Your College Bound Kid | Admission Tips, Admission Trends & Admission Interviews

Mark Stucker
Your College Bound Kid | Admission Tips, Admission Trends & Admission Interviews

Admission Tips, Admission Trends & Admission InterviewsAdmission Interviews Our mission is to "make college knowledge available to all." Each Thursday, the "Your College-Bound Kid" podcast will discuss a hot college topic in the news; we will answer a question or two that listeners send in, we will interview a "thought leader" in the world of college admissions, and do a "deep-dive," we call Spotlights on a College. Every Monday, we have a second episode to discuss a "hot topic" and interview a "thought leader" in the admissions or college life world. YCBK combines "in-depth knowledge" with a light, easy-to-listen conversational style. We have eight co-hosts, six college counselors, and two current admissions officers, including an Admissions Dean

  1. 3D AGO

    A Mom Shares How She Almost Fell Into “The College Admissions Trap”

    In this episode you will hear:   (07:22) In The News Lisa and Mark share and discuss a powerful letter from a mom about how she almost fell into the “College Admission Trap”   (28:22) Question from a listener:  Mark and Hillary discuss the importance of a college being able to predict who will come   (43:44) Interview: Frequently Asked Questions about 529 Plans, Julie Shields-Rutyna and Jonathan Hughes from MEFA, Part 4 of 4 Preview of Part 4 ·         Julie talks about the research that Dr. William Elliot from the University of Michigan has done on the psychological benefits of 529 Plans for students and parents, even if the contribution is really ·         Jonathan discusses whether a 529 Plan can be used for Job training ·         Julie talks about the 529-A aka the 529-Able and how that is different from the traditional 529 plans ·         Julie mentions a range of qualified expenses that very few people know that the 529-A can be used for ·         I ask Julie whether this is very subjective or are the disabilities clearly defined ·         Jonathan talks about whether you can transfer money from a 529 Plan to the 529-Able plan ·         Jonathan talks about whether a student can use their 529 for International universities and he tells you how you can know if a specific International school is eligible for 529 usage ·         Jonathan talks about the growth of Child Savings Accounts in different states and he tells us what a Child Savings Account Is ·         Jonathan tells us what Oklahoma, Massachusetts and Maine are doing with CSA’s ·         Jonathan and Julie talk about how you can reach them if you have additional 529 questions   (56:32) Recommended Resource-CLEP and Modern States is our method if you want to ask a question and we will be prioritizing all questions sent in via Speakpipe. Unfortunately, we will NOT answer questions on the podcast anymore that are emailed in. If you want us to answer a question on the podcast, please use We feel hearing from our listeners in their own voices adds to the community feel of our podcast.   You can also use this for many other purposes: 1) Send us constructive criticism about how we can improve our podcast 2) Share an encouraging word about something you like about an episode or the podcast in general 3) Share a topic or an article you would like us to address 4) Share a speaker you want us to interview 5) Leave positive feedback for one of our interviewees. We will send your verbal feedback directly to them and I can almost assure you, your positive feedback will make their day.   To sign up to receive Your College-Bound Kid PLUS, our new monthly admissions newsletter, delivered directly to your email once a month, just go to, and you will see the sign-up popup. We will include many of the hot topics being discussed on college campuses.   Check out our new blog. We write timely and insightful articles on college admissions:   Follow Mark Stucker on Twitter to get breaking college admission news, and updates about the podcast before they go live. You can ask questions on Twitter that he will answer on the podcast. Mark will also share additional hot topics in the news and breaking news on this Twitter feed. Twitter message is also the preferred way to ask questions for our podcast:   1. To access our transcripts, click: 2. Find the specific episode transcripts for the one you want to search and click the link 3. Find the magnifying glass icon in blue (search feature) and click it 4. Enter whatever word you want to search. I.e. Loans 5. Every word in that episode when the words loans are used, will be highlighted in yellow with a timestamps 6. Click the word highlighted in yellow and the player will play the episode from that starting point 7. You can also download the entire podcast as a transcript   We would be honored if you will pass this podcast episode on to others who you feel will benefit from the content in YCBK.   Please subscribe to our podcast. It really helps us move up in Apple’s search feature so others can find our podcast.   If you enjoy our podcast, would you please do us a favor and share our podcast both verbally and on social media? We would be most grateful!   If you want to help more people find Your College-Bound Kid, please make sure you follow our podcast. You will also get instant notifications as soon as each episode goes live.   Check out the college admissions books Mark recommends:   Check out the college websites Mark recommends:   If you want to have some input about what you like and what you recommend, we change about our podcast, please complete our Podcast survey; here is the link:     If you want a college consultation with Mark or Lisa or Lynda, just text Mark at 404-664-4340 or email Lisa at or Lynda at All we ask is that you review their services and pricing on their website before the complimentary session; here is link to their services with transparent pricing:

