46 episodes

”Soft in our spirit, great strength appears”

Would you ever self invest in an affirmation such as ”I AM soft”, ”I AM gentle”, ”I AM kind”? When you hear the word soft, do you hear weakness or strength?

Join Melissa on the brand new podcast - I AM soft for stories and conversations on deep soul spiritual awakening, living a conscious life, conscious relationships and deep, delicious love...with an essence of softness that appears like a light even after the darkest of times.

I AM soft Podcast The Gentle Intuitive

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    • 5.0 • 1 Rating

”Soft in our spirit, great strength appears”

Would you ever self invest in an affirmation such as ”I AM soft”, ”I AM gentle”, ”I AM kind”? When you hear the word soft, do you hear weakness or strength?

Join Melissa on the brand new podcast - I AM soft for stories and conversations on deep soul spiritual awakening, living a conscious life, conscious relationships and deep, delicious love...with an essence of softness that appears like a light even after the darkest of times.

    45: *Trigger Warning* Relationships - Do I Stay Or Go?

    45: *Trigger Warning* Relationships - Do I Stay Or Go?

    Trigger Warning - Today's episode we spoke directly about "do I stay or do I go" in a relationship? Now this can be any type of relationship whether a friendship, intimate partner, boss or coworker, or even your relationship with money/material possessions/where you live. 
    This topic can be triggering for people, especially once we start to see the difference between attachments and love. We often believe we are loving our partner or being loving, yet it's our attachment (or comfort) and holding onto that attachment that starts to appear when we become aware of our inner repeating loops.
    When we choose the front door - new expansive experiences as opposed to repeating loops, we start to see, feel, sense and experience love at an authentic love frequency as opposed to gripping onto people and situations. 
    So what's the front door?
    We introduced the front door analogy as a visual we can hold in our mind when we are at the same crossroads again. The crossroad is the point we loop back to. We often, at this exact point, choose a known familiar like the back or side door such as empty promises, unchanged behaviour, repeating patterns, empty future promises, apologies that were just empty words just because we know that route so well.
    Once we no longer wish to repeat the pattern, we find ourselves back at the same crossroads either with the same partner or a different partner, but same pattern. This awareness is everything! It's a big transition and celebration point.
    The relationship itself at this crossroad is a symptom...not the problem yet we often try to mend the relationship, work on the relationship, blame communication or other issues, or go to therapy to try to make it "work". However, the real core wound is sitting at the crossroad to guide us WITHIN to ourselves. Not the other person. The cross road is a call to focus within. Most times, we choose the other person at this exact point or we go to well meaning friends or family to ask "what do you think".
    The greatest gift at this point is YOU! Your own voice. You can't hear your inner voice when you ask your friends...you only get their inner voice.
    This crossroad changes everything going forward when we can build the muscle of listening to our own inner voice (no matter how scary that sounds) and no longer open the back and side doors to misalignment. Your whole energy field changes, so only vibrational matches to you start to come through the front door. 
    The Front Door analogy allows us to see how important alignment is to us. Misaligned people, situations and relationships will drop away as they only keep you in the repeating loop vibration...the one you closed the door to. 
    From this space, we can trust and know within that the partner you are meant to be with will walk through the front door. Even if it's the same partner you repeated loops with in the past, they will ONLY stay in your field if they come through the front door vibration. You'll know it because of your alignment within (not by focusing on them. If we only count on looking for red flags, we've missed our alignment/inner voice). 
    So when we ask ourselves "should I stay or go in the relationship" or question whether this relationship is working?...what we are really asking is "should I stay or go to myself. Is the relationship with myself working?".
    This crossroad brought you to back into your aligned self. Welcome yourself back with a smile and hug. Now with awareness and clarity, we get to make different choices to change the repeating pattern and we get to walk along our life pathway with our tool belt of wisdom and discernment.
    Can you hear the knocking? The authentic love frequency is at the front door. Will you answer it?
    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.
    With and open and grateful heart,

    • 54 min
    44: Subconscious Mind Guided Meditation for New Beginnings

    44: Subconscious Mind Guided Meditation for New Beginnings

    New Beginnings. From all endings, a newness in the field appears in our ever changing world.

