finding Her (book title), personal development, overcoming challenges, empowerment, gym, Kingdom Identity

  6. 27 DE JAN.

    98 | Having a Chaotic Start to Your Day? Four Tips to Ease into Your Morning

    Hi Sis, Are you completely OVER the chaotic starts to your day? Are you tired of feeling and being confused and rushed? In today's episode, I share four tips on how you can ease into your morning and quite possibly make mornings your fav part of the day. With love, Dr. Candice JOIN THE FREE QUEEN, ARISE 5 DAY CHALLENGE! FREE TEACHING, TRAINING, ENCOURAGEMENT & EMPOWERMENT: Feb. 3-7, 2025. Join HERE ! ***** NEXT STEPS + Sow $100 in celebration of our 100th Episode (February 10, 2205). Click HERE; Zelle: cwjohnson05@gmail.com Queen, Arise Masterclass +Join the BRAND NEW Queen, Arise Masterclass: Overcoming Fear with guest presenter, Monique O’Neal. March 1 from 11a-12:30p EST. Register HERE!  +Join the intimate VIP Q & A Session with Monique O’Neal, just 15 minutes after the Masterclass. Register HERE.  Queen Arise Book and Journal +Queen, Arise: Taking your rightful place as God’s royalty  +Queen, Arise Journal Queen, Arise Merch +Queen, Arise T-Shirts & Sweatshirt Queen, Arise Courses +Join the #QueenArise movement, grab the Queen, Arise On-Demand Course today! Click HERE to join. +Are you struggling with confidence in who you are and your purpose? I invite you to join the FREE training, Queen: Arise: Who Are You? Where you will gain insight and encouragement to BE who God has called you to be. Visit, Queen, Arise FREE Training to enroll. Goal Setting Take the Next Step eWorkbook College Planning +Are you a parent or guardian who is confused and overwhelmed with the College Planning Process? Check out the College Planning with Grace (On-Demand) Workshop that includes a Resource and Scholarship List and Timeline, HERE  +College Planning Timeline and Resource and Scholarship List Stay Connected +Subscribe to the website HERE to receive encouragement and updates on events and happenings  +To sow into visionSPEAK Consulting, Click ⁠HERE⁠. +Want to ask a question or two or share a takeaway? Email: visionspeakconsulting@gmail.com Topics mentioned in this episode: Morning routine tips, how to start the day with ease, benefits of planning ahead, gratitude practice for mornings, intentional living habits, speak life, speak into your day, breathe, pause, stress-free morning strategies, daily priorities for mental clarity, mindful morning rituals, cell phone

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Encouragement for a Beautiful Mind * Find Your Purpose * Overcome Fear * Women Empowerment * Growth Mindset * Prayer * Mental Health *Joy * Kingdom * Mental Health Awareness You can renew your mind for life transformation and Dr. Candice Johnson will show your how. Are you tired of all the distractions that plague your mind? Wish you could focus more on your purpose and calling? Do you desire to connect with others in a way that would bless their life (and yours)? Well, you have come to the right place! This podcast will encourage you to develop a deeper relationship with God and feel more mentally focused and connected, so you can enjoy a peaceful life and be a blessing to others. Hi, I am Dr. Candice, a daughter of God, mom of a teenager, and joy igniter with a vivid imagination. I remember waking up in the morning with what seemed like a million thoughts running through my head: Did I send that email? Is Kyla awake? Why didn’t my friend respond to my text? Does my boss like me? I tried to suppress all of those thoughts, so I could start my day. But the flood of thoughts just kept swirling around in my head causing me to overthink and get stuck . . . I finally realized that my mind was a battlefield and the way I was going to win the war in my mind was with the word of God. I prayed and began to dig into my Bible. I started to meditate on God’s truth. I wrote scriptures on index cards and even took them with me to work. I printed out declarations and taped them on my bathroom mirror. I started to memorize scripture again, just like in Sunday School. The negative thoughts began to flee as I replaced them with God’s word. If you are ready to be FREE from overthinking and negative thoughts And gain . . . -Mental focus and clarity -Connection with God and others -Understanding of your purpose -Confidence in your calling so you can be a blessing to others Then this podcast is for YOU! Grab your water, lace up your shoes, and pop in your air pods, it’s time to go on a beautiful journey. Connect with me: *Watch the free Kingdom Identity Course: https://www.visionspeakconsulting.com/programs *Subscribe to the website: www.visionspeakconsulting.com *Keep in touch: visionspeakconsulting@gmail.com Topics Include: Identity, Encouragement, Empowerment, Mental Health, Leadership, Joy, Parenting, Education, Business Development, Jesus Christ, Christian, Kingdom, Kingdom Identity, Kingdom of God, Kingdom Mindset, Definitions, New Words, Peace, Rest, Purpose, Calling, Growth Mindset, Scriptures, Bible, Women Empowerment, Overcoming Fear

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