Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss

Leslie M. Thornton
Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss

As a Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss Coach, I know how hard constantly dieting and exercising can be. That’s why I’m giving you my top tips and tactics for getting free from the traditional diet mentality. Whether you’ve just started your journey to self-awareness, or you’re already established and looking for new ways to let go of your anxieties and stress around food, you’ve come to the right place!

  1. Ep 268 HPWL's H.E.AL. Method Explained

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    Ep 268 HPWL's H.E.AL. Method Explained

    Are you constantly struggling with food, body image, or weight, feeling like there's something wrong with you that needs fixing? Do you find yourself trapped in cycles of unhealthy habits, shame, and guilt, and unable to break free from them? If you've ever wondered why lasting change feels so out of reach, here's the truth--this problem is deeper than calories or scales—it's rooted in how we see ourselves. This constant self-criticism creates a mental and emotional burden that affects not just your body, but your entire life. The weight of judgment seeps into your relationships, your happiness, and even your family's well-being. You may find yourself disconnected from joy, fearful of your own emotions, and living a life that feels less than fulfilling. And without addressing the underlying causes, this cycle will continue, leaving you feeling stuck and exhausted. But there's a holistic way to deal with this one. The HEAL method offers a path not to fix you, but to help you rediscover the whole, complete person you’ve always been. By shifting your mindset and healing your emotional wounds, you can transform your health, relationships, and overall sense of joy. This journey isn’t about perfection—it's about unlocking your potential to live a vibrant, fulfilling life that's rooted in happiness and freedom. "If we keep thinking it's just calories in and calories out and following rigid rules, we're getting unhealthier. It's backfiring, it's not working. It's a huge problem in our society. Health is about freedom. It's about freedom to enjoy life's moments, eat the cake at the party, and the barbecue on the 4th of July without guilt. It's the guilt that's killing us. It's the shame that's killing us. It's not the food." - Leslie Thornton What you will learn from this episode: 03:28 - First of the four phases of the HEAL method: Hypnosis and its benefits 05:21 - Second phase: Emotional mastery, its purpose and benefits 06:37 - The third phase: Aligned authentic actions and the things you'll learn in this phase 08:07 - Introducing the fourth part of the HEAL method: Learn lasting self-care, the three key things you'll learn and its benefits 08:37 -   "HEAL Method"  and how it addresses emotional eating and subconscious beliefs through holistic approach rather than relying on temporary tactics like calorie counting or trendy diets 11:51 - Explaining the deeper emotional and mental aspects behind weight struggles 17:13 - Reflecting on the regrets of the dying, emphasizing that many people live according to others' expectations rather than staying true to themselves 21:42 - How true health is not about being skinny, but about feeling good in all aspects of life 26:45 - Leslie sharing how her true fulfillment comes from seeing people courageously take action and implement the lessons to transform themselves and their families 30:06 - Emphasizing how the HEAL method is not about fixing people but about helping them realize their inherent worth and guiding them to uncover the best version of themselves Valuable Resources: Free Monthly Hypnosis for Weight Loss Session Join the 8-week Fastrack to Food Freedom Program -Guaranteed mental and emotional freedom from food  Connect With Leslie Thornton: Book A Clarity Call Free 2 Hour Masterclass—How I Lost Weight Permanently and Stopped Stress Eating without Dieting or Strenuous Exercise Website Facebook LinkedIn Email: Leslie@hpwl.co If you enjoy the podcast, Would you please consider leaving a quick review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes in under 60 seconds? It brightens our day and helps us bring you incredible guests for top-notch content. Plus, I cherish reading every review! Click here to make a difference!

  2. Ep 267 Meet Krista H. HPWL graduate-Busy moms can do this too!

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    Ep 267 Meet Krista H. HPWL graduate-Busy moms can do this too!