    1h 15m
  2. 6D AGO

    Forbes College Financial Grades Reveal Stable vs Struggling Colleges

    In this episode you will hear:   Mark discusses new changes to the Common App, and then he gives he describes Forbes College Financial Grades, a tool you cn use to know which colleges are stable financially and which colleges are struggling financially? Mark interviews Kathleen deLaski, Founder of the Education Design Lab Preview of Part 4 ²  Kathleen and I discuss the correlation between parent involvement and high achievement ²  Kathleen tells our listeners what the Year Up program is ²  Kathleen tells us what a skills genome is ²  Kathleen tells us what the badging movement is ²  Kathleen talks about what she calls the edu-training ecosystem ²  Kathleen says colleges need to be re-imagined and she explains what she calls, “the great college reset” ²  Kathleen talks about students are strategically using Coursera to hack their way to a good job is our method if you want to ask a question and we will be prioritizing all questions sent in via Speakpipe. Unfortunately, we will NOT answer questions on the podcast anymore that are emailed in. If you want us to answer a question on the podcast, please use We feel hearing from our listeners in their own voices adds to the community feel of our podcast.   You can also use this for many other purposes: 1) Send us constructive criticism about how we can improve our podcast 2) Share an encouraging word about something you like about an episode or the podcast in general 3) Share a topic or an article you would like us to address 4) Share a speaker you want us to interview 5) Leave positive feedback for one of our interviewees. We will send your verbal feedback directly to them and I can almost assure you, your positive feedback will make their day.   To sign up to receive Your College-Bound Kid PLUS, our new monthly admissions newsletter, delivered directly to your email once a month, just go to, and you will see the sign-up popup. We will include many of the hot topics being discussed on college campuses.   Check out our new blog. We write timely and insightful articles on college admissions:   Follow Mark Stucker on Twitter to get breaking college admission news, and updates about the podcast before they go live. You can ask questions on Twitter that he will answer on the podcast. Mark will also share additional hot topics in the news and breaking news on this Twitter feed. Twitter message is also the preferred way to ask questions for our podcast:   1. To access our transcripts, click: 2. Find the specific episode transcripts for the one you want to search and click the link 3. Find the magnifying glass icon in blue (search feature) and click it 4. Enter whatever word you want to search. I.e. Loans 5. Every word in that episode when the words loans are used, will be highlighted in yellow with a timestamps 6. Click the word highlighted in yellow and the player will play the episode from that starting point 7. You can also download the entire podcast as a transcript   We would be honored if you will pass this podcast episode on to others who you feel will benefit from the content in YCBK.   Please subscribe to our podcast. It really helps us move up in Apple’s search feature so others can find our podcast.   If you enjoy our podcast, would you please do us a favor and share our podcast both verbally and on social media? We would be most grateful!   If you want to help more people find Your College-Bound Kid, please make sure you follow our podcast. You will also get instant notifications as soon as each episode goes live.   Check out the college admissions books Mark recommends:   Check out the college websites Mark recommends:   If you want to have some input about what you like and what you recommend, we change about our podcast, please complete our Podcast survey; here is the link:     If you want a college consultation with Mark or Lisa or Lynda, just text Mark at 404-664-4340 or email Lisa at or Lynda at All we ask is that you review their services and pricing on their website before the complimentary session; here is link to their services with transparent pricing:

    1h 1m
  3. MAR 6

    After You Hit Submit, “What Else Do You Need To Do”?

    In this episode you will hear:   (01:56) In The News A mom asks a very important question, Should you ever skip optional questions. Hillary and Mark start out discussing this question but they bounce around and cover a lot of topics including, about 15 minutes discussing “why it is so important for a college to know which students are coming   (28:44) Interview: Frequently Asked Questions about 529 Plans, Julie Shields-Rutyna and Jonathan Hughes from MEFA, Part 3 of 4     Preview of Part 3 ·         S Julie answers the question, what happens if a family saves money and then the student decides that they do not want to go to college, what options does the owner of the 529 plan have? ·         Jonathan and Julie answer the question, Is it true that parents should first take care of their own retirement before they fund a 529 plan? ·         Jonathan tells us where our listeners can learn about their 529 plan options. ·         Jonathan talks about the difference between direct sold vs advisor sold 529 plans ·         Julie tells us how 529 Plans are handled from a financial aid standpoint, and she talks about how this differs from a Coverdale or UTMA and UGMA. ·         Julie also talks about the recent changes in how grandparent-owned 529 plans are assessed ·         Jonathan talks about how you can roll over an UTMA or UGMA to a 529 Plan ·         Julie talks about the rate that the 529 plan is assessed in the asset calculation compared to other savings options ·         Jonathan tells us when a family should start investing in a 529 Plan ·         Julie talks about some of the differences between the 529 Plans and the UTMA, UGMA and Coverdale plans ·         Jonathan tells us whether a parent should still contribute to a 529 when their child is in college ·         Julie and Jonathan talk about whether there is an income cap that restricts high income families from contributing to a 529 Plan   (47:10) Question from a listener:  Lisa and Lynda answer a question from an anonymous listener, “after you hit submit, what else do you need to do”. Lisa and Lynda.” is our method if you want to ask a question and we will be prioritizing all questions sent in via Speakpipe. Unfortunately, we will NOT answer questions on the podcast anymore that are emailed in. If you want us to answer a question on the podcast, please use We feel hearing from our listeners in their own voices adds to the community feel of our podcast.   You can also use this for many other purposes: 1) Send us constructive criticism about how we can improve our podcast 2) Share an encouraging word about something you like about an episode or the podcast in general 3) Share a topic or an article you would like us to address 4) Share a speaker you want us to interview 5) Leave positive feedback for one of our interviewees. We will send your verbal feedback directly to them and I can almost assure you, your positive feedback will make their day.   To sign up to receive Your College-Bound Kid PLUS, our new monthly admissions newsletter, delivered directly to your email once a month, just go to, and you will see the sign-up popup. We will include many of the hot topics being discussed on college campuses.   Check out our new blog. We write timely and insightful articles on college admissions:   Follow Mark Stucker on Twitter to get breaking college admission news, and updates about the podcast before they go live. You can ask questions on Twitter that he will answer on the podcast. Mark will also share additional hot topics in the news and breaking news on this Twitter feed. Twitter message is also the preferred way to ask questions for our podcast:   1. To access our transcripts, click: 2. Find the specific episode transcripts for the one you want to search and click the link 3. Find the magnifying glass icon in blue (search feature) and click it 4. Enter whatever word you want to search. I.e. Loans 5. Every word in that episode when the words loans are used, will be highlighted in yellow with a timestamps 6. Click the word highlighted in yellow and the player will play the episode from that starting point 7. You can also download the entire podcast as a transcript   We would be honored if you will pass this podcast episode on to others who you feel will benefit from the content in YCBK.   Please subscribe to our podcast. It really helps us move up in Apple’s search feature so others can find our podcast.   If you enjoy our podcast, would you please do us a favor and share our podcast both verbally and on social media? We would be most grateful!   If you want to help more people find Your College-Bound Kid, please make sure you follow our podcast. You will also get instant notifications as soon as each episode goes live.   Check out the college admissions books Mark recommends:   Check out the college websites Mark recommends:   If you want to have some input about what you like and what you recommend, we change about our podcast, please complete our Podcast survey; here is the link:     If you want a college consultation with Mark or Lisa or Lynda, just text Mark at 404-664-4340 or email Lisa at or Lynda at All we ask is that you review their services and pricing on their website before the complimentary session; here is link to their services with transparent pricing:

