Metal Nerdery Podcast

Metal Nerdery Podcast
Metal Nerdery Podcast

A Heavy Metal and Thrash Podcast. Join Us as we Dive into all things Metal with an extra side of nonsense

  1. 5D AGO

    #292 1995 Year in METAL

    In 1995, Los del Rio infected popular dance culture with their one-hit wonder, “The Macarena”, the U.S. national debt was only $5,000,000,000,000 (five trillion), both eBay and Craigslist were birthed into popular culture, Taco Bell offered The Volcano Burrito and The Double Decker Taco menu items for a limited time (each for less than $1.00, btw), and O.J. Simpson was acquitted thanks (in no small part) to Robert Kardashian, the man who would ultimately become responsible for fueling the success of Gary Holt’s incredibly popular line of outerwear.   Meanwhile, in the world of 1995 metal, Kyuss called it quits shortly after releasing “…And The Circus Leaves Town” and DOWN unleashed their debut masterpiece “NOLA” on the EXACT SAME DAY that Dream Theater released their first EP featuring their 23-minute epic title track, “A Change Of Seasons”!   Get ready to find out what a “Coyote Disaster” actually sounds like, be mindful that when it comes to playing music in a live setting, some of us can play “topless” and some of us need a “sports bra”. Hear our thoughts regarding the upcoming “Back To The Beginning” final Black Sabbath concert event, listen carefully for a handful of not so subtle “R.E.M. references”, learn “how to scream at people in Braille”, and brace yourself for the record scratch heard ‘round the world (after embracing your “Patreon privilege”) when you JOIN US to find out “how they all talk” as we travel back in time to THE YEAR IN METAL – 1995.   Visit for more on this episode Help Support Metal Nerdery Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182 Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts. Follow us on the Socials: Facebook - Instagram - TikTok Email: Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast Show Notes: (00:01): “I’ve thought about something…”/ “That’s not consistent…it’s not the same…”/ #JoJoRabbit / “YEAH!!!”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “I never saw him play topless…he could have done a sports bra…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST COMING AT YOU FROM THE DIGITAL BUNKERPOON!!!*** / “There’s something to remember when it comes to nasty, mean things you say to people…”/ #recordscratch / “This has got nothing to do with metal…”/ “Make this a #Patreon…”/ #talkies / “How do you scream at somebody who’s deaf?”/ #youjustmouthit / “Dude, they can’t hear this, don’t worry about it…”/ ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP THE NONSENSE, HEAD TO #THEDOCKET ***    (06:24): ***Head over to to JOIN US over there!!!*** / #patreonshoutout / “Do you not like when I do that, dude?”/ #PatreonPrivilege / “How about a beer, bitches?” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / #SceptreBrewing #MikroBose / “If it was liquid nitrogen cold…” / ***Check us out on ALL the social media, including #TikTok #Instagram #Facebook #YouTube at #MetalNerderyPodcast and EMAIL US at or GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #whoareyou / #ThePost / “Comin’ out of a K-hole…”/ Thoughts regarding the final #BlackSabbath show in July 2025 / #RussellsReflectionsASMR / “That’s me in the spotlight…” / “I was literally thinking that as you were saying it…”/ #sayinggoodbye / “The fact that he’s still alive is a miracle of modern science…”/ “You’ve gotta go left before that happens…”/ #DrugWarRetardity / “It’s a powdered vegetable…”   (17:14): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS:  1995 – YEAR IN METAL / “The 30th anniversary of 1995…”/ #BlackSabbath (Forbidden) / “This is the #remix…”/ RUSTY ANGELS / “Is there something a little doomier on this?” / THE ILLUSION OF POWER / “Now THAT’s Sabbath…”/ “Le