    Are you a busy mom struggling to find balance between parenting, work, and self-care? Do you feel overwhelmed, constantly putting everyone else’s needs before your own, only to feel exhausted and emotionally drained? It’s a familiar challenge for so many mothers, juggling the roles of caring for one's personal, family life, and career.  Meet Krista H., an HPWL graduate, who knows exactly how it feels to be in that space. In today’s podcast, she shares her journey of emotional transformation—learning to validate her own feelings, connect more deeply with her children and spouse, and find peace in the small, everyday moments. Krista proves that even with a busy schedule, moms can reclaim control over their emotional well-being and, in turn, become more present, empowered, and free. Find out how you, too, can make this shift. Discover how Krista did it—and how you can, too! "Even though the program itself is over, whatever we've completed, we're continuing to extend the things that I've learned into now. It's never going to be the right time. You're never going to have all the money that you wish that you had. And so with what you do have at this moment, I feel like it's worth doing it. Because, then, you can keep reaping the benefits." - Krista H. What you will learn from this episode: 01:08 - Krista sharing her journey of losing her sense of identity after leaving her career and enduring personal traumas, which led her to seek support through the Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss program 04:03 - The turning point where she realized she needed to make a change to improve her well-being for both herself and her family 07:10 - Recognizing the necessity of prioritizing her own well-being despite the difficulty of asking for time for herself and sacrificing family routines 08:51 - What makes the Hypnosis program different from the previous experiences with various forms of therapy 11:41 - How real transformation comes from learning to connect with and feel your emotions, rather than just intellectualizing them 13:05 - The need to truly work through your emotions instead of just trying to "fix" them 16:27 - Describing how releasing deeply held emotions brought Krista a sense of freedom and lightness 20:17 - Number one lesson from the Hypnosis program: Her struggles with food and body image were never truly about the food itself but were driven by deeper emotional issues. 23:58 - What working through her emotions and finding alignment gifted her with 27:46 - How she is more aware of her children's emotions and giving them space and validation even with the challenges of parenting 31:12 - Krista's encouraging words to everyone who is going through the same situation as hers Valuable Resources: Free Monthly Hypnosis for Weight Loss Session Join the 8-week Fastrack to Food Freedom Program -Guaranteed mental and emotional freedom from food  Connect With Leslie Thornton: Book A Clarity Call Free 2 Hour Masterclass—How I Lost Weight Permanently and Stopped Stress Eating without Dieting or Strenuous Exercise Website Facebook LinkedIn Email: Leslie@hpwl.co If you enjoy the podcast, Would you please consider leaving a quick review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes in under 60 seconds? It brightens our day and helps us bring you incredible guests for top-notch content. Plus, I cherish reading every review! Click here to make a difference!

  3. 7 DE OUT.

    Ep 266 Meet HPWL Graduate Tess -Intimacy Re-created!

    Have you ever felt like you’re constantly striving but still not feeling aligned with who you truly are? Whether it’s your body image, your relationships, or your overall sense of self-worth, many people find themselves stuck in a cycle of self-criticism and external validation. As women especially, we’ve been conditioned to meet certain standards, often neglecting our own needs and desires in the process. But what happens when we don’t give ourselves permission to be authentic, and how does that impact our health and happiness? Suppressing your true self can lead to more than just emotional discomfort—it can take a toll on your physical well-being. When we prioritize others' expectations over our own needs, we can find ourselves disconnected, not only from those around us but from our own bodies. This disconnection can affect our relationships, self-confidence, and even contribute to unhealthy behaviors like emotional eating. Worse, long-term suppression of emotions and lack of self-expression can lead to chronic stress, which may result in serious health issues. Without addressing this disconnect, the cycle continues, leaving us feeling stuck and powerless.  Tess's journey is a testament to how a disconnected life makes herself disempowered. But once she learned to embrace her authentic self and changed her mindset, that became a gamechanger for her and that's when her healing happened. And that healing starts with permission—permission to be yourself, to explore your emotions, and to live in alignment with your true desires. Hypnosis can be a powerful tool in achieving this empowerment, helping you access the deeper layers of your mind to reprogram limiting beliefs and break free from old patterns. By taking ownership of your emotional health, setting boundaries, and exploring methods like hypnosis, you can rewrite the way you engage with yourself and others. Tune in to today's episode with Tess and learn how giving yourself this permission and utilizing tools like hypnosis can lead to lasting empowerment and authentic self-love. "It's amazing how our lives would change when we give ourselves permission, permission to explore the feeling, permission to dive deep, permission to eat if you are hungry, permission to wear that outfit because you like it. It's the overarching surprise element for empowering myself." - Tess What you will learn from this episode: 01:51 - Tess's transformative journey from feeling isolated and frustrated with weight struggles to finding empowerment, self-acceptance, and emotional healing 12:57 - Admitting her fear of failure and feelings of disempowerment but ultimately trusting the coach to guide her through the process 14:44 - Encouraging others to explore their fear of failure as the program helps shift that mindset and focus on internal growth rather than fear of failure 19:54 - How her insecurities during menopause affected her intimacy and self-perception and realizing that her negative self-image did not reflect how her partner viewed her 25:55 -Sharing a crucial part of healing and reclaiming self-confidence 30:23 - The way we engage with ourselves influences how others interact with us, emphasizing the importance of self-love, setting boundaries, and healing from within 32:20 - Sharing the most beautiful surprise from the program: Empowerment that came from giving herself permission to explore her feelings, embrace her desires, and rediscover her true self beyond external factors like weight Valuable Resources: Free Monthly Hypnosis for Weight Loss Session Join the 8-week Fastrack to Food Freedom Program -Guaranteed mental and emotional freedom from food  Connect With Leslie Thornton: Book A Clarity Call Free 2 Hour Masterclass—How I Lost Weight Permanently and Stopped Stress Eating without Dieting or Strenuous Exercise Website Facebook LinkedIn Email: Leslie@hpwl.co If you enjoy the podcast, Would you please consider leaving a quick review on App

