200 episodes

The Next Level Guy Show, a podcast where I interview experts to learn the hacks and tips to better our own lives. The website URL is https://www.nextlevelguy.com/ and previous guests have included Gary Vaynerchuk, Tom Bilyeu, Diamond Dallas Page, Mark Bell, Aubrey Marcus, Jay Morton, Jay Cutler, Josh Barnett, Mark Beaumont, Forrest Galante among others. Each week, there is a great from all industries,


Next Level Guy Ian Dawson Mackay

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 5 Ratings

The Next Level Guy Show, a podcast where I interview experts to learn the hacks and tips to better our own lives. The website URL is https://www.nextlevelguy.com/ and previous guests have included Gary Vaynerchuk, Tom Bilyeu, Diamond Dallas Page, Mark Bell, Aubrey Marcus, Jay Morton, Jay Cutler, Josh Barnett, Mark Beaumont, Forrest Galante among others. Each week, there is a great from all industries,


    #201 Elise Micheals on how to fix yourself to find yourself!

    #201 Elise Micheals on how to fix yourself to find yourself!

    TODAY's GUEST IS Elise Micheals!

    Today’s guest is Elise Micheals! Elise helps her clients heal subconscious trauma, improving the quality of their relationships, lives, and businesses.She struggled with mental health issues for most of my life, and didn’t understand “why,” after her own exploration in trauma therapy, relationship science, Neuroscience, NLP, and therapy of my own, she was able to pinpoint the cycles and behaviors that ultimately always led to her demise.Now she helps men, as many men are silenced when it comes to emotions. This causes their struggles to be compounded and makes it even more difficult to process. She works with men to heal their subconscious trauma and connect with their most authentic, spiritual selves.The process is rapid, transformative, and unlike any experience you've ever had before.In the interview, we discuss her story, tackling our demons, and mindset hacks to identify the causes, heal the problems and repeat to help you grow into the man you want to be. And now let's get to the interview. If you are liking the show, please remember to subscribe on your podcast platform and follow on social media. All likes, subscribes and comments, help grow the show! 








    OTHER LINKSListen to Elise's podcast on Spotify here. Join 'Men's Membership' here. Apply for private coaching with Elise here. Elise's great blog is here. Elise's Linktree is here. 

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    KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

    Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on:We can seek help and improve our mental health, you can beat your demons and be healthier and happier. You can define what masculinity means to you - you don't need to live your life to someone else's standards. You can decide what defines success for you as a person and live life as you want, and it is very freeing. Men tend to wait till the end of their tether to ask for help, but that is normally too late, it can cause problems at work, in relationships etc before then. If you start to see problems or others comment on it, reach out and speak to someone, exercise, eat and sleep better etc. A lot of our behavior is programming that we have been shaped by our history up to that point - like all programmes, we can delete, upgrade, change, or improve. Stop accepting, and start acting. You need more discipline, not motivation to be successful and happier. Breath-work training can help you change your anxiety, stress, and blocks we are holding onto. https://youtu.be/QBVv_9Y1w_k?si=JYXrFxEFC-TEtJHrYour upbringing helps shapes you as a person and how you will see and interact with the world. Yet, it can be changed, your past doesn't need to be your future. You should identify yourself from your core beliefs, not what you own and how much you make. Struggling with your mental health can have benefits. You can see the struggle in others, be more empathetic to others who are struggling, and be able to discuss problems more openly and honestly as you know the struggle. Look at the data, not the feelings. Remove the emotions, and tackle it logically.The comfort zone can be the worst thing in the world, it can feel safe and warm, but it keeps you from wanting to take a risk, to change, to try something new or improve. You accept things in your comfort zone, you endure. Leave the comfort zone and finally find the change you want in life. https://youtu.be/b8zIQm2eass?si=3utVnSRIsA4cFVtJElise made the decision to change her own mental health, and you can too.

    • 1 hr 10 min
    #200 Heber Cannon on film, fitness and the ButteryBros!

    #200 Heber Cannon on film, fitness and the ButteryBros!

    TODAY's GUEST IS Heber Cannon!

    Today’s guest is Heber Cannon! Heber Cannon and his friend and business partner, Marston Sawyers, aka The Buttery Bros, are filmakers and just plain buttery dudes!Heber and Marston know a thing or two about fitness. The Buttery Bros have produced and directed five of the world's leading fitness documentaries, have out-paced some world-leading athletes and have had a front-row seat for the meteoric rise of the global fitness phenomenon, CrossFit. The boys behind the camera unexpectedly became on screen stars after appearing in their hit YouTube series "The Buttery Bