10 Factor: From Struggling to Thriving Business

Tim Meuchel
10 Factor: From Struggling to Thriving Business

It's no secret busy entrepreneurs struggle to find balance between spending time with their family and making money. As a result they often feel helpless... laying in bed feeling frustrated and stressed that they are missing out on their kids growing up. This weekly podcast is geared towards those entrepreneurs ready to bust out of that negative mindset and really create a business model that works around their ideal lifestyle. After struggling himself as an entrepreneur and learning the hard way, bestselling author & host Tim Meuchel became obsessed with mastering the ins-and-outs of business success. Tim engineered a 10-month roadmap for entrepreneurs to build a thriving business and turned it into a bestselling book, "The 10 Factor: From Struggling to Thriving Business in 10 Months". Tim uses his weekly 10 Factor Podcast to share 20+ years of his own lessons learned and the proven steps of featured guest top entrepreneurs & influencers. Welcome to THE 10 FACTOR!

  1. 17/10/2019

    Tim Meuchel on Being in the Moment

    Keys to being in the moment. Prepare Preparation is important. This is legwork completed before your experience takes place Adapt Nothing goes as planned. Being adaptable helps to combat something unforeseen ruining the moment or your day. Perspective Have a handle on what is important and what is not. What are the deal breakers and what can you let go or do without? Focus Minimizing distractions plays a big role in your ability to focus and keep yourself in the moment. Simplifying helps to avoid living in a constant state of chaos; a constant state of stress. Strategy Days Periodic goal setting gives you the ability to think big picture instead of dealing with detail after detail. When goal setting it's important short-term plans are in alignment with long-term goals. Periodic strategy days help prevent getting hung up on strategy every day. This frees up time to work the plan daily instead of creating the plan daily.   TUNE IN to the 10 Factor, Episode 88 - Being in the Moment JOIN our 10 Factor Community - become part of the family Are you an entrepreneur with kids... who needs help balancing your work and life? Learn more: the10factor.com Schedule Your Free Discovery Call: the10factor.com/discovery To join The 10 Factor Elite Mastermind Academy the10factor.com/apply Drop Tim an email. He'll reach out to you personally to see if you are a good fit. tim@the10factor.com Help Support our Show: Reviews Do Matter. We love to read our subscribers 5-star reviews on iTunes. Get a bonus thank you if yours gets read on the show. Leave us an honest review iTunes: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on iTunes Spotify: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on Spotify Submit questions or comments - we read and answer questions right on the show. tim@the10factor.com Connect with Tim: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the10factor/ Instagram: @TimMeuchel LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-meuchel-270b0b30/ Twitter: @TimMeuchel email: tim@the10factor.com Upcoming Episodes and Guests: Subscribe on iTunes today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes. Subscribe on Spotify on Spotify today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes.

  2. 10/10/2019

    Jon Warner on SLAM - Startup Assistance Launch Map

    Five-time company CEO, Jon Warner is a widely respected entrepreneurship expert and mentor having founded and led three startups. Jon is a noted speaker at businesses, colleges and conferences across the world. He also lectures on entrepreneurship at both undergraduate and MBA level. Jon is also a prolific author having published 40 books, all concerning business, management, leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation. Jon's latest book released in July 2019 is called SLAM: Build Your Startup Idea or Early Stage Business with the Startup Launch Assistance Map. This book is for anyone who has an idea for a business, has a side-hustle business or has an existing startup. It not only helps to put a validation and development plan together in a structured way but de-risks the whole journey helping to 'smooth the bumps' and make the business more attractive to outside investors, if this is wanted. TUNE IN to the 10 Factor, Episode 87 - Jon Warner on SLAM - Startup Launch Assistance Map Find Jon Warner: slamprocess.com JOIN our 10 Factor Community - become part of the family Are you an entrepreneur with kids... who needs help balancing your work and life? Learn more: the10factor.com Schedule Your Free Discovery Call: the10factor.com/discovery To join The 10 Factor Elite Mastermind Academy the10factor.com/apply Drop Tim an email. He'll reach out to you personally to see if you are a good fit. tim@the10factor.com Help Support our Show: Reviews Do Matter. We love to read our subscribers 5-star reviews on iTunes. Get a bonus thank you if yours gets read on the show. Leave us an honest review iTunes: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on iTunes Spotify: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on Spotify Submit questions or comments - we read and answer questions right on the show. tim@the10factor.com Connect with Tim: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the10factor/ Instagram: @TimMeuchel LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-meuchel-270b0b30/ Twitter: @TimMeuchel email: tim@the10factor.com Upcoming Episodes and Guests: Subscribe on iTunes today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes. Subscribe on Spotify on Spotify today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes.

  3. 03/10/2019

    Tim Meuchel on Maximizing Your Time While Building Your Family's Legacy

    Why do so many people think they are “time broke”?   And what exactly does “time broke” mean?   Since so many of you are entrepreneurs with families I’ll talk directly to you for a moment.   Wouldn't it be awesome to maximize your time while building your family's legacy? TUNE IN to the 10 Factor, Episode 86 - Maximizing Your Time While Building Your Family's Legacy (re-release of original Episode 61 from August 30, 2018) JOIN our 10 Factor Community - become part of the family Are you an entrepreneur with kids... who needs help balancing your work and life? Learn more: the10factor.com Schedule Your Free Discovery Call: the10factor.com/discovery To join The 10 Factor Elite Mastermind Academy the10factor.com/apply Drop Tim an email. He'll reach out to you personally to see if you are a good fit. tim@the10factor.com Help Support our Show: Reviews Do Matter. We love to read our subscribers 5-star reviews on iTunes. Get a bonus thank you if yours gets read on the show. Leave us an honest review iTunes: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on iTunes Spotify: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on Spotify Submit questions or comments - we read and answer questions right on the show. tim@the10factor.com Connect with Tim: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the10factor/ Instagram: @TimMeuchel LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-meuchel-270b0b30/ Twitter: @TimMeuchel email: tim@the10factor.com Upcoming Episodes and Guests: Subscribe on iTunes today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes. Subscribe on Spotify on Spotify today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes.

  4. 26/09/2019

    Tim Meuchel on Betting on Yourself Against All Odds

    Betting on yourself is scary for most entrepreneurs. Like it or not, as human beings we are susceptible to the influence of others. And we don't always trust our own ability to make the right choices. Saying Yes When Everyone is Telling You "No" A self-limiting or scarcity mindset can shipwreck our own growth in life and business. The longer we put ourselves in the box that society has created, the deeper we dig our own hole. Instead of just doing what we know is the best thing for us, the harder it becomes to say "yes" when everyone else is telling us "no". Yet, each generation has a forefront of leaders who challenge the box's envelope. These leaders get outside of the box and help push society to evolve and reach new limits. Are you one of these leaders in this generation? Are you someone who is betting on yourself against all odds?   TUNE IN to the 10 Factor, Episode 85 - Betting on Yourself Against All Odds JOIN our 10 Factor Community - become part of the family Are you an entrepreneur with kids... who needs help balancing your work and life? Learn more: the10factor.com Schedule Your Free Discovery Call: the10factor.com/discovery To join The 10 Factor Elite Mastermind Academy the10factor.com/apply Drop Tim an email. He'll reach out to you personally to see if you are a good fit. tim@the10factor.com Help Support our Show: Reviews Do Matter. We love to read our subscribers 5-star reviews on iTunes. Get a bonus thank you if yours gets read on the show. Leave us an honest review iTunes: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on iTunes Spotify: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on Spotify Submit questions or comments - we read and answer questions right on the show. tim@the10factor.com Connect with Tim: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the10factor/ Instagram: @TimMeuchel LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-meuchel-270b0b30/ Twitter: @TimMeuchel email: tim@the10factor.com Upcoming Episodes and Guests: Subscribe on iTunes today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes. Subscribe on Spotify on Spotify today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes.