  4. Ep 265 How to Update Your Weight Loss Software

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    Ep 265 How to Update Your Weight Loss Software

    Do you find yourself constantly thinking about food, body image, and weight, yet never feeling satisfied with the results? Many people struggle with the emotional and mental weight of food issues, and after years of restrictive dieting or exercising, they feel stuck—like their "weight loss software" is outdated and malfunctioning. The problem isn't just the inability to keep the weight off. It’s the endless mental chatter about what to eat, how to look, and the guilt that comes with every decision. You've spent so much time caring for others—your family, your career—yet when it comes to your own needs, they often fall to the bottom of the list. Meanwhile, your health suffers, stress builds up, and life seems to slip away, one unaddressed issue at a time. How many years will you continue to put off taking care of yourself? The solution is not another diet or exercise program. It’s about upgrading your mindset, allowing yourself to invest in what truly matters: your health, your happiness, and ultimately, your freedom. When you update your "weight loss software," you learn to trust your instincts, manage your emotions, and let go of the guilt. This transformation doesn’t just change your relationship with food—it changes your life. And the best part? It starts with the decision to prioritize you.  "I wanna invite you to stop judging yourself. Stop making yourself wrong and bad for not staying consistent and for why can't I do this? And what's wrong with me? That is such a disempowering state. It has nothing to do with you. It just has to do with the fact that you don't know what you don't know. You don't know that there's a way to think differently about something. You don't know that there can be joy in stress. You don't know that there can be happiness every single day of your life. But you can't get that unless you take action, unless you do something different." - Leslie Thornton  What you will learn from this episode: 01:03 - Leslie touching on a common struggle of most people with weight management and motivation, particularly the cyclical nature of diets and lifestyle changes 07:19 - Exploring the challenges many face in breaking free from unhealthy cycles related to diet, emotional eating, and self-criticism 15:37 - Reframing challenges as natural consequences of focusing on bigger priorities 21:11 - Insights into the value of investing in high-ticket coaching and the transformative impact it can have on personal and professional growth 23:54 - Sharing a personal and client-focused reflection on the power of investing in coaching and trusting one's intuition in making significant decisions 30:19 - Sharing a personal story about a significant investment she made in a high-ticket coaching program and how it led her to an entirely new network of people 35:30 - Addressing the importance of investing in oneself, particularly when it comes to health and emotional well-being Valuable Resources: Free Monthly Hypnosis for Weight Loss Session Join the 8-week Fastrack to Food Freedom Program -Guaranteed mental and emotional freedom from food  Connect With Leslie Thornton: Book A Clarity Call Free 2 Hour Masterclass—How I Lost Weight Permanently and Stopped Stress Eating without Dieting or Strenuous Exercise Website Facebook LinkedIn Email: Leslie@hpwl.co If you enjoy the podcast, Would you please consider leaving a quick review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes in under 60 seconds? It brightens our day and helps us bring you incredible guests for top-notch content. Plus, I cherish reading every review! Click here to make a difference!