    1h 3m
  2. MAR 13

    #291 PENTAGRAM Lightning In A Bottle Album Dive

    After 50 years, it’s great to see PENTAGRAM finally getting the attention they deserve from all across the world wide web. LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE, the band’s latest offering and their first album in nearly a decade, arrived on the scene mere weeks before a video surfaced that went viral, showing founding member and frontman Bobby Liebling (wide-eyed and seemingly possessed) powering through “The Ghoul” with the rest of the band on stage and instantly becoming a viral sensation across metal circles and the greater metropolitan global meme universe.   LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE truly measures up to the meaning of the phrase, with PENTAGRAM doing the impossible and finally breaking through to a worldwide audience. With their trademark dark, doomy, and heavy sound finally produced in a way that captures the dark essence of classic doom with the amplified power and brutality of more modern doom metal bands, LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE might just be PENTAGRAM’s finest hour, resulting in one of the greatest (and most fun) doom metal albums in the entire genre.   Be sure to stop by your local “Snooch & Gooch” and pick up some “rental snooch” and remember that there’s a significant difference between “man coon balls” and “Maine Coon paws”. Discover how the transcendental power of hearing Sleep’s “Dopesmoker” at a local tavern can manifest the “best Friday ever”, remember that snails are just slugs with a “tow behind camper shell”, prepare to “pet the horn” and get “a little tingly down in the nether regions” and JOIN US for a modern taste of classic doom from Alexandria, Virginia doom metal innovators PENTAGRAM with LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE.   Visit for more on this episode Help Support Metal Nerdery Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182   Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts. Follow us on the Socials: Facebook - Instagram - TikTok   Email: Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast Show Notes: (00:01): “If you’re gonna add on to your house…”/ “And the benefit of that would be…?”/ “Or maybe a trampoline room…”/ ***WARNING:  #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “We completely forgot to do the intro last time…”/ ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP THE NONSENSE, GO TO #THEDOCKET*** / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST AT BUNKERPOON CENTRAL!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #OneHellOfAnAle #HappyHopBrewery / 7.0% ABV / “That’s kinda daydrinkin’, right?” / “It’s not too carpety either…” / “I can’t eat 3 times a day…that’s a lot…”/ #ketosis / #RussellsReflectionsASMR/ #SundownersSyndrome #Dementia / “If there’s any silver lining whatsoever…when you can have some distance and some prep time…it’s not as shocking…”/ “Weird stuff…that’s NOT them…”    (12:05): “The volume is down…”/ #fixitinpost / #sexualdeviance / “Did I leave that in there?”/ “Y’all know what snails look like, right?” / “Just an isolated picture of a dude’s…horn…”/ “It might have been on #YouTube …”/ “I thought that was my ‘in’…”/ “How about those #Patreons?” / “We dismounted strong…”/ ***IF YOU WANNA JOIN US ON PATREON YOU CAN DO SO AT WWW.PATREON.COM/METALNERDERYPODCAST *** / “Can I request some #reactionvideos to #ElectricCallboy?” / “I’m a little scared…”/ #milking / “I used to watch some deviant, weird shit…I had to stop…”/ “This was live action btw…”/ “Octopus with dick tentacles?”   (19:06): You can follow us on the socials at #YouTube #Facebook and #Instagram at #metalnerderypodcast or you can email us at or you can GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! / #GreatScott #VoicemailSegment / “I got a little tingly down in the nether regions…”/ “Was it Julie Newma

    1h 19m
  3. MAR 6

    #290 DARK ANGEL - Inside The Metal

    Formed in 1981 and hailing from Downey, California (the birthplace of the mighty Hetfield), thrash masters DARK ANGEL unleashed a darker, faster, more aggressive sounding brand of thrash, with a sound initially reminiscent of the death metal aesthetic present in Slayer’s early work and later evolving into a more progressive, technical thrash sound resembling the latter part of Death’s catalog.    Prepare to learn more about “the outer balloon knot” (‘the yurt’ as it ‘twere)” and remember that when it comes to old school thrash, those guys “got a LOT to say” and a very short time in which to say it. Enjoy a spirited debate regarding cover songs relative to the originals that was 100% “from the heart”, learn more about the benefits of “The Express Package”, and don’t forget to “microwave your melons” after you JOIN US as we learn more about the technical thrash genius of “The L.A. Caffeine Machine”, DARK ANGEL.   Visit for more on this episode Help Support Metal Nerdery   Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182 Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts. Follow us on the Socials: Facebook - Instagram - TikTok Email: Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast Show Notes: (00:01): “Not since Tuesday…”/ #dreams / “What’s he gonna say?” / #titillationfactor / “Shock value is fun…”/ “I don’t want to no more…”/ “It’s in your hand too often…”/ “That sounded almost like #RichardPryor a little bit…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “Ohh-uhh…”/ “I’m tied up to your dock, get your ass down here!”/ #noteven / #Margaritaville / “Let me ask…obviously you’ve got friends with boats…”/ #boatsandhoes / “My wife had a #Galantines Party…”/ “They play ‘Pin the junk on the hunk’…”/ “If I pull up a picture could you point her out?”/ #Covechella / #QRCode / NOTE:  QR means “quick response” / “If it’s Freebird, it’s tits…if it’s Stairway…”/ “To me the downstairs is like the headliner…”/ “It will be the #Bunkerpoon Part 2…”/ ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP THE NONSENSE, CHECK THE SHOW NOTES FOR #THEDOCKET *** (11:17): “It’ll be Trans Leprechaun Dwarfism Month (in March)…”/ #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / “You know what a greyhound is…”/ #saltydog / #RussellsReflectionsBrunchEdition / #CutwaterLimeMargarita for #NationalMargaritaDay / “This thing is 12.5% ABV…”/ “I’ve got a back snootch…you wanna see my #balloonknot?” / “If I do it in the dark, my dick will seem bigger…”/ “The yurt, as it ‘twere…”/ “It’s the hole aesthetic…the ambiance, as it ‘twere…”/ #bruisedrib / “$450 Million…”/ “We were talking about a really important subject…”/ “I don’t know if I could do it on purpose…”/ “If it’s gonna be covered in #HumanNutella it’s gotta be love…”/ #whatarewetalkingabout? / #MarchEnemy / #roadtrip / “What’s her name?”/ “I’ve gotta get in shape…I think I literally bruised a rib…” / “It would be a shame to waste this…and then you get the express package…”/ “Can we move on, please?” / #sixlistenerscantbewrong   (23:45): ***You can JOIN US on #Patreon at for LESS THAN the price of a pack of smokes or a bottle of lube!!!*** / #PatreonShoutOut / “Y’all gotta check out #TheHogStory …that’s where it all started…”/ #BunkerpoonAfterDark / ***If you want to EMAIL US you can do so at or check us out on the socials at #metalnerderypodcast or GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #Luis #mysterycaller / “I want Mexican food now…I’ll bet his fajitas will knock your socks off!”/ “Something funny, real quick…”/ “It sounds perfect…”/ #newlistener   (29:04): #TheDocket / “Can you PLEASE tell me…?”/ METAL NERDERY PODCA

