Younger with Dr. Robyn Benson

Robyn Benson
Younger with Dr. Robyn Benson

Welcome to Younger, The Art and Science of Youthful Aging where you’ll learn the latest cutting-edge strategies for natural regenerative ways to reverse aging from top health experts worldwide. My show is all about looking and feeling younger every day using non-toxic solutions that tap into your body's intelligence to regenerate. I’m your host Dr. Robyn Benson - an expert in regenerative medicine and founder of ART - Amplified Regenerative Therapies at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health.

  1. 20 DE MAI.

    Seat of the Soul with Gary Zukav

    Episode Summary: Gary Zukav and Dr. Robyn discuss the rapid global transformation in human consciousness, emphasizing the need to recognize and adapt to this change. They highlighted the importance of moving beyond the five senses and understanding the new consciousness as a multisensory experience. In Dr. Robyn’s discussion with Gary, they emphasize the importance of choosing love over fear in times of uncertainty. Dr. Robyn shares her personal experience with Gary as she would pass by him while she hosted her Women’s Retreat in Chile, located at Los Lobos with Dr. Alberto Villoldo and his wife Marcela Lobos. Dr. Robyn shares these brief discussions and how his books had a profound impact on her life. The conversation culminates in a thought-provoking discussion on the role of love and fear in personal growth. Guest Bio: Gary Zukav (born October 17, 1942) is an American spiritual Teacher, with a capital “T”, and the author of four consecutive New York Times Best Sellers. Beginning in 1998, he appeared more than 30 times on The Oprah Winfrey Show to discuss transformation in human consciousness concepts presented in his book, The Seat of the Soul. Gary’s first book, The Dancing Wu Li Masters (1979), won a U.S. National Book Award. It is an overview of the New Physics, winner of The American Book Award for Science. Gary’s book Seat of the Soul, was celebrated as a #1 New York Times bestselling book for 3 consecutive years in a row. His book, Soul Stories, was also a New York Times bestseller; and many others. Gary’s books have sold millions of copies and are published in twenty-four languages. He is a graduate of Harvard University and a former U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Beret) officer with Vietnam service. Gary has lived in Oregon with his spiritual partner, Linda Francis, Gary said about Linda “She was a model to me and many others.” Linda was his life partner until 2022. Key Takeaways: An introduction to Gary Zukav as a multi-sensory perception and spiritual Teacher.  Insights on spiritual evolution and personal growth today! Discussions around multi-sensory perception in "Seat of the Soul," how it's evolved in the author’s thinking since publishing his book. Encouragement for listeners to experiment with concepts shared, and not to accept them blindly. The new consciousness, soul, and authentic power. The transformation of human consciousness as it is happening rapidly and unprecedentedly. Acknowledging how aging and wisdom are not necessarily linked, as some older individuals may still struggle with self-awareness. Recognizing and managing emotions to attain authentic power. Examples of why some people don't change over time and others do, and the role of fear in shaping personality. How emotions are key to creating authentic power by looking inside oneself by managing emotions and personality parts. Discovering emotional literacy by recognizing physical sensations in chest, throat, and solar plexus. The importance of focusing on the loving parts of your personality to access authentic power. The awareness of frightened parts of personality experience powerlessness, leading to outward or inward change efforts. Ways to create authentic power through intentional choices which requires awareness, emotional awareness, and responsible choice. The Wheel of Suffering, as Buddhists call it, which represents how perception depends on how one holds it, either with fear or love. How intention is a quality of consciousness, not just a goal, and setting an intention can bring into one's life circumstances that help them grow. Healing ways of consciousness expansion through awareness and choice. The on-going process of managing emotions as part of making choices in daily life. Consciousness expansion and how it can lead to clarity, compassion, and responsible choice. Remind Shamans treat people in pain, not sickness itself. How o

  2. 30 DE ABR.

    Pellets, Peptides, & Patient Centered Care

    Episode Summary: Have you ever heard of peptides or pellets? If yes, you will enjoy this episode. If you no, then this is the opportunity to listen and learn more from Matthew Moody, which will be helpful to you either way. Taking the natural approach to health requires that we begin by recognizing the body has the ability to make its own peptides. They are short protein chains of amino acids. Peptides serve your body's most important and necessary processes, such as digestion, how your body uses energy from the food you eat, helps indicate how hungry you feel, how your hormones work, and cell movement. Peptide hormones and neuropeptides are the fundamental signaling molecules that mediate cell-cell communication. Pellets have become an innovative custom-compounded therapy used for symptoms that are generated from a hormone imbalance. On this episode of YOUNGER you will learn the importance of top-quality sources certain healthcare practitioners use which can significantly help a patient save money and more importantly, provide the best, efficient outcome for the patient. Listen and learn from Matthew. Let Dr. Robyn help you find out if these therapies are a good option for you to live an improved, and vital life of regenerative.   Guest Bio: As a Holistic Nurse Practitioner (HNP) and a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), Matthew Moody is an advanced practiced nurse trained in holistic and integrative healthcare and new on our Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine provider team. Learn how he values staying present in his heart based approach to health and living that is extensive and comprehensive. Matthew understands the value of traditional Western Medicine, then applies his education to his patient’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being creating a very personalized treatment plan. He listens in order to obtain the full perspective. His unique approach to healthcare guides him to serve each patient as a whole person. Matthew incorporates various techniques such as meditation, massage, herbal medicine, as well as prescription drugs. He has become a leading expert in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, among other conventional modalities. Matthew offers primary care, preventative care, and health education. He shares the many reasons why he is excited to be a new part of our Santa Fe Soul provider team. Matthew holds double board certifications and possesses a strong background in mindfulness meditation. He also has achieved three coaching certifications and has experience in psychiatric and holistic nursing, registered nursing, homeopathy, aromatherapy, and therapeutic touch. Additionally, he provides BACH® Remedy Recommendations and has served on the Board of Directors and as President of the NM American Psychiatric Nursing Association. Enjoy listening to how Matthew offers a holistic approach with the coaching skills to empower individuals to move forward and embrace life with a positive, present-moment perspective.   Key Qs Answered: ·      What are peptides? … what are pellets? ·      How can they help improve your health? ·      Are they safe to use? ·      What is the main function of peptides? … of pellets? ·      Are there pros and cons of these therapies? ·      Is there a difference between peptides and steroids? ·      Can hormone pellets help you focus on fighting belly fat? ·      How are they administered? ·      What is the risk to try them? ·      Does anything happen to you if you decide to stop using these therapies?   Resources for a Younger Lifestyle: Meet Matthew Moody a Nurse Practitioner at Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine with advanced training - For more YOUNGER Podcast Episodes:   Quotes: “Peptides are the building blocks to better living and

  3. 9 DE FEV.

    The Art of Intuitive Manifestation

    Episode Summary: Hello everyone! Welcome to this special episode of YOUNGER! Today I am thrilled to bring one of my dearest friends on this planet, Dr. Joy Martina. Today we will discuss “The ART of Intuitive Manifestation.” We are going to delve into the mystical world of intuition. I will explore Dr. Joy’s unique approach and techniques that can offer you the ability to learn the tools you have to uncover the power of your subconscious mind. She will explain authentic connections with your desires that can directly shape a profound and meaningful reality. Joy has an otherworldly ability to ‘see’ what you don’t even see in yourself, turn deep seated limiting belief on its head and offer swift transformation so that you can claim your power and start living the life you were meant to live. Her methods may appear decidedly woo-woo yet are based in tangible metaphysics and science. She attracts 1,000’s globally and is taken seriously. What I enjoy most about Joy is the way she always leads with one objective, love. Her message is clear and she creatively shares the fun by generating joyful experiences. Guest Bio: Dr. Joy Martina is a psychic psychologist and founder of Golden Goddess Circles. An international group of over 1000 conscious women, dedicated to creating financial freedom for themselves and others. Joy’s methods are decidedly a little woo, yet based in tangible science backed results. She commands crowds worldwide into the thousands, proving that woo works! While she takes her work very seriously, she always leads with the objective of having fun, creating joy and spreading love. Joy has authored 7 books including her most recent bestseller, “How to Use Your Intuition to Change Your Life.” She has spent decades researching Intuition and uses this as the guiding force for the transformative work she does to help others step into their truth and create a life in alignment with their highest good. Joy lives and works at das Lichtwerk in Austria. An oasis for relaxation and regeneration in the heart of the Mozart city of Salzburg. Key Takeaways: Your ability to tap into your own intuition and tune into your personal wisdom ·      Ways to recognize your body’s kinesthetic channel ·      How to learn joyful and pleasurable experiences ·      Ways to listen to your gut just as much as your brain ·      Methods to use your energy for good ·      Your ability to draw from the quantum field ·      Connect to your highest potential ·      How to create big change in your life ·      Your ability to tune into your environment ·      Ways to recognize you are stuck in an old pattern and how to make a shift ·      Witness your triggers and react less to them ·      The pathway from an emotionally attached and highly charged position to a grounded, neutral state. Resources for a Younger Lifestyle: YOUNGER Podcast (episode #26): 5 Steps to Strengthening Your Intuition with Joy Martina, PhD - Quotes: “Love resonates on every level from Joy’s being. She has the gift of channeling love to all those who witness her unique gifts.” “You can transform limiting beliefs and program into an abundance mindset.” “Let’s claim your power and start living the life you value in your heart and desire to live. Envision your greatest, grandest self. Now let’s get to work!”

  4. 19/12/2023

    Could it be your Thyroid?

    Episode Summary: The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck, along the front of the windpipe. The thyroid has two side lobes, connected by a bridge in the middle—picture the shape of a butterfly. On my next YOUNGER podcast episode called, “Could It Be Your Thyroid?” we explain how Thyroid issues can be under diagnosed, what Thyroid Lab Tests to ask request from your practitioner, and the best ways you can supplement your body specifically for a healthy Thyroid. We know how difficult it is to determine if you have a thyroid disease, this is mainly because the symptoms are similar to many other health problems. Many doctors simply don’t have the time to discuss symptoms with patients and sort out the cause of their complaints. If you’re trying to talk to your health professional about your thyroid worries and they aren’t taking you seriously, seek a second opinion, and be your own advocate. Speak up! Dr. Christi Alsop is our Hashimoto’s thyroiditis expert practitioner at Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine.  Our team is here for you so make sure when you call us, we can schedule a time to help you gain insights related to a regenerative lifestyle and more. Guest Bio: Dr. Robyn Benson is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) who brings an innovative and game-changing approach to today’s health care. Robyn offers the most advanced and cutting-edge therapies, procedures, and products designed to renew, restore, and revive health called A.R.T.: Amplified Regenerative Therapies. Dr. Benson, author, speaker, and self-care and Regenerative Medicine* expert, is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions! She has been the owner and founder of the Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health (now Regenerative Medicine) for close to two decades. For almost 30 years, Dr. Benson has applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, herbs, IV therapies, and her love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health without the use of pharmaceuticals or surgery. Key Takeaways: Where the thyroid Gland is located Thyroid function Hormones The role of iodine Thyroid and metabolism Thyroid and endocrine systems Thyroid and your immune system Common symptoms of Overactive Thyroid Gland Defining Underactive Thyroid Gland Swelling in your neck Best methods to diagnose thyroid issues Why Thyroid issues are under diagnosed Thyroid lab tests to request Hashimoto’s and Grave’s Disease Ways to support a healthy thyroid Importance of stress reduction Adrenal gland support Top quality thyroid nutrients Resources for a Younger Lifestyle: For more YOUNGER Podcast Episodes: Reference about the thyroid: Immune system and thyroid: 10 signs you have a thyroid problem: Thyroid and adrenals: Omega-3’s and thyroid: Stress and thyroid: Quotes: “Iodine is absorbed into our bloodstream from food in our bowel. It is then carried to the thyroid gland, where it is eventually used to make thyroid hormones.”   “Thyroi

  5. 11/12/2023

    Slow Aging Inside and Out with Food-Derived Spermidine

    Episode Summary: On my next YOUNGER podcast episode, I interview the founder of Oxford-HealthSpan, a company that is now producing a high-quality spermidine called Primaeadine®. Many health practitioners are learning more spermidine. You will learn how it is a naturally-occurring and potent polyamine (a kind of protein) known for inducing autophagy, the body's cellular renewal and recycling process. It also inhibits 9 of the 12 Hallmarks of Aging, the paths down which we age. Oxford-HealthSpan is backed by leading longevity experts, to produce products formulated with the oversight of internationally recognized longevity scientists and doctors, including Oxford University Emeritus Professor of Physiology, Denis Noble and Immunology Professor and Autophagy Expert, Katja Simon, "Best in Medicine" Longevity Doctor and Author of ‘The Kaufmann Anti-Aging Protocol’, Dr. Sandy Kaufmann, Celebrity Anti-Aging Doctor and Psychoneuroimmunologist, Dr. Olivia Lesslar, and Head of the UK's first-of-its-kind Space Innovation Lab and Autophagy Researcher, Dr. Ghada Alsaleh, among others. Guest Bio: Leslie Kenny, is the founder of Oxford HealthSpan. She is an Oxford based entrepreneur born in California and a graduate of Berkeley and Harvard Business School. In her 30s, her life changed dramatically when she was diagnosed with an array of autoimmune conditions - lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and hypothyroidism. Her doctors told her there was no cure and that they could only be managed with strong immunosuppressants. This didn't sit right with her. Coming from a Taiwanese background, she was raised with the mentality that its best to work with your body’s innate wisdom to heal itself. Why would she suppress her immune system rather than support it in its natural abilities? On a quest to revive her own health, she went back to school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC. Her passion for health optimization grew and her career took an interesting and unexpected turn when she moved to Oxford and began working with Oxford University scientists and doctors. Key Takeaways: ·      The science behind spermidine ·      Synthetic or not ·      Clean ingredients and whole-plant derived spermidine ·      3rd Party lab testing ·      Who benefits ·      Suggested dosage ·      What to expect ·      Foods highest in spermidine ·      Natural solution not a medical treatment ·      Quality spermidine supplements ·      What do health practitioners know ·      Where can I purchase Primaeadine® Resources for a Younger Lifestyle: The link to your Special Offer: For more YOUNGER Podcast Episodes: Quotes: “2/3 of the spermidine found in the human body is produced endogenously, or in the body, by the gut microbiota and various tissues. The final 1/3 is found exogenously, or externally, in the food that we eat.” “As we age, our body's ability to produce it declines. To restore youthful levels of spermidine, we have to look externally. Otherwise, our cells' ability to trigger autophagy will continue to decline and the aging pathways will progress.”

