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News For Kids

News For Kids ICRT

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    • 4.4 • 14 Ratings

News For Kids

    Clothes Made of Human Hair Are Good for the Earth

    Clothes Made of Human Hair Are Good for the Earth

    I want to buy a new sweater. But I don’t want to buy a cotton one. Cotton needs chemicals to grow faster. It needs chemicals that kill bugs. These chemicals are bad for the Earth.
    Should I buy one made from polyester? No, thanks! Polyester makes microplastics. They're bad for the Earth… and us.
    那要買聚酯纖維做的嗎?也不行! 因為聚酯纖維會製造塑膠微粒,對地球跟我們也有害。
    How about a sweater made of … human hair!? It sounds gross, but I heard it feels very soft!
    We take care of our hair every day. Some of us spend lots of money on our hair. But when we get haircuts, we don't want the hair that's cut off. Thousands of tons of hair become waste! But now, one company wants this hair!
    A Dutch woman's company makes cloth from human hair. Her company gets hair from hair salons and washes it. The company makes yarn from the hair. It can color the yarn almost any color. It makes cloth from the yarn.
    Hair doesn't need water, land, or chemicals. Using it cuts waste.
    Maybe one day we'll be wearing clothes made from our own hair!
    1. haircut 剪髮
    I really need to get a haircut. 我真的得去剪頭髮。
    It looks fine to me. Soft and shiny. 我看它很好啊。又軟又亮。
    2. take care of 照顧
    But taking care of it every day is too much trouble.但是每天照顧頭髮好麻煩。
    I get it. So you want to cut it short? 我懂,所以你想剪短?
    3. grow 生長
    Yeah, much shorter.對,短很多。
    My hair grows fast. 我的頭髮長很快。
    Pretty soon it’ll become long again. 沒多久又變長了。
    4. company 公司
    You can sell your hair to a fashion company, you know. 你可以把頭髮賣給時尚公司,你知道吧。
    And a wig company, too! 還有假髮公司呢。
    Great idea. 好主意!
    How often do you get a haircut?
    take care of照顧
    1. How does the sweater made of human hair feel?
    a. Rough
    b. Soft
    c. Bad
    2. Where does the company get human hair?
    a. Hair salons
    b. Fashion companies
    c. Yarn shops
    3. What is true about clothes made of human hair?
    a. They’re bad for the Earth.
    b. They can be almost any color.
    c. They make lots of waste.

    1. b
    2. a
    3. b

    • 5 min
    Robot Carts for the Moon

    Robot Carts for the Moon

    NASA is the space agency of the U.S. It wants to do many things in space. It looks for ideas to help.
    Many scientists have good ideas about doing things in space. Some ideas can help NASA. Scientists make these ideas better. NASA will use the best ideas in space!
    許多科學家對於在太空中做事有很多好的想法。有一些可以幫到 NASA。科學家們把想法變得更好。 NASA會將最好的創意運用到太空!
    NASA will send people to the moon. They need buildings to live and work in. NASA will use moon rocks to make buildings. So one idea is using robot carts on the moon. They can carry heavy rocks!
    The robot carts have magnets, so they float over a track. They don't have wheels or legs. They don't touch the ground, so moon dust can't stop them.
    The track pushes the carts. They can move thirty meters in one minute.
    Like toy tracks, the robot cart tracks can be moved. They can be rolled out on the ground. Then they can be rolled up and put away!
    Robot carts are a great idea. But there are many great ideas. Will we see these robot carts on the moon one day?
    1. do 做
    I’m so tired! 我累死了!
    I want a robot to do all things for me! 我想要機器人來替我做所有的事情。
    What things? 什麼事呢?
    Shopping, cooking, taking out the garbage….買東西、煮飯、倒垃圾…
    2. carry 帶著、拿著
    He can also carry my bag and go to work with me. 他也可以拿我的包包,跟我去上班。
    And do your job and share your pay? 並且做你的工作,分你的薪水?
    3. help 幫忙
    Do my job, yes, 做我的工作,對,share my pay, no. 分我的薪水,不行。
    I also want him to help buy my lunch. 我還要他幫忙買中飯。
    4. many 很多
    You have so many good ideas about how to use a robot! 你對怎麼用機器人,好主意真不少!
    1. What is NASA?
    a. The U.S. space agency
    b. A U.K. robot company
    c. People living on the moon
    2. What can robot carts do?
    a. Make houses
    b. Look for ideas
    c. Carry rocks
    3. What can the robot cart tracks do?
    a. Float
    b. Use toys
    c. Roll up

    1. a
    2. c
    3. c

    • 5 min
    Will Taiwan Have Longer, Hotter Summers?