  5. Ep 264 How I lost 30 lbs and stopped stress-eating without dieting or exercise

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    Ep 264 How I lost 30 lbs and stopped stress-eating without dieting or exercise

    Ever wondered why, no matter how many diets you try, the weight just keeps coming back? Or why stress-eating seems impossible to stop, even when you know it’s sabotaging your progress? It can feel like an endless cycle of restriction and guilt, with food constantly on your mind, draining your energy and joy. The frustration of trying every fad diet, battling constant cravings, and still not feeling at peace with food can be overwhelming. You might even feel like you’ll never be free from the mental exhaustion of thinking about what you should or shouldn’t eat, especially in social situations or during vacations. It's like living in a prison built from food rules and body image struggles. But, there’s a way to finally break free from this cycle—without counting calories, giving up your favorite foods, or spending hours in the gym. In today’s episode, Leslie shares her story of how she lost 30 pounds and stopped stress-eating for good, not through dieting or exercise, but by addressing the real reasons behind her food struggles. You’ll discover how true food freedom is possible, and how you can experience peace with your body and mind—permanently. "I need you to understand it is not about knowing better. All my clients could write multiple books on how to lose weight. Is that doing anything? It's not about knowing better in any of the scenarios. I had this epiphany that the reason I could never actually stay consistent with my weight and eating was because I wasn't dealing with my underlying issues --- my fears, my beliefs, my thoughts, my emotions, where my weight issues started in the first place. I started working on that." - Leslie Thornton What you will learn from this episode: 03:40 - Addressing the common experience of weight loss followed by weight regain, emphasizing the harsh reality many face after dieting 06:27 - Leslie's clients' wins -- thanks to this holistic method that is more than just weight loss 14:35 - Sharing metaphors of what a diet mentality is and her personal journey and the process behind her HEAL method for overcoming weight and food-related challenges 25:22 - Find out more of Leslie's client's success stories highlighting the transformative power of the holistic approach 29:07 - Check out this FREE brand new two-hour masterclass called: How I Stopped Stress Eating and Lost Weight Permanently Without Diet Plans or Excessive Exercise 31:28 -  First key "secret" to permanent weight loss: Hypnosis, not willpower 36:42 - Listen to this success story and how Leslie's approach impacted his life 39:57 - Discussing the 2nd key 'secret' to permanent weight loss: Emotional mastery 44:20 - Leslie shares secret number three: Align with your authentic self 48:45 - Introducing key secret number four: Learning lasting self-care 53:02 - Addressing common concerns and questions on staying consistent with empowered eating and offering a method designed to break free from emotional eating and creating lasting weight loss 57:06 - Sharing a client testimonial of a powerful experience during a complimentary session with Leslie and offering more details about the complimentary call 01:05:07 - Sharing a remarkable story about a client who just completed her Fast Track to Freedom program Valuable Resources: Free Monthly Hypnosis for Weight Loss Session Join the 8-week Fastrack to Food Freedom Program -Guaranteed mental and emotional freedom from food  Connect With Leslie Thornton: Book A Clarity Call Free 2 Hour Masterclass—How I Lost Weight Permanently and Stopped Stress Eating without Dieting or Strenuous Exercise Website Facebook LinkedIn Email: Leslie@hpwl.co If you enjoy the podcast, Would you please consider leaving a quick review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes in under 60 seconds? It brightens our day and helps us bring you incredible guests for top-notch content. Plus, I cherish reading every review! Click here to make a difference!

  6. Ep 263 Meet Michelle Chalfant of the Adult Chair

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    Ep 263 Meet Michelle Chalfant of the Adult Chair

