Back to The Music

Back to The Music
Back to The Music

Welcome one and all to our channel! Back to The Music has taken original Chinese songs, and transformed them into diverse English songs for you to listen at your leisure. We hope that our music can inspire and encourage you wherever you are. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  1. 【Rest】 | ZNSE 1460 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    25 DE FEV.

    【Rest】 | ZNSE 1460 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    🎵Song Lyrics🎵 A1: You're struggling with what to do 你在苦惱該怎麼辦 Still you gotta pay your dues 但你仍需履行責任 While problems attach themselves to your skin like glue 難題如膠似漆般黏附著你 Or maybe you find yourself home 也許你身在家中 A heated exchange or two 經歷了一兩次激烈的爭執 A heavy heart looking for a way to see it through 心情沉重 苦尋走出困境的路徑 B1: Perhaps you just failed a test 也許你剛剛沒通過考試 Or lack much-needed rest 也許你缺乏必要的休息 You might be plagued by sickness 也許你飽受疾病的困擾 Life's a total mess! 生活真是一團糟! Just come in and stay a while 何不進來歇息片刻 'Cause you've been sprinting for miles 因為你已經奔波太久 To all who are weary and worn 凡勞苦擔重擔的人 You'll find your rest inside the House of God 你將在神的家中得享安息 A2: Some days all we do is fail 有些日子 我們屢遭失敗 Things don't seem to fall in place 事情似乎無法如願 What shall we decide to do? 我們該如何抉擇? Take a risk? Play it safe? 冒險一搏?還是求穩妥當? No matter how overwhelming 無論壓力有多巨大 No matter how rough it gets 無論景況有多艱難 Just close your eyes 請你閉上雙眼 And invite the Lord inside your life 邀請主進入你的生命 B2: In here you may rest your soul 在這裡 你的靈魂得以安歇 Relax inside His presence 在祂的同在中放鬆 A place of refuge where your strength may be restored! 這裡是你的避難所 讓你重新得力! Leave all of your stress outside, and just enjoy in the music! 將所有重擔拋在腦後 只管陶醉在音樂之中! Join in our worship of the Lord 加入我們 一起敬拜讚美神 And be renewed inside the House of God! 在神的殿重新得力! Bridge: So open up your hearts 敞開你的心扉 In the presence of God 在神的同在中 Where grace rejuvenates and faith hits restart 恩典使人煥然一新 信心得以重啟 No matter where you are 無論你身在何處 Allow the strummin' strings and guitars 讓撥動的弦樂與吉他聲 Take you far, far away to God 帶你飛翔 遠赴到神的懷抱 B3: God's presence now overwhelms 神的同在如今充滿我 A spark is reigniting 一道火花重新燃起 Like electricity, it's running through my veins 如電流 流淌在我的血液裡 My eyes and my mind are opened 我的眼睛和思維被啟迪 My burdens all disappearing 我的重擔全然消失 Your melodies breathe life into me 祢的旋律為我灌注生命 I know for certain love and hope shall reign 我確信 愛與盼望必永遠掌權 —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 我要奉上生命作為敬拜 (現場版) and there is the music video of the song    • 【現場單曲】《我要奉上生命作為敬拜》|ZNS 1460 Live vers...   Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2024 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  2. 【Outcasts】 | ZNSE 795 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    25 DE FEV.

