179 episodes

Welcome to IngenioUs — where conversations spark innovation and open doors to the future of higher education. Our podcast is a dedicated space for deep dives with the most original minds and active changemakers in academia. Each episode is a journey through the ideas and actions of those at the forefront, pushing boundaries and redefining what's possible in higher ed. Join us as we explore academic innovation, uncovering insights and inspirations from those who dare to think differently.

IngenioUs Melissa Morriss-Olson

    • Business
    • 4.9 • 7 Ratings

Welcome to IngenioUs — where conversations spark innovation and open doors to the future of higher education. Our podcast is a dedicated space for deep dives with the most original minds and active changemakers in academia. Each episode is a journey through the ideas and actions of those at the forefront, pushing boundaries and redefining what's possible in higher ed. Join us as we explore academic innovation, uncovering insights and inspirations from those who dare to think differently.

    Leading from the Inside-Out: Dr. Nathan Long's Journey of Authenticity, Empathy and Innovation

    Leading from the Inside-Out: Dr. Nathan Long's Journey of Authenticity, Empathy and Innovation

    Joining us for this episode is Dr. Nathan Long, the President of Saybrook University. Dr. Long's journey
    in higher education leadership is both unique and inspiring, beginning with his early days in residential life and culminating in his impactful presidency at Saybrook. With a background that spans residential life, music performance, senior administrative roles, and two presidencies, Dr. Long brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to holistic education and social justice.

    In this episode, Dr. Long shares his personal and professional transformation, the evolution of Saybrook University, and his insights on the future of higher
    education. We delve into the power of storytelling through podcasting, the importance of building capacity across borders, and the critical role of mental health and social justice in today's world.

    Get ready to be inspired by Dr. Long's authentic leadership and the innovative strides being made at Saybrook University. Let's dive into the conversation and discover how empathy and innovation can drive meaningful change in higher education.

    Keywords leadership journey, residential life, Saybrook University, humanistic psychology, integrative health, social justice, failure, collaboration, pandemic, innovative approaches


    ·       Residential life can be a valuable proving ground for leadership development in higher

    ·       The merging of student affairs and academic affairs is important for a well-rounded education.

    ·       Saybrook University has evolved from a humanistic psychology institute to offer programs in integrative health, psychology, and transformative social change.

    ·       The institution is committed to social justice and building a diverse and inclusive community.

    ·       The pandemic has presented challenges and opportunities for Saybrook, and they have
    taken innovative approaches to adapt and thrive.

    Sound Bites

    ·       "Residential life is where it all began. It was maybe one of the best proving grounds for skill set development, for learning on the job, for building empathy."

    ·       "The merging and connection between student affairs and academic affairs was really powerful and helpful to me."

    ·       "If you're not committed to supporting the health, well-being, and dignity of all human beings, then you're not socially justice-oriented."


    00:00Introduction and Nathan Long's Leadership Journey

    07:40The Evolution of Saybrook University

    09:38Building a Diverse and Inclusive Community

    10:26The Power of Failure and Collaboration in Higher Education

    15:19Innovative Approaches: How Saybrook Adapted and Thrived During the Pandemic

    36:45Transformative Idea: Working Harder Than Your Hardest Working Faculty and Staff

    • 50 min
    Navigating Transformation: Dr. John Maduko's Holistic Vision for Educational Innovation

    Navigating Transformation: Dr. John Maduko's Holistic Vision for Educational Innovation

    In this episode, we speak with Dr. John Maduko, President of the Connecticut Community College system. With
    a medical degree and a background in healthcare, Dr. Maduko brings a fresh and holistic perspective to the world of higher education. His journey from medicine to academia is a story of adaptability, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to serving others.

    As one of the few college presidents with an MD, Dr. Maduko's path to leadership is both unconventional and inspiring. His transition was driven by a profound
    personal decision to prioritize family, leading him to discover a new passion for teaching and, ultimately, for leading complex educational institutions.

