Marketing In Your Car

Russell Brunson
Marketing In Your Car

Welcome to the "Marketing In Your Car" podcast. Did you know that you can dramatically grow your business during your commute to the office each day? In just 10 minutes a day you can learn marketing, traffic, conversions and sales from internet marketing expert Russell Brunson. Each podcast is under 10 minutes, so you can get this priceless information in bite size chunks in your car!

  1. 05/11/2017

    The LAST Marketing In Your Car Ever… (And What To Expect Next)

    Yes… this is the last one ever :( BUT… don’t worry, something even COOLER is about to start! On this final episode of Marketing In Your Car, Russell announces that there will be no more episodes, but that the podcast is re-branding as Marketing Secrets podcast. Here are some cool things to listen for in this episode: Why Russell decided to re-brand the podcast and how he obtained the new name. Where you can find the new podcast, Marketing Secrets, and what to expect. So listen below and don’t forget to subscribe to the new podcast at ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson, I want to welcome you guys to the last, this is kind of a bittersweet moment. But this is the last, officially, last ever Marketing In Your Car. Oh, that makes me kind of sad. But with every death comes a new rebirth, at least I think that’s what they say. If not, they should say it, I’ll probably start saying it. It’s kind of cool actually. So the end of Marketing In Your Car, it is the end. I’ve been doing this now for 3 or 4 years, and I love it and I’ve got a lot of you guys listening on, but I’ve wanted to kind of do a re-branding of it for a long time, but I didn’t have the right name, the right thing, the right hook, the right something that was amazing. And if you can’t do something amazing, then why do it? That’s kind of my thought. And then the other day, my friend John Reese, he posted something, that he was selling one of his domains. It was a domain back from when I got started, I remember it was a blog he had and it was called I was like, “Oh my gosh, Marketing Secrets is so cool.” I know that every product either is something secrets, or hacker. But for whatever reason, those two words I love and I wanted this one. I did a deal with him and now I own and this podcast is now being re-branded as Isn’t that cool. So the real reason is Marketing In Your Car, I know for all you guys that hang out with me, this is a cool thing, but when you see it in iTunes store, it seems kind of childish. Maybe not childish, because I’m a cool childish, but it doesn’t seem like, non of that mass appeal that I really wanted, and does. It’s so cool and exciting. So a couple of cool things we’re going to do. First off, I have a new iTunes cover we’ll be posting on Monday, so next time you look at your phone you’ll see this new thing and be like, “Wait, what is that.” It’s got my face on it because I wanted you guys to know what I look like, so there you. It says Marketing Secrets on it, if you go to it has places to subscribe, all those kind of things like that. Plus all the posted episodes, plus the other cool thing we’re going to do, instead of just doing the audio like this right now. I’m going to start doing it as a video and post the videos on as well. So some of you guys that like video can check it out there too. So that’s kind of what’s happening. Anyway, I have a Facebook Live starting in two minutes, but I wanted to jump on real quick and give you guys a heads up of what’s happening, what the changes are, so you’re not freaking out next week when you see the new stuff, but you’re more excited. So Marketing Secrets Podcast is the new name that this show will be known for. We’ve got a new intro that’s so cool. I’ve never been proud of my Marketing In Your Car intros, I’m not going to lie. This one, Steven Larsen spent like 2 days working on the audio to make it awesome. The script is like a very big us versus them, sticking it to the man. So all of us marketers who don’t cheat, can all be part of that, which is exciting. I’m at the office, because my Facebook Live starts in one minute. So I’m running while I finish this one. But it’s exciting, so look Monday for Marketing Secrets podcast, same feed, same everything, nothing has changed. But you’ll see new icons, new things. I think I’m going to start doing each episode as “Secret number one” boom, “Secret number two” so it’ll be kind of cool that way too. All the old back archives will stay and remain forever, because I don’t know, maybe someone wants to listen to me someday, that’s kind of cool.  So they will be there forever. And that’s about it. Okay I’m about to run into the office, but one last thing for you guys to know, is if you haven’t started…….yeah, I’m super late huh. Alright, I’m running, so the last thing that I would make sure, if you haven’t seen the new show, if you go to, we’ve got two episodes that have been live so far and we’re doing three episodes a week of that show, and it’s been amazing. So go check out and I’ll to you on Monday, bye everybody.

    5 min
  2. 05/08/2017

    How To Funnel Hack Satan

    He may be evil, but one of the best marketers ever… On this episode Russell talks about teaching kids at church about Satan’s marketing plan and how he is taking some marketing pointers from Satan. Here are some of the odd things you will hear in today’s episode: How being able to teach a lesson at church about whatever he wanted got Russell thinking about Satan as a marketer. And what kind of things we can learn from Satan that will help with our ability to sell the negatives as positives. So listen below to find out what Russell has learned from Satan himself. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell, welcome to Marketing In Your Car. I hope you guys are pumped for today. It’s Monday, we get to build funnels today. Steven Larsen’s little daughter just sent me the cutest message ever about building funnels. Every Monday or so, not every Monday, but most Monday, all the good Mondays, Steven messages me in the morning and says, “It’s Monday baby, we get to build funnels.” And he did it today and he had his cute little daughter messaging saying the same thing. It was so cute. Steven: Whoo! Yeah baby, it’s Monday! Steven’s Daughter: Oh yeah baby, it’s Monday! Steven: We get to build funnels! Whoo! Steven’s Daughter: Build funnels, whoo! Russell: Anyway, I’m excited. I’m heading in. Dylan and Wynter Jones, Dylan is my co-founder in Clickfunnels, Wynter is his twin brother who is also a ninja. They are going to be here this next two weeks building out updating the editor, making sure that everything is even more amazing than it already is, if that’s even possible. Jaime Smith is in the house, he’s going to be working with us to take over the world. And then Todd’s coming next week, Ryan might be coming after that. Anyway, it’s just fun when we have a bunch of people coming out to plan world domination and to better serve all of you guys. So I’m excited for that. So during my short commute today, I want to share with you guys something kind of fun. Yesterday I taught a class at church and it’s kind of cool because it’s, usually there’s a lesson or curriculum, but once a month they let people kind of pick what they wanted to teach, so I got one of those lessons, which was really cool. I got to pick whatever I wanted to teach. So I was like, “What do I want to teach today?” So what I decided to do was to basically look at the marketing plans of Satan and how he is getting people. I think my group probably thinks I’m weird because I was like, “Look, everyone here is talking about church and religion and all that kind of stuff, but I’m really impressed with how good Satan is at marketing. He’s getting people to do all sorts of crazy stuff that they shouldn’t normally be doing.” And I talked about, those that know me know that I was a Mormon missionary when I was 19 years old, for two years. I talked about it, “That was a hard sales pitch, we were going door to door trying to convince people to give up alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea, all premarital, post marital, or not post marital. Premarital, extra marital sex, ten percent of your income for the rest of your life. And if you don’t screw it up, you may get salvation.” That’s our sales pitch, which is a pretty tough sales pitch. But I was like, “Satan’s sales pitch is even harder. He’s selling eternal damnation. That’s what he’s got to sale. How in the world is he getting so many people? Because that’s what he’s got to sell. As a marketer, I’m fascinated. I want to study this.” So my lesson was breaking it down about what he’s doing and why he’s doing and all sorts of stuff. But what’s interesting, not that we should learn from Satan, this podcast is going really bad. But if we were to learn from Satan, because he’s really good at marketing, it’s interesting there’s a scripture in Isaiah that basically says that in the last days, wo unto them that call evil good and good evil. And that was kind of the premise. If you look at what Satan’s done, instead of him just going directly and trying to market the thing, because the thing is really hard to market, eternal damnation, who really wants to buy that, right? So instead what he does is he takes things that are evil and makes them good and things that are good, it makes them appear evil. I’m not going to mention those, because I’m sure I’ll get in rants and fights with people, so I’ll let you interpret that how you want, but that’s what he’s doing now days. He’s looking at those kind of things and he’s figuring out how to position them differently so that people think that they’re good. So that bad is good and good is bad. I think he’s doing a fantastic job, if you look at the world that we live in today. I try not to post things on Facebook, but sometimes I do. It’s insane that some things that are so good, I’ll share and I’ll get comments from people that are the opposite side and I’m like, “Wow, how in the world did you interpret it that way?” But that’s what he’s done, he’s done a really good job. So how can we use this lesson from Satan in our marketing? I don’t know if I should, maybe I should stop right here. But again, a master marketer, obviously. So think about that, in your business. A lot of times there are things that aren’t as good, so how do you not spin those things, but how do you position them in a way where the negatives are actually positive, and the positive are also positive. You don’t want to do it the other way. But think about that. This is kind of a, I don’t know if this is a good podcast for me to have. Maybe I should delete this. I don’t want people to think I’m studying Satan for Marketing, I’m not. I’m just saying it’s interesting. Always looking at the positive. When we launched Clickfunnels it was interesting, we were doing, we launched a webinar selling funnel hacks and it was about 4 weeks before we launched the Funnel Hacks course. So the negative was if you signed up you have to wait 4 weeks before you get in. But I was able to sell towards that. “look, this is the deal. You get in, you get the software, you get all this time to study it and get prepared. Then in 4 weeks we’re going to start live training. That gives you plenty of time to get you ready and prepared.” so I’m selling it as a benefit. Then the next week, because I keep selling it. I’m like, “Hey guys,” to new people coming in, “Hey in 3 weeks we’re starting. You got 3 weeks to get ready.” Then the next was 2 weeks and then 1 week, and then “hey the live training is starting tomorrow. That’s why you gotta get in.” Selling that big positive benefit. Then the week after, so we started the training, so I’m still selling, obviously selling it. And I was like, “Hey look, this is the deal. For everyone, the live training started last week, that means you guys are at a huge benefit. If you sign up right now, you can go watch last week’s training today and get caught up and by week two you will be ready.” And for week 2 I was like, “Hey this is the deal. Live training started 2 weeks ago. So excited for you guys, you get to start ready.” So no matter where I was in the sequence I was always selling the benefits of the fact that they had 4 weeks before it started was a huge benefit. The fact that it started 2 weeks ago was a huge benefit. No matter where it was in the mix, I had to sell that as a big benefit. Same thing with when the live training was actually over. It was no longer live, I couldn’t sell the fact, when I’m selling live it’s like, “You get to come on and ask q and a, it’s going to be awesome.” Whereas after, there’s no live training, so I can’t sell that as a benefit. So I’m like, “The huge benefit about this is you don’t have, everyone else had to wait six weeks to get this stuff, you can go watch it all this weekend if you want.” Then that becomes the big benefit. So it’s just finding those things that may not be as good at making them, or finding things that someone might look at as a negative and turning it into a positive. So there’s Satan marketing lesson 101. Oh man, I’m going to post this and I’m sure some of you guys will hate me afterwards. Hopefully the rest of you guys will just laugh and move on with the rest of your day. That’s all I got. Alright you guys, appreciate you all. I’m at the office, I’m going to go repent and get back to focusing on helping you guys out. Alright talk to you soon.

    8 min
  3. 05/05/2017

    What Your Cell Phone And The TV In 1952 Have In Common

    A cool think I learned from Gary Vaynerchuk that radically shifted my social strategies. On this episode Russell talks about what cell phones have in common with 1950’s TV. He also quickly gives some stats from the book launch. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in today’s episode: How searching for a pitch that he remembers from 2015 Russell came across some awesome words of wisdom from Gary Vaynerchuk. How you cell phone is similar to 1950’s TV. And how Russell plans to dominate every available channel the way he has dominated Facebook. So listen below to find out how you can benefit from looking at cell phones as if they were TV in the 50’s. ---Transcript--- Hey what’s up everybody? This is a sneaky late night, I’m sneaking out of my house to go grab something at the office, Marketing In Your Car. So this is cool, I don’t think I’ve talked about this with you guys before. If I have, humor me and pretend like you haven’t because I think it’s important. The other day, it was funny I was, an event I was at in 2015 and this guy did a pitch that was awesome from stage. So I tried to find that presentation so I could see, because I wanted to model part of the presentation for something I was doing. So yes, I’m always funnel hacking and I had these weird things in my memory where I can remember things from, I see a good pitch and it was in 2015, and I remember it. In fact, I remember a pitch from 2004, 2005 from John Childers that’s amazing too, that I went and found so I could listen to and hear him do his pitch again. Anyway, what I was doing, is basically I was trying to find this pitch. It was an event I was at in 2015. I remember the speaker, I remember the day, everything. I was trying to find it and I was searching everywhere. I had actually purchased the recordings of that event, but the link where the recordings I’d purchased had now expired. I contacted the company, they wouldn’t give it back to me or they didn’t have it anymore or whatever. So then I was trying to buy them on EBay, I couldn’t buy them on EBay. I tried everywhere. I spent way too long trying to search for this presentation, because it was literally like a 2 minute pitch that I wanted to find. It was probably like 8 hours, the time I wasted on this thing. But I knew that if I found that one little piece, I would know how to pitch this thing I’m trying to sell. I didn’t find it, but I did find some notes that somebody was there and there was a single sentence that gave me kind of, that reminded of what the hook was. So I am kind of re-building that pitch based on my memory and one sentence that I found after 8 hours of digging. In fact, I ended up finding the entire event, I had to pay some dude insane amounts of money to go and black market find it for me. I don’t feel guilty because I bought it before, but normally I wouldn’t do that. So he gets it to me, sends me the whole thing. I’m like, “Oh my gosh.” All the videos of everyone in the presentation is there except for the one I am looking for. I’m like, “Dude, where is this?” and he’s like, “How do you know it’s missing.” And I’m like, “I have the notes from somebody who was at the event. The same event that I was at. These are the notes, it says the name of the presentation. This is where between this one and this. You gave me the two other ones, but not the one I needed.” Anyway, I never got the video. So there’s the sad ending of that story. But there’s a happy ending. But while I was doing that, one of the videos I found during the thing was actually on YouTube, it was the keynote speaker at the event, it was Gary Vaynerchuk. Gary Vaynerchuk is obviously the keynote to almost every event ever, I think. I love the dude, but he’s probably not going to keynote ours, because he just keynotes too many places, so it’s not that special I think. But he’s awesome, I think he’s awesome. Anyway, I was listening to, sorry I’m at the office now. I was listening to, on YouTube while I was searching for it, I found his recording from that same event and I had missed his presentation because I was out in the hall doing whatever I was doing. So I was like, I’m going to watch this while I’m searching. So while I’m searching I was watching this presentation. What is cool, sorry my alarm’s going off here. Good, I gotta disarm the alarm, now we’re good to go. So I’m in there and I’m watching this presentation while I’m searching for this other video and I’m listening to it and Gary said something that was like, boom. And maybe that was the journey I got sent on to try and find this one ten minute video clip that I didn’t find. But in the journey is where I found this piece and it was this gold nugget that is so good. So Gary was talking and what he said that was profound, he said, “Our phones, the thing that’s in your hand right now probably, is the equivalent of the TV in the 1950’s.” And then I was like, what’s he talking about? And he went on to kind of explain it and he said, “In 1950’s if you turned on the TV, what was there? three channels. ABC, CBS, and NBC and that was it. So people turned on the TV and had to watch one of three channels.” In fact, that’s what Tony Robbins said to me. When I first met him he’s said, “You know when I got started there were three channels and I just advertized on those three channels and I was everywhere and we made insane amounts of money. And when media split, that’s when it became hard.” But he had a 20 year run. Every channel you turned on Tony was there, and everyone knew who he was all the time. And then, I’ve done a whole podcast before on how media splits and turns into more channels and cable and soon it gets really, really hard because it’s all fragmented. What’s interesting is that, he said, “Our phones are like TV in the 1950’s because that was the thing in 1950’s, three channels. Right now on your phone, there’s 3 or 4 channels that actually matter. There’s 2 or 4 channels that everybody goes to get all their entertainment and their information and those kind of things.” If you think about it, think about the typical app, there’s the app store or whatever you want to call it, it’s insane, there’s millions of apps. So you think it’s this huge flooded thing, but the reality is, think about your phone right now and your habits. How many apps do you go to every single day consistently? And probably like 5 or 6 times a day. I was thinking about that and thinking about myself and there’s definitely a pattern. When I’m bored I open up the social tab and I go to Facebook, Instagram, messenger, Snapchat, anyway there’s 4 or 5 things I go to. When I’m done, I close it down and get back to my work. When I get bored and get stuck or whatever, I come back and open up those 3 or 4 channels to see if anything interesting is happening on any of them and then I come back and I leave. And that’s what TV was, right. When he started saying that, he’s like, “If you understand that, everyone’s got these phones and there’s only 3, 4 or 5 stations everybody’s listening to.” So what are those channels. Facebook is a channel, Instagram is a channel, Snap chat is a Channel, YouTube is a channel. What are the channels that are there? There’s not that many, there really isn’t. There’s only a handful of them. And when he said that I was like, “Oh my gosh.” And I’m really good on one channel. We’re good on Zuckerberg. We dominate Facebook, but we haven’t been good at the other ones. So we started, if you’ve been watching, I’ve been really working hard at Instagram lately, it’s been growing and actually doing really well for us. If you’re not following my Instagram, please follow my Instagram. I think you just go to, I think. But I’m not sure. So we’re starting to do stuff on Instagram and on YouTube we’re actually on Monday launching our big YouTube channel. On each channel we have a different strategy. For me, the ones we’re trying to dominate are Facebook, Instagram, I kind of gave up on Snapchat, if I’m completely honest. Instagram is just easier and better, I think. So we’re doing Instagram hard, Twitter, we ignored Twitter for our entire lives and then it turned out we’re getting insane amounts of traffic from Twitter. People are talking about us and we didn’t even know. So now we’re like, crap we should do something in Twitter. I’m going to go learn how to tweet. So I’m starting to get into that again. And then YouTube. So there’s the four or five channels. We’re not trying to be the biggest dude on YouTube, but I’m trying to get, so my audience when they pull out their phone and are searching the four or five channels, they’re going to see me on everyone of those channels. I started looking at that and I was like, holy crap. I always thought the internet was so big. We’re trying to advertize everywhere. But if you flip it like that, all the sudden it shrinks it down. This is your mobile experience. This is your phone, there are four channels your people are on. How do you get in front of your people on those four channels? That’s it, and it’s really not that hard. So that’s been, that’s my strategy and you’ll see that happening more and more over the next few weeks as we’re rolling out each channel more aggressively. And then we’re having a strategy and putting people in place to make it consistent and cool. And I’m not talking about, a lot of people go and make a video and then rip the audio and put it on 30 different places. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about understanding the intricacies of each channel and making unique, cool stuff for each one. Some of you guys are just beginners and you’re starting. And if you’re starting don’t do this ye