    Will Taiwan Have Longer, Hotter Summers?

    Oh boy, it's so hot. Let's go for a drive to cool down.
    Ugh. There are so many cars on the road. Hey, we need to get some gas!
    Summers are hot in Taiwan. We turn on air conditioners to cool down. Maybe we go for drives and use gas. When we do these things, we use fossil fuels.
    What happens if our fossil fuel use doesn’t change? Climate change will make Taiwan's summers hotter and longer.
    By the year 2100, our summers will be 210 days long! Noooooo! Do you like 36-degree days? There will be 75 more!
    Climate change will also bring more heavy rain. More floods will happen. There will be fewer typhoons. But… they'll be stronger!
    Longer, hotter summers, more floods, and stronger typhoons will make life harder for everyone.

    We need to do more to slow down climate change. We don’t want longer, hotter summers, right? Let's find ways to use less fossil fuels. Seven months of summer is too long!
    1. longer 比較長的
    Working late today? 今天晚下班?
    I’m not working. 我沒有在工作。
    I just want to stay at the office longer. 我只想在辦公室待久一點。
    2. hotter 比較熱的
    To enjoy air conditioning? 享受冷氣嗎?
    Exactly! 正是!
    It’s too hot at home. 家裡太熱了。
    It feels like every summer is hotter than the last. 感覺起來每年夏天都比以前熱。
    3. harder 更困難
    That’s so true! 真的是那樣!
    And when it rains, it makes daily life harder. 下雨時也讓日常生活更麻煩。
    4. change 改變
    I used to love summer a lot. 我以前很喜歡夏天。
    Not anymore. 現在不了。
    Because summer has changed. 因為夏天變了。
    Yeah, it has. 對啊,是變了。
    Summertime is getting longer… 來一起讀單字。
    1. If our fossil fuel use doesn't change, how long will Taiwan's summers be?
    a. 7 months
    b. 9 months
    c. 12 months
    2. When will summers become that long?
    a. 2075
    b. 2100
    c. 2121
    3. How will typhoons change?
    a. They'll be weaker.
    b. They'll be shorter.
    c. They'll be stronger.

    1. a
    2. b
    3. c

    • 5 min
    Reading for the Brain

    Reading for the Brain

    Do you like stories about magic? How about stories about superheroes? These stories are fiction. Fiction means the stories are NOT real. But they're exciting! You can use your imagination!
    One girl loves fiction. She likes adventure stories. She likes stories about magic. But she LOVES fairy tales…
    Once upon a time, the girl had a question … Is reading fiction good for the brain?
    One day, some scientists gave her the answer. They said reading fiction helps the brain in many ways!
    Fiction readers understand other people's feelings better. They think more clearly. They solve problems better. They're good at understanding ideas and things they can't see or touch.
    The scientists looked at studies on people who read fiction and people who watch fiction. They said reading fiction was more helpful for the brain!
    The girl is very happy! Now she knows - reading fiction is good for the brain in many ways! Now you know too. So everyone can live happily ever after! The End!
    1. fiction 小說
    What’s your favorite type of story? 你最喜歡哪種故事?
    Fiction. Only fiction can take me into another world. 小說,只有小說能帶我進入另外一個世界。
    2. read 閱讀
    Like* A Game of Thrones*? 就像《權力遊戲》嗎?
    Yeah, it’s a wonderful story. 對啊,它是很奇妙的故事。
    I love reading it.我很喜歡看。
    3. fairy tale 童話
    It’s full of dragons, castles, kings and queens. 故事裡有龍,有古堡,國王跟王后。
    Sounds like a fairy tale. 聽起來像童話。
    No, good people die in that story. 不像,那個故事裡好人會死。
    4. superhero 大英雄
    And the superhero is a person with dwarfism. 而且大英雄是侏儒。
    You didn’t watch the TV series? 你都沒看電視影集?
    Do you like fiction?
    fairy tale童話
    1. What kind of story is fiction?
    a. Not real
    b. News
    c. Real
    2. What does reading fiction help?
    a. Scientists
    b. The brain
    c. Fairy tales
    3. What did the scientists say about fiction readers?
    a. They're better at sports.
    b. They don't think clearly.
    c. They solve problems better.

    1. a
    2. b
    3. c

    • 5 min
    Cleaning the Earth’s Air

    Cleaning the Earth’s Air

    Do you help clean your home? Maybe you vacuum dust from your floor.
    Hmmm… What can we do to help clean the Earth, everyone's home? The Earth's air has too much carbon dioxide. This is bad. Carbon dioxide makes the Earth warmer. It comes from cars, factories, and us! We breathe out carbon dioxide.
    Well, we can't stop breathing! How about vacuuming? Some companies are vacuuming carbon dioxide from the air!
    These vacuums are VERY big. They cost a lot to make and use.
    The biggest vacuum now is in Iceland. Every day, it vacuums one hundred tons of carbon dioxide. Then the carbon dioxide goes down, down, down into the Earth. It becomes rock there! And it's there forever! This is good!
    But… that's not very much carbon dioxide! Eight thousand cars make this much carbon dioxide. The air has a lot more carbon dioxide.

    Companies are building bigger vacuums! But we can't put vacuums everywhere! We have to make less carbon dioxide too!
    1. too much 太多
    Do you know that new bus terminal? 你知道那個新的公車總站嗎?
    Yes, what about it? 知道啊,它怎麼了?
    It’s pumping out too much CO2! 它製造太多二氧化碳!
    2. breathe 呼吸
    How do you know it’s too much? 你怎麼知道太多?
    Because I can hardly breathe every time I pass it. 因為我每次經過幾乎都不能呼吸。
    3. air 空氣
    That’s not good. 那不好。
    That’s very bad! 那很糟糕!
    I want to tell the city government about the bad air.我要去告訴市政府空氣太壞。
    4. everyone 每個人
    Do you think the city will do something? 你覺得市政府會做什麼嗎?
    Yes, if everyone complains. 會,要是大家都抱怨的話。
    Do you mean me? 你是說我嗎?
    Yes! 對!
    Do you think there’s too much CO2 around?
    too much太多
    1. Why is too much carbon dioxide bad for the Earth?
    a. The Earth gets bigger.
    b. The Earth gets cooler.
    c. The Earth gets warmer.
    2. Where is the biggest vacuum now?
    a. Ireland
    b. Iceland
    c. Greenland
    3. What does the carbon dioxide go into?
    a. Space
    b. The ocean
    c. The Earth

    1. c
    2. b
    3. c

    • 5 min
    This Plastic Eats Itself

    This Plastic Eats Itself

    Plastic garbage is a very big problem. We put lots of plastic in the ground with other garbage. This is bad for our Earth.
    There's also lots of plastic in our oceans. It breaks down into small pieces there. Ocean animals eat this plastic. It's bad for them. And many ocean animals die when they get trapped in plastic.
    Plastic can take hundreds of years to break down. The pieces become too small to see. But they never go away…
    Now American scientists have made a new plastic. It's soft and lasts a long time. It can be used in shoes, pillows, and foam products. After the product is thrown away, the plastic goes away in about five months!
    How does it go away? It’s made with… bacteria! They're alive! They don’t do anything in the plastic for a long time. After the plastic is thrown away, hot, wet garbage makes the bacteria grow. Then the bacteria eat the plastic!
    If companies can make and use this plastic, we’ll have less plastic waste. Our Earth can be a cleaner place!
    1. waste 廢物
    Did you see all that plastic waste in the park? 你看到公園裡那些塑膠垃圾了嗎?
    Yeah, it’s crazy! 對啊,真是瘋了!
    2. go away 走開、離開
    And they’re always there. 而且總是在那裏。
    They just don’t go away. 都不走呢。
    That’s because people throw in new ones. 那是因為有人丟來新的。
    3. use 使用
    For me, I use plastic bags all the time. 我自己很常用塑膠袋。
    But I try my best to recycle them. 但是我儘量回收。
    Me too. I can’t imagine not using plastic bags. 我也是,無法想像不用塑膠袋。
    4. break down 分解
    Someone should invent plastic bags that break down fast. 應該有人發明可以很快分解的塑膠袋。
    But I hope they won’t break down in my hand. 希望它們不會在我手裡分解。
    go away走開、離開
    break down分解
    1. How long does the new plastic take to go away?
    a. Five days
    b. Five months
    c. Five years
    2. When does the bacteria eat the plastic?
    a. When it's hungry
    b. When it's in shoes
    c. When it's in the garbage
    3. How can the new plastic help our Earth?
    a. People will use less plastic.
    b. Our Earth will be cleaner.
    c. The plastic is soft.

    1. b
    2. c
    3. b

    • 5 min

Customer Reviews

4.4 out of 5
14 Ratings

14 Ratings

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