    【Outcasts】 | ZNSE 795 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    🎵Song Lyrics🎵 What's left of home now lies in ruins 家園 如今只剩下一片廢墟 There's just no turning back 再也沒有回頭路 It's over 一切都結束了 A land filled with barren dunes of sand 這片土地滿是荒涼的沙丘 Think we're slowly going mad 我們似乎逐漸陷入瘋狂 Now on, we are the wanderers 從今以後 我們浪跡天涯 So cruel and merciless, they send us on our way 他們如此殘酷無情 把我們驅逐 Upon their pedestals of stone 站在那冰冷的石台上 Cracks widen in their base 基座的裂痕越來越大 They're blind, so blind with hate 他們是盲目的 被仇恨蒙蔽了雙眼 A curse they have sealed with gold 以黃金封印了詛咒 Our strength bleeds away with every step 每走一步 力量都在流失 But still we persevere, no regrets 但我們依然堅定信念 無怨無悔 Afar, we glimpse a ray of hope 遠方閃爍著希望的光芒 One step closer to our home 離我們的家園 又近了一些 God waits, I feel it in my bones 我骨子裡感覺到 神在等待著我們 Push through the desert storms 穿過沙漠的風暴 To find a sign of life 尋找一線生機 A place where we may rest our souls 一處讓靈魂安歇的棲身地 Oh, how our throats are parched 啊 我們的喉嚨多麼乾燥 Our skin is burnt and dried 我們的皮膚被曬得乾裂 By God, we shall make it home 靠著上帝 我們定能歸家 It's true, we are the outcasts 的確 我們是被世界遺棄的人 Living every day like it's our last 活著的每一天 都像是最後一天 However harsh the journey 無論旅途多麼艱辛 God walks beside you and me 上帝與你我並肩同行 In death we will be steadfast 即使面對死亡 我們也絕不退縮 For we walk on the sacred path 因為我們走在神聖的道路上 At the end we shall see 最終 我們將會看到 Our heavenly kingdom 那屬於我們的天國 A world brave and free 一個勇敢且自由的世界 When we could bear no more 當我們無法再承受時 God opened up our eyes 神打開了我們的眼睛 A jewel lay shining in the sand 沙礫中閃耀著一顆寶石 Like none we've seen before 像我們從未見過的寶石 A treasure in plain sight 這寶藏就擺在眼前 Only the brave understand 唯有勇者才能領悟 Oh, out of the burning sand 噢 從滾燙的沙丘之上 God's promise is revived 神的應許再次顯現 Our paradise in the sand 我們的樂園 就在這片沙海之中 —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 神啊!我現衷心祈禱 (正式版) 求祢再引牽我手 (正式版) Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2024 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  3. 【Counting Down to When We’ll Meet Again】 | ZNSE 1780 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    25 DE FEV.

    【Counting Down to When We’ll Meet Again】 | ZNSE 1780 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    🎵Song Lyrics🎵 There's 'bout a million things I've left to say 我有千言萬語未曾說 And 'bout a million thoughts I can't push away 心有千頭萬緒揮不去 They're sweet but they sting 思念既甜蜜又酸澀 Wish you were standing here with me today 多麼渴想你仍並肩同行 Wish that I could see the smile on your face 多麼渴望仍親睹你笑顏 Though the years have gone, memories remain 時光流逝 回憶猶存 Never forgotten 永不忘懷 Love, our only source of inspiration 愛 靈感的唯一泉源 Till the end 直到終結 Counting down to when we'll meet again 倒數著 與你重遇的一刻 Counting down until the day we hold each other 倒數著 與你相擁的那天 In our arms, tears streaming down 彼此抱擁 淚如泉滴 Standing hand in hand 手挽手站穩 Counting down to when we'll be as one 倒數著 與你合而為一之時 Counting down until we stand before our King 倒數著 與你站立我王面前 He smiles and says, my little ones, well done 祂微笑道 我兒 做得好 Time's slipping past my fingers, gone too fast 時間從我指間溜走 轉瞬即逝 Returns into the soil we're standing on 回歸到我們腳下的塵土 So hard to let go 多麼難以放手 It's got me thinking where it all went wrong 我不禁思索 究竟哪裡出了差錯 Why God takes away the ones we adore 為何神要帶走我們的摯愛 Only time will tell, only Jesus knows 唯有時間能解答 唯獨耶穌知道 What's on the horizon 未來將會如何 Trust nothing escapes our God's control 相信一切都在神的掌控中 Till the end 直到終結 In the field of dreams, we'll meet again 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 我們會再相見 In the field of dreams, we're waiting, arms open wide 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 我們敞開雙臂等候 Through our loss, we learn to see God is everywhere 經歷過失去 我們學會理解神無處不在 In the field of dreams, love never ends 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 愛永不止息 In the silence, love pervades all thoughts in our minds 即使在寂靜中 愛依然充滿我們的思緒 Forevermore, this love we'll keep and share 這份愛 我們將永遠珍藏與分享 Trumpets sounding, time stands still 號角響起 時間凝止 And words unspoken, freed at last 那些未曾說出口的話 終於得到釋放 Only shouts of joy remain 只剩歡呼聲迴盪 No longer buried in the past 不再被塵封於過去 Memories once unfulfilled 曾經未能實現的記憶 They're crashing down like a tidal wave 像潮水般湧來 Tears streaming down our face 淚水順著臉頰流下 Here in our sacred place 在我們這一個神聖的地方 Basking in love, eternity's embrace 沐浴在愛與永恆的擁抱中 It's everything our hearts have, oh so craved 這是我們魂牽夢縈的一刻 In the field of dreams, we'll meet again 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 我們會再相見 In the field of dreams, we're waiting, arms open wide 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 我們敞開雙臂等候 Through our loss, we learn to see God is everywhere 經歷過失去 我們學會理解神無處不在 In the field of dreams, love never ends 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 愛永不止息 In the silence, love pervades all thoughts in our minds 即使在寂靜中 愛依然充滿我們的思緒 Forevermore, this love we'll keep and share 這份愛 我們將永遠珍藏與分享 In the field of dreams, our memories 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 我們的回憶 Rising from the earth, our dreams all come alive 從灰燼中復活 我們的夢想都將實現 All we ever hoped would be, it's all coming true 我們夢寐以求的一切 終將成真 In the field of dreams, love has been freed 在夢幻成真的禾田裡 愛已得到釋放 Joy and celebration mark the end of this life 歡樂和慶祝 標誌著今生的終結 And all at once, we are remade, renewed 一霎時 我們被重塑 被更新 —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2024 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  4. 【Through Christ, I Can Do All Things】 | ZNSE 651 | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    25 DE FEV.

    【Through Christ, I Can Do All Things】 | ZNSE 651 | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    🎵Song Lyrics🎵 I tried to build a wall to block it out 我試圖築起高牆來阻隔 The troubles and the pain that always haunted me 那些不停糾纏我的痛苦與煩惱 A fool I have been to think I'd win alone 多麽愚蠢 我竟以為能獨自戰勝 For soon, I realised it's Jesus Christ I need 很快我就明白 我需要的是耶穌基督 I was blind, but now I have seen 我曾是瞎眼 但如今得看見 I was hurt and needed a friend, You came to me 在我受傷需要朋友時 祢來到我身旁 When my way's paved with ice 當我的前路被冰霜覆蓋 And it's too hard to climb 寸步難行 And I can't shield my eyes from the rain 雨水止不住滲入我雙眼 Though there's pain in the night, joy will come in the morning 即使夜裡有痛苦 喜樂必在晨間來到 Jesus, You're my strength, Jesus, You're my King 耶穌 祢是我的力量 我的王 Through Christ, I can do all things 靠著基督 我凡事都能作 When strength is nought 當我感到精疲力盡 And hope has all dried out 希望也隨之枯竭 The world before my eyes 眼前的世界 A never-ending drought 猶如沒有盡頭的荒漠 My mind's burning up 我的心如烈火焚燒 Dark thoughts creep out my mouth 陰暗的想法衝口而出 What confidence I owned 我曾經的自信 Has fled into the clouds 也消失得無影無蹤 Only then I realise 那刻我才恍然大悟 All the gifts and talents of mine belong to Christ 我的天賦和才能 全都屬於基督 When we're full of ourselves 當我們被驕傲填滿 But we're all outta love 卻失去了愛 God shall tear it all down, all we've got 上帝必會親手拆毀 我們自以為是的成就 We're made strong through the Lord 我們藉著主變得剛強 And the power of the Spirit 並倚靠聖靈的大能 I can do all things 我凡事都能作 Yeah, I can do all things 是的 我凡事都能作 Yeah, all things, for Christ is my strength 是的 我凡事都能作 因基督是我的力量 I'll gladly take on all that they claim impossible 我樂意肩負起 他們聲稱不可能的一切 I'll be the best I can be, walking in Your footsteps 我會竭盡所能 跟隨祢的腳步 For by faith, it's possible planting the seeds for miracles 憑著信心 凡事皆可能 播下奇蹟的種子 Through You and You alone, I am more than flesh and bone 藉著祢 僅藉著祢 我不再是平凡的血肉之軀 I'm rising from the ashes below 我正從灰燼中興起 Troubles come crashing down 煩惱如山崩地裂般襲來 Like debris in my heart 在我的心湖激起千層浪 Though we push and we shove 儘管我們奮力應對 It's not enough 但終究力有未逮 But I draw strength from Christ 我卻從基督支取力量 And the power of the Spirit 並倚靠聖靈的大能 I can do all things 我凡事都能作 I can do all things 我凡事都能作 In all things, Jesus is my strength 凡事上 耶穌都是我的力量 LP I can do all things 我凡事都能作 Yeah, I can do all things 是的 我凡事都能作 In all things, Jesus is my strength 凡事上 耶穌都是我的力量 —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 靠著神終必可達到 (正式版) And here is the ZNSE music of the song 【Through Christ, I Can Do All Things】    • 【Through Christ, I Can Do All Things】...   Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2024 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  5. 【Rising From The Ocean Floor】| ZNSE 659 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    25 DE FEV.