    1h 29m
  4. FEB 27


    SAILING THE SEAS OF CHEESE, the 2nd beautifully bizarre edition of “the Sunday funny papers of metal”, brought to you by El Sobrante, California’s genius weirdo trio, PRIMUS, is the gold standard of the eccentric sound of “boxless” progressive, funk metal overtones filtered through a heroic dose of psychedelic infused absurdity and combined with an ample sized bowl of surreal silliness.   With drum beats that are right, smack dab ”in the pocket”, bass lines that defy the laws of music and reality, orchestrated, atonal, guitar noise that’s always a tad off, and lyrics covering a vast array of peculiar and unusual topics, ranging from promiscuous cats to reckless race car drivers to weird time signatures to sheer luck, SAILING THE SEAS OF CHEESE is one of those recordings that every metal head with a well-defined sillier side (and a “sophisticated palette”) must possess.     Grab a handful of relaxation and enjoy “a positive Applebee’s experience” while also noting that this is our 2nd PRIMUS episode featuring a story about Applebee’s (seriously, what are the odds of that happening almost 3 years later!?). Discover the reason McDonald’s is diabolical and why it’s exactly like something else that’s “not even the same ballpark”, understand that it’s perfectly okay to have “different tastes” with regard to entertainment shown “in slow motion”, and brace yourself for a first time Steve Harvey impression that morphed into a Katt Williams impression that was followed by an even better, more impressive Katt Williams impression when you JOIN US as we gear up to go snorkeling through the caverns of queso while SAILING THE SEAS OF CHEESE.   Visit for more on this episode Help Support Metal Nerdery Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182   Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts. Follow us on the Socials: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter   Email: Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast Show Notes: (00:01): “It’s almost the end of #AmericanHistoryMonth …”/ “That’s #antiAmerican bruh…”/ #MrBlack ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “Billiam sporting #TheWarningShirt #MetalNerderyWarning / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / “Yeah man…”/ #DeathMetalFont #ScepterBrewingArts #ScepterArtsBrewing #DecaturGeorgia #DickHater / “It’s got a carpet flavor…”/ #rimshot / #HazyIPA #sixpointfiveABV / “Definitely a little carpet…”/ #icecoldbeer / “Here’s why…”/ “I can get an ice bucket down here…”/ “That one…not the one above it…the one that’s over there…”/ #followmyfinger / ***IF YOU WANT TO SKIP THE NONSENSE AND GO STRAIGHT TO THE MEAT OF THE EPISODE, GO TO #THEDOCKET *** / “Last night, we were both tired, but we needed dinner…”/ #RussellsReflectionsRestaurantEdition / “It’s either a #divebar or we go to #locallyownedrestaurants …”/ “It’s so funny you mention that…”/ #TJApplebees and/or #Applebees / #flattentheherd / “That’s a great idea!” / #TiffanyLights / “What are we walking into?” / #TheVerdict / #peoplewatching / “It’s kind of an interesting thing…people are just people…”/ #backstoryASMR / “Somebody told me about someone they knew making money as a #footfetish #pornographer …”/ “Walk through a chocolate cake…”/ “I’m always looking right at the snootch…”/ “Nice hands…it raises the face and lowers the hands…”/ #bigtoethumb #Transformer / “Don’t women have Adam’s apples, though?” (14:34): “What about some #Patreon …?” / ***PATREON SHOUTOUT!!!*** / ***You can JOIN US at *** / #ThankYou / “I didn’t need it, I just wanted it…”/ #McDonalds / “It’s the same thing, dude…only the names hav

    1h 20m
  5. FEB 20

    #288 SLIPKNOT Album Review

    “Don’t make it weird…”   “They all wear jumpsuits, they’re kinda like KISS because you don’t know what they look like, but they kinda look like serial killers because they all have masks on, and you kinda get Purge vibes when you look at it (the album cover), and then you LISTEN to it…”   SLIPKNOT as a band is extremely off-putting, exhausting, and quite frankly, disturbing, and their self-titled debut album conveys these qualities in the darkest way possible. The album cover alone is the stuff of horror movies and nightmares, featuring all nine members clothed in red prison jumpsuits with their faces covered in grotesquely disfigured masks: nameless and faceless, with only a number and a barcode to identify them.    Find out more about the latest government study regarding “the medical benefits of bat vagina” and remember that “you’ve never seen Al Gore and Paul Stanley in the same place”. Discover who knows “how to use the phone”, put on your “Salad Face”, and be sure to “liberate bananas” when you JOIN US as we dive into the angry, uncomfortable darkness that is SLIPKNOT.   Visit for more on this episode   Help Support Metal Nerdery Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182   Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts. Follow us on the Socials: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter   Email: Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast Show Notes: (00:01): “This is how you know you’re getting old…”/ #oldmancoughs / “I’m gonna go black this time…”/ “The medical benefits of bat vagina…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / #asianstyleASMR / “Does everybody know that?” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST IN DIGITAL DOLBY SURROUND SOUND!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / #markthetime / #TerrapinBrewery #EspressoMartiniImperialWhiteStout #ninepercentABV / “That’s a chug…”/ #JitteryJoes / ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP THE NONSENSE, GO TO #THEDOCKET *** / “It tastes like a coffee stout mixed with a light beer…”/ “It’s got a corporate coffee carpet flavor…”/ #thatsnotamilkshake / “Where else do you get sugar?” / “WHOA!” / “I’m not gonna give you a recordable here…”/ Proteins and carbs/ “Hand me the horn, I’m feeling stressed…”/ “Meat is not what is fucking up your cholesterol…”/ #carbsaretheenemy / “Does Santa Claus come up from the septic tank now?” / #everythingisalie / #markallthetimes    (12:50): “But first…”/ PATREON SHOUT OUT (courtesy of Russell) / ***JOIN US on the #Patreon at *** / “Just give me yeahs and oohs…let’s see if Matt can NOT say a word while you do it…”/ “Speaking of emails…”/ ***You can email us at *** / #KingGizzardAndTheLizardWizard / “That’s totally a great impression of me…”/ #eclectic / #whatsitcalled / “You’ve never seen Al Gore and Paul Stanley in the same place…”/ “It’s a Patreon comment…”/ WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! / #GodBelow / “If I was gonna dye my beard…”/ #saladface #wizardcamouflage / (***From “Painted Images With The Blood Of…”***) / STILL NOT QUITE SUICIDE / “There’s no play button…”/ #thickandfull / “I like the harmonies…” / “And we have a voicemail…”/ ***IF YOU WANNA GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN DO SO AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #anonymouscaller / “That sounds like #PissingPost on a blackout bender…”/ “Would it be weird…?” / NOTE:  I believe Russell is wildly incorrect in his assertion…/ “You can identify however you want on this show…we want to know who you are…”/ #dontmakeitweird   (31:27): “What’s on #TheDocket?” / METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: SLIPKNOT!!! / #Slipknot #RussellsReflectionsSlipknotEdition / “Real tall…like basketball play