     And Dr. Maduko's current role is perhaps his most ambitious yet—overseeing the merger of Connecticut's 12 community colleges into one cohesive system. This
    monumental task is one of the most complex processes in the history of higher education, requiring not just strategic vision but also a deep understanding of the human element at its core.

     In this episode, we explore Dr. Maduko's leadership philosophy, his innovative approaches to student success, and the profound challenges and opportunities presented by this unprecedented merger. He shares his insights on the importance of empathy, the need for authentic leadership, and his vision for a more inclusive and equitable educational landscape.

     Stay tuned as Dr. John Maduko reveals the inner workings of this transformative journey, offering invaluable lessons for anyone passionate about education, leadership, and making a meaningful impact.

     Key Takeaways:

    ·       Maduko's journey from being a medical doctor to becoming a college president was driven by his desire to be present for his family and his passion for education.

    ·       The merger of Connecticut's 12 community colleges into one system is a complex and challenging process that requires listening to the concerns and perspectives of
    faculty, staff, and students.

    ·       Decentralized decision-making and shared governance are essential for successful mergers and
    effective leadership in higher education.

    ·       A student-centered approach to education, focusing on the needs and goals of students, is crucial for the success of the merged institution.

    ·       The merger is still in its early stages, and the process of stabilizing and building the new institution will take time.

    ·       The pandemic had a significant impact on enrollment, but the institution is adapting to the new normal in higher education.

    ·       The merger of Connecticut's community colleges is a unique case study in higher education, and the challenges and lessons learned will contribute to the future
    of the field. Connecticut State Community College has faced challenges with flat enrollment and a significant loss of community college enrollment in the

    ·       The challenges are correlated with the housing crisis, childcare crisis, and affordability crisis in Connecticut, which affect the students served by CT

    ·       The pandemic exacerbated these issues and forced CT State to recognize the importance of online education and meeting students' needs in terms of support
    systems, resources, and wraparound services.

    ·       CT State has implemented innovative practices such as the guided pathways advisor model, mental health support, and the free tuition program to promote student

    ·       The college is focused on aligning programs with the evolving needs of the local and national workforce, particularly in nursing and health professions,
    manufacturing, and IT.

    ·       CT State is working to address inequities, connect various systems in the state, and make education about the individual and their success.

    ·       Advice for emerging leaders in higher education includes being people-centered, having a clear vision, and prioritizing the well-being

    • 53 min
    Marketing the Future: Allen Adamson on Experience Innovation and Higher Education

    Marketing the Future: Allen Adamson on Experience Innovation and Higher Education

    Joining us for today’s conversation is Allen Adamson, a true marketing wizard and the author of the fantastic new book, Seeing the How: Transforming. Transforming What People Do, Not Buy, To Gain Market Advantage
    Alan is not just any marketing expert—he's a visionary who has worked with some of the world's leading brands, and he's here to share insights that are highly relevant for higher education.

    Allen’s latest book is all about the power of experience innovation, a concept that can transform how we think about the student experience. We often hear about the importance of what we teach, but Allen is going to challenge us to think about how we deliver that education and why the student experience is so crucial in today’s competitive landscape.

    We'll explore how universities can distinguish themselves by focusing on the overall experience they offer, from campus life to support services, and even how they
    integrate technology. Alan will share practical strategies for understanding and enhancing the student journey, drawing from his vast experience in the corporate world and beyond.

    So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and get ready for a thought-provoking conversation that may just leave you feeling a little bit uncomfortable.

    Keywords experience innovation, product transformation, marketing, higher education, brand promise, customer
    needs, consensus-driven environment, focus, execution, brand, unique experience, vision, customer journey, touch points, lenses, differentiation, higher education


    ·       Experience innovation is about changing how the product fits into the customer's life and the overall experience it provides.

    ·       In higher education, the focus should shift from the product (education) to the experience.

    ·       Universities have multiple customers, including students, parents, faculty, and donors, and
    the brand needs to work for all of them.

    ·       Executing a brand promise is challenging in a consensus-driven environment, but it's important to focus on one key area of excellence.

    ·       Word of mouth and social media play a significant role in shaping brand perception.

    ·       Shared governance can limit the ability of colleges and universities to move forward with their brand promise.

    ·       Some universities, like NYU, have successfully integrated their brand into the city they are located in, providing a unique experience for students. Having a clear
    vision and the authority, resources, and time to execute it are crucial for creating a strong brand and delivering a unique experience.

    ·       Understanding the customer or student journey and identifying touch points for improvement can lead to significant enhancements in the overall experience.

    ·       Looking at the market through different lenses can help identify opportunities that may be right in front of us but are often overlooked.

    ·       Staying true to an organization's roots and leveraging its DNA can drive innovation and differentiation.

    ·       In higher education, focusing on a specific target audience and innovating on the student experience can help institutions better differentiate themselves.


    and Discussion of Alan Adamson's Book

    Innovation: Changing the Focus from Product to Customer Experience

    the Multiple Customers of Universities

    a Brand Promise in a Consensus-Driven Environment

    Challenges of Shared Governance in Higher Education

    Story: NYU's Integration of Brand and City Experience

    Power of Focus and Execution

    Signature Experiences

    with DNA and Execution

    at the Market Through Different Lenses

    Digital and Virtual Experiences

    Through Focus and Innovation


    • 53 min
    Vision, Resilience, and Faith-Driven Decision-Making: Dr. Amy Bragg Carey's Turn-Around Leadership at Friends University

    Vision, Resilience, and Faith-Driven Decision-Making: Dr. Amy Bragg Carey's Turn-Around Leadership at Friends University

    In this episode, we delve into the journey of an exceptional higher education leader: Dr. Amy Bragg Carey, President of Kansas-based Friends University, whose leadership is characterized by vision, resilience, and faith-driven decision-making. Dr. Carey has navigated Friends University through a transformative journey, guiding it from a turnaround situation to a thriving institution. Her empowering leadership style, rooted in her deep faith and commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive environment, has made a significant impact on the university's growth and success.

    Dr. Carey shares insights into her leadership philosophy, the influence of her early mentors, and the innovative strategies she has employed to drive enrollment and build a strong community. We'll explore how her background in advancement and marketing, combined with her dedication to the university's Quaker heritage, has shaped her approach to leading with clarity and purpose.

    Join us as we uncover the story of Dr. Amy Bragg Carey’s empowering leadership at Friends University, and gain valuable lessons on resilience, vision casting, and creating a culture of innovation in higher education.

    Keywords: leadership journey, empowerment, vision, faith, Friends University, enrollment management,
    fundraising, Quaker institution, international students, facilities, endowment, character development

    Key Takeaways

    ·       Empowering and equipping team members is crucial for effective leadership.

    ·       Clarity in vision and goals is essential for guiding the institution.

    ·       Faith influences decision-making and interactions with others.

    ·       Friends University focuses on respect, inclusion, service, and excellence.

    ·       Strategies to increase enrollment include adding market-demand programs and improving retention rates.

    ·       Building relationships and fundraising are important for the institution's success.

    ·       The vision for Friends University is to be the preferred Christian university in the region.

    ·       Recruiting international students and expanding programs are exciting opportunities.

    ·       Improving facilities, building the endowment, and focusing on character development are part of President Carey's legacy goals.

