43 min

How To Create An Aligned Routine Living Fully Alive

    • Self-Improvement

On this episode, join Mary as she introduces this month’s topic of Aligned Routine. Last week we wrapped up our topic of Manifestation and dove deep into what it looks like to step into action and take responsibility for our part in creating our future. But what happens when we meet resistance? When we find ourselves in a place of shoulds, have to’s, rules... and we are just sick of having to have a routine? Maybe routine hasn’t come naturally to you in the past. Or maybe you have negative experiences attached to discipline and routine. This is true for so many people! But why? We live in a culture where we look to other people and what they are doing for a way to model what we need to do. But someone else’s routine will never feel natural or flow with your life. We need to discover how to create a routine that works for us personally and aligns with our life. 
-Why we respond negatively to discipline 
-Why we self sabotage when we attempt to create routine 
-Why doing what other people do might not work for you 
-Why we have to be our truest self to experience connection
-The importance of laying down comparison 
-The 4 most important connections to inform our routine
-And much more!

Each month will be a deep dive into a topic that supports you on your journey to living more fully alive. August’s topic will be on Aligned Routine.
Manifestation Challenge: http://maryhyatt.com/manifestation 
Fully Alive Circle Membership Waitlist: https://www.maryhyatt.com/circle
Babe, Redefined 6 Week Course: https://www.maryhyatt.com/baberedefined
Full List of Episodes & Show Notes: https://www.maryhyatt.com/show
Subscribe to My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/maryhyatt
Sign Up For My Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/c1JNJv
Follow Me On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maryghyatt/

On this episode, join Mary as she introduces this month’s topic of Aligned Routine. Last week we wrapped up our topic of Manifestation and dove deep into what it looks like to step into action and take responsibility for our part in creating our future. But what happens when we meet resistance? When we find ourselves in a place of shoulds, have to’s, rules... and we are just sick of having to have a routine? Maybe routine hasn’t come naturally to you in the past. Or maybe you have negative experiences attached to discipline and routine. This is true for so many people! But why? We live in a culture where we look to other people and what they are doing for a way to model what we need to do. But someone else’s routine will never feel natural or flow with your life. We need to discover how to create a routine that works for us personally and aligns with our life. 
-Why we respond negatively to discipline 
-Why we self sabotage when we attempt to create routine 
-Why doing what other people do might not work for you 
-Why we have to be our truest self to experience connection
-The importance of laying down comparison 
-The 4 most important connections to inform our routine
-And much more!

Each month will be a deep dive into a topic that supports you on your journey to living more fully alive. August’s topic will be on Aligned Routine.
Manifestation Challenge: http://maryhyatt.com/manifestation 
Fully Alive Circle Membership Waitlist: https://www.maryhyatt.com/circle
Babe, Redefined 6 Week Course: https://www.maryhyatt.com/baberedefined
Full List of Episodes & Show Notes: https://www.maryhyatt.com/show
Subscribe to My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/maryhyatt
Sign Up For My Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/c1JNJv
Follow Me On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maryghyatt/

43 min