Podcast 498: The Four Elements In this episode, Dr. Howard Walsdorf, a chiropractor, shares his holistic approach to wellness by viewing individuals as unique beings rather than clinical cases. He explores the four elements—fire, air, water, and earth—and how they can guide physical resilience, mental well-being, and everyday health practices like mindful walking and nutrition, fostering a deeper connection to self and nature amidst modern stressors. To learn more or explore his book, visit his website here: Four Element Doctor Download our FREE Chronic Pain Manifesto. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you are always up to date with new health information, product tips, podcasts, webinars, and much more. Follow Life Enthusiast Podcast on Amazon Music and get new episodes when they become available! Find us on Telegram and catch our live show every Sunday @ 9:00 am PST 🎉 Big News! We’re now on Rumble! MARTIN: Hey, this is Martin Pytela for the Life Enthusiast podcast. And with me today, Dr. Howard Walsdorf, a doctor of chiropractic, if I may say so. And welcome to Life Enthusiast. HOWARD: Thank you, Martin. I appreciate being with you. MARTIN: Yeah. I so appreciate people like you who have taken to treating people as individuals as opposed to as their numbers. You know the story, right? The mainstream medical people. HOWARD: Right, right. MARTIN: Treat everyone as the lab test. They focus on the illness and not on the person. HOWARD: Exactly. MARTIN: I reckon that you take it differently, right? HOWARD: I would say I do. Every patient of mine, every person that I try to help, I try to see them as a unique balance of, what we’ll talk about shortly, I guess, are these principles. The body, our mind, our spirit, makes us whole through and healthy optimally with. So that’s my approach to everybody – their unique balance. MARTIN: I really appreciate that you are actually trying to help people beyond what you can touch in the office. In chiropractic, you usually have to see the person right there and put your hands on them, but you have stepped well beyond that now. HOWARD: I would say so. Most of my patients I do see here, I do some online type of things as well. And I have things that I can send to people or that even in the office they’ll fill out that help me to understand their unique way of balancing these principles. But I do, in my office, a lot of testing with what I call, what’s been called applied kinesiology, muscle testing. MARTIN: Right. HOWARD: And kind of challenge out the strengths and the weaknesses that people have in these, what I like to call these primal, cardinal, cosmos-spanning principles that each of us have. MARTIN: Well, here online, we are trying to help people with whatever they can do without having to go into your office. Right? HOWARD: Fair enough. Yeah. And that’s why I encourage people to understand. I wrote a book and I have a YouTube channel, and I encourage people to figure it out. I’m here to kind of give them the code, if you will, to figure out how to take what I give them, knowledge base, what they learn,