The Tony Kornheiser Show
"The Tony Kornheiser Show" (now available exclusively on-demand) is a topical, daily talk show that starts with sports and quickly moves into politics, current events, entertainment and, really, whatever happens to be on Tony’s mind that day. The format of the show—regular sit-in guests with familiar interviews and segments—highlights not only the unique perspective of Tony Kornheiser but also the expertise of his network of friends. Join one of the most recognizable and outspoken commentators of sports and entertainment (longtime radio host in Washington, DC and current co-host of ESPN's PTI) and enjoy original episodes published every weekday starting September 6th.
Hosts & Guests
Information for Life.
Left turn, jog right, right turn, left turn, left turn, left turn, right turn. I’ve also got the Vikes by two.
Hilarious, witty Pensive
Tony is incredibly bright and offers expert opinions on matters of sports. But that’s just the beginning! His comments about life, traffic, food, etc. are incredibly funny. His guests impart insights to help me enjoy spots at a deeper level. The show pulls in musicians and bands playing original tunes, show’s Tony’s deep appreciation of music. The best part of the show is the mail bag. The emails are thoughtful, well written and FUNNY! Keep up the great work.
Translates into Zoo in English. Great international podcast!
Todd Picks
Ask up-Chuck about his presidential election pick. Go ahead and ask Mr. Snark Carville about his too? Maybe both along with Michael should get a real job. Tired of losing libs?
- CreatorThis Show Stinks Productions, LLC
- Years Active2016 - 2024
- Episodes387
- RatingClean
- Copyright© 2023 This Show Stinks Productions, LLC. All rights reserved.
- Show Website