Shaped by Dog with Susan Garrett

Susan Garrett

Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible.

  1. 4D AGO

    Why In 2025 We Still Have Dog Trainers Who Believe “Reinforcement Dog Training Doesn’t Work“ #297

    Visit us at    Have you heard the news that positive reinforcement doesn't work? The truth about the dog training success enjoyed by positive reinforcement-based dog trainers comes down to application, and I'm sharing examples that will be familiar to everyone with a dog. Whether you're dealing with a reactive dog, struggling with agility training, or want to improve your training skills, I've got practical insights based on real-world scenarios to help everyone with a dog succeed.    In this episode, you’ll hear:   • Why some trainers claim positive reinforcement-based dog training doesn’t work (and why they’re wrong). • The biggest mistakes people make with dog training that lead to frustration. • The importance of Desentisation, Counterconditioning and Operant Conditioning to ensure positive reinforcement-based training works for any dog. • Real world examples of using positive reinforcement-based training to help dogs with motion sensitivity, reactivity, distractions, and engagement for working with you. • Why masking emotions with food or toys won’t work and what to do instead. • What Reverse Conditioning and why to avoid it. • About the downfall of cookie-stuffing and what to do instead.   Resources:   1. YouTube Playlist: Reactive or Aggressive Dogs: Key Insights with Susan Garrett - 2. Podcast Episode 232: Canine Predatory Motor Sequence: Understand Your Dog’s Prey Drive To Enrich Your Life Together - 3. YouTube Playlist: The Emotional State of Dogs with Susan Garrett - 4. Podcast Episode 165: Why Do Dogs Bark In Cars And How To Stop It - 5. Podcast Episode 146: Balanced Dog Training: Does It Really Exist? - 6. Podcast Episode 202: Getting A Happy Well Behaved Dog With The ABCs Of Training - 7. Shaping Success Book by Susan Garrett - 8. Podcast Episode 141: Average Or Better Dog Training Question: What Did You Just Reward? - 9. Blog Post: 6 Keys to Shaping Behaviour - 10. YouTube Playlist: Dog Training Games with Susan Garrett - 11. YouTube Video: Understanding Your Dog's Reinforcement Zone (RZ) with Susan Garrett - 12. DogsThat YouTube Channel - 13. YouTube Playlist: Puppy Essentials with Susan Garrett Dog Training - 14. YouTube Video: 5 Tips for Dog Trick Training with Susan Garrett - 15. YouTube Playlist: Target Training for Dogs with Susan Garrett - 16. Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube -

    19 min
  2. Training Tips From Susan: How To Train Your Dog To Leave It With No Command: Susan Garrett's ItsYerChoice

    FEB 27 · BONUS

    Training Tips From Susan: How To Train Your Dog To Leave It With No Command: Susan Garrett's ItsYerChoice

    Message From Susan Hey everyone, it’s Susan, and you’re about to hear one of my training tips and tidbits. These are quick, actionable strategies to help you and your dog in everyday life or for dog sport. Often our short videos with tips are created from your most popular segments of podcast episodes. So, let’s dive in!   Training Tips from Susan: How to Train Your Dog to Leave It with No Command: Susan Garrett's ItsYerChoice There are many reasons to train your dog to “leave it” on command. Your puppy or dog might be grabbing scraps off the ground when you are out walking, raiding the garbage, stealing food off the table or counter. It’s not safe for your dog, and it is frustrating for you. The downside of training “leave it” on command is that you’ll have to be there to say it to your dog for life. And perhaps one day your dog is off the lead, away from you, can’t hear your “leave it” and grabs something that is life-threatening. What I like to do is teach my dogs to leave things alone by making it their choice. It all starts with a game I call ItsYerChoice because it teaches dogs to make the choices we want them to make. It removes the need for us to always be micromanaging what our dogs are doing. The ItsYerChoice game will even help your dog make great choices in the face of big distractions. You’ll be able to get your dog’s attention just by saying your dog’s name, or any word you want to use. I’ve got a demonstration of how it looks in the foundation stages here in this video with my dog Momentum. ItsYerChoice has not only worked for me; it’s worked for tens of thousands of my students and their dogs of all ages, breeds, shapes and sizes and backgrounds. You can join us to learn one simple dog training game that will change your dog’s approach to distractions and release you from needing to say “leave it” and nagging your dog many times a day: When you join in, you and your puppy or dog will receive a free 20 minute training video and a step by step Play Book to help your dog get control over distractions. My foundation game teaches dogs HOW to make great choices to ‘leave’ food / toys / distractions. This is DIFFERENT! And because it’s a game, it’s fun, and we all learn best when we are having fun. Looking forward to coaching you on how to get your dog to leave it because that is what your dog chooses to do. Join me to learn how IYC can change your life with your dog: See you soon!