    1h 21m
  6. FEB 13

    #287 WTF Moments in METAL

    As with life, “Left Turns” and WTF MOMENTS occur constantly in the world of metal. Whether it’s a radical, stylistic change to a band’s sound, any sort of unforeseen tragedy, or “Ozzy just being Ozzy” in the presence of winged, flying creatures, there is certainly no shortage of WTF MOMENTS lurking around every corner throughout the metal community.   It’s time to find out why some “poon juice” has an “extra aroma” and remember that “for less than the price of a pack of smokes OR a bottle of lube” you too can become a part of our Patreon community (regardless of whether you are “an innie or an outie”). Be absolutely sure you “don’t say dropped” when referring to a new release, realize that “coughing is a sign of health”, and understand that “a hand solo” still counts as sex when you JOIN US for a look at some notable WTF MOMENTS IN METAL. Visit for more on this episode   Help Support Metal Nerdery Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182   Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts. Follow us on the Socials: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter Email: Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast Show Notes: (00:01): “We’ll do it when it’s my turn…”/ “I don’t hate #Jager …”/ #jagerbombASMR / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “Oh, buyer’s remorse…”/ “What’s the haps?” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / “It seems like you’ve been coughing the past 3 or 4 times you’ve been here…I know a bunch of people who are halfway sick…” / #longcovid / “It’s the pollen I think…”/ #weathermanipulationASMR / ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP THE NONSENSE AND GET STRAIGHT TO THE MEAT, GO TO #THEDOCKET ***   (05:00): #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #AceHigh #ImperialCider / “It’s #glutenfree and its #vegan” / #markthetime / “He got a nice tri-toon…”/ #yachtASMR / “I get what you’re doing…you’re wanting me to recognize it…you’re doing the Stewie thing with the #CoolWhip and it’s working…”/ #RussellsReflectionsComedyEdition / “I started a couple of shows that are pretty good…”/ #PrimeEvil / “Was that back when they had knights and dragons?” / “This is gonna piss some people off…”/ #Severance / “It’s got Christopher Walken in it…”/ “That’s an actual carrier…”/ “You have an innie and an outie…”/ “Work is work is work…”/ “If you’re an innie you’re probably not into dudes…”/ “You can’t peg it basically…”   (15:06): ***IF YOU WANNA JOIN US ON THE PATREON YOU CAN DO SO AT PATREON.COM/METALNERDERYPODCAST *** / #PatreonShoutOut / “Y’all oughta all be getting some major poon right now…you’re gonna smell like sweat and shame…and #poonjuice …”/ #OhBoy / “It literally smelled like…”/ “They have an extra aroma…”/ ***If you want to email us you can do so at *** / “We’re like Agent Smith in the Matrix…”/ #femalefrontedbands / “You think I should go to the doctor?” / #PatreonRequest / #VishnuASMR / ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN DO SO AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #mysterycaller / “It’s a 404…that’s Atlanta…I think I know who it is…”/ #MaleNursery   (22:20): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: WTF MOMENTS IN METAL!!! / “Boy howdy, is there a bunch of them…”/ “This was a major WTF moment for me…”/ “They reinvented the metal…”/ #flavorsaver / #Metallica UNTIL IT SLEEPS (Load – 1996) / “That’s one way to put it…”/ “I think that was a big one for a lot of people…”/ #WTF / “Remember when #Megadeth released Risk?” / CRUSH ‘EM (Risk – 1999) / “Turn Me Loose…that’s what it is…”/ “Is that what’s his face on bass?” / BREADLINE / “Is this on #Footloose?” / “They started it…” / #Ozzy biting the heads off of live, flying creatures… /

    1h 20m
  7. FEB 6


    DOOMSDAY FOR THE DECEIVER, the debut album from FLOTSAM & JETSAM, was released on July 4, 1986, after being recorded in just a mere 2 weeks with a paltry $12,000 budget. In short, it is a bona fide, legendary, thrash masterpiece. And if you’re reading this and thinking “Okay, FLOTSAM & JETSAM…why does that sound familiar?”, the reason is because the bass player for that band would later become Metallica’s new bassist following the tragic and untimely death of Cliff Burton in late 1986. It is without question, a speed/power/thrash/heavy metal classic that is so steeped in 1986 vibes that we’re actually surprised none of the album was featured on “Stranger Things”.   Learn the latest metal conspiracy theory regarding AJFA with a shocking twist nobody saw coming, discover a great new way to “get in shape” with the brand-new aerobic workout craze that’s sweeping the nation, get ready to enjoy the “tang” and JOIN US for the only “first new album” featuring Jason Newsted with a killer bass mix as we take on DOOMSDAY FOR THE DECEIVER.   Visit for more on this episode Help Support Metal Nerdery   Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182 Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts. Follow us on the Socials: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter   Email: Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast Show Notes: (00:01): “Do you guys ever get into the whole #projectband thing?” / “That’s pretty much how I am with #DOWN for the last 3 years…”/ “We are only a few months away…”/ #fiveguys / “I’ve got openings…”/ “Last time I saw ‘em was with #JasonNewsted …”/ #howdareyou / “He was wearing #bikeshorts …”/ #LarsGumASMR / “Apparently…he sounds like a flouncier version of Lars…”/ #bringtheboysbackfromthewar / #peoplekind / #LarsLite / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “I did it by accident…and then I had a mouthful of stuff…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #AmericaFuckYeah / “WTF was that, dude!?” / “God Bless that man!” / #DOGE / “We f****d up on the last one…”/ “It’s 2 fingers in and then back to you…it’s like a shrimp curve…”/ “OMG, here we go…”/ “Have you ever wondered if you were THAT dude?” / #thatsdark    (07:42): “For less than a pack of smokes or a bottle of lube, you can join us on #Patreon at / “I know that’s an ongoing project…y’all were all about it 3 weeks ago…”/ #theRussCalendar / “I might buy one of those for personal use…”/ #gentlyused / “We’ve got some #voicemails gentlemen…”/ ***CHECK US OUT AT #METALNERDERYPODCAST ON #YOUTUBE & #INSTAGRAM & #FACEBOOK OR EMAIL US AT METALNERDERY@GMAIL.COM OR GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #whatsitcalled / #TheDarius / “You guys ruined #Arbys for me…”/ #walleye #burbot #burbotking / “Keep it banging…”/ “Keep it hanging and banging…”/ #voicemailconspiracy / #catacuda / “That was last Sunday…it’ll be on the next one…”/ “Have you ever been able to tell the difference…?” / “Don’t make it weird, dude…”/ “Smothered, covered, or topped…”   (13:56): “Did we do the beer of the episode?” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / “We can thank Elon for all of this…”/ #Drekker #LemonBar #SlangDuJour #SourAlaMode / “It’s like a lemon bar dessert…”/ “This is not a hateful sour…”/ “Fun fact…”/ #bloodwork / “This podcast is a #healthpodcast …”/ “I did balloon up about an extra 18 lbs…since last summer…”/ #Ozempic / “So it’s like cocaine but not as fun…”/ “Fuck ALL that…if I’m doing needles, I’m doing heroin…”/ #groupon #seriously #allegedly / “I like food…”/ #RussellsReflectionsOzempicASMR / “I’m dead down there…”/ #WOW / “So it works?” / #svelte / “You’ve done th

