The Jesse Kelly Show

Unfiltered and Unapologetic, Jesse Kelly is the greatest mind of the 21st century now on demand. From history to politics to pizza The Jesse Kelly Show has it all in a no nonsense kind of way. Whether you're a veteran like Jesse, or just a good ol fashion red blooded American, the show has something for everyone. “Jesse Kelly brings intelligence, unique insight, and cutting humor to the world of political commentary.” — Jesse Kelly
Hosts & Guests
Ice machine king
Feb 2
Don’t let the tiny hands and the ever receding hairline fool you. This is one smart community college scholar who will always carry the load of 10 boxes, whisper sweet nothings about any menu, fill your glass with a never ending amount of ice, all while reminding you that freedom is not free. He may have an imaginary friend named Chris, but Fred is certainly real and will be around for a long time because he eats Ruff Greens. Tell all of your Liberal Aunt Peggys to listen to this world famous (and very handsome) Frito Bandito!
Falling off
Mar 5
History segment was the best and now it’s long gone. Too many ads, especially if you try listening live on 950 kprc. I do love how he rakes the dirty commies over the coals but I feel like the business interests behind him have ruined the show.
Good show
Feb 17
I listened to this before he got his big break. It’s nice listening to someone who is a “normal” guy. Problems though.. 1st, the ads have become unbearable, way more than any other podcast I listen to. This is like the ladder curve of advertising. No one listens to the ads because there are too many. I skip them all, but it’s annoying to have to do. 2nd, one of the best things he did was history but now he hardly does any. This is a key feature that separated it from the competition. 3rd, they scrubbed the music from the. The show just isn’t fun any more. I used to listen to every episode, but now I listen to maybe one a month. The suits have destroyed the show. Listening to Ben Shapiro has somehow become more enjoyable lol. I hope you read this and take it to heart because I was listening before he got his big break a few years ago.
Gargantuan Hands and Rock Bands
Jan 6
Trapper Jesse, with hands the size of baseball mitts, and lead vocalist of the band Deleterious Consequences, delivers hard-hitting journalism and political commentary.
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- CreatoriHeartPodcasts
- Years Active2020 - 2025
- Episodes2K
- RatingClean
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