230 episodes

In Brazil, the term língua da gente (literally 'language of the people') refers to the way that people actually talk in everyday speech. And that, in essence, is the object behind this series. We hope to provide practical lessons that demonstrate how people really speak, and we do this by presenting brief, slice-of-life dialogs, which focus on some daily situation, scenario, or task that we encounter every day.

Língua da Gente - Portuguese Podcast: Dialogs COERLL, University of Texas at Austin, Project Director: Orlando Kelm

    • Education
    • 4.3 • 10 Ratings

In Brazil, the term língua da gente (literally 'language of the people') refers to the way that people actually talk in everyday speech. And that, in essence, is the object behind this series. We hope to provide practical lessons that demonstrate how people really speak, and we do this by presenting brief, slice-of-life dialogs, which focus on some daily situation, scenario, or task that we encounter every day.

    Slice of Life 50: Volunteer Work

    Slice of Life 50: Volunteer Work

    We all need a little help sometimes, and fortunately good neighbors, friends, and church groups rally to help out and provide community service. Here in Texas natural disasters seem to top the list: tornados, hurricanes, floods and fires. In today’s episode it is time to put together some food packages. Feel free to join us if you’d like to.DialogueA: Acabei de receber uma ligação da Barbara do Banco de Alimentos.
    B: Sim, e aí? Eles precisam de ajuda neste fim de semana?
    A: Sim. Várias pessoas perderam a casa deles no tornado da noite passada.
    B: Eles precisam de doações?
    A: Doações nem tanto, mas estão precisando de gente pra ajudar a montar os pacotes de alimentos.
    B: Eu tenho um tempinho amanhã de manhã. Diga pra Barb que estamos dentro.
    A: Ótimo, a Bárbara me disse que eles vão se reunir por volta das 9h da manhã, beleza?
    B: Sem problemas, vou convidar a Jamie para ir também.A: I just got a call from Barbara at the Food Bank.
    B: Yeah, what’s up? Do they need some help this weekend?
    A: They do. A number of people lost their homes in last night’s tornado.
    B: Do they need some donations?
    A: Not so much donations, but they need people to help put together the food packages.
    B: I’ve got some free time tomorrow morning. Tell Barb that we’re in.
    A: Great, Barbara said they’re getting together around 9:00am, OK?
    B: No problem, I’ll invite Jamie to join us too.

    Slice of Life 49: Finals Week

    Slice of Life 49: Finals Week

    Final exams are very stressful for high school students. With one test determining 25% of their semester average, students need to ace these tests to do well. Finals week comes at the end of every semester. While students usually have 4 classes a day, on finals week they have 2 two-hour long exam periods; the day ends at lunch time.DialogueA: Nem acredito que já estamos na semana das provas finais!
    B: Eu sei. Parece que a escola começou ontem.
    A: Não é? Eu não estudei o suficiente.
    B: Bom, você tem sorte porque como as provas Só tomam metade do dia, você pode passar a outra metade estudando.
    A: É, mas minhas primeiras provas são de Matemática e Biologia. Eu não quero arruinar 25% da minha média final.
    B: Tenho certeza de que você vai se dar bem.
    A: Que provas você têm primeiro?
    B: História e Cerâmica. Todas as minhas provas difíceis são no final da semana.
    A: O bom é que a gente entra de férias assim que os exames terminarem.
    B: É. Não vejo a hora de botar o sono em dia.A: I can’t believe it’s already finals week!
    B: I know. It seems like school just started yesterday.
    A: I know, right? I haven’t studied enough.
    B: Well, luckily, because finals are half days you can spend the rest of the day studying.
    A: Yeah, but I have math and bio first. I don’t want to mess up 25% of my semester average.
    B: I’m sure it will be fine.
    A: Which classes do you have first?
    B: History and ceramics. All of my hard classes are at the end of the week.
    A: At least winter break begins after testing is over.
    B: Yeah, I am looking forward to getting some more sleep.

    Slice of Life 48: Time to mow the lawn

    Slice of Life 48: Time to mow the lawn

    You can’t get around it, home ownership implies a lawn, and lawns need to be mowed. Some people love it, some people hate it. A beautiful lawn is always a symbol of a well-kept yard. In today’s episode, once again it is time to mow the lawn.DialogueA: Tá na hora de cortar a grama novamente esse fim de semana, né?
    B: De novo! Parece que a gente acabou de cortar.
    A: Tá tudo com uma cara ótima esse ano, você não acha?
    B: Sim. Aquele fertilizante deu muito certo.
    A: Falando nisso, você conseguiu mais gasolina para o cortador de grama?
    B: Botei gasolina nova e também troquei o óleo. Tá pronto para cortar a grama.
    A: Obrigada, o motor tem andado meio barulhento ultimamente.
    B: Eu substituí a vela de ignição velha e agora arranca sem problema.A: About time to mow the lawn again this weekend, right?
    B: Again! It seems like we just mowed it.
    A: It’s looking pretty good this year, don’t you think?
    B: It is. That weed-and-feed did a great job.
    A: By the way, did you get some more gas for the mower?
    B: Fresh gas, and I changed the oil too. It should be good to go.
    A: Thanks, it’s been sounding a little rough lately.
    B: I replaced the old spark plug, and it cranked up no problem.