  6. 17/11/2023

    Optimizing Your Lymphatic System

    Episode Summary: According to Cancer Research UK, this works because, “as the blood circulates around the body, fluid leaks out from the blood vessels unto the body tissues. This fluid carries food to the cells and bathes the body tissues to form tissue fluid. The fluid then collects waste products, bacteria, and damaged cells, as well as any cancer cells if present. This fluid then drains into the lymph system. The lymph then flows through the lymph vessels into the lymph glands, which filter out any bacteria and damaged cells.” Once filtered, the lymph leaves the glands and moves into larger lymphatic vessels to the thoracic duct at the base of the neck. Lymph is then released back into the bloodstream, free of any harmful infection or bacteria. The lymphatic system also helps to maintain fluid balance within the body. “Lymph contains a high number of white blood cells called lymphocytes that work to target and destroy damaged or abnormal cells from the body.” Guest Bio: Dr. Robyn Benson is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) who brings an innovative and game-changing approach to today’s health care. Robyn offers the most advanced and cutting-edge therapies, procedures, and products designed to renew, restore, and revive health called A.R.T.: Amplified Regenerative Therapies.   Dr. Benson, author, speaker, and self-care and Regenerative Medicine* expert, is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions! She has been the owner and founder of the Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health (now Regenerative Medicine) for close to two decades.   For almost 30 years, Dr. Benson has applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, herbs, IV therapies, and her love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health without the use of pharmaceuticals or surgery.   Key Takeaways: ·      The role of the lymphatic system ·      The anatomy of the lymphatic ·      The lymphatic system at work ·      Maintaining your fluid balance ·      Causes of swelling in the lymph nodes ·      A list of common diseases affecting the lymphatic system ·      Symptoms of lymphatic fatigue ·      Immunity-boosting lymphatic support is within your control ·      Keep the water coming ·      Increase lymphatic circulation making moves ·      Relieve stress for a healthy lymphatic system ·      Relieving stress with practiced breath ·      Brush away toxins ·      Get cozy to stimulate your system ·      Eating for optimal health ·      Managing the elimination process ·      Nutrient packed recipes ·      Be prepared for those snack attacks ·      Fight inflammation with turmeric Resources for a Younger Lifestyle: For more YOUNGER Podcast Episodes: Here are some wonderful recipes from Eating Well online: ·      Berry-Almond Smoothie Bowl: ·      Purple Fruit Salad: ·      Spinach Avocado Smoothie: ·      Romaine Wedges w/ Sardines and Caramelized Onions: ·      Roasted Cauliflower and Potato Curry Soup: ·      Red Cabbage Salad w/ Blue Cheese: ·      Orange-Sesame Salmon w/ Quinoa and Broccolini: ·

