Have you heard of doom spending? It’s when you spend money you don’t have in order to cope with stress. Without considering the cost, you splurge on a shopping spree to find a little bit of happiness. We know that it’s tempting to do a little doom spending over the holidays, but what will happen when the credit card bills come around?
We want to help you think wisely and purposefully about your finances. So in this episode, we’ve brought in two knowledgeable guests to offer guidance on your holiday spending, personal budgeting and long term finance goals. Shay talks with financial planner Kevin Adam, and Molly Harville, long time instructor for the Financial Peace class taught at The Crossing. Both Kevin and Molly have helped many people create a plan to not only get out of debt, but also reach their financial goals.
Shay, Kevin and Molly share their insights on topics such as:
- What does Jesus have to say about money and the temptation to be ruled by it?
- What does your financial upbringing have to do with decisions you’re making about your money today?
- How can you fight against envy in your life?
- How can you curb overspending around the holidays?
- Is it too late to start saving for your future?
- How can you teach your kids to make good decisions with money?
The bottom line of this episode is: you don’t have to just cover your eyes and swipe the credit card! You can learn the principles behind wise spending so that you can take steps towards financial freedom and peace, even around the holidays.
If you want to know how to sign up for the next Financial Peace class at The Crossing or have a question about your finances, email Molly Harville: molly.harville@thecrossingchurch.com
Book recommendations:
Rich Dad Poor Dad
The Psychology of Money
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- 节目
- 频率一周一更
- 发布时间2024年12月11日 UTC 05:00
- 长度57 分钟
- 单集109
- 分级儿童适宜