    1h 20m
  8. JAN 30

    #285 Women In Metal

    For the longest time, metal has been predominantly a “dude game”, dominated by men. Thankfully, more and more female fronted metal bands (particularly over the last couple of decades) have been expanding their presence and growing into a formidable force throughout the metal community, covering a variety of styles and a multitude of subgenres from all across the metal spectrum.    Get ready to find out which metal drummer “makes Taylor Swift sound palatable” and remember that “sometimes you’ve gotta jam it in” and JOIN US as we get into a “double header” with a whole lot of modern metal brought to you by WOMEN IN METAL.   Visit for more on this episode   Help Support Metal Nerdery Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182   Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts. Follow us on the Socials: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter Email: Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast   Show Notes: (00:01): “I guess we’ve dodged the sours long enough…”/ “We’re raw dogging it…”/ “I feel like I should be watching #Conan or something…are they not the same?”/ “I can put that at the end…”/ “From my balls to you…”/ “It was still exciting to see everybody get pissed off about it…”/ “I can’t find the big bottle…”/ #markthetime / “I’ll fix it in post…”/ ***WARNING:  #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / #RussellsReflectionsDecimationEdition / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #SumpCoffeeStout #DoomBeer #ElevenPointFivePercentABV #highgravity #hammertime   (08:16): “We finally had a practice…”/ “I’m not, he is…”/ “There’s a difference between a bass player and a bassist…”/ #onmicburp / #RussellsReflectionsNewBandASMR #TomwayPetty / “Part of it is because you’ve been a bass player…”/ “Ted…Theodore Logan?” / #TrumpDayVideo / “I think I’ve finally heard a #DreamTheater song that disappointed me…”/ “It sounds so utterly jammed in, it doesn’t sound right…”/ MIDNIGHT MESSIAH / “It sounds like #Megadeth …”/ “It doesn’t fit…” / “Sometimes you gotta jam it in…”/ “The funny thing about Dream Theater…”/ “No, that change is weird…”/ “I saw him play #TaylorSwift the other night…it actually makes her music palatable…”   (22:48): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS:  LADIES OF METAL (A.K.A. FEMALE FRONTPERSONS) / “It’s pretty bad if I remember and you don’t…”/ #whatsitcalled? / #Jinjer JUST ANOTHER (King Of Everything – 2016) / GREEN SERPENT (Duel – 2025)/ “Back in the day, metal was such a dude game…”/ NOTE:  The band in question was not #SpiritBox it was #SleepToken / “She would probably kick your ass…after she does butt stuff…”/ #SpiritBox and #Jinjer CIRCLE WITH ME (Eternal Blue – 2021) / “Let’s watch this one…”/ #Jinjer JUDGMENT (& PUNISHMENT) (Macro – 2019) / “I’ve got a new band I’m into…”   (35:42): “What about #ArchEnemy?” / “Oh, that’s a different band…that’s #ChildrenOfBodom…”/ “You’ve gotta throw the flaps…”/ #chickmetal #vagmetal / THE EAGLE FLIES ALONE (Will To Power – 2017) / “106 MILLION views…”/ #AlissaWhiteGluz / “Have y’all ever heard #Nightwish?” / #PrettyReckless HEAVEN KNOWS  (Going to Hell – 2014) / #Nightwish STORYTIME (Imaginaerum – 2011) / “Nervosa?” / #Nervosa SEED OF DEATH (Jailbreak – 2023)    (50:00): “Was that a snore or a fart?” / #InThisMoment WHORE (Blood – 2013) / “Has Evanescence released anything new?” / #ButcherBabies SINCERITY (Eye For An Eye…’Til The World’s Blind – 2023) / #Evanescence YEAH RIGHT (The Bitter Truth – 2020) / “I enjoyed it to completion…”/ #HonorableMentions / #Kittie BRACKISH (Spit – 1999) / #Halestorm I MISS THE MISERY (The Strange Case Of… - 2012) / “I don’t know what this is…”

    1h 13m
    out of 5
    33 Ratings


    A Heavy Metal and Thrash Podcast. Join Us as we Dive into all things Metal with an extra side of nonsense

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