    【Rising From The Ocean Floor】| ZNSE 659 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    🎵Song Lyrics🎵 A1: I know the feelin’ when you’re sinkin’ 我明瞭那沉淪之感慨 Down into the ocean 彷彿墜入無盡深海 Your lungs are failin’ and your vision turns grey 肺部快要窒息 視線逐漸灰濛 I hear your panic, your depression 我能聽到你的恐慌 你的沮喪 Heart losin’ its function 心臟逐漸失去功能 But right this moment, there’s salvation, there’s a way 就在這刻 救贖臨到 還有一線生機 B1: I’d sunk so low the day before 舊日的我曾陷入深淵 Deep beneath the ocean floor 深埋在海底 不見天日 But then a mighty hand lifted me above 但有一隻大能的手將我托起 Up into the skies of love 帶我飛往愛的晴空 This pain of yours was mine before 你的痛楚 我也曾經歷過 It’s a pain you can’t ignore 那是你無法忽視的痛 If you will trust in Him, He’s gonna lift you up 你若信靠祂 祂必將你托起 Let you know you’re safe and loved 讓你知道你是安全的 且被深深愛著 A2: He knows your feelings, your emotions 祂知道你的感受 你的情緒 God waits in the ocean 神在汪洋中等待 He is the oxygen pumpin’ life through these veins 祂是氧氣 將生命注入你的血管 He knows your anguish, desperation 祂知道你的痛苦 絕望 Knows every intention 了解你每一個意念 He’s resurrection, saving you from the grave 祂是復活的主 將你從墳墓中拯救 B2: We’re drowning in the depths no more 我們不再沉溺深淵 Risin’ from the ocean floor 從海底冉冉升起 All by God’s mighty hand, we are lifted high 憑藉神大能的手 我們被高舉 For His kingdom now we shine 如今為祂的國度發光 A love you’ve never felt before 這份你從未感受過的愛 Ever leads you back to shore 永遠指引你回到岸邊 Your scars will fade away, your every tear is dried 你的傷疤會消失 每滴眼淚都會被擦乾 Through you, God is glorified 藉著你 神得榮耀 Bridge: When fear caves in 當恐懼壓頂 Hope hangs by a thread 希望僅存一線 Clawin’ desperately at the water, tryin’ to surface once again 我拼命抓著水面 試圖再次浮出水面 A flash of white that pierces through the night 一道白光劃破夜空 And a hand reaches out to pull me up towards the light 有一隻手伸出 把我拉向光明 LP: If you will trust in Him, He’s gonna lift you up 你若信靠祂 祂必將你托起 Let you know you’re safe and loved 讓你知道你是安全的 且被深深愛著 —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 耶和華我神不會轉變 (現場版) Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2024 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  6. 【Cosmic Dance】ZNSE 1292 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    25 DE FEV.