    Have you ever found yourself reaching for that extra slice of bread or indulging in a snack just an hour after lunch, even though you're not really hungry? It’s a common struggle, one that often feels like an uncontrollable urge, driven by something deeper than physical hunger. But what if those impulses were more than just bad habits or weak willpower? What if they were signals from different parts of ourselves, parts that need attention and care?  In today’s episode, we explore how identifying these underlying emotional triggers can transform the way we approach food and decision-making. By learning to pause, check in with ourselves, and ask, “Who’s really hungry?” we can begin to make choices from a place of empowerment rather than compulsion. Join us as our guest, Michelle dives into the life-changing practice of mindful self-awareness and parts work to regain control over our choices. Michelle Chalfant has a master’s in counseling and she opened a private practice, wanting solutions for her own challenges and helping others going through the same thing. But as she practiced, she felt something was still missing. So, she allowed her curiosity to lead her to amazing mentors, books, classes and methods across spirituality and psychology. Her training includes energy medicine, meridian therapy, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), PSYCH-K, chakra balancing, meditation, intuition, and yoga. And finally, while studying under very wise teachers, she developed The Adult Chair model, which has helped thousands of people gain awareness, freedom and discover their truest selves. Today, she's combined 25 years of seeking and studying to give her clients a roadmap for a happy, peaceful and powerful life. Her practical tools and integrated, experiential approach will help one uncover and heal old wounds, remove one's mask and guide one toward his most authentic self — which will lead to better relationships, reduced stress and true happiness and joy. "What I see that happens with people more than anything is they become what I call soul aligned. They start tapping into and touching into, and even prior to this coaching program, they start touching and tapping into their divine purpose." - Michelle Chalfant What you will learn from this episode: 03:49 - Sharing her personal journey of using food as a way to cope with emotional chaos from childhood 08:41 - Visualizing herself as a damaged package showing the deep emotional pain and self-perception she carried inside 11:40 - That the pivotal moment for her  and how she developed the "Adult Chair" model 18:20 - What an 'Adult Chair' model is about and its five pillars 19:45 - Addressing this emotional block through self-love and re-parenting to release old patterns, find peace, and become more compassionate with oneself 24:29 - How clients experience profound transformation as they transition from the adolescent to the adult chair, becoming more aligned with their true purpose 35:53 - Looking at triggers as a gift and how quantum parts work 39:01 -  True change requires subconscious work, action, and setting boundaries 45:50 - Using parts work to manage emotional eating by asking, "Who's hungry?"  49:40 - The importance of pausing to identify the underlying emotional triggers behind impulsive behaviors 51:07 - Check out Michelle's offer with a promo code HEAL:  https://courses.theadultchair.com/the-academy-of-awakening Connect with Michelle Chalfant:  Website: https://theadultchair.com/about-michelle/                           https://courses.theadultchair.com/the-academy-of-awakening Valuable Resources: Free Monthly Hypnosis for Weight Loss Session Join the 8-week Fastrack to Food Freedom Program -Guaranteed mental and emotional freedom from food  Connect With Leslie Thornton: Book A Clarity Call Free 2 Hour Masterclass—How I Lost Weight Permanently and Stopped Stress Eati

  7. Ep 262 Meet Stylist Jessica Papineau!

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    Ep 262 Meet Stylist Jessica Papineau!

    Have you ever wondered why so many women struggle to find lasting fulfillment, even when they seem to be doing everything right? Despite investing in themselves and their careers, many still feel disconnected, stuck, or afraid to fully embrace their desires. They’ve been conditioned to avoid discomfort, unknowingly holding back from true transformation. The result is a life lived half-heartedly, where joy feels out of reach. Jessica, our guest, understands this struggle all too well. After years of trauma and healing, she discovered that real joy can only be experienced when we lean into temporary pain. By avoiding these difficult emotions, women miss the opportunity for growth and empowerment. The fear of discomfort keeps them from realizing their full potential, both personally and professionally. The key to unlocking lasting transformation lies in embracing vulnerability, confronting limiting beliefs, and allowing pain to flow through. Jessica shares how this courageous process allowed her to achieve new heights in her business and life. Today, she’s on a mission to help other women experience the same transformation by creating a safe space for connection, growth, and expansion. Jessica Papineau has spent 25 years in the fashion industry, teaching women how to use fashion to serve their purpose, boost their confidence, and elevate their image. She has styled hundreds of women, from moms struggling to dress their postpartum bodies, to businesswomen seeking to level up in their careers, to seven-figure entrepreneurs, executives for billion-dollar global brands, online influencers with millions of followers, and professionals in the entertainment, sports, and music industries. A thought leader in fashion styling, her insights have been featured in various print publications and media outlets. She regularly partners with nonprofit organizations such as the Tidewell Foundation and SPARCC to donate high-end clothes and provide hope to people in need. In this episode, Jessica shares how leaning into temporary pain allowed her to experience true joy and personal transformation. She emphasizes that facing discomfort head-on helps overcome self-limiting beliefs and fosters growth. By embracing her fears she discovered the power and confidence to perform at her best. "The woman that says I'm gonna do it when..., they don't take the action first. So then what happens is nothing changes. And then when they do end up making the change, they make the change because they were literally brought to their knees. But what if we get curious and start to make those changes and take those actions before we actually felt ready to do so? How can that start transforming our lives now as opposed to waiting until we feel ready?" - Jessica Papineau What you will learn from this episode: 03:42 - Sharing a deeply personal and inspiring story of her journey from a humble, unconventional upbringing to becoming a stylist and empowering women 18:40 - Rediscovering her passion and building a successful business of empowering women to focus on their best features rather than what they dislike 26:40 - Discussing the core issue she helps women address: feelings of unworthiness 35:31 - The importance of having a safe space to share personal fears, anxieties, and shame, particularly around body image and food 37:56 - Emphasizing the importance of investing in oneself, noting that personal transformation isn't a quick fix but a lifelong journey 46:45 - Overcoming limiting beliefs and taking bold action to pursue one's dreams 56:05 - How trusting one's desires and energy opens doors to personal and professional growth 59:12 - Focusing on how building deep, meaningful connections with like-minded women transforms one's personal and professional life 01:04:13 - Explaining the structure and offerings of her newly launched app, which provides three tiers of membership for women 01:11:47 - The importance of fully embracing temporary pain to experi