    1h 10m
  4. MAR 3

    When Should My Student Start The College Process

    In this episode you will hear:   Mark answers a Speakpipe QFL from a listener who wants to know when my student should start the college process? Mark answers a second question, Any advice to give us hope with the new administration with all of the changes they are making? Mark interviews Kathleen deLaski, Founder of the Education Design Lab Preview of Part 3 ² Kathleen talks about the difference between micro-credentials and micro pathways ² Kathleen talks about the growth of certificates ² Kathleen talks about the fields that are being disrupted the most by alternative pathways to college ² Kathleen shares some great opportunities for students w/o a degree. ² Kathleen talks about apprenticeship degree programs is our method if you want to ask a question and we will be prioritizing all questions sent in via Speakpipe. Unfortunately, we will NOT answer questions on the podcast anymore that are emailed in. If you want us to answer a question on the podcast, please use We feel hearing from our listeners in their own voices adds to the community feel of our podcast.   You can also use this for many other purposes: 1) Send us constructive criticism about how we can improve our podcast 2) Share an encouraging word about something you like about an episode or the podcast in general 3) Share a topic or an article you would like us to address 4) Share a speaker you want us to interview 5) Leave positive feedback for one of our interviewees. We will send your verbal feedback directly to them and I can almost assure you, your positive feedback will make their day.   To sign up to receive Your College-Bound Kid PLUS, our new monthly admissions newsletter, delivered directly to your email once a month, just go to, and you will see the sign-up popup. We will include many of the hot topics being discussed on college campuses.   Check out our new blog. We write timely and insightful articles on college admissions:   Follow Mark Stucker on Twitter to get breaking college admission news, and updates about the podcast before they go live. You can ask questions on Twitter that he will answer on the podcast. Mark will also share additional hot topics in the news and breaking news on this Twitter feed. Twitter message is also the preferred way to ask questions for our podcast:   1. To access our transcripts, click: 2. Find the specific episode transcripts for the one you want to search and click the link 3. Find the magnifying glass icon in blue (search feature) and click it 4. Enter whatever word you want to search. I.e. Loans 5. Every word in that episode when the words loans are used, will be highlighted in yellow with a timestamps 6. Click the word highlighted in yellow and the player will play the episode from that starting point 7. You can also download the entire podcast as a transcript   We would be honored if you will pass this podcast episode on to others who you feel will benefit from the content in YCBK.   Please subscribe to our podcast. It really helps us move up in Apple’s search feature so others can find our podcast.   If you enjoy our podcast, would you please do us a favor and share our podcast both verbally and on social media? We would be most grateful!   If you want to help more people find Your College-Bound Kid, please make sure you follow our podcast. You will also get instant notifications as soon as each episode goes live.   Check out the college admissions books Mark recommends:   Check out the college websites Mark recommends:   If you want to have some input about what you like and what you recommend, we change about our podcast, please complete our Podcast survey; here is the link:     If you want a college consultation with Mark or Lisa or Lynda, just text Mark at 404-664-4340 or email Lisa at or Lynda at All we ask is that you review their services and pricing on their website before the complimentary session; here is link to their services with transparent pricing:

