🎵Song Lyrics🎵 There's 'bout a million things I've left to say 我有千言萬語未曾說 And 'bout a million thoughts I can't push away 心有千頭萬緒揮不去 They're sweet but they sting 思念既甜蜜又酸澀 Wish you were standing here with me today 多麼渴想你仍並肩同行 Wish that I could see the smile on your face 多麼渴望仍親睹你笑顏 Though the years have gone, memories remain 時光流逝 回憶猶存 Never forgotten 永不忘懷 Love, our only source of inspiration 愛 靈感的唯一泉源 Till the end 直到終結 Counting down to when we'll meet again 倒數著 與你重遇的一刻 Counting down until the day we hold each other 倒數著 與你相擁的那天 In our arms, tears streaming down 彼此抱擁 淚如泉滴 Standing hand in hand 手挽手站穩 Counting down to when we'll be as one 倒數著 與你合而為一之時 Counting down until we stand before our King 倒數著 與你站立我王面前 He smiles and says, my little ones, well done 祂微笑道 我兒 做得好 Time's slipping past my fingers, gone too fast 時間從我指間溜走 轉瞬即逝 Returns into the soil we're standing on 回歸到我們腳下的塵土 So hard to let go 多麼難以放手 It's got me thinking where it all went wrong 我不禁思索 究竟哪裡出了差錯 Why God takes away the ones we adore 為何神要帶走我們的摯愛 Only time will tell, only Jesus knows 唯有時間能解答 唯獨耶穌知道 What's on the horizon 未來將會如何 Trust nothing escapes our God's control 相信一切都在神的掌控中 Till the end 直到終結 In the field of dreams, we'll meet again 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 我們會再相見 In the field of dreams, we're waiting, arms open wide 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 我們敞開雙臂等候 Through our loss, we learn to see God is everywhere 經歷過失去 我們學會理解神無處不在 In the field of dreams, love never ends 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 愛永不止息 In the silence, love pervades all thoughts in our minds 即使在寂靜中 愛依然充滿我們的思緒 Forevermore, this love we'll keep and share 這份愛 我們將永遠珍藏與分享 Trumpets sounding, time stands still 號角響起 時間凝止 And words unspoken, freed at last 那些未曾說出口的話 終於得到釋放 Only shouts of joy remain 只剩歡呼聲迴盪 No longer buried in the past 不再被塵封於過去 Memories once unfulfilled 曾經未能實現的記憶 They're crashing down like a tidal wave 像潮水般湧來 Tears streaming down our face 淚水順著臉頰流下 Here in our sacred place 在我們這一個神聖的地方 Basking in love, eternity's embrace 沐浴在愛與永恆的擁抱中 It's everything our hearts have, oh so craved 這是我們魂牽夢縈的一刻 In the field of dreams, we'll meet again 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 我們會再相見 In the field of dreams, we're waiting, arms open wide 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 我們敞開雙臂等候 Through our loss, we learn to see God is everywhere 經歷過失去 我們學會理解神無處不在 In the field of dreams, love never ends 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 愛永不止息 In the silence, love pervades all thoughts in our minds 即使在寂靜中 愛依然充滿我們的思緒 Forevermore, this love we'll keep and share 這份愛 我們將永遠珍藏與分享 In the field of dreams, our memories 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 我們的回憶 Rising from the earth, our dreams all come alive 從灰燼中復活 我們的夢想都將實現 All we ever hoped would be, it's all coming true 我們夢寐以求的一切 終將成真 In the field of dreams, love has been freed 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 愛已得到釋放 Joy and celebration mark the end of this life 歡樂和慶祝 標誌著今生的終結 And all at once, we are remade, renewed 一霎時 我們被重塑 被更新 —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook: / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464 YouTube: / @zionnewsonge6880 Twitter: / zionnewsonge Instagram: / zionnewsonge —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from https://www.zionnewsong.com/index.php Copyright ©️ 2024 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting