629 episodes

Idiot Comedians Nathan Timmel and Jake Vevera crack wise for 30 minutes every week. Religion, politics, and complete nonsense are covered in depth. Or marginally. Whichever.

Idiots On Parade, the Too Ugly for TV Podcast Idiots On Parade

    • Comedy
    • 4.3 • 6 Ratings

Idiot Comedians Nathan Timmel and Jake Vevera crack wise for 30 minutes every week. Religion, politics, and complete nonsense are covered in depth. Or marginally. Whichever.

    Episode 584: Shiny Happy Documentaries

    Episode 584: Shiny Happy Documentaries

    Truncated episode this week, and Jake and nathan discuss a couple documentaries: The Man with 1,000 Kids (on Netflix), and Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets.


    #podcast #documentary #netflix #duggarfamily #duggars #donate #medicine

    • 26 min
    Episode 583: Trump Gets Nicked

    Episode 583: Trump Gets Nicked

    This week, Mike Lukas joins the Idiots.

    00:00 Introductions

    02:18 Donald Trump, Shot

    —A whole bunch of news stories got tossed aside, because the biggest news event of the year (so far) happened on Saturday, July 13.

    Former president Donald Trump was at a rally in Pennsylvania, and someone took a shot (or several) at him.

    Details as of recording are slim, but there are jokes aplenty.


    Idiots on Parade: we mock the news, so you don’t have to.

    Tune in and get your giggle on.

    Find Jake at @jakevevera

    Find nathan at nathantimmel.com

    • 35 min
    Episode 582: Can Biden Right the Ship?

    Episode 582: Can Biden Right the Ship?

    This week, Day Peace joins the Idiots.

    00:00 Introductions

    01:50 Joe Biden

    23:55 Hawk Tuah

    28:35 Not Deadpool

    29:57 Danny Trejo, ATTACKED!

    32:04 Shifty Shellshock

    33:45 Gays vs. God

    —Oh, Joe…

    All you had to do was stick with the, “I was sick” excuse regarding your debate performance, and everything would’ve been… Well, not fine, but… I mean, somewhat fine? Maybe?

    But to come out and say you were jet lagged and tired, DAYS AFTER YOUR TRAVEL ENDED… Come on. How many days does it take for you to recuperate from a flight? Fifteen? Twenty?

    The Idiots ask the Democrats to just be honest with America: Joe gets tired. He’s gonna work until 3pm, and then his staffers will take care of the rest.

    (Which is probably what’s been happening the past four years anyway.)

    Also discussed: the idea of throwing the nomination to another candidate, and whether or not that person should be Kamala Harris.

    —Hailey Welch is all the rage, and God bless her for doing things right.

    She’s getting interviewed, merchandising, appearing on concert stages…

    Oh, and she was never a teacher, didn’t get fired, and her dad isn’t a preacher.

    The Idiots fell for some online trickery last week, so this time around they own up to their mistake.

    —The Idiots recently talked about Wade Wilson, a murderer covered in tattoos (including a Swastika on his face, which is never a good idea). Well, a jury found him guilty, and recommended he get the death penalty. 

    So, good times, happy endings.

    —Clickbait headlines are the best.

    You take a nothing story, sensationalize it, and hope people give you those ever-important views. 

    The one discussed involving Danny Trejo at a parade in Los Angeles absolutely takes the cake. It is the clickbait headline shame all other attempts to draw people in by being misleading.

    —Speaking of nonsense headlines: did Shifty Shellshock from Crazy Town die of a broken heart, or a drug overdose? There is a 100% chance it was from drugs, but the headline would have you believe it was sadness. 

    —Cosby “Corey” Cunningham is a douchebag who doesn’t have faith in the God he believes in. 

    How do we know this? 

    Because he’s suing Eaton Corp., his former employer. 

    What happened was: Eaton Corp. decided to go a little overboard with pride month, offering employees anything and everything they might not have wanted or cared about when it comes to gay pride.

    So Cunningham, a supposed Christian, decided to wear horrific t-shirts with bible verses that  condemn homosexuality on them.

    Yup, instead of being a believer, and sitting back and saying, “God will handle this,” he had to expose his insecurities to the world.

    Because that’s what men who aren’t very well endowed do: they front. 

    Idiots on Parade: we mock the news, so you don’t have to.

    Tune in and get your giggle on.

    Find Jake at @jakevevera

    Find nathan at nathantimmel.com

    • 38 min
    Episode 581: Debate Madness

    Episode 581: Debate Madness

    This week, Chris Cyr joins the Idiots.