    1h 22m
  5. FEB 27

    Is It Ever A Bad Idea To Submit A Test Score That Is Too High

    In this episode you will hear:   (01:56) Question from a listener:  A mom asks a very important question, How can I know if a college is genuinely caring about all kids but especially about an unorganized student? Lisa Rouff and Lynda Doepker answer this question.   (42:48) Interview: Frequently Asked Questions about 529 Plans, Julie Shields-Rutyna and Jonathan Hughes from MEFA, Part 2 of 4     Preview of Part 2 ·         Jonathan talks about how you can use gift cards, a gifting page an email link to set up payments ·         Julie talks about the tax benefits to a 529 plan ·         Julie talks about the state tax deductions and tax credits ·         Jonathan talks about how the new secure ACT 2.0 act makes 529’s even better now, and he gives the history of how the 529 has gotten better every year by helping with K-12 tuition and even apprenticeships ·         Julie tells us what qualified expenses are ·         Julie talks about the things that a 529 does not cover ·         Julie talks about what happens if someone doesn’t have a Social security number ·         Julie talks about whether someone can be the owner if they are not a relative ·         Jonathan talks about what the process is of getting the 529 money to the college ·         Julie answers the question, can a 529 be used for personal and miscellaneous expenses ·         Julie talks about what safeguards are in place to protect fraud   (01:03:00) Second Question from a listener Susan joins Mark to answer a Speakpipe question, “Is it ever a bad idea to submit a test score that is too high” is our method if you want to ask a question and we will be prioritizing all questions sent in via Speakpipe. Unfortunately, we will NOT answer questions on the podcast anymore that are emailed in. If you want us to answer a question on the podcast, please use We feel hearing from our listeners in their own voices adds to the community feel of our podcast.   You can also use this for many other purposes: 1) Send us constructive criticism about how we can improve our podcast 2) Share an encouraging word about something you like about an episode or the podcast in general 3) Share a topic or an article you would like us to address 4) Share a speaker you want us to interview 5) Leave positive feedback for one of our interviewees. We will send your verbal feedback directly to them and I can almost assure you, your positive feedback will make their day.   To sign up to receive Your College-Bound Kid PLUS, our new monthly admissions newsletter, delivered directly to your email once a month, just go to, and you will see the sign-up popup. We will include many of the hot topics being discussed on college campuses.   Check out our new blog. We write timely and insightful articles on college admissions:   Follow Mark Stucker on Twitter to get breaking college admission news, and updates about the podcast before they go live. You can ask questions on Twitter that he will answer on the podcast. Mark will also share additional hot topics in the news and breaking news on this Twitter feed. Twitter message is also the preferred way to ask questions for our podcast:   1. To access our transcripts, click: 2. Find the specific episode transcripts for the one you want to search and click the link 3. Find the magnifying glass icon in blue (search feature) and click it 4. Enter whatever word you want to search. I.e. Loans 5. Every word in that episode when the words loans are used, will be highlighted in yellow with a timestamps 6. Click the word highlighted in yellow and the player will play the episode from that starting point 7. You can also download the entire podcast as a transcript   We would be honored if you will pass this podcast episode on to others who you feel will benefit from the content in YCBK.   Please subscribe to our podcast. It really helps us move up in Apple’s search feature so others can find our podcast.   If you enjoy our podcast, would you please do us a favor and share our podcast both verbally and on social media? We would be most grateful!   If you want to help more people find Your College-Bound Kid, please make sure you follow our podcast. You will also get instant notifications as soon as each episode goes live.   Check out the college admissions books Mark recommends:   Check out the college websites Mark recommends:   If you want to have some input about what you like and what you recommend, we change about our podcast, please complete our Podcast survey; here is the link:     If you want a college consultation with Mark or Lisa or Lynda, just text Mark at 404-664-4340 or email Lisa at or Lynda at All we ask is that you review their services and pricing on their website before the complimentary session; here is link to their services with transparent pricing:

    1h 23m
  6. FEB 24

    Data That Is Available About Colleges That Most People Don’t Know

    In this episode you will hear:   Mark answers a Speakpipe QFL from a listener who wants to know what other valuable information is in the Common Data Set that most people don’t know about Mark interviews Kathleen deLaski, Founder of the Education Design Lab Preview of Part 2 §  Kathleen talks about an experience she had that made her realize just how stressful the college admissions process has become §  Kathleen talks about the 150 interviews she did with a wide range of people to prepare before she wrote the book §  Kathleen talks about the growth of skills based hiring instead of degree based hiring §  Kathleen talks about the four times of people who need college is our method if you want to ask a question and we will be prioritizing all questions sent in via Speakpipe. Unfortunately, we will NOT answer questions on the podcast anymore that are emailed in. If you want us to answer a question on the podcast, please use We feel hearing from our listeners in their own voices adds to the community feel of our podcast.   You can also use this for many other purposes: 1) Send us constructive criticism about how we can improve our podcast 2) Share an encouraging word about something you like about an episode or the podcast in general 3) Share a topic or an article you would like us to address 4) Share a speaker you want us to interview 5) Leave positive feedback for one of our interviewees. We will send your verbal feedback directly to them and I can almost assure you, your positive feedback will make their day.   To sign up to receive Your College-Bound Kid PLUS, our new monthly admissions newsletter, delivered directly to your email once a month, just go to, and you will see the sign-up popup. We will include many of the hot topics being discussed on college campuses.   Check out our new blog. We write timely and insightful articles on college admissions:   Follow Mark Stucker on Twitter to get breaking college admission news, and updates about the podcast before they go live. You can ask questions on Twitter that he will answer on the podcast. Mark will also share additional hot topics in the news and breaking news on this Twitter feed. Twitter message is also the preferred way to ask questions for our podcast:   1. To access our transcripts, click: 2. Find the specific episode transcripts for the one you want to search and click the link 3. Find the magnifying glass icon in blue (search feature) and click it 4. Enter whatever word you want to search. I.e. Loans 5. Every word in that episode when the words loans are used, will be highlighted in yellow with a timestamps 6. Click the word highlighted in yellow and the player will play the episode from that starting point 7. You can also download the entire podcast as a transcript   We would be honored if you will pass this podcast episode on to others who you feel will benefit from the content in YCBK.   Please subscribe to our podcast. It really helps us move up in Apple’s search feature so others can find our podcast.   If you enjoy our podcast, would you please do us a favor and share our podcast both verbally and on social media? We would be most grateful!   If you want to help more people find Your College-Bound Kid, please make sure you follow our podcast. You will also get instant notifications as soon as each episode goes live.   Check out the college admissions books Mark recommends:   Check out the college websites Mark recommends:   If you want to have some input about what you like and what you recommend, we change about our podcast, please complete our Podcast survey; here is the link:     If you want a college consultation with Mark or Lisa or Lynda, just text Mark at 404-664-4340 or email Lisa at or Lynda at All we ask is that you review their services and pricing on their website before the complimentary session; here is link to their services with transparent pricing:

    55 min
  7. FEB 20

    How To Know If a College Cares About Supporting an Unorganized Kid

    In this episode you will hear:   (03:21) In The News Hilliary shares some observations from things that stood out while reading applications this year   (20:02) Question from a listener:  A mom asks a very important question, How can I know if a college is genuinely caring about all kids but especially about an unorganized student? Lisa Rouff and Lynda Doepker answer this question.   (37:11) Interview: Frequently Asked Questions about 529 Plans, Julie Shields-Rutyna and Jonathan Hughes from MEFA, Part 1 of 4     Preview of Part 1 ·         Friends, even if you have had a 529 plan for a decade, I am convinced you are going to learn some things that you didn’t know about 529 Plans in my interview with Jonathan Hughes and Julie Shields-Rutyna ·         Jonathan and Julie share their backstory ·         Jonathan tells us who MEFA is ·         Jonathan tells us what a 529 Plan is ·         Julie tells us who the beneficiary and successors are and whether it is easy to transfer beneficiaries ·         Jonathan tells us how to open a 529 account, including what you will need, and he tells us about how long it takes to open an account ·         Julie tells us how you can contribute to a 529 ·         Julie tells us what your investment options and the resources that are available to help you with your investment options ·         Julie talks about whether others beside the owner can contribute.   (56:22) Second Question from a listener Hilliary Dickman joins Mark to answer a question about how colleges use the Future Plans” is our method if you want to ask a question and we will be prioritizing all questions sent in via Speakpipe. Unfortunately, we will NOT answer questions on the podcast anymore that are emailed in. If you want us to answer a question on the podcast, please use We feel hearing from our listeners in their own voices adds to the community feel of our podcast.   You can also use this for many other purposes: 1) Send us constructive criticism about how we can improve our podcast 2) Share an encouraging word about something you like about an episode or the podcast in general 3) Share a topic or an article you would like us to address 4) Share a speaker you want us to interview 5) Leave positive feedback for one of our interviewees. We will send your verbal feedback directly to them and I can almost assure you, your positive feedback will make their day.   To sign up to receive Your College-Bound Kid PLUS, our new monthly admissions newsletter, delivered directly to your email once a month, just go to, and you will see the sign-up popup. We will include many of the hot topics being discussed on college campuses.   Check out our new blog. We write timely and insightful articles on college admissions:   Follow Mark Stucker on Twitter to get breaking college admission news, and updates about the podcast before they go live. You can ask questions on Twitter that he will answer on the podcast. Mark will also share additional hot topics in the news and breaking news on this Twitter feed. Twitter message is also the preferred way to ask questions for our podcast:   1. To access our transcripts, click: 2. Find the specific episode transcripts for the one you want to search and click the link 3. Find the magnifying glass icon in blue (search feature) and click it 4. Enter whatever word you want to search. I.e. Loans 5. Every word in that episode when the words loans are used, will be highlighted in yellow with a timestamps 6. Click the word highlighted in yellow and the player will play the episode from that starting point 7. You can also download the entire podcast as a transcript   We would be honored if you will pass this podcast episode on to others who you feel will benefit from the content in YCBK.   Please subscribe to our podcast. It really helps us move up in Apple’s search feature so others can find our podcast.   If you enjoy our podcast, would you please do us a favor and share our podcast both verbally and on social media? We would be most grateful!   If you want to help more people find Your College-Bound Kid, please make sure you follow our podcast. You will also get instant notifications as soon as each episode goes live.   Check out the college admissions books Mark recommends:   Check out the college websites Mark recommends:   If you want to have some input about what you like and what you recommend, we change about our podcast, please complete our Podcast survey; here is the link:     If you want a college consultation with Mark or Lisa or Lynda, just text Mark at 404-664-4340 or email Lisa at or Lynda at All we ask is that you review their services and pricing on their website before the complimentary session; here is link to their services with transparent pricing:

    1h 8m
  8. FEB 17

    Should Students Avoid The Topic Of Your Choice Prompt

    In this episode you will hear:   Susan and Mark discuss the Speakpipe question, “Why is NYU telling students to avoid prompt 7: Select a topic of your choice prompt? Mark interviews Kathleen deLaski, Founder of the Education Design Lab Preview of Part 1 ²  Kathleen DeLaski-shares her interesting background ²  Kathleen tells us what the Educational Design Lab is and what they do ²  Kathleen tells us why she wrote her book and she opens up and shares things about her own kids ²  I introduce Kathleen’s book, “who needs college anymore” ²  Kathleen answers the question, why should our listeners, who love college, listen to an author who wrote a book titled, “Who Needs College Anymore” ²  Kathleen tells us some of the careers that require college ²  Kathleen shares some statistics on the percentage of people that do not have a degree. ²  Kathleen talks about the Wall Street Journal study that asks students if they think college is worth it ²  Kathleen begins the conversation on factors that serve as accelerants to make a college degree not as essential as it use to be for some jobs is our method if you want to ask a question and we will be prioritizing all questions sent in via Speakpipe. Unfortunately, we will NOT answer questions on the podcast anymore that are emailed in. If you want us to answer a question on the podcast, please use We feel hearing from our listeners in their own voices adds to the community feel of our podcast.   You can also use this for many other purposes: 1) Send us constructive criticism about how we can improve our podcast 2) Share an encouraging word about something you like about an episode or the podcast in general 3) Share a topic or an article you would like us to address 4) Share a speaker you want us to interview 5) Leave positive feedback for one of our interviewees. We will send your verbal feedback directly to them and I can almost assure you, your positive feedback will make their day.   To sign up to receive Your College-Bound Kid PLUS, our new monthly admissions newsletter, delivered directly to your email once a month, just go to, and you will see the sign-up popup. We will include many of the hot topics being discussed on college campuses.   Check out our new blog. We write timely and insightful articles on college admissions:   Follow Mark Stucker on Twitter to get breaking college admission news, and updates about the podcast before they go live. You can ask questions on Twitter that he will answer on the podcast. Mark will also share additional hot topics in the news and breaking news on this Twitter feed. Twitter message is also the preferred way to ask questions for our podcast:   1. To access our transcripts, click: 2. Find the specific episode transcripts for the one you want to search and click the link 3. Find the magnifying glass icon in blue (search feature) and click it 4. Enter whatever word you want to search. I.e. Loans 5. Every word in that episode when the words loans are used, will be highlighted in yellow with a timestamps 6. Click the word highlighted in yellow and the player will play the episode from that starting point 7. You can also download the entire podcast as a transcript   We would be honored if you will pass this podcast episode on to others who you feel will benefit from the content in YCBK.   Please subscribe to our podcast. It really helps us move up in Apple’s search feature so others can find our podcast.   If you enjoy our podcast, would you please do us a favor and share our podcast both verbally and on social media? We would be most grateful!   If you want to help more people find Your College-Bound Kid, please make sure you follow our podcast. You will also get instant notifications as soon as each episode goes live.   Check out the college admissions books Mark recommends:   Check out the college websites Mark recommends:   If you want to have some input about what you like and what you recommend, we change about our podcast, please complete our Podcast survey; here is the link:     If you want a college consultation with Mark or Lisa or Lynda, just text Mark at 404-664-4340 or email Lisa at or Lynda at All we ask is that you review their services and pricing on their website before the complimentary session; here is link to their services with transparent pricing:

    54 min
    out of 5
    317 Ratings


    Admission Tips, Admission Trends & Admission InterviewsAdmission Interviews Our mission is to "make college knowledge available to all." Each Thursday, the "Your College-Bound Kid" podcast will discuss a hot college topic in the news; we will answer a question or two that listeners send in, we will interview a "thought leader" in the world of college admissions, and do a "deep-dive," we call Spotlights on a College. Every Monday, we have a second episode to discuss a "hot topic" and interview a "thought leader" in the admissions or college life world. YCBK combines "in-depth knowledge" with a light, easy-to-listen conversational style. We have eight co-hosts, six college counselors, and two current admissions officers, including an Admissions Dean

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