  5. 19/09/2019

    Megan Fenyoe on the I Am Enough Movement

    Megan Fenyoe is an Air Force Veteran, Licensed Mental Health Therapist (LCSW), Speaker and Trainer, Host of The Blonde Bombshell Podcast, Founder of the I Am Enough Movement and host of I Am Enough TV. She is an Amazon Best Selling Author who recently published her book You Are Enough: 5 Steps To Move From Struggle To Strength. Megan has been featured on SiriusXM Radio including the Jenny McCarthy show, TV/Radio Shows, multiple podcasts, as well as various magazines. Being a Mental Health Therapist for over 15 years as well as a Transformational Mindset Coach, Megan has both the personal and professional experience to help you up-level your negative self-talk into positive self-empowerment. You will come to know: You Are Enough! While “Enough-ness” feels like a miracle, it is really a proven 5 Step System that Megan guides you through which will move you from struggle to strength. Through coaching, leadership, consulting and speaking engagements, Megan has helped hundreds of people accurately assess their challenges and identify ways they can change - capitalizing on the strengths they already have while building new ones. WHAT’S DIFFERENT: Megan has gone through many struggles throughout her life most recently being involved in a narcissistic abusive marriage. For many years she was living a life without meaning and purpose. Megan has successfully transformed every area of her life using her proven 5 Step System and is now living a vibrant, beautiful life. A life where she truly believes she is more than ENOUGH. The most satisfying part of the work Megan does is when clients, like you, work through the fears that hold them back. Megan’s passion and purpose is to help you believe you are enough! TUNE IN to the 10 Factor, Episode 84 - Megan Fenyoe on the I Am Enough Movement. JOIN our 10 Factor Community - become part of the family Are you an entrepreneur with kids... who needs help balancing your work and life? Learn more: the10factor.com Schedule Your Free Discovery Call: the10factor.com/discovery To join The 10 Factor Elite Mastermind Academy the10factor.com/apply Drop Tim an email. He'll reach out to you personally to see if you are a good fit. tim@the10factor.com Help Support our Show: Reviews Do Matter. We love to read our subscribers 5-star reviews on iTunes. Get a bonus thank you if yours gets read on the show. Leave us an honest review iTunes: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on iTunes Spotify: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on Spotify Submit questions or comments - we read and answer questions right on the show. tim@the10factor.com Connect with Tim: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the10factor/ Instagram: @TimMeuchel LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-meuchel-270b0b30/ Twitter: @TimMeuchel email: tim@the10factor.com Upcoming Episodes and Guests: Subscribe on iTunes today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes. Subscribe on Spotify on Spotify today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes.

  6. 12/09/2019

    Tim Meuchel on Climbing Back From Adversity With a Vengeance

    Entrepreneurs Climbing Back... What if you lost you availability to work your business; like right now? Maybe adversity hit and you no longer had control Your face was gone from the online space for too long. Where do you start Climbing Back? Let your followers, clients and customers know Establish a plan to get back in the game Give yourself deadlines Find accountability partners Keep your circle of influence in the loop Lean on your circle of influence Look for signs... people will know something is going on and try to figure it out. Is this what you want? Start small and make sure you can be consistent Make sure your task list is manageable. Say "no" more than you did before. Respect other people's time more than ever Remember it’s what you do, not what you say. Be consistent. TUNE IN to the 10 Factor, Episode 83 - Tim Meuchel on Climbing Back From Adversity with a Vengeance JOIN our 10 Factor Community - become part of the family Are you an entrepreneur with kids... who needs help managing time? Learn more: the10factor.com Schedule Your Free Discovery Call: the10factor.com/discovery To join The 10 Factor Elite Mastermind Academy the10factor.com/apply Drop Tim an email. He'll reach out to you personally to see if you are a good fit. tim@the10factor.com Help Support our Show: Reviews Do Matter. We love to read our subscribers 5-star reviews on iTunes. Get a bonus thank you if yours gets read on the show. Leave us an honest review iTunes: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on iTunes Spotify: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on Spotify Submit questions or comments - we read and answer questions right on the show. tim@the10factor.com Connect with Tim: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the10factor/ Instagram: @TimMeuchel LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-meuchel-270b0b30/ Twitter: @TimMeuchel email: tim@the10factor.com Upcoming Episodes and Guests: Subscribe on iTunes today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes. Subscribe on Spotify on Spotify today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes.

  7. 05/09/2019

    Tim Meuchel on Rekindling Your Fire - How Entrepreneurs Can Get Back in the Game

    Rekindling your fire is easier said than done. What happens when you go through something that devestates you personally, and impacts your family, your employees and your business? Your customer might see a nice storefront but your business's back of house is a mess. What is truly going on behind the scenes during these tough times. And how can entrepreneurs rekindle their fire and get back in the game. Here's How to Get Started: Allow yourself to be vulnerable Slow down... and focus on what really matters Start simple and build back up from there Don’t chase the quick buck Reassess your why and go deep. Why are you really doing this? Remind yourself what are you good at And what you enjoy doing Align these with what can you make money doing Do the routine stuff consistently Make adjustments understanding your playing field is probably going to be different than it was before Build your business always working towards your ideal lifestyle Surround yourself with A players Don’t skip the me time Channel your negative emotions into gratitude And always remember that somebody else is praying to have what you are dreading… what you just went through… This is a huge paradigm shift to pull the positivity out of your negative. TUNE IN to the 10 Factor, Episode 82 - Tim Meuchel on Rekindling Your Fire - How Entrepreneurs Can Get Back in the Game JOIN our 10 Factor Community - become part of the family Are you an entrepreneur with kids... who needs help managing time? Learn more: the10factor.com Schedule Your Free Discovery Call: the10factor.com/discovery To join The 10 Factor Elite Mastermind Academy the10factor.com/apply Drop Tim an email. He'll reach out to you personally to see if you are a good fit. tim@the10factor.com Help Support our Show: Reviews Do Matter. We love to read our subscribers 5-star reviews on iTunes. Get a bonus thank you if yours gets read on the show. Leave us an honest review iTunes: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on iTunes Spotify: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on Spotify Submit questions or comments - we read and answer questions right on the show. tim@the10factor.com Connect with Tim: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the10factor/ Instagram: @TimMeuchel LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-meuchel-270b0b30/ Twitter: @TimMeuchel email: tim@the10factor.com Upcoming Episodes and Guests: Subscribe on iTunes today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes. Subscribe on Spotify on Spotify today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes.

  8. 29/08/2019

    Tim Meuchel on When Clarity Just Isn't Possible

    Clarity The reality is many people struggle with clarity even during the good times. So where does that leave you when times aren’t so good? Are you stuck? How do you keep going if you don’t know where you are heading? Imagine just for a minute that clarity is not possible for you… at least not right now. Maybe you are waiting on a test result that could be life changing; like cancer for example. Maybe you are going through a change to your normal; like a marriage separation leading up to a divorce. It’s times like these that you are just trying to get through the day and live in the moment. You have no idea if you’ll be able to travel, commit enough time to work, or in some cases even work at all. Plus during these times your confidence is waining, leaving your mindset in shambles. So, if this is you let me start by saying, you are not alone. And also understand there are times in your life, seasons if you will, when clarity is just not in the cards. And that’s ok. You have to: Keep your faith. Figure out who you are and what you stand for. This you never want to compromise, even during the darkest moments. Knowing who you are and loving yourself is more important than where you are going at this exact moment. Faith helps with this. Understand that you might have to make short term sacrifices for the long term reward or payoff. For example hanging onto your dead end job while you get a new business off the ground. Work life balance is a goal but is not always practical. That said, you should strive to build your business around your desired lifestyle or you have a much lower chance of ever achieving it.  TUNE IN to the 10 Factor, Episode 81 - Tim Meuchel on When Clarity Just Isn't Possible. JOIN our 10 Factor Community - become part of the family Are you an entrepreneur with kids... who needs help managing time? Learn more: the10factor.com Schedule Your Free Discovery Call: the10factor.com/discovery To join The 10 Factor Elite Mastermind Academy the10factor.com/apply Drop Tim an email. He'll reach out to you personally to see if you are a good fit. tim@the10factor.com Help Support our Show: Reviews Do Matter. We love to read our subscribers 5-star reviews on iTunes. Get a bonus thank you if yours gets read on the show. Leave us an honest review iTunes: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on iTunes Spotify: Subscribe and leave a review 10 FACTOR on Spotify Submit questions or comments - we read and answer questions right on the show. tim@the10factor.com Connect with Tim: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the10factor/ Instagram: @TimMeuchel LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-meuchel-270b0b30/ Twitter: @TimMeuchel email: tim@the10factor.com Upcoming Episodes and Guests: Subscribe on iTunes today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes. Subscribe on Spotify on Spotify today so you don't miss any of our weekly episodes.

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It's no secret busy entrepreneurs struggle to find balance between spending time with their family and making money. As a result they often feel helpless... laying in bed feeling frustrated and stressed that they are missing out on their kids growing up. This weekly podcast is geared towards those entrepreneurs ready to bust out of that negative mindset and really create a business model that works around their ideal lifestyle. After struggling himself as an entrepreneur and learning the hard way, bestselling author & host Tim Meuchel became obsessed with mastering the ins-and-outs of business success. Tim engineered a 10-month roadmap for entrepreneurs to build a thriving business and turned it into a bestselling book, "The 10 Factor: From Struggling to Thriving Business in 10 Months". Tim uses his weekly 10 Factor Podcast to share 20+ years of his own lessons learned and the proven steps of featured guest top entrepreneurs & influencers. Welcome to THE 10 FACTOR!

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