    【Cosmic Dance】ZNSE 1292 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Another day is ending 又一天即將結束 The moon and stars are rising 皓月星辰 冉冉升起 Every night, without fail 夜復一夜 從不間斷 Always on time 總是如期而至 Another night is donning 又一夜悄然降臨 Cascading memories 記憶如瀑布般湧現 Filling me, changing me 充滿著我 改變著我 Dreams take flight 夢想展翅高飛 Time is trickling, dripping 時光如水 滴答流逝 Floating away into the night 漂進夜的深處 Dear Father, grant us wisdom to count our days and redeem our lives! 親愛的天父 願祢賜予我們智慧 數算自己的日子 贖回光陰! Let's open up our eyes to God's grand design 讓我們睜開雙眼 看見神的偉大藍圖 And seek out the one true meaning of our lives 追尋生命唯一的真諦 If you look outside, the truth you will find 若你以神的眼界看世界 真理自會浮現眼前 There's not a single thing that isn't bound by time 世間萬物 無一不受時間束縛 Our days are short, but more than enough 我們的年日雖短 卻是綽綽有餘 To spend every second of our days in love! 足以在愛中度過每分每秒! Our fleeting lives are gifts from God 短暫的生命是神賜予的禮物 To ever seek to know Him more 讓我們時刻尋求認識祂更多 We'll discover what our time here is for 我們便會明白此生為何 The starlit skies shine bright 星空燦爛耀眼 Aglow with pulsing light 熠熠生輝 Galaxies, mysteries 銀河星系 奧祕重重 Splendors unfold 壯麗景致 徐徐展開 As we look up in wonder 我們仰觀星空 深感驚嘆 Can't help but think, remember 不禁深思憶想 All of this, it belongs 宇宙浩瀚 In Your control 全然在祢的掌控之中 What's our purpose in the grand scheme of things? 在這偉大藍圖中 我們存在的意義為何? Why are we here? 我們為何存活在世? We know so little about all God has made 我們對神的創造所知甚少 Still He loves us dear 祂卻愛我們至深 Look up towards the sky 抬頭仰望蒼穹 Creation reminds 受造之物提醒著我們 A promise that's meant for me and you tonight 今夜那屬於你我的應許 No cause for the cares 別讓思慮愁煩 That clutter the mind 困擾心扉 Put one foot in front of another 來踏出一步又一步 Take your time 細細品味 From specks of dust 我們始於微塵 In God we grow wise 在神裡漸長睿智 We're takin' our place inside this cosmic dance 在這宇宙之舞中 找到自己的位置 Now on, we'll learn to love and care 從今以後 我們學習去愛與關懷 Let's share the mysteries of life 與人分享生命的奧秘 Shout it to the world, our Lord's grand design 向世界高聲宣揚 我主的偉大藍圖 Unraveling the threads of history 拆解歷史的紗線 This tapestry of life 生命的這幅織錦 The clues the Lord, our God, has put in place 我們的神 祂安排的線索 And hidden in plain sight 巧妙地藏於明處 Unraveling the age-old mysteries 解開千古謎團 The hidden comes to light 隱秘之事終將顯露 When all is said and done 當一切劃上句點 Love is all that remains 唯有愛永存不朽 Unbound by time! 不受時間束縛! No longer can deny, the Lord has replied 無庸置疑 主經已傳諭 And given His final verdict over life 對生命作出了終極裁決 We are His loved ones 我們是祂的摯愛 His children of light 祂的光明之子 Called to be warriors that end the reign of night 被召成為終結黑夜統治的戰士 We are His crown, His treasure so prized 我們是祂的榮冠 祂珍視的瑰寶 Anointed, His oh-so-long-awaited bride 祂期盼已久 受膏的新婦 Our hearts are one with Christ alone 我們的心唯獨與基督合一 Our hearts are one with Christ alone 我們的心唯獨與基督合一 Our hearts are one with Christ alone 我們的心唯獨與基督合一 More precious than we'll ever know 超乎想像的寶貴 All we've gotta do is watch it, watch it unfold 我們只需靜候 見證一切展開 —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 祢大愛在我心記憶揮不了 (現場版) Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2024 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  7. 【One More Prayer】ZNSE 1840 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    25 DE FEV.

    【One More Prayer】ZNSE 1840 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    🎵Song Lyrics🎵 There's a loneliness that only you know 有種孤寂 只有你自己知道 Pain that freezes up your mind, turns your heart to stone 有種痛楚 會凍結思緒 將心化為冰冷的石頭 In this rollercoaster of life, we're tossed up and thrown down under 人生如同過山車 我們被拋起又重重落下 It's getting dizzy, can't hold on much longer 天旋地轉 快要抓不住了 Power lies in prayer, feel the weight lift off your shoulders 禱告中蘊藏著力量 能卸下你肩上重擔 God is there for us, every day all the time 神從未離去 時刻與我們同在 For not by the strength of one another, but our faith together 不是倚靠我們有限的力量 而是同心合意的信心 There's a world of endless freedom 一個無盡自由的世界等待著我們 All it takes is one more prayer 只需再多一次禱告 When the worlds scream at you, do as you're told 當世界對你咆哮 要你屈服 When your instincts hold you down, urge you to let go 當本能將你束縛 讓你想要放棄 When the shadows kill the streetlights, and you're certain it's game over 當黑暗吞噬了街燈 你以為一切已成定局 Don't you give up now, 'cause hope's 'round the corner 請不要放棄 希望就在轉角處 Through an earnest prayer, burdens cease to be remembered 憑藉懇切的禱告 把重擔拋諸腦後 See through heaven's eyes, God fulfills and supplies 憑藉屬天的眼睛 你會看見神的充足供應 It's Him we obey, confess, surrender 我們順服祂 承認祂 降服祂 Him who grants us power 是祂賜予我們力量 There are miracles awaiting 神蹟正在等待我們 All it takes is one more prayer 只需再多一次禱告 Anything you dream can be fulfilled 你的夢想都可成真 God's power knows no bounds 神的權能無邊無際 What once you thought impossible's all possible 你曾以為不可能的 都將成為可能 If He allows 只要祂應允 Through an earnest prayer, troubles all are torn asunder 憑藉懇切的禱告 困難迎刃而解 God has heard our cries, rescues us from our plight 神垂聽了我們的呼求 拯救我們脫離困境 For not by the strength of men or chariots 不是倚靠人力或戰車 But a love so gracious 而是祂那測不透的慈愛 Since the dawning of creation 自創世之初 There's a world of endless freedom 一個無盡自由的世界等待著我們 The arrival of His kingdom 祂的國度將至 All it takes is one more prayer 只需再多一次禱告 —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 回望天國道情義 (正式版) There is also the Chinese music video for this song🎵    • 【Zion MV】《回望天國道情義》|ZNS 1840|基督教MV|敬拜讚...   Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2024 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  8. 【River of Warmth】ZNSE 596 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    25 DE FEV.

    【River of Warmth】ZNSE 596 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Zion New Song English

    🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Pre-intro: 噢 主啊 帶我遠離塵囂 飛往靈得以自在翱翔之地 在那裡 群鷹振翅高飛 似在訴說 迎接你的新生活 A1: 祢愛像暖流湧入心間 驅散所有憂慮陰霾 從痛苦中拯救我們 求主重寫我們命運的篇章 曾折磨我們靈魂的痛苦 如今隨水洗刷流走 今我已獲新生 我將翱翔萬里 如鷹展翅上騰 擺脫引力的束縛 我展開壯闊的翅膀 追逐更高的天際 我重擔盡卸 靈高飛遠翔 B1: 主啊 現我尋著祢 我永不放開祢 人事或有變改 世事或有無常 絕望中 我單單投靠祢 這是祢的愛 我深深感受到 是祢的大能 平定所有風暴 未來盡在祢手中 我無懼未知的明天 我這生命 全然奉獻給祢 A2: 當黑暗從四面八方逼近 祢的恩典是我莫大的喜悅 祢讓我的靈魂輕省 讓我充滿生命力 當我親近祢 憂慮便消散 我渴慕新生 如鷹自由翱翔 有祢在旁 我永不失敗 在風之巔翩翩起舞 祢的力量無與倫比 當我與祢一起 我找到真正的喜樂 Bridge (667): 主應允了 我每一個願望與禱告 一段全新的冒險 令人屏息的景緻 一個為你我打造的世界 B2: 主啊 求祢將我擁入懷中 主啊 求祢的愛安撫我 縱然天降狂風暴雨 我絕不動搖 堅決不動搖 我信靠祢 依靠祢 在祢眼中 我尋回自己 在祢懷中 我感到被愛 儘管世人掙扎沉淪 我卻不會被壓力擊垮 祢是我的磐石 我甜蜜的避難所 B3: 主啊 求祢將我擁入懷中 主啊 求祢的愛安撫我 縱然萬物終會消逝 我們也終將歸回塵土 但我心中充滿平安 這是我的宣告 藉著祢手 止息一切傷痛 重擔全然得釋放 即使困難依然存在 在我眼中卻充滿美好 因為在寒冷中 祢的溫暖依然存在 LP: 即使困難依然存在 在我眼中卻充滿美好 因為在寒冷中 祢的溫暖依然存在 —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 神常在我心中 (現場版) There is also the Chinese music video for this song🎵    • 【現場單曲】《神常在我心中》|ZNS 596 Live version|主...   Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2024 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting



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