    Slice of Life 47: Takeout

    Slice of Life 47: Takeout

    Sometimes you are really hungry but don’t have any time to cook. Other times, you simply don’t feel like cooking or are having a craving for that dish from your favorite restaurant. In these cases, ordering takeout is a great idea!DialogueA: Tô com tanta fome. Não tem nada gostoso pra comer em casa.
    B: Ah, acho que a gente vai passar por aquele restaurante coreano daqui a pouco. Quer ir?
    A: Quero sim, mas a gente tá sem tempo. Já estamos atrasadas.
    B: Bom, porque a gente não pede pra viagem?
    A: Boa ideia.
    B: Ai meu Deus, essa comida tá com um cheiro tão bom...
    A: Vou pedir para eles botarem uns garfinhos de plástico na sacola e a gente come no carro.
    B: Boa. Vou tentar não sujar o carro.
    A: Você sempre se suja toda quando come...
    B: Olha lá! Acho que o cara tá vindo com a nossa sacola.A: I’m so hungry. There’s nothing good to eat at home.
    B: Ooh I think I see that Korean place coming up. Wanna go there?
    A: I mean yeah, but we don’t have time. We’re already late.
    B: Well… why don’t we just get takeout?
    A: Good idea!
    B: Oh my God, that food smells so good!
    A: I’ll ask them to put some forks in the bag so we can eat in the car.
    B: Sounds good. I’ll try to not get the car dirty!
    A: You are a very messy eater…
    B: Hey! I think I see the guy coming with our bag.

    Slice of Life 46: How does your garden grow?

    Slice of Life 46: How does your garden grow?

    One of the delights of summertime is the chance to grow your own vegetables in a garden. It’s a little tricky with the weather, a need to water, and a constant battle with the bugs. But nothing tastes as good as a fresh tomato from the garden. Wish us luck, and happy harvesting.DialogueA: Parece que a sua horta tá indo bem. Tá uma beleza!
    B: Obrigado, eu plantei a ervilha um pouco tarde este ano, mas o feijão está ótimo.
    A: É, a ervilha pode ser mais complicado, principalmente porque aqui faz tanto calor.
    B: E os meus tomates e abóboras começaram bem.
    A: Eu desisti dos tomates, os esquilos e os insetos comem eles o tempo todo.
    B: É por isso que eu gosto de cenoura, batata e batata doce.
    A: Que esperto, todos crescem no subsolo. Você com certeza tem dedo verde.A: Looks like your vegetable garden is taking off! Looks great.
    B: Thanks, I got my peas in a little late this year, but the beans are coming in strong.
    A: Peas can be tricky, especially with how hot it gets around here.
    B: And my tomatoes and squash have a good start.
    A: I gave up on tomatoes, the squirrels and the bugs get them every time.
    B: That’s the main reason why I like carrots, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.
    A: Smart, they all grow underground. You’ve definitely got a green thumb.

    Slice of Life 45: Game Night

    Slice of Life 45: Game Night

    Many American families host game nights. These fun evenings unite the whole family, creating a fun, yet competitive, environment that can last for hours. Choosing which game to play can sometimes be the most stressful part, though.DialogueA: O Monopoly tá pronto! Qual peça você quer ser?
    B: Aff, esse jogo demora muito.
    A: Mas é tão divertido! E é perfeito para uma noite de jogo.
    B: Tá bom, tudo bem, eu jogo. Mas só se eu for a banqueira.
    A: Nada de trapaça desta vez! Você sempre rouba o dinheiro.
    B: Mas faz o jogo acabar mais rápido.
    A: Vou pegar uns lanchinhos na despensa.
    B: E eu vou pegar uns jogos reserva caso ninguém queira jogar Monopoly.
    A: Que rude!
    B: Eu tenho Pictionary, Scrabble, e Uno. Esses as pessoas vão querer jogar com certeza.A: I got Monopoly ready! Which piece do you want to be?
    B: Ugh, that game takes too long.
    A: But it’s so fun! And it’s perfect for game night.
    B: Okay fine, I’ll play. As long as I get to be the banker.
    A: No cheating this time! You always steal the money.
    B: But it speeds up the game.
    A: I’m gonna get the snacks from the pantry.
    B: And I’ll get backup games in case no one wants to play Monopoly.
    A: Rude!
    B: I have Pictionary, Scrabble, and Uno! People will definitely want to play those.

Customer Reviews

4.3 out of 5
10 Ratings

10 Ratings

SilentSam ,


This is a wonderful podcast. It's especially helpful with all the little things. There are so many non-standard aspects to Brazilian Portuguese, and this podcast always explains how Brazilians "really" talk. I can't recomend it enough.

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