19 min

The Lemonade Chat Episode 29 Lemonade Chat

    • Mental Health

Benita Thornhill, MA, Licensed Professional Counselor and Doctoral Candidate in Clinical Psychology explores how to find inspiration and motivation to be the beat version of yourself during the pandemic. During this informal episode, Benita shares a few of the ways she finds inspiration.  

Download the Jasper Lite app available on IOS or Google Play and never miss an episode of the Lemonade Chat Podcast.

Benita Thornhill, MA, Licensed Professional Counselor and Doctoral Candidate in Clinical Psychology explores how to find inspiration and motivation to be the beat version of yourself during the pandemic. During this informal episode, Benita shares a few of the ways she finds inspiration.  

Download the Jasper Lite app available on IOS or Google Play and never miss an episode of the Lemonade Chat Podcast.

19 min