    16 min
  4. 05/04/2017

    My Interview With Tony Robbins…

    Behind the scenes of what happened over the last ten years to make that experience happen. On this episode Russell talks about a Facebook Live interview that he did with Tony Robbins and how it was the first thing he had ever asked Tony to do in their 10 year relationship. Here are some of the cool things you will learn in this episode: How Russell was able to do a Facebook Live with Tony Robbins to promote his new book. Why Russell has never looked at his relationship with Tony Robbins in terms of what Tony could do for him. And why the ROI with relationships is the cultivating and building of that relationship. So listen below to why Russell believes so strongly in building relationships without expecting something in return. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody, welcome to Marketing In Your Car. I have good news and bad news, you guys. You want the bad news or the good news? The good news is I got some cool stuff to share with you. The bad news is, maybe this is good news, I don’t know. I think, and I’m a little nervous about this, but I think I’m ready, you guys ready for this, to rebrand the podcast. What? It’s been called Marketing In Your Car for the last, I don’t know how long I’ve done this for, but I bought the domain and concept initially ten years ago. It’s been cool and I like it, but I’m thinking about changing. I wanted to change it, I think we’ve talked about this a couple of times. You are my therapist sometimes on these things. I was going to change the name of it a couple of times, but I haven’t, and I haven’t and I haven’t’. Then yesterday something happened. I had to find something that wasn’t just better, but a billion times better and I think I may have got it. I’m not going to tell you what it is yet, but I’m excited because it’s like a billion times better. So there may be a new rebrand coming up here soon. So if you guys like it, you’ve got to let me. I’m excited for it, so excited. So that’s something I’m going to give you. I gotta step back. Today was a good day, yesterday was a good day, yesterday was insane. We had our certified partners in town. We had a big group of 45 people here, and some of our inner circle members were the ones that were actually some of the business owners that the certified partners had a chance to interview them, figure them out and then go out and actually build the funnels all night for them. Then they come back and present their thing. It was really fun. It was fun, to kind of capstone at the end of the certified partner program. I have a chance to speak to them at the very beginning, and then kind of sneak in and watch what they were doing and that kind of stuff, and it was really cool. Now most of  them left today. And then, yesterday the other cool thing, as you know we’re in the book launch. We’re almost, a few books away from 30 thousand books, we’ll definitely pass it today. And not that this matters, but on the, if you look at how much money is made inside of the cart for every book. Probably tomorrow my guess is we will pass $1 million dollars collected through this funnel. Through the front end funnel, not counting the backend stuff, which is also really cool. Which means the Expert Secrets book will officially be inducted into the two comma club, and we’ll order my own big old record plaque. Yes, I’m just like you guys, I want one every single time I have a funnel that makes a million bucks. We will be ordering one of those. Today or tomorrow we will be passing 40 thousand active Clickfunnel members as well. So many cool things happening. That is so exciting. And then to step back on another thing, as I’ve been doing this book launch, as you guys know, I’ve been doing all these Facebook Lives, these interviews and they’ve been going awesome. Kind of exhausting, not going to lie. Plus, we’re doing a juice fast this week, which is the second juice fast I’ve done this month, which basically means when I’m not juice fasting I’m overeating, because I keep having to come back to it. What’s funny, Dave Woodward and his wife Carrie, were teasing me behind my back because I got all these guys to do the juice fast with me this time. Dave was like, “Why is this so hard? Why isn’t Russell complaining.” And they’re like, “Russell’s a professional dieter.” And we were laughing because I actually am, if you think about it. I spent 12 years of my life as a wrestler, wrestling. And what I did, every single Monday I would come in and be 30 pounds overweight and every Friday I would be 30 pounds down and I would weigh in and then start the vicious cycle over again. Over and over and over again for 12 years of my life. I didn’t mind it in wrestling, but you don’t realize the pattern that sets. So I had this epiphany the other day when I’m hanging out with Dave and Carrie, I might have already talked about this, I don’t remember. But basically my pattern in life is that same way. Every Monday, from Monday to Friday, I’m at the office and I eat perfectly, I usually lose about 5 pounds a week. Then Friday, Saturday, Sunday I just can’t stop myself. It’s insane. So I think it has to do with my wrestling patterns that I instilled over 12 years of dieting all week and then pigging out all weekend. That’s my pattern and why I can’t ever lose weight. Because I lose weight Monday through Friday and then the last three days, I had my weigh ins and then I can eat whatever I want, then Monday I start over again. So I’ve been professionally dieting now for 25 years, which is kind of cool, except for its lame. Why would I tell you that story? Oh yeah, that’s why I’m on the juice fast again. Someday I’ll figure this out. It’s a psychological problem I know, I gotta fix that. I gotta fix my brain. Which I actually working on from multiple different angles, so that’s good. Now that I’m aware of it I can effect it, which is hopefully the key for some of you guys. Alright, step back,  it was really cool. We had my interview with Tony Robbins yesterday, he was interviewing me. I’ve interviewed him before, he interviewed me on New Money Masters Series. We’ve kind of done back and forth on some of these things. And it was crazy because in true Tony fashion, he tells you, “Hey, we’re going to start at this time.” And then they shift it 10 times throughout the day. So I felt bad because we had other poddcst interviews lined up and we had to keep bumping people and shipping things around. So if I bumped you yesterday because of Tony, I’m apologizing, but come on. It’s Tony, it was so cool. I’ve known Tony now for almost 10 years, which is crazy. It’s been a decade since I’ve known him, which is insanely cool. And in that time, I’ve never asked him to do anything, I just love him and what he does so much that I was like, how can I help him? We helped, we created a book funnel for him. I paid my own costs, paid my own flights, paid my hotel. It all came out of my own pocket, I spent probably 20 grand building a book funnel for him and just gave it to him as a gift. I’ve coached his people and I’ve helped consult him and other people on his team. Iv’e done a lot of things like that. I’ve spoken at his events, anything I can do, I’ve tried to do and just help him, and not with an ulterior motive like, “Someday, he’s going to get me.” I have a joke with one of my buddies who always jokes, “I’m your real friend, I’m not here because you’re successful, I’m your real friend.” I’m like, “Whatever, it’s a long con. You’re waiting ten years from now to cash out.” So it’s always this joke, “How’s the long con treating you?” So why I say that, with Tony it was never a long con. “Okay, ten years from now he’s going to maybe promote me.” It was never like that, it was like, Tony’s freaking awesome, he’s helped me so much. How can I help and serve and give back. I don’t think I could ever give back what I got from him. So anything we’re doing is just cool. But think about, I helped him from giving what I’m best at and gave that to him for free. I paid him to come to my event. I’m a customer. I’ve done all those things, and just because I’m trying to give back to him in a little way. And obviously he gives, every time I help a little bit, he gives back so much more. He came to our event, we paid a lot of money for him to come to the event as our keynote, but then he came back and went for 5 hours and just blew everyone’s minds and it was insane. Anyway, long story short. I have never asked Tony to promote anything ever. This came around, the book came out and it was the first time I was ever like, “hey, would you be willing to do this?” And he’s like, “Yeah.” And what’s crazy about that is I think so many people go into relationships, looking at what’s ROI for me in this deal? Should I invest my time and I think that that’s the reason why most people don’t get deals to happen and they don’t have longer term things happen. You know what I mean? If went to Tony like, “Alright what’s my angle, how am I going to get him to help me?” It never would have happened, I don’t think.  But because I was like, okay Tony’s the man, how can I help him? To now 10 years later, a long time later, but 10 years later he comes back and does this really cool and it was amazing. So some of the results. We did the Facebook Live interview. We actually did it first on Skype because he just wanted to not have it live, live. In case, something bad  happens. So we did live and he’s like, “cool, you guys can run it.” So we took that and edited it real quick, chopped off the beginning and the end. Put it through an OBS, which is a streaming platform, and did a Facebook Live on Tony’s page. We had 1.8 to 1.9 thousand people watching it the entire time. 5 hours int