    00:00 Introductions

    00:37 The Debate

    10:50 The Squad

    21:56 Disney

    28:13 Corporate Vigilance

    31:38 Online Fraud

    32:54 Josh Duggar

    —Is Rex Huppke the dumbest man on the planet? Maybe.
    Rex posted an opinion piece on June 25th, several days before the first presidential debate. His take? Trump was going to chicken out, and not attend.

    Well guess what?
    That didn’t happen.

    Here’s a hot take: instead of posting hot takes, allow events to occur, and then report on them. Isn’t that what the news is supposed to be, a summation of daily happenings?

    From that stepping off point—mocking Rex Huppke—the idiots (and Chris) discuss what happened that fateful night. Biden was old and confused; Trump lied every time he opened his mouth.

    Which will be more alarming to voters? Lies and incompetence, or a stutter? We’ll find out in November.

    —Oh, Jamaal Bowman, we hardly knew ye. 

    The Squad, the famous group of insane members of Congress who fight for supposed moral justice more than they do the economic benefit of all, lost the fire alarm pulling, shirt waving, insane Jamaal Bowman. 

    Voters in New York’s 16th District gave George Latimer a shot at the seat, causing AOC to blame $25 million in ad buys, not the fact Bowman probably wasn’t the best fit for the job. Because reality should never pierce the veil of delusion, should it?

    (Hint: it was probably his Anti-Semitism and bizarre stance on Israel that lost him the seat.)

    —This gets a little messy, but stay with us…

    Disney fired actress Gina Carano, because she didn’t align with them politically. And they said so. Publicly. So now Gina is suing Disney for wrongful termination.

    Seems pretty cut and dried, right?

    Well… Since the God-awful Supreme Court of 2010, which in retrospect might have been somehow better than the compete dumpster fire of a SCOTUS we have today, handed down Citizens United, corporations are people.

    Which means Disney has a right to free speech of its own.

    But seriously, all they had to do is shut up.

    Gina Carano is a block of wood.

    Her acting should have spoken for itself here.

    —The United States is a sue-happy country. People file lawsuits at the drop of a hat, which is absurd. 

    So, corporations are fighting back, and one way they’re covering their bases is by warning consumers about items not even in their product.


    Just to be safe.

    The FDA, for some reason, has an issue with this.

    Look, government… You can’t have it both ways. You don’t get to let swindlers sue anyone, at any time, and not give people a way to guard against that.

    Sara Lee and Entenmann’s took a creative approach to warning labels, and the Idiots approve.

    —Go big or go home? No! Go small and succeed! 

    The Idiots often talk about the dumbest people on the planet, those who fall for easily verified online scams to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars… 

    Well, “Paul Schwartz” of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (not really) is making bank $600 at a time.

    He doesn’t string people along, he just takes the cash and runs.

    Well done, “Paul.”

    (And everyone out there: verify, verify, verify, before giving anyone online any money.)

    —Josh Duggar is a horrible human being for many, many reasons. I mean, most of the Duggar family is.

    (Thanks, Jim Bob and Michelle. You really put some awful out there into the world.)

    But Josh, he’s not just awful, he’s a convicted criminal, and not for something small, like petty theft. Not. Josh was into children. In the worst way.

    Well, when you’re a criminal with a healthy ego, everything you do should be a-ok with the world, right?

    Criminal conviction because you’re a pervert? Pfft, that’s not fair, I’m Josh Duggar!

    So he asked the Supreme Court to overturn (or at least examine) his case.


    Idiots on Parade: we mock the news, so you don’t have t

    • 37 min
    Episode 580: Life Coaches to the Rescue

    Episode 580: Life Coaches to the Rescue

    This week, Larry Smith joins the Idiots.

    00:00 Introductions

    02:25 Life Coaches

    13:39 Cults

    27:35 Trump vs. Biden

    34:02 Gordon Black

    —The Idiots do a little victim blaming, because my God… Why would you ever hire a “Life Coach” to tell you what to do?

    A completely untrained, unregulated nitwit with no special skills who gladly takes as much of your money as you’re willing to give.

    Even better, a life coach can be someone who failed out of (or was fired from) another profession: therapy.

    (Note: therapists are a favorite topic for Jake, so we linger here a wile.)

    Anyway, Jodi Hildebrandt was an Utah-based therapist who felt to constrained by all the rules and regulations Big Gubment held over her, so she became a life coach.

    Currently in prison after being convicted of abusing two children, she bilked people like Ethan Prete out of thousands of dollars. 

    Thing is, if you’re dumb enough to listen to an un-credentialed Life Coach, ya kinda deserve to lose your money.

    Chances are, you weren’t going to do anything smart with it anyway.

    —Without meaning to, the Idiots segue into people so bereft of common sense, they join a cult. 

    Jake begins by bringing up Dancing for the Devil, the new documentary on Netflix that covers a TikTok trend, and then it moves to David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco, and MAGA Trumpers. 

    Following that, R. Derek Black is discussed, because of the wonderful prank she played on her racist father.

    (Spoiler alert, her dad is Don Black, founder of Stormfront, the hate-site visited by intellectually-challenged mouth-breathers, and she was born he, and transitioned.)

    Side note: Hawk Tuah girl Katie Vickers is discussed in this segment.

    —Democrats are in the upcoming election to lose it. Instead of hammering home solid talking points, they’re spending $50 million on an advertising campaign to tell people Donald J. Trump is a convicted felon.

    Which, as we all know, is something no one cares about.

    At all.

    Sure, they could hammer home his Supreme Court picks, three liars who said they believe in Roe v. Wade, or the border crisis Republicans are fueling, as they didn’t vote on the legislation they wrote, but why try that?

    —Injustice moves fast in Russia. 

    A few weeks ago, the Idiots discussed Staff Sgt. Gordon Black, a United States solider who was in an… “interesting” (read contentious) relationship with a Russian woman.

    Black followed her to Russia, where, OF COURSE he was arrested. 

    Well, he was tried and thrown in jail, because who could have ever seen this happening, except everyone.

    Hey, here’s an idea: don’t go to Russia.


    Especially U.S. soldiers. 

    Idiots on Parade: we mock the news, so you don’t have to.

    Tune in and get your giggle on.

    Find Jake at @jakevevera

    Find nathan at nathantimmel.com

    #hawktuah #news #politics #humor

    • 37 min
    Episode 579: Hunter Biden, Guilty!

    Episode 579: Hunter Biden, Guilty!

    This week, Stu McCallister joins the idiots.

    00:00 Introductions

    00:50 Hunter Biden

    07:19 Transgender Issues

    18:35 The Dumbest People on the Planet 

    25:52 Elon Musk

    31:20 Feeding the Troll

    —Our favorite former addict who slept with his dead brother’s widow—Hunter Biden—was found guilty of lying on a form.

    Of all the things he’s done, this is what the Republicans got him for. 

    (Which, given it was a gun charge, is ironic.)

    For funnies, we discuss his infamous laptop photos. If you haven’t seen them, you should remedy that.

    Side note: nathan tells a quick story about a friend of his who actually didn’t lie on his medical intake form one day.

    Where did he tell the truth? Tune in and find out.

    —The American College of Pediatricians is a neat title, but in fact is basically a group of religious zealots who hate women, and gay people.

    That didn’t stop Fox News from writing a fairly balanced article on the stance the ACP took on trans children.

    But, since reasonable discourse is frowned upon, they had to write a click-bait headline in order to spread confirmation bias.

    Yay, lazy public who doesn’t read past the headline!

    Side note: nathan lectures Jake on the wonders of Top Secret, the Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker follow up to Airplane!

    —Look no more, nathan has found the dumbest people on the planet. 

    We always feel sorry for people who are taken in a scam… Until we read about the scam, and then wonder just how dumb the people were for falling for it.

    Well, Kelli and Michael Regan, of North Texas, managed to spend $20,000 in order to not get the dog of their dreams.


    By being amazingly dimwitted.

    —If Hunter Biden is one of our favorite people, it’s no secret that Elon Musk is the polar opposite of that title.

    Instead of running SpaceX and Tesla to new highs, he’s running Twitter into the ground. What does Tesla have to say about that? They want to give him $50 billion in order to save the company.

    Up is down, down is up, and nothing makes sense.

    —What happens when someone less-than-smart comments on a podcast? They get made fun of on the next episode!

    Idiots on Parade: we mock the news, so you don’t have to.

    Tune in and get your giggle on.

    Find Jake at @jakevevera

    Find nathan at nathantimmel.com

    • 37 min

Customer Reviews

4.3 out of 5
6 Ratings

6 Ratings

Frmkg27 ,

Hilarious Pod

Jake and Nathan have great chemistry and are hilarious. Highly recommend.

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