Behind the scenes of what happened over the last ten years to make that experience happen.
On this episode Russell talks about a Facebook Live interview that he did with Tony Robbins and how it was the first thing he had ever asked Tony to do in their 10 year relationship.
Here are some of the cool things you will learn in this episode:
- How Russell was able to do a Facebook Live with Tony Robbins to promote his new book.
- Why Russell has never looked at his relationship with Tony Robbins in terms of what Tony could do for him.
- And why the ROI with relationships is the cultivating and building of that relationship.
So listen below to why Russell believes so strongly in building relationships without expecting something in return.
What’s up everybody, welcome to Marketing In Your Car. I have good news and bad news, you guys. You want the bad news or the good news? The good news is I got some cool stuff to share with you. The bad news is, maybe this is good news, I don’t know. I think, and I’m a little nervous about this, but I think I’m ready, you guys ready for this, to rebrand the podcast. What?
It’s been called Marketing In Your Car for the last, I don’t know how long I’ve done this for, but I bought the domain and concept initially ten years ago. It’s been cool and I like it, but I’m thinking about changing. I wanted to change it, I think we’ve talked about this a couple of times. You are my therapist sometimes on these things. I was going to change the name of it a couple of times, but I haven’t, and I haven’t and I haven’t’. Then yesterday something happened. I had to find something that wasn’t just better, but a billion times better and I think I may have got it. I’m not going to tell you what it is yet, but I’m excited because it’s like a billion times better. So there may be a new rebrand coming up here soon. So if you guys like it, you’ve got to let me. I’m excited for it, so excited.
So that’s something I’m going to give you. I gotta step back. Today was a good day, yesterday was a good day, yesterday was insane. We had our certified partners in town. We had a big group of 45 people here, and some of our inner circle members were the ones that were actually some of the business owners that the certified partners had a chance to interview them, figure them out and then go out and actually build the funnels all night for them. Then they come back and present their thing. It was really fun.
It was fun, to kind of capstone at the end of the certified partner program. I have a chance to speak to them at the very beginning, and then kind of sneak in and watch what they were doing and that kind of stuff, and it was really cool. Now most of them left today. And then, yesterday the other cool thing, as you know we’re in the book launch. We’re almost, a few books away from 30 thousand books, we’ll definitely pass it today. And not that this matters, but on the, if you look at how much money is made inside of the cart for every book. Probably tomorrow my guess is we will pass $1 million dollars collected through this funnel. Through the front end funnel, not counting the backend stuff, which is also really cool. Which means the Expert Secrets book will officially be inducted into the two comma club, and we’ll order my own big old record plaque. Yes, I’m just like you guys, I want one every single time I have a funnel that makes a million bucks. We will be ordering one of those.
Today or tomorrow we will be passing 40 thousand active Clickfunnel members as well. So many cool things happening. That is so exciting. And then to step back on another thing, as I’ve been doing this book launch, as you guys know, I’ve been doing all these Facebook Lives, these interviews and they’ve been going awesome. Kind of exhausting, not going to lie. Plus, we’re doing a juice fast this week, which is the second juice fast I’ve done this month, which basically means when I’m not juice fasting I’m overeating, because I keep having to come back to it.
What’s funny, Dave Woodward and his wife Carrie, were teasing me behind my back because I got all these guys to do the juice fast with me this time. Dave was like, “Why is this so hard? Why isn’t Russell complaining.” And they’re like, “Russell’s a professional dieter.” And we were laughing because I actually am, if you think about it. I spent 12 years of my life as a wrestler, wrestling. And what I did, every single Monday I would come in and be 30 pounds overweight and every Friday I would be 30 pounds down and I would weigh in and then start the vicious cycle over again. Over and over and over again for 12 years of my life.
I didn’t mind it in wrestling, but you don’t realize the pattern that sets. So I had this epiphany the other day when I’m hanging out with Dave and Carrie, I might have already talked about this, I don’t remember. But basically my pattern in life is that same way. Every Monday, from Monday to Friday, I’m at the office and I eat perfectly, I usually lose about 5 pounds a week.