    Let's open the door to the new beginnings this new moon is helping us with.
    A small nest of baby birds invited us into this impromptu guided meditation session. We focused on our life pathway with two stops along the way before we came back to our path with fresh new beginnings.
    We changed our whole energy field by allowing what is unseen in our subconscious mind to show us what we need to see/feel/sense/know at this moment. 
    Find a safe, comfortable place where you'll be undisturbed for about 40 minutes to give yourself the full experience. You can sit up or lay down. The most important thing is to focus your intention to open to your highest love frequency. Give yourself permission to go into the deeper recesses of your subconscious mind and deeper pools of consciousness. Try not to judge anything that occurs through your experience - sensations, memories, tears, feelings or emotions. They are all there to be experienced in this moment.  
    If your mind wanders off, just bring it back to your focus on love in your heart. Your subconscious mind is still listening to the recording and trust all is perfectly unfolding in this moment.
    I hope you enjoy this gift from the baby bird's nest of new beginnings. They are almost ready to fly and start their new life.
    Subconscious Mind Guided Meditation for New Beginnings starts at 09:15-54:41
    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.
    With an open and grateful heart,

    • 54 min
    43: A Call To The Black Sheep, Misfits, Misunderstood Or Those Who Didn't Fit In Or Belong

    43: A Call To The Black Sheep, Misfits, Misunderstood Or Those Who Didn't Fit In Or Belong

    This Episode was a calling to all the black sheeps, the misfits, those who might have felt like they didn't belong or didn't fit in. Those who were misunderstood, misinterpreted or just felt and thought differently. 
    The whistle bird called this morning like a time to stand for the black sheep herd. But this time, we aren't labeled as a black sheep, we are simply being our authentic voice.
    The black sheep label only came from a time where the collective voice/group voice was louder than individual expression. It was a time of toughness, resilience, war, fighting, black and white thinking. 
    Every black sheep I have ever had the honour of crossing paths with were the most gentle, kind and loving souls that were often confused, hurt and in pain as to why they were being mistreated, unseen, misheard, excluded and rejected. They didn't consciously choose to be enmeshed or estranged, different, rule breakers, radical thinkers or rebellious. In fact, they just wanted to be accepted. They just came from a deep, wise soul energy that was here to be love. 
    The energy has now shifted to everyone now finding their inner authentic voice, their authentic being and being accepted and loved for who they are. We are all realizing that our hearts are the most powerful way to connect with self and others.
    everyone deserves to be loved for exactly who they are 
    not what they do
    not what they give 
    not what they sacrifice 
    authentically loved and feeling safe for simply 'being'
    in each and every present moment
    The collective voice are now starting to realise that they all have a black sheep voice inside of them and you (as a once labeled black sheep) are being called to help love, support and guide at this time.
    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.
    With an open and grateful heart,

    • 41 min
    42: What If Our Intuition Was A Compass In Our Heart?

    42: What If Our Intuition Was A Compass In Our Heart?

    What if our intuition was like a compass in our heart? Helping to speak and guide us on our life journey?
    How would that change the way we consciously create?
    We are always creating, always manifesting, always being. We are creative beings that can bring things into existence through multiple ways.
    In Episode 42, we spoke about how desires in the egoic mind are always there. We gave them the visual of an Apple Pie, or a Key Lime Pie, or a Pavlova, or whatever you love. Those desires will always be there. They will get bigger and more and have a wanting and chasing energy about them. We are constantly being shown what Apple Pies are in the external world, how many you should have, how many others have and how big they should be. The Apple Pies can be distracting, often drowning out our intuition.   
    We spoke about peeling back the loudness and busyness of those outer desires to our inner intuitive voice. Like a compass that guides us along through our creative energies. We can choose to focus our attention and energy flow to "more" through detachment. We live in a paradoxical world where the more we detach from the destination or outcome and allow creation to bring us back into equilibrium, the more authentic, abundant and prosperous our world becomes. 
    When our intuition speaks, do we listen and obey or listen and follow right then in that moment?
    Or do we ignore and follow the blueprint or steps of the material world instead? Looking for "proof" or questioning the validity? 
    The more we listen and obey/follow our intuitive compass, the stronger the true north reading we get. It means we focus on our compass no matter how many Apply Pies we can see, hear or are tempted by. We know if we follow our authentic creations, like the water we flow and like the seed, we grow.
    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.
    With an open and grateful heart,

    • 45 min
    41: Choose You On Day 1 And Every Day to Pumpkin Harvest...And Then Start The Cycle Again

    41: Choose You On Day 1 And Every Day to Pumpkin Harvest...And Then Start The Cycle Again

    As a child, I buried my favorite fish that had died. I wasn't sad. I just knew it would be ok. Without a doubt...as crazy as that sounds. The next morning, I went and dug my fish up...it was swimming around alive! I had buried my fish in a container of water. It was one of my Mum's most loved Tupperware containers from the 80's. I screamed in excitement "my fish is alive, my fish is alive"!
    To this day, I don't know how my fish came back. I don't have an answer for you, but what I do know is that I had no doubt at all that my fish would be ok. Rock solid knowing that all is well.
    Let's use this story to open the door to rock solid knowing in our creation/our project that we started yesterday. If you listened to Episode 40 and participated, we started a creation of some kind that we wanted to bring to life. Whether that's reading a new book or writing a book, starting a course, applying for new jobs, starting a new exercise routine, opening that coffee shop you always wanted, or creating that side hustle. Anything that we feel called to bring alive. 
    Today we spoke about the rock solid knowing that when we planted the pumpkin seed, there is a pumpkin to harvest in 70-120 days depending on the variety. We used this timeframe to show how we can focus on the pumpkin knowing it is there right now - just in a seed form. We won't see anything under the soil for some time, but we still need to be focused and disciplined every day to choose ourselves and our pumpkin FIRST! 
    When we choose ourselves right now in this exact moment at the starting day of seed planting and every day to pumpkin harvest day, others start to choose us too. Why? Because we chose ourselves no matter what everyday. We birthed our creation in love and held our vision of our pumpkin even when it was a tiny seed. Even when no one else saw it, we kept choosing our pumpkin through the highs and lows. 
    In 70-120 days...our pumpkin is here - that book you finished writing is ready to be published, your fitness changed from your new exercise routine, you finished the course you were wanting to always do, your song that you recorded is ready to be released, your products are stocked in your new shop outlet or online store...It could be anything. 
    The key here is to keep choosing self every day and stay with rock solid knowing. You don't tell the seed what to do or try to control it as it grows into a pumpkin. The seed innately knows what to do as it's held and supported and guided by the earth. It's miraculous!
    Just like the seed, you are also planted in the earth, held and supported. You innately know what to do at each small step every day. Stay focused and disciplined on you. Follow the small compounding steps. Harvest time, your pumpkin is there to be shared, experienced, loved and then the cycle begins again with new growth, new creations, new expanded consciousness. You are miraculous!
    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.
    With an open and grateful heart,

    • 43 min
    40: To Be A Pumpkin, Plant The Seed. Take Small Compounding Steps

    40: To Be A Pumpkin, Plant The Seed. Take Small Compounding Steps

    Be a wildly thriving pumpkin. What??? 

    Today, we used the story of planting a pumpkin seed. The first small step in the direction of growing into a pumpkin. Nurturing our pumpkin seeds each day as a priority over time. A vine starts to grow and then a pumpkin appears. Once the pumpkin is ripened, we get to experience the deliciousness of the roast pumpkin or pumpkin soup, and then we replant the seeds again. The cycle continues. Pumpkins growing wildly also grow extra pumpkins, and more fruits or in this case, more vegetables appear! We thrive in small steps that compound over time into our dreams, our goals, our creations.
    Be a pumpkin today in this moment. Just the first step of planting your seeds. Take 1 minute, 20 minutes or whatever time you need to start your first step. Maybe it's a new exercise routine. Maybe it's starting that side hustle business or applying for a new job. Maybe it's starting that course or book or maybe writing that book you always wanted. It could be anything, but that anything takes the very first step of planting the seed.
    Try not to get caught in the egoic mind of "how". Try not to let not having the exactly right resources to start. Try not to let perfection stop you from just planting the seed. Use whatever you have right now to start. Your journey will change as you keep going, but for now start with what you have got. Try not to look online as to how others do similar things or anything that will put doubt into your field. Your natural way of being will be the exact superpower you need. JUST START!
    I really did plant pumpkin seeds for us today in the garden. Let's use this story to help us all start and grow in our next inspired project, whatever that may look like.
    Remember, we are not our project or the result. The project/creation is just growing with us in a cycle from a seed to a pumpkin and then starting the cycle again. We are the experience, not the end result. So enjoy the journey no matter what comes our way. Let's grow together. 
    Let's start! Get planting!
    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.
    With an open and grateful heart,

    • 35 min

Customer Reviews

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1 Rating

LBM4 ,

Heart opening & empowering

I love the way Mel tells stories that feel relatable and easy to receive the wisdom from. Her energy alone is healing. The way she shares is authentically expressed and I always feel grounded back to my true nature of wholeness listening to her. I highly recommend her podcast!

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