  8. Ep 261 Meet Menopause Coach Torild Boe!

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    Ep 261 Meet Menopause Coach Torild Boe!

    Are you feeling like everything that once worked for you is suddenly ineffective? Many women experience this unsettling shift as they enter perimenopause and menopause, finding that their usual approaches to diet, exercise, sleep, and even emotional well-being no longer deliver the same results. This period of transition can be disorienting, marked by unexplained weight gain, anxiety, mood swings, and a loss of identity. The changes in your body and mind may leave you feeling powerless and frustrated, like you're losing control of the life you once knew. But what if these challenges were not obstacles but opportunities? Today’s episode explores how embracing this new chapter with the right support and strategies can lead to greater self-discovery, fulfillment, and well-being.  Our guest, Torild Boe has a mission to support women who are juggling increased responsibilities at home and at work. The combination of sleep deprivation, hormonal changes, and career pressures can create "The Perfect Storm", leading to anxiety and overwhelm. Hence, it's crucial to prioritize self-care to avoid burnout. She believes that the key to thriving in midlife is regaining control and reconnecting with what truly ignites your passion and purpose.  In this episode, Torild shares how understanding your body's changing needs, along with practices like breath work, mindfulness, and coaching, can help you not only navigate but thrive during this phase. By reframing these changes as part of your evolution and investing in yourself, you can rediscover who you truly are and set the stage for a vibrant, empowered postmenopausal life. "And not to say that everybody experiences this, but one in three women here in the UK find that these are debilitating symptoms[perimenopause] and it has an impact outside of the home, but also of course in the home and then in relationships. I feel that we are made aware and we are prepared so that we know how we can best support ourselves and those around us." - Torild Boe What you will learn from this episode: 05:11 - Sharing her personal journey through midlife challenges, a separation from her husband, and balancing the demands of a career and motherhood 10:21 - Discussing how many women experience significant psychological symptoms during perimenopause which can contribute to relationship conflicts and even divorce 13:28 - How life stressors, such as divorce or caring for aging parents, can exacerbate menopausal symptoms making them more intense 15:17 - Menopause as a pivotal time for personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual connection 17:55 - Going through a divorce during menopause highlighting the importance of mourning the past and accepting change 23:18 - Seeing that these challenges allowed her to reclaim her sense of self 27:57 - The importance of not falling into victimhood even during difficult transitions such as divorce and menopause 33:17 -  The need to reconnect with the body through practices like breath work, movement, and mindfulness during menopause and other transitional periods 36:57 - Acknowledging a temporary dip in emotional and mental well-being before reaching a more fulfilling state 38:39 - The need to evolve one’s habits and practices to better align with one’s current needs and goals 39:32 - What foods you can eat during menopause 40:37 - Her previous work before transitioning to her current role Connect with Torild Boe: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/torild-boe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/torild.boe/ Website: https://www.torildboe.com/ Valuable Resources: Free Monthly Hypnosis for Weight Loss Session Join the 8-week Fastrack to Food Freedom Program -Guaranteed mental and emotional freedom from food  Connect With Leslie Thornton: Book A Clarity Call Free 2 Hour Masterclass—How I Lost Weight Permanently and Stopped Stress Eating without Dieting or Strenuous Exercise Website Facebook LinkedIn  Email: Leslie@hpwl.co If you

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As a Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss Coach, I know how hard constantly dieting and exercising can be. That’s why I’m giving you my top tips and tactics for getting free from the traditional diet mentality. Whether you’ve just started your journey to self-awareness, or you’re already established and looking for new ways to let go of your anxieties and stress around food, you’ve come to the right place!

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