    7 min
  3. Reactive Dogs! Why Dog Owners Need To Know About Green, Yellow And Red Zones And Social Sensitivity #296

    FEB 21

    Reactive Dogs! Why Dog Owners Need To Know About Green, Yellow And Red Zones And Social Sensitivity #296

    Visit us at    Socially sensitive dogs can react to other dogs in many ways. Some shrink away, others get invigorated and overexcited, and some dogs are proactively reactive. When you know if your dog is in the green, yellow or red zone and the three phases to action, you can build their resilience and set them up for success so they can thrive in any environment. Understanding a dog’s response to other dogs and having a Code Yellow Protocol is key to helping them feel safe and confident.   In this episode, you’ll hear:   • Why some dogs are socially sensitive and what that looks like. • The three phases to help your dog gain confidence. • How to grow confidence passively and actively. • Fun games to help your dog grow confidence in a safe way. • About the importance of the Relaxation Protocol. • The importance of a "Home Zone" for socially sensitive dogs. • Why dogs in a highly aroused state can’t learn. • About a dog’s Green, Yellow and Red Zones • How to use the Code Yellow Protocol to help your dog. • The role of reflection and recharging in your dog’s progress. • How to recognize when your dog is ready for the next step. • About turning everyday moments into confidence-building opportunities. • How Home School the Dog can give you the tools to support your dog’s progress.   Home School the Dog: Write to us at with the subject line “Socially Sensitive” for a very special opportunity to join us in Home School The Dog. Learn How To Play ItsYerChoice: ItsYerChoice Summit -   Resources:   1. Podcast Episode 236: Understanding Dog Fear (Part 1): Genetics, Trauma, And Your Dog’s Well-being - 2. Shaped by Dog Podcast - 3. Podcast Episode Search for ‘Reactivity’ - 4. YouTube Playlist: Reactive or Aggressive Dogs: Key Insights with Susan Garrett - 5. Podcast Episode 81: Sudden Aggression and Your Dog’s Thyroid - 6. Podcast Episode 204: Dog Behavior And Diet: Recovery For This! Beyond Dog Training Part 2 - 7. Podcast Episode 191: Get Your Dog To Calm Down With This Common Sense Protocol For Relaxation - 8. YouTube Video: Susan Garrett’s Hand Target: Dog Training Games Within Games - 9. Podcast Episode 18: 4 Puppy and Dog Training Games for Acquired Bite Inhibition - 10. YouTube Video: Susan Garrett’s Perch Work Dog Tricks (Pivots and Spins) - 11. YouTube Video: Understanding You Dog’s Reinforcement Zone (RZ) with Susan Garrett - 12. YouTube Playlist: Target Training for Dogs with Susan Garrett - 13. Podcast Episode 278: Food Puzzles: Key Mistakes To Avoid And Strategies To Help Your Dog Best Deal With Frustration - 14. Podcast Episode 227: My Foolproof Strategy To Overcoming Dog Training Challenges - 15. Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube -

    24 min
  4. Fear Of Criticism? Why Facing The Camera Is The First Step To Becoming A Better Dog Trainer #295

    JAN 17

    Fear Of Criticism? Why Facing The Camera Is The First Step To Becoming A Better Dog Trainer #295

    Visit us at   Together, we’re overcoming emotional barriers so you can stop letting self-doubt and fear of criticism hold you back from becoming a better dog trainer. One of the most powerful tools I recommend for dog training is videoing your sessions, but it’s a big block for many people. I’m sharing tips on overcoming negative emotions, getting unstuck, and how to watch your video while silencing your inner critic. It’s time to give yourself grace and stop letting fear get in the way so you and your dog can start growing together!   In this episode, you’ll hear:   • What everyone needs to know about helping their dog grow. • How emotional barriers like perfectionism and self-criticism hold us back. • Ways to reframe negative emotions to embrace vulnerability and progress. • Why videoing your dog training is a game-changer for growth. • How negative thoughts keep us stuck and what to do to break free. • The importance of intentional training for building your dog’s drive and focus. • How I still find room to improve after nearly 40 years of dog training. • Tips for focusing on the positives in your videos to enhance your mechanics. • Why videoing reflects your dog’s experience with you and helps you grow together. • Opportunity to join Home School The Dog at 83% off. • How giving yourself grace can strengthen your connection with your dog.   Special Chance to Join Home School The Dog at 83% Off Write to us at with the subject line “Self-Love” for a special opportunity to join Home School the Dog.   Resources:   1. Podcast Episode 294: Survey Shows 63% Of Dog Owners Currently Don’t Use This Essential Dog Training Tool - 2. DogsThat YouTube Channel - 3. Podcast Episode 133: Become Your Own Dog Training Coach With This Video Strategy - 4. Podcast Episode 247: Redefining Expertise In Dog Training And What Counts More Than Years Of Experience - 5. Podcast Episode 28: Why It Hurts Me When I Say “Dog Training” - 6. Podcast Episode 157: Dog Body Language: Understanding Canine Communication Signals And Emotions - 7. Podcast Episode 287: The Power Of Perception: Reframing Dog Training Setbacks Into Successes - 8. Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube -

    18 min
  5. Survey Shows 63% Of Dog Owners Currently Don't Use This Essential Dog Training Tool #294

    JAN 8

    Survey Shows 63% Of Dog Owners Currently Don't Use This Essential Dog Training Tool #294

    Visit us at    We recently did a poll on social media channels, and I was taken aback when the survey showed that 63% of dog owners currently don't use a dog training tool that I consider essential! Not only will this tool help prevent dog training mistakes, it will help you get results faster and save you time. It's videoing your training sessions, and I'm here to help you get started with tips and real examples so you can embrace video as the most essential tool for training your dog.   In this episode, you’ll hear:   • About the one thing that would exponentially improve every single person's dog training. • Why videoing your dog training is a game-changing tool for improvement. • Surprising survey results revealing that 63% of trainers don’t regularly video their sessions. • Insights from Dr. Bob Bailey on how video transformed animal training. • Reasons why people might not be videoing their training and my goal for 2025! • Common barriers to videoing your training and how to overcome them. • Real-life examples of how video can dramatically speed up your dog’s learning. • Practical tips for setting up and reviewing your training videos with ease.   Resources:   1. Podcast Episode 133: Become Your Own Dog Training Coach With This Video Strategy - 2. Podcast Episode 131: How Would Susan Garrett Plan Your Dog Training Sessions? - 3. Podcast Episode 125: Why Isn’t My Dog Learning What I’m Training? - 4. Recallers - 5. Handling360 - 6. Home School The Dog - 7. Podcast Episode 210: Tips On Finding Time To Dog Train When Life Is Busy: Chat With Natalia Nizker - 8. Podcast Episode 190: Using Daily Quickies To Fast Track Your Dog Training And Grow Your Dog’s Skills - 9. DogsThat YouTube Channel Playlists - 10. DogsThat YouTube Channel - 11. Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube -

    18 min
  6. MRI: A Simple 3 Part Dog Training Formula To Fix Problems Like Counter Surfing, Reactivity And More #293


    MRI: A Simple 3 Part Dog Training Formula To Fix Problems Like Counter Surfing, Reactivity And More #293

    Visit us at    Counter Surfing and other naughty dog behavior problems can feel unsolvable, but they don't have to be! I'm sharing an easy 3-step formula every dog owner needs to know for what to do. The challenges any one of us could have with our dogs will vary with our dog's age and experiences. But no matter if we have a puppy, rescue dog, or a dog who has been in our family for years, the MRI approach can be applied to any problem that needs to be solved. And don't worry, I'm not really suggesting an MRI, but it's a handy and memorable acronym to put into action, and it's all in this episode for you.   In this episode, you’ll hear:   • How to apply the 3-step formula to solve any naughty dog behavior or challenge. • The ABC’s (Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence) of dog behavior and training. • A real-life example of using MRI to stop counter surfing with puppy Waffles. • Everything you need to know to Manage, Redirect, Intensify (MRI) • The importance of redirecting your dog’s attention onto more appropriate behaviors. • How to ‘Manage The Don’t, Intensify The Do’ in your training for better long-term results. • My approach to turn common dog behavior challenges into training opportunities. • How to use games like ItsYerChoice, Hot Zone, Reinforcement Zone. • How to be intentional about using all the things that are really reinforcing to your dog when your focus is on intensifying the ‘do.’   Learn How To Play ItsYerChoice: ItsYerChoice Summit -   Resources:   1. DogsThat YouTube Channel - 2. Podcast Episode 202: Getting A Happy Well Behaved Dog With The ABCs Of Training - 3. Podcast Episode 245: Make Dog Training Easy! Quick Guide To Antecedent Arrangements - 4. Podcast Episode 33: How Do I Stop My Dog Counter Surfing?! - 5. YouTube Video: Understanding Your Dog's Reinforcement Zone (RZ) with Susan Garrett - 6. Podcast Episode 176: Why Your Dog’s Emotions Are A Critical Element Of Dog Training - 7. Podcast Episode 197: Outsmarting Distractions: How To Use Environmental Reinforcement in Dog Training - 8. Podcast Episode 158: Stop Your Dog’s Unwanted Behaviors With This Positive Interrupter - 9. Podcast Episode 71: Pro Dog Trainer’s Secret to Help Your Naughty Dog - 10. Recallers - 11. Home School the Dog - 12. Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube -

    18 min
    out of 5
    618 Ratings


    Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible.

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