    15 min
  5. 05/02/2017

    The Big Secret That Most People Don’t Know About Expert Secrets

    Two cool things you probably didn’t know, that should help you with whatever it is you’re trying to sell. On today’s episode Russell talks about how being in a live interview made him realize things about his books. He also reveals some top secret information that you won’t want to miss. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in this episode. How being in a live interview caused Russell to think on his toes and helped him realize something about the art and science of business. And what is the big secret about Expert Secrets that most people don’t realize. So listen below to hear some cool insights Russell has had in the last few days while doing a bunch of live interviews. ---Transcript--- Good morning everybody, this is Russell, welcome to Marketing In Your Car. I hope you guys are awake because today is certified partner day. We’ve got almost 40 certified partners in Boise at our new office, which is exciting. So I’m going to head out there and in 9 minutes I’m gonna…holy cow 9 minutes, I gotta speed. Always late for everything. The good news is they can’t start without me, I hope. So I just had a quick message for you guys, because I thought it was interesting. It’s been fun as I’ve launched the book I get to do tons of interviews and podcasts and all this stuff. So people ask you questions, and some questions people ask are the same ones every single time. But other people ask questions that make you go hmmm..How does that song go? Things that make you go hmmm. So a couple things got me thinking and I’ve got some cool ideas. So I want to share with you guys two things. Number one, it came out of one of the conversations. It was funny because it was someone, I can’t remember even who it was, they were drilling me about, “Why in the world would you write another book? I thought you hated writing books?” I’m like, “I do, it’s so hard.” And then I was like why, why, why and then finally, it’s weird how when you’re on the spot live and you can’t edit and all the sudden magic comes out. I started thinking, I always tell people that this business there’s an art and a science to this business and the problem is the people focus too much on the art, or too much on the science. If you have the art, it looks good but doesn’t make any money. If the science structurally is right, but there’s no money. It’s gotta have both. We talk about increasing the sex appeal, making things exciting, that’s the art side of this business. But then there’s the science part, which is funnel structuring. I was thinking about it, Dotcom Secrets is the science part of this business and Expert Secrets is like the art. It’s what you’re putting on top of the pages and the structure that make it work, they make it convert, make people interested and engaged and keep coming back to you. As I said it, I was like that’s so cool. Dotcom Secrets is the science and Expert Secrets is the art, and you gotta have both because this business is a business of art and science. That’s why a lot of people struggle with it. They’re either really good on the technical side or really good on the artsy side, it’s a blend of the two, which is why I think most people should have partners because it’s hard to have everything. No one’s got everything, well maybe a couple of people but not everyone. So that’s number one cool thing I thought was cool. Number two, if you guys came to Funnel Hacking Live, Todd Brown got up and spoke and shared an example of two books. One was how to outsource your business for profit, or something like that, and one was called the 4 hour work week. And obviously, as you know the 4 hour work week made Tim Ferris famous, and rich and a whole bunch of other cool things. But it came because the hook was right, but both of them are teaching outsourcing. It was the same concept, just the way they packaged it was different. I wanted to share with you guys something that some of you know, but most of you don’t. This is a little top secret just for you guys who are hanging out on the podcast. I’ve had a lot of friends who are copywriters. It seems like every copywriter wants to go and launch his own copywriting course, and guess what happens to almost all of them? They all bomb, and you know why? Nobody wants to buy copywriting. It’s not exciting or sexy or anything. It’s bleh. I remember watching, I mean I love John Carlton, but I remember watching the first time he launched his Simple Writing System, I’m like this guy’s the best copywriter in the world, I went to the page and I was like, “Huh.” How do you sell copy? It is not sexy or exciting or anything. I always thought that was interesting. I’ve had so many copywriting buddies go and launch copywriting courses. I’m like, “ugh, Nobody wants to buy copywriting courses. There’s a few people, but not many.” So what’s interesting, this is my little hint for those who are paying attention. Expert Secrets is my copywriting course.  I didn’t call it copywriting, but what’s the book about? It’s about finding your hook, finding your angle, finding your offer, finding your market, creating an actual offer, telling stories, breaking belief patterns. It’s copywriting, but I didn’t call it copywriting. That’s what I’m going to give to you guys. Think about that. Think about how you position your offers because it’s the difference between making a little bit of money and making a crap ton of money. It’s all in the actual positioning of the offer. Make sure you don’t call it something like How to outsource for fun and profit, because nobody wants that. There’s a few people, but not many. They want a 4 hour work week. That’s what they want. So understand that, understand that it all ties back to what you call your product. In fact, we’re about to launch our new coaching program. We had two different names for it, both were cool names that people would not give us any money for. We sat there in a room on a whiteboard, actually it was a blackboard with white markers, but that’s beside the point, for like 4 or 5 hours. No not that long, 2 ½ hours, trying to figure out the right hook for it. All the sudden it came out and it was like the angels in heaven were singing. We’re like, “That’s what people will give us money for.” So we changed all t he branding and everything because of it. Alright guys, I’m walking in, the certified partner meeting is literally happening in 4 minutes. So I gotta go. Talk to you all soon, bye everybody.

