Meg Osborn: The issue of 'Personal Sovereignty' when we find out all NZer's are Corporate subjects of the City of London
This interview of Meg’s has in turn brought her into focusing on Constitutional Lawful Processes. That she says is the baby of the movement - in that we are just realising that we have been had. That this is all new to us. It’s like we have finally pulled back the curtain and found out that we have been manipulated for all this time. All of us - though the Establishment will never admit it, nor will the politicians that run this country
They are just not aware that they too are a chattels of the City of London - this is what we are all finding out. As I said … we have been had and this is just another example of why the world is in such an inharmonious mess. Because at heart we can not understand why we the people, have virtually no say - whilst banks create money out of thin air by adding extra zeros whilst at the same time they and Wall St for example are riding high on the hog on bloated salaries, share offerings and socialised losses.
This is why people from all walks of life are saying enough.
20,000 years ago when a human being woke up in the morning - they were a 'free being.' They had free air, free unpolluted rain and river water and a free food chain. They could wander hunt, fish and gather at will Cut to today and we find that we are controlled like never before - passports, licenses, passwords, ID Iris Analysis - Plus Surveillance and Tracking. This interview with Meg, also backs into Common Law and goes back to using an ancient Law process, called the Magna Carta. This came about in England in 1215 - With Article 61, that some people call Clause 61.
"We are using the oldest and highest law Article 61 to protect us, break all birth certificate scams and stand as we the People of New Zealand (and the Commonwealth) united in saying we will not comply with the tyranny that is upon us!" It is about Personal Sovereignty - and also the need for - 'informed consent.’ Sovereign or Slave? - Universal Sovereign The Magna Carta is when the Barons, who were Nobles and land owners and overseers for the King of England (who was off the rails) demanded that King Henry who was ‘out of alignment’ - be reigned in. The Barons were supported by the Peasants and Serfs - as they were under the auspices of the Barons. That because of the King’s excesses they petitioned 25 Barons to approach the King asking for a more humane deal, because the King was becoming a slave driver and the peasants were being overly exploited … listen ... The Magna Carta has never been repealed and has been invoked 5 times since and the last time in 2001. Against Queen Elisabeth II. See Treaty of Nice. Have a listen … Meg will explain it more clearly. FACEBOOK search - PLD International New Zealand. Practical Lawful Dissent Yes, this is in so many ways - an ‘exposé.' See Dan Hermansen as well as Jacques Windell
Megs’ Story.
Up until Covid - Meg was living a good life with her family, however when the Covid lock down kicked in on the 28 March 2020 - she as a health professional started looking at some of the inequities that were happening. Like why do we lock down a healthy population when it is usual to cordon off the people who are sick. There were anomalies and things that just did not seem right - so she started researching and it led her to the ‘sovereignty movement’ - that is starting to spring up all over NZ.
In doing so …she came upon articles on:
Practical lawful dissent - which is a movement which uses ‘lawful constitutional’ processes and it helps you if you remove yourself from the propaganda of the Govt, educational institutions and the media and you relearn your ‘common law.’
This gave her an understanding about the Covid Vaccination campaign as a mother of two pre teens - she did not want them to be vaccinated when the Pfizer vaccination has not been proven as safe and that she did not want her children to be experimented on.
She says that she as a loving mother has determined that none of her children will fall fowl of these medical treatments. Because they are not actually vaccines - see Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Joseph Mercola, Dr Christine Northrop. etc
But more so, that NZers need to be aware that we always have choice and that we have sovereignty over our own body. Therefore we can choose to have a vaccine or not. She also has concerns that our Prime Minister has not allowed this to happen in certain areas especially the Ministry of Defence as well as for specific MIQ - Managed Isolation & Quarantine staff.
So Meg says it’s about using an ancient Law process, the Magna Carta from 1215 - in Particular Article 61, that some people call Clause 61.
That as NZ is an extension of the British Empire/Commonwealth, it’s the highest law standing and that this is our security clause - saying it is providing us with a Lawful remedy against tyrannical Governments - and at the time it would/could have been used against tyrannical heads of state.
This in turn brought her into focusing on Constitutional Lawful Processes. This Meg says is the baby of the movement - in that we are just realising that we have been had … That this is all new to us. It’s like we have finally pulled back the curtain and found out that we have been manipulated for all this time. All of us - though the Establishment will never admit it nor will the politicians that run this country
They are just not aware that they too are a chattel of the City of London - this is what we are all finding out. As I said … we have been had and this is just another example of why the world is in such an inharmonious mess. Because at heart we can not understand why we the people have virtually no say - whilst banks create money out of thin air by adding extra zeros whilst at the same time they and Wall St for example are riding high on the hog on bloated salaries share offerings … and socialising all the losses that we the people pick up ‘as the Banks are too big to fall.’
This is why people from all walks of life are saying enough.
We have to remember that the diamond market has been rigged for generations, gold is rigged (see Libor) silver is rigged - everything is rigged whilst ordinary humanity are struggling just to make ends meet.
Meg says that we need to know that there are some very well educated and learned people across NZ and beyond who are gradually decoding and putting the jigsaw together. They (we) are understanding as to how we as a humanity and a nation were hoodwinked by an elite based in the City of London. This was done hundreds of years ago - way back in time, and that they are essentially pirates - and the Far East India Company - was their pioneer system - that got 30,000,000 Chinese hooked on opium 170 years ago. The lies and crookedness go deep.
Meg talks about a mentor of hers Jacqui Phoenix a Canadian now living in the UK - because both the Canadians and the British people are endeavouring to work out why those two countries are Corporations of the City of London - (the Aussies too) as the British Empire assimilated what ever country and people that could be assimilated. Very much like the Borg in Star Trek - but on a softer scale.
Meg asked Jacqui why are the sovereignty movement’s having so much difficulty in uniting? Why not unify under one umbrella - and she said it comes down to the same old situation - ‘some people are into service of self’ - ‘whilst others are into service to the greater good.’ That this is a time of a higher calling - that we humans now have to step up. Because what we have coming is the World Economic Forum from Davos in Switzerland and their Great Reset.
We are now in their cross hairs of an undemocratic takeover by the global elite and we - being everyone of us - have not been educated beforehand, by our Governments (our elected servants) or MSM as to what this all translates too. Some of their YouTube videos do not constitute a learning/educating situation. Thus by default, we cannot trust an imposed economic order that says - by 2030 we will not own anything and ‘we will be happy.’
But, will the elite be in this situation with us themselves? Or will they be like in George Orwells ‘Animal Farm’ - Some animals will be more equal than others. Note the pigs were at the top of that pyramid, very much in control.
That these people have multi millions and billions behind them - they will not go short of all luxury items … and you? How will you be faring?
It’s a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires … As Paul Simon sang in Boy in the bubble - listen - but now they are consolidating ...
She mentioned that Jaqui Phoenix remarked that NZ’s facebook page is very slow in getting what is truly happening and that we have to get it together particularly under Article 61 and redress the current situation or else we will be finding ourselves well behind the 8 ball.
PLD International New Zealand - facebook page There are people from UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, South Africa and NZ.
Listen please.
Taking an Oath
Meg says that there is an oath taken - to signal that you are a free being.
That this all stems from the MAGNA CARTA in 1215 wh
- Podcast
- FrequênciaSemanal
- Publicado10 de junho de 2021 00:00 UTC
- Duração1h
- ClassificaçãoLivre