    Sound Bites

    ·       "Empowering people is important to me"

    ·       "I see myself as a cheerleader"

    ·       "We've faced challenges before and we can do it again"


    00:00 Influential Individuals and the Leadership Journey

    05:41 Empowerment, Vision Casting, and Clarity in Leadership

    09:10 The Role of Faith in Decision-Making and University Culture

    10:45 Unique Culture and Governance of Friends University

    13:51 Strategies for Managing Enrollment and Adding New Programs

    24:25 Clarifying the Institution's Identity

    27:30 Opportunities for the Future: Preferred Christian University and International Students

    28:42 Expanding International Student Population

    31:44 Applying Research on Turnaround Schools

    41:34 Building Relationships and Fundraising

    46:51 Strengthening Physical Infrastructure and Endowment

    49:50 Fostering Resilience in Students

    51:31 The Value of Longevity in the Presidency

    • 54 min
    Using Oneself Well: Leadership Lessons from Nazareth University President Beth Paul

    Using Oneself Well: Leadership Lessons from Nazareth University President Beth Paul

    Nazareth University President Elizabeth (Beth) Paul, Ph.D. shares her journey to becoming a college president and her leadership philosophy. She emphasizes the importance of using oneself well and being mission-driven. She discusses the challenges and opportunities of following a long-serving president and the importance of establishing one's own leadership style. President Paul highlights the founding principles of Nazareth University and its commitment to community partnerships and change-making. She also discusses the value of inclusive communities and the impact of learning innovations. President Paul offers advice to emerging leaders and emphasizes the need for intergenerational learning in higher education.

     Keywords: college presidency, leadership journey,
    mission-driven, leadership philosophy, challenges, opportunities, establishing leadership style, founding principles, community partnerships, change-making,
    inclusive communities, learning innovations, emerging leaders, intergenerational learning

    Being mission-driven and using oneself well are important aspects of effective leadership.
    Following a long-serving president presents both challenges and opportunities for establishing one's own leadership style.
    Community partnerships and change-making are key components of Nazareth University's mission.
    Inclusive communities and learning innovations are important for the future of higher education.
    Emerging leaders should not give up and should embrace intergenerational learning.

    Sound Bites
    "Being mission-driven and using oneself well"
    "Learning is what it's all about"
    "Establishing one's own leadership style"

    00:00Introduction and Background
    13:24Establishing Leadership Style
    35:24Dealing with Adversity
    43:22Advice for Emerging Leaders
    49:35Intergenerational Learning

    • 51 min
    University Design. Redefining Learning for the Knowledge Economy: David Staley on Educational Well-Being and Continuous Learning

    University Design. Redefining Learning for the Knowledge Economy: David Staley on Educational Well-Being and Continuous Learning

    In his recent IngenioUs blog post, David J. Staley discusses the evolving landscape of higher education based on insights from Martin Betts and Michael Rosemann's book, The New Learning Economy: Thriving Beyond Higher Education. Staley introduces the concept of "educational well-being," emphasizing the need for continuous learning to maintain relevant knowledge and skills throughout one's career. He critically examines the traditional higher education model as primarily an "up-front knowledge industry," suggesting it is increasingly inadequate due to rapid knowledge depreciation driven by advancements in AI and automation.
    Staley advocates for Educational-well-being-as-a-Service (EaaS), a subscription-like model that continuously updates educational credentials similar to how healthcare services are administered. This model, he argues, could better serve the modern economy by adapting to ongoing changes and personal learning needs.
    The value of Staley’s thinking lies in his forward-looking approach to educational models, pushing for radical changes that align with the realities of the knowledge economy. His ideas challenge traditional institutions to reconsider their roles and adapt to a system that supports lifelong learning and educational flexibility. This perspective is crucial as it highlights the need for higher education systems to evolve and remain relevant in a rapidly changing global context.

    • 6 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
7 Ratings

7 Ratings

RGA2789 ,

Great Ideas for Higher Education

Melissa run a thoughtful and creative podcast that shares ideas and innovations in higher education. Great speakers, fresh ideas, and effective moderation make the podcasts well worth listening to.

Monica Bilson ,

Best higher ed podcast

Anyone interested in higher ed innovation should listen to this podcast. It’s miles above the other ones out there. Melissa in not only brings in the most relevant innovators as guests, but asks them questions that dig deeper into all the pressing challenges in this space, moving the conversation past the usual talking points.

johnny pizza boy ,

Great podcast!

Whoever edits this is doing an excellent job!

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