    6 min
  6. 05/01/2017

    A Greater Invention Than Compounding Interest

    Where you should start focusing your efforts… On today’s episode Russell gives a quick recap of his week spent with the Harmon Brothers working on a script for a potentially viral video. He also talks about compounding numbers with business and how focusing on one thing will help you compound your customers. Here are some of the interesting things you will hear in this episode: Find out what Russell has learned about compounding his customers by focusing all his efforts on pushing people into Clickfunnels. Learn what you need to do to follow in Russell’s footsteps. And find out what 3 big things Russell is trying to do this year to get his business to reach the $100 million mark. Listen below to find out what invention is actually greater than compounding interest. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody, this is Russell. Welcome to Marketing In Your Car. I just dropped off Dallin, one of my twinners, actually the first born. My first born of my loins. Is that what they say? I don’t know, maybe not. Anyway, at dance class, and I’m heading into the office. I’m exciting this week, I did this last month too, I did a juice fast week and I lost a bunch of weight and then I went crazy, so I’m doing juice fast week again this week, which will be good. And I just got back from last week, so crazy. Last week, I forgot to tell you guys, I was going to do some podcasts and stuff, but then I didn’t. Sorry about that. We went out, if you guys know who the Harmon Brothers are, if not go to and check it out. They’re the guys that do all the funny viral videos. We did an exchange for them. They had this, one of their viral videos was called and it went really viral but their funnel wasn’t doing that well, so we helped them build the funnel in exchange for them writing a script for us. So we went to a writing retreat this week with them, last week with them. It was cool, they rented a cabin in Sundance for two days, they had 3 writers write scripts for us. They brought them in and then we got to listen to all the writers scripts, which were insanely amazing. From the three scripts we picked the best one and then the writers went down to the basement for 3 hours. Took all the best jokes from the other two scripts and weaved them into the other script and then they came back. And we liked it and gave them feedback and it went back and forth, back and forth for two days until the end they came with this script that is legitimately the most amazing thing on earth. And then the plan is we were going to go out and produce it, then on Friday I got an email from them saying, “Hey, Russell, it turns out we really love the script, and we really love you and your team and we want to work with you guys on this and actually produce the whole video.” which is exciting. I’m actually heading to the office right now because I have a call with them to figure out the deets. And for those, who aren’t cool kids yet, deets means details. So figure out some details with these guys and if it works out they’re going to produce the video for us, which is insanely cool. And just by nature of the script, we went and created ten new things on the back end to create…. I can’t even tell you about it now because it’s so vague still in my head, but it’s amazing. Anyway, I’m really, really, really excited for it and excited to share it with you guys here hopefully in the very near future. But yeah, it’s awesome. If this video hits like it can and it should, I think, at the beginning of the year I said there’s a couple goals I have. Our goal was to get to 100 million members, not 100 million, that would insane, 100 million dollars, which is also insane actually. So the goal is to get to 100 thousand members and I think we started the year at, I don’t remember what we started at, but we are at, I think wait, 39 thousand? Or maybe 40. We’re close to 39 or 40 thousand members. Somewhere in there. I was like, well I got two big plays to try to, I think I have 3 or 4 big plays this year. For me, I’m always like, I’m going to try to hit a homerun, but I might not. If I hit three or four singles that will equal a homerun. I think, I’m not a baseball guy, but I think so. So I try to have 3 or 4 big things. So number one was book launch, which is going amazingly well by the way. We’re almost two weeks in, we’ve sold 28 thousand copies I think. So that’s going really, really well. Phase two of the launch is starting this week, which is cool. And then number two was this viral video, which now looks like it’s going to hit, which that could bring on an extra 20,30,40 thousand members, so that’s cool. Number three is an infomercial that we’re going to be filming later on this year. Anyway, we’re just trying a bunch of Hail Mary passes. Getting all my sports analogies messed up. Hail Mary passes, home runs, grand slams, I don’t even know. Double leg to their back, choke them out. A bunch of different things. I told everyone on my team if one or two of these things hit, we’ll hit it. The book launch is hitting perfectly right now, which is awesome. And now the video looks like it’s going to hit. There’s our two and if we get the infomercial as well, it’s going to be amazing. So fun stuff happening over here. I’m just excited. What I wanted to talk to you about today, I want to help shift your mindset a little bit. I talked a lot about this at my inner circle, at my last inner circle meeting. It’s about compounding interest, maybe not. So compounding interest, some dude who’s famous said that the greatest discovery in the world is compounding interest. So me, someone who doesn’t understand finance and doesn’t really care to that well. I was like, alright, I don’t know what that means, but it sounds awesome. And then I tried to invest because I heard that, and then I saw that I hate investing stuff, so I didn’t really like that. I kind of left the whole compounding interest thing on the side even though they said it was the greatest invention of mankind. And I went on my way to keep trying to sell stuff. So now fast forward til today, what’s interesting, and again I have no idea if this actually relates to compounding interest, probably doesn’t, but in my mind the concept of compounding, creating something everything else you do compounds upon that core thing. That probably doesn’t make any sense yet, but I’ll put it in perspective. So for me, for the last 14 years of my life, minus the last two, every time we would do something it was a lot of work and then we would launch something and make a bunch of money. And then that work would disappear. It would evaporate, right. That was the info product game and that was launch game. That was us launching businesses. So with a lot of my business was launching different businesses in different industries and the problem with that, you launch it and then with the customers you got it, if you lock in their business next week, those customers don’t compound. So if you’re focusing on one business, which is my message to all of you all, and everyone in my inner circle all the time. Focusing on one business because then at least your customers are compounding. Everything you do brings more people to your list, more customers, things like that. It’s a compounding effect from there. So that’s a big, that’s compounding, which is good. That way when you’re focusing all your rollouts and launches and products and everything in one niche, at least the customers are compounding. So every time you do it, it gets better the next time. When I launched my very first product, it was Zip Brander and I only had 5 customers. Then I launched my second one, which was Article Spider, I got like 30 customers. Then the next one, and over the last twelve years it kept compounding. Customers kept adding up and getting bigger and bigger until today. So it’s always compounding, which is cool from a customer compounding standpoint. But what’s even cooler, is until we had this thing called Clickfunnels, even within that, we still launched and made a bunch of money and get more customers, but then it was back to the drawing board every single day. What I was telling everyone in our inner circle, and what I want you guys to think about too, figure out your one thing you’re selling, your core thing. For me, Clickfunnels is it. I know obviously, everyone can’t have a Clickfunnels, but everyone can have something like that. It might be a membership site, it might be software, something where it’s like, it doesn’t have to be recurring, but I think it should be. Something where you’re consistently pushing people into this thing that is compounding. By that, what I mean is it’s really cool, when we first launched Clickfunnels, I’d get a text every morning from Stripe telling us how much money we make. And we have 10 different stripe accounts, so we’d get 10 texts a morning. It’s kind of cool, we’ll see the launch we’re doing, we’ll see for the book funnel that’s been launched, it’s done with the 27, 28 thousand books, I can’t remember what we’ve sold right now. It’s almost a million dollars in cash collected. I’ll see a big huge thing, “$250,000 deposited today from stripe.” Or 100,000 or whatever. Those are cool, I like those they get me excited. But what’s cooler is watching the Clickfunnels one, everything we do now always compounds upon Clickfunnels. They’re coming to buy the book, where do I push them. If you guys went to the book funnel you know. You come for the book, I push you to Clickfunnels. You come into anything and it’s always pushing back to that thing. And I’m watching the compounding of it. I remember when we first launched Clickfunnels, I would get a text some days there was 0 dollars, some days it was like 10, some days like 100. You see