  7. 17/10/2023

    Being Mindful in the Midst of Chaos

    Episode Summary: Everyday life offers lots of challenges. Today, more than ever, I would like to discuss natural mindful pathways that will help us shift the way we cope with them in the midst of chaos! Each one of us has a host of stresses that we deal with. At work, at home, in our relationships, and in our own head. This next YOUNGER podcast episode is a place for you to consider new ways to handle that stress in a mentally healthy way – with mindfulness and self-care. While you’ve probably heard of both these terms, you may not be completely familiar with them. So, before we move on, let’s define “Mindfulness.” What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. Before you start taking steps to control the way your mind reacts to chaos and difficult situations, it’s important to learn how to be conscious of the chaos and how it affects you. Then, you can take measures to mend or re-direct your cognitive process. Historically, we haven’t—as a society—been taught to give our mental health the attention it deserves. As a result, we’ve learned to sweep issues under the rug, grin and bear it through toxic relationships, and overload our schedules because we’re afraid to say ‘no.’ Guest Bio: Dr. Robyn Benson is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) who brings an innovative and game-changing approach to today’s health care. Robyn offers the most advanced and cutting-edge therapies, procedures, and products designed to renew, restore, and revive health called A.R.T.: Amplified Regenerative Therapies. Dr. Benson, author, speaker, and self-care and Regenerative Medicine* expert, is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions! She has been the owner and founder of the Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health (now Regenerative Medicine) for close to two decades. For almost 30 years, Dr. Benson has applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, herbs, IV therapies, and her love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health without the use of pharmaceuticals or surgery. Key Takeaways: Prioritize your mental health, as well as, your physical health Realize you can’t fix a problem that does not belong to you. Distance yourself from those who bring more pain than joy! Break-Up with friends who don’t support you. Take the space you need from toxic family members. We are all on different paths. Learn to say ‘NO’ Bow out gracefully (exit without stressing out) Surround yourself with people who support you Create spaces that brings you calmness Curate good energy with positivity reminders Generate positivity by spreading compliments Check into how you think about others Check-in with how you speak about yourself Use your breath as a tool Consider yoga for your mental health Find outlets for stress and anxiety Give yourself time to feel your feelings Keep a gratitude journal Spend some time getting to know yourself View resources, and more . . . Resources for a Younger Lifestyle: For more YOUNGER Podcast Episodes: Resources used to create this YOUNGER podcast episode: http://mindfulpath

  8. 03/10/2023

    The ART of Tidying Up

    Episode Summary: While some people love to organize, others think it is a chore. Many patients are surprised to hear the number of health benefits associated with an organized life. According to WebMD, taking a few minutes to organize your space during a slump in your day can give you a much-needed energy boost. Allowing yourself to finish your day by getting your desk or workspace organized can help you work more efficiently the next day, and help you have peace of mind to relax at the end of the day. Interestingly, a study from Psychological Science found people who are organized also have better-eating habits. Avoid snacking on junk food at their desk by keeping it free from clutter. It is more likely you might opt in for an apple than that candy bar. As we know, one good choice often leads to another! Brushing up on your organizational skills can positively impact your sleep. This benefit is twofold. A clutter-free space is more relaxing and invites rest. Additionally, being organized will prevent you from lying awake thinking about all the things to be done tomorrow. This leads to the no-brainer, being organized reduces stress. How many times are you in a rush but can’t find something you're looking for? This sets a negative tone for the rest of the day. According to a study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people with cluttered homes were more depressed, fatigued, and had higher cortisol levels. My goal on this episode of YOUNGER is to share the benefits of being organized, including a great technique to help you make this task less daunting. Let’s get started! Guest Bio: Dr. Robyn Benson is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) who brings an innovative and game-changing approach to today’s health care. Robyn offers the most advanced and cutting-edge therapies, procedures, and products designed to renew, restore, and revive health called A.R.T.: Amplified Regenerative Therapies. Dr. Benson, author, speaker, and self-care and Regenerative Medicine* expert, is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions! She has been the owner and founder of the Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health (now Regenerative Medicine) for close to two decades. For almost 30 years, Dr. Benson has applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, herbs, IV therapies, and her love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health without the use of pharmaceuticals or surgery. Key Takeaways: Benefits of organization Feel the weightlessness The psychology of clutter The KonMari Method Organization by category Your closet A great way to fold which adds space and reduces wrinkling Regular reorganization Finding joy Tackling the kitchen The frig Unseen clutter Let it go Decluttering mistakes to avoid Mindset shifts Surprise yourself with new finds Resources for a Younger Lifestyle: For more YOUNGER Podcast Episodes: Making Wellness Fun (episode # 72) with Dr. Kathryn Guylay: Additional Resources from this episode: Quotes: “Who would have thought tidying up could improve your life, right?!” “When

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Welcome to Younger, The Art and Science of Youthful Aging where you’ll learn the latest cutting-edge strategies for natural regenerative ways to reverse aging from top health experts worldwide. My show is all about looking and feeling younger every day using non-toxic solutions that tap into your body's intelligence to regenerate. I’m your host Dr. Robyn Benson - an expert in regenerative medicine and founder of ART - Amplified Regenerative Therapies at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health.

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