Then Friday, Saturday, Sunday I just can’t stop myself. It’s insane. So I think it has to do with my wrestling patterns that I instilled over 12 years of dieting all week and then pigging out all weekend. That’s my pattern and why I can’t ever lose weight. Because I lose weight Monday through Friday and then the last three days, I had my weigh ins and then I can eat whatever I want, then Monday I start over again. So I’ve been professionally dieting now for 25 years, which is kind of cool, except for its lame.
Why would I tell you that story? Oh yeah, that’s why I’m on the juice fast again. Someday I’ll figure this out. It’s a psychological problem I know, I gotta fix that. I gotta fix my brain. Which I actually working on from multiple different angles, so that’s good. Now that I’m aware of it I can effect it, which is hopefully the key for some of you guys.
Alright, step back, it was really cool. We had my interview with Tony Robbins yesterday, he was interviewing me. I’ve interviewed him before, he interviewed me on New Money Masters Series. We’ve kind of done back and forth on some of these things. And it was crazy because in true Tony fashion, he tells you, “Hey, we’re going to start at this time.” And then they shift it 10 times throughout the day. So I felt bad because we had other poddcst interviews lined up and we had to keep bumping people and shipping things around. So if I bumped you yesterday because of Tony, I’m apologizing, but come on. It’s Tony, it was so cool.
I’ve known Tony now for almost 10 years, which is crazy. It’s been a decade since I’ve known him, which is insanely cool. And in that time, I’ve never asked him to do anything, I just love him and what he does so much that I was like, how can I help him? We helped, we created a book funnel for him. I paid my own costs, paid my own flights, paid my hotel. It all came out of my own pocket, I spent probably 20 grand building a book funnel for him and just gave it to him as a gift.
I’ve coached his people and I’ve helped consult him and other people on his team. Iv’e done a lot of things like that. I’ve spoken at his events, anything I can do, I’ve tried to do and just help him, and not with an ulterior motive like, “Someday, he’s going to get me.” I have a joke with one of my buddies who always jokes, “I’m your real friend, I’m not here because you’re successful, I’m your real friend.” I’m like, “Whatever, it’s a long con. You’re waiting ten years from now to cash out.” So it’s always this joke, “How’s the long con treating you?”
So why I say that, with Tony it was never a long con. “Okay, ten years from now he’s going to maybe promote me.” It was never like that, it was like, Tony’s freaking awesome, he’s helped me so much. How can I help and serve and give back. I don’t think I could ever give back what I got from him. So anything we’re doing is just cool. But think about, I helped him from giving what I’m best at and gave that to him for free. I paid him to come to my event. I’m a customer. I’ve done all those things, and just because I’m trying to give back to him in a little way. And obviously he gives, every time I help a little bit, he gives back so much more.
He came to our event, we paid a lot of money for him to come to the event as our keynote, but then he came back and went for 5 hours and just blew everyone’s minds and it was insane. Anyway, long story short. I have never asked Tony to promote anything ever. This came around, the book came out and it was the first time I was ever like, “hey, would you be willing to do this?” And he’s like, “Yeah.” And what’s crazy about that is I think so many people go into relationships, looking at what’s ROI for me in this deal? Should I invest my time and I think that that’s the reason why most people don’t get deals to happen and they don’t have longer term things happen. You know what I mean?
If went to Tony like, “Alright what’s my angle, how am I going to get him to help me?” It never would have happened, I don’t think. But because I was like, okay Tony’s the man, how can I help him? To now 10 years later, a long time later, but 10 years later he comes back and does this really cool and it was amazing.
So some of the results. We did the Facebook Live interview. We actually did it first on Skype because he just wanted to not have it live, live. In case, something bad happens. So we did live and he’s like, “cool, you guys can run it.” So we took that and edited it real quick, chopped off the beginning and the end. Put it through
- Show
- PublishedMay 4, 2017 at 6:00 PM UTC
- Length15 min
- Episode340
- RatingClean