    12 min
  7. 04/24/2017

    How To Beat Your Own Control

    This is when, what we do, becomes a really fun game. On today’s episode Russell talks about how many copies of the book have sold in the first 6 days and what his goal is. He also talks about how making tweaks to your funnel after it’s up and running can help you beat the control. Here are some cool things in this episode: Find out how many sales Expert Secrets got in the first 6 days and how it compares to Dotcom Secrets. Find out how Russell cleared his head in order to come up with new ideas of how to tweak the funnel and increase sales. And hear what Russell recommends to beat your control. So listen below to find out how you can make a good funnel even better after it’s been up and running for a few days. ---Transcript--- Hey everyone, this is Russell. Welcome to a rainy, very rainy Marketing In Your Car. I just dropped off Dallin, my oldest twin who is my son who loves extracurricular activities, at dance class, early morning. So heading back into the office now and excited. So the book launch has been live for I think, almost 6 days now. And in 6 days we sold a little over 20 thousand books. What? Crazy. Last year it took us the entire month to sell 20 thousand. I don’t even think we got to 20 thousand, we were close to 20 thousand. I can’t remember exact numbers back then. It was pretty exciting for us and we haven’t even pulled out the big guns yet. Those who are watching, some crazy stuff’s happening. At 20 thousand and I think we should hit at least 50 or 60 thousand books sold, which is really cool. So I’m really proud and excited for that. So I’m heading into the office right now because a bunch of things are happening. In fact, the number one thing, well it’s interesting, I don’t know about you but when you’re in the middle of a book launch, launching a million things at once, which we’ve obviously been doing. So my stress levels are a little higher than typical, not stress levels but you know what I mean. Just a lot of stuff happening. It’s been interesting, I think it’s almost like you’re so close to something that you can’t, you don’t know what to do. So the book launch has been going really well, in fact, our average cart value right now is about $34. So for everyone who buys the book, on average we make about $34 in the funnel, which is great. We keep thinking, how do we make it better, how do we make it better? There’s got to be a way to make it better. I’ve been blank. I don’t even know what to do. I look at it like, ahhh I got nothing. So anyway, I bought a thing called a float tank a while ago, it’s in my house and I hardly ever use it. I feel bad. In fact, I clean it more often than I use it, it’s kind of a pain to keep. Looking back now, I definitely would not get a float tank in my house. But they are cool. I promise you, somewhere in your hometown, there’s probably a float tank place. If you Google float tank and your city I bet you’ll find one. But basically it’s a huge salt sensory deprivation tank. It’s like a thousand pounds of salt, so you lay and float on the top and sit there. Typically I do my float tank, I go in there and listen to music or listen to CD’s or talks or whatever. But this time for some reason the music thing wasn’t playing, and this is Saturday night, yes Saturday night. Went in there and music thing wasn’t going to work. I was like, ahhh whatever, I’ll just try to focus and do my whole meditation thing. And I’m not a very good meditate-er at all, by any stretch. But I sat there and laid there and tried to focus on my breathing, and tried to think about the major things. And it was cool because the first time, I think I had time to reset and not be in the motion of everything. I just sat there for like an hour. I sat there for 45 minutes, and I passed out and woke up when my alarm went off. But I didn’t get any great ideas while I was sitting in there, but I feel like it was a flush. Like a cleanse or something because then when I went back inside, it was probably like 11 o’clock at this time, maybe almost 12 o’clock. A float tank when you, an hour in the float tank feels like you slept for 5 or 6 hours, so I felt really good. I got up and was like huh. So I ended up staying up til like 2 or 3 in the morning. The next day I had church, which was yesterday, I’m at church and all the sudden the ideas started flowing. I was like, what? Where are these coming from. And it was almost like there was a blockage and that flushed it and then all the sudden it was like, it just started flowing and I’m sitting there and I’m like, oh my gosh I can’t even keep up with these. So in church I tried to pay attention and listen and be good, while I’m taking notes, I can’t forget this stuff. This is really good crap, I gotta make sure I won’t forget it. So I’m like typing in my notepad and try to go back out and focus and then all the sudden it’s like, keep flooding in the ideas. It was like, gall, this is so cool. So I got this huge flood of inspiration. So this morning I woke up early, at 5:00, which I’m already hurting really bad. It’s 8:30 and I can barely keep my eyes open. I don’t know, this is going to be a long week I think. But I got up and started re-tweaking our funnels. Our average cart value right now, I think, what did I just say? 34 or 36, I can’t remember exactly what it was as of this morning. My goal is to get to 40, and I think I can and I have some ideas. So I’m going to be plugging in all these split tests and different things. I’m actually going to record two different upsell videos right now. Because I think I figured out what I messed up on, which is so cool. It’s the part I love about funnels. So for anyone that’s got funnels that don’t work, you need funnels that do work.  I want to stress this process. I talked about it at Funnel Hacking Live, and I’m going to talk more and more about it. In fact, if I ever happen to do book three, hopefully I never do. But if I happen to do it, this will be the premise of it. Not the premise, but the beginning of it, understanding this piece of it. So basically, we drive traffic, we spend time, and we look at the numbers. Based on the numbers we try to figure out, now we know what it is, how do we make it better? It’s interesting, if you look at the copywriting world, what will happen is that, big companies like Agora and Boardroom and things like that, where they’re very copy intensive and they hire the best copywriters in the world. The copywriter, whoever writes the copy is called the control. They get a royalty on that control as long as it wins. But as soon as the control is written, all these other writers come in and try to beat it, beat the control. So they’re all trying to write different headlines, intros, hooks, angles, different things to beat your control. They’re not rewriting the whole letter, they’re just taking what you already had and trying to figure out what can increase it. And if they win, then they get the royalties. So that’s everyone’s job, just try to beat the control. It’s almost like for us, after you get the funnel launched and live and everything, it’s coming back and saying how do I beat the control? And then trying to figure that out. So it’s cool, you can step back and look at all the pieces. So I look at over the last 6 days, and I sold a lot of books, but we got a lot of data. What’s our opt in percentage, and how many people are actually putting in their credit card? How many people are buying the Black Box versus the book? How many people are buying the order form bump? How about the upsells? The downsells? Then looking at comments on Facebook and other things and trying to see where are the sticking points. After you identify those, then it’s not that hard to come back and tweak it and shift it. So I’m excited today, to try to retweak those. Amongst the fact that we also are doing another 20 Facebook lives today to promote the book. So it’s going to be kind of crazy. But that’s kind of the game plan. So that’s what I’m doing today. I hope you guys are doing it as well. Look at your funnels and try to beat your control because it’s a fun game. And if you’re too close, like I was, go rent a float tank for an hour, go float in it, who knows? Maybe like me all day, start flushing out. Or find someone else on your team and have them try to beat the control. Or hire someone and say, “If you beat my control, I’ll pay 100 bucks a try, or I’ll pay you a thousand if you beat it.” Or whatever, and just have people start making it a game, because that’s when it starts getting really, really fun. Anyway, this week I’m going to take you guys on some fun journeys. We’re actually going to, if you know who the Harmon Brothers are, if you’ve ever seen the Squatty potty commercial, or Fiber Fix, or Snap Books, or any of the awesome viral videos, we’re working with them to write a script for Clickfunnels, so I’m heading down to Utah tomorrow, I think. So I’ll take you on the journey and tell you all the cool stuff I learn along the way as well, hanging out with those guys. Anyway, I’m at the office, going to get some work done, create some videos, make some funnels, try to beat my control and that’s going to be fun. So we’ll talk to you guys soon.

    8 min
  8. 04/20/2017

    My New Journey Blog

    The method behind my new blog, podcast, and YouTube channel. On today’s episode Russell talks about how many book sales he has so far. He also talks about the new blog he is doing and how he plans to have time to do it, and how he’ll keep it consistent. Here are some of the coolest things you will hear in this episode. Find out if Russell was able to reach his first week goal in book sales within the first 24 hours. Hear what Russell’s new blog will be about and find out the cool way he has come up with to get it done consistently despite his hatred for Word Press. And finally find out how to get a hint about a top secret item Russell recently purchased that he thinks is super awesome. So listen below to find out if Russell will beat or match his goal number of books sold in the first week. ---Transcript--- Good morning everybody. Guess what? Guess what? First off, it’s raining outside, which is cool. Second off, I’m heading to the office which is cool. And third off, it’s been a little over 24hours since we launched the book and guess what? We sold over 10 thousand copies! What? Honestly, my goal when we first got started was 10 thousand copies the first week. Because last time it took us almost a month to sell 10 thousand copies, like, “If we did it in a week that would be amazing.” We did it yesterday. It wasn’t quite 24 hours, it was 27, technically it was a little longer than a day, but I’m counting it. I’m calling it 10 thousand in a day, because that’s what we did. Anyway, so insane. Everyone who first off, bought, thank you everyone who promoted, thank you to everyone who’s continuing to promote, that’s awesome. This morning I woke up, we were at 12,500 books and it just keeps on rolling. So I’m just going to keep on rolling and see what with the Dotcom Secrets book either we’re almost or we just hit 100,000 copies or somewhere in there, total for the last 2 ½ years. So I think with this momentum we’re going to hit 100,000 copies this month. That was our initial goal, which I thought was kind of farfetched but now I’m like, “Dang, I wonder if we actually could.” Which is crazy and exciting all wrapped up into one amazing thing. Anyway, that’s kind of what’s happening over here on this side of the world. It’s just insanely cool. Alright, so today I want to talk about, I think I’ve talked about this before, mentioned it, but I’m trying to get it live today. It’s technically it’s kind of live, I didn’t mean to get it live, but I forgot I made a new footer graphic, and everyone in the footer started clicking in, so now technically it’s live because there’s comments and things happening. First off, the nice thing with Clickfunnels now is you can save sections. So I created a cool footers section, that I’m putting on all of my pages. Actually there’s two footers. There’s a footer for my main pages, and then there’s a mini footer for sales and upsell pages. So anyway, there’s two footers, but I designed them perfectly and now I just, every page I make, I just go to add it, boom, boom, boom and then they’re on all the pages. So the one above it, it links to my new blog, which is a journey of how I went from zero to a million copies of the book, which is kind of cool. I’m calling this a journey blog, which someone may have already called that, but I’m copying it. I initially saw Groove HQ do it with their software. They told this journey of how they went from zero to 100,000 MRR. And then I saw Neil Patel do it. Zero to 100,000 visitors a month on his blog. So I’m doing it, going from zero to a million copies of the book sold. So I think I got the first 8 posts up there. For the last two months I’ve been doing these posts, one a week, kind of going through all the prelaunch stuff with the book. So it’s kind of cool, it’s this journey blog that takes you through this journey because I figure, I think blogging is boring because it’s just these random blog posts about whatever. But with a journey blog, it’s kind of like these podcasts. People tell me they listen to two or three episodes of the podcast, they get hooked and they go back to the very beginning and binge listen to every episode, which is kind of cool and hard to do when you have a two hour long show. That’s why I like doing these short ones. You can go and you can binge listen and it’s the same with this blog. I want people coming in on week 22, reading something cool we did and be like, wait, there are 80 thousand books sold, how did they start this journey? They can start on page one and going through and boom, going through this whole timeline journey of zero to a million and binge read up the entire blog. So that’s kind of the goal with the blog, which I think is kind of cool. So you guys can see it, it’s at I haven’t really started promoted it yet. So if you want to see it, I’m trying to get it all done today. Because I’m also adding links to all of our courses, our products, everything else I do on that blog. Just because right now, I don’t really have anywhere that has that. People always ask me, “Where can I buy your stuff Russell?” I’m like, you have to randomly find a place. Soon it’ll be like, go to, my blog is there and you can find links to all of our products, events, training programs, software. So that’s kind of what’s happening over there. But it’s kind of fun. So the journey blog is happening. We have a YouTube show that’s going to be happening. And obviously we have this podcast, and it’s kind of cool. I’m starting to get a way to publish in all these different platforms. I’ve struggled for the last 14 years figuring that out. How do you blog? How do you video? How do you do all these different things? And it’s really figuring out for you if it’s something you can be consistent at. When I launched this podcast it was like something that, I call it Marketing In Your Car because, as you know, it’s the drive from my house to my office and I do that every day. And usually I don’t have time to do anything else. I’m driving. So it’s the perfect time for me to do. I know I consistently can do it. Which is why it’s been 350 or 400 episodes or whatever. Because it’s an easy thing for me to do. The blog was hard for a long time, because I didn’t know how to blog or why to blog, and now I have a thing. It’s like, once a week I document what we did this week to sell a million copies of the book. It’s just like, “Oh I can do that.” I don’t actually write the blog. I hate Word Press. In fact, every time I log into Word Press, I don’t swear but if I were a swearing person I would be cursing. I hate it. So I figured it out. I got two guys on my team, Levi, who’s a really good writer. So I vox him my blog post. He logs in and writes the whole thing. And then Jake is a great designer comes in and designs it all up. Now I got a blog post. I’m a blogger. All I do is I do one vox a week on Friday before I leave. Recapping what we did in the last week to sell a million copies of the book, which is super cool. Something I can actually consistently do. YouTube thing is the same thing. We’ve been trying to figure out a nice YouTube strategy and we’re about to launch a TV show called Funnel Hacker TV, which is insane. The only problem with it, it’s an hour long episode, and we’ve recorded 10 episodes the last year and then all this effort to get them all done and live. So they’re going to be going live in a little bit. But I was like, my YouTube strategy can’t just be big hits, I need something in between so what I did is I bought this little Sony camera, this little handi-cam thing. And we’re calling Funnel Hacker TV behind the scenes show. So as I do everything throughout the day, I’m just carrying this little thing around recording and telling the story. “Okay, this is what’s happening. This is where we’re going.” Telling the story. Then there’s a dude I met, named Kevin who’s awesome. I just drop all the videos from the camera each night into drop box and he’s turns them into these cool shows. It’s like, I just gotta carry this camera with me and record stuff, and if I don’t feel like recording in the day, then I don’t. But if I try to 3 or 4 days a week to have actually cool stuff happening, drop it in the dropbox for him, he makes a video and now we’re….anyway, that’s going to be the YouTube channel that we’re launching soon. So it’s kinda cool. I’ve got a couple different channels happening. I always tell people that you shouldn’t try to publish at 12 places right at the get go, but eventually you should be moving towards that. But mastering one channel first and then slowly adding things in as you can. But now that I’m getting into my daily routine, into my routine, it’s not super difficult or super hard. It’s just taking a little bit of time. It takes 6 minutes a day to do my podcast, it takes 10 minutes a week to do my blog and it takes an extra minute throughout the day each time I’m doing something, just kind of explain what I’m doing, instead of just doing it. Anyway, it’s kind of cool. That’s what’s happening here. So there’s the timeline blogs, because that’s the next thing. YouTube channel will be next after that. Oh and then there’s other cool stuff. But I don’t want to get you guys overwhelmed. People are like, “You do too much stuff Russell.” I’m like, “No, I spend a year or 5 or 10 years figuring out how to plug it into my daily routine and then it’s not doing a lot of extra work. It’s just like oh.” “Russell, you’re a blogger now.” No, it literally takes me 10 minutes a week, so it’s not that hard. Alright, with that said, hopefully you guys are thinking about your content plan and schedule and things. And figuring out a

    10 min

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Welcome to the "Marketing In Your Car" podcast. Did you know that you can dramatically grow your business during your commute to the office each day? In just 10 minutes a day you can learn marketing, traffic, conversions and sales from internet marketing expert Russell Brunson. Each podcast is under 10 minutes, so you can get this priceless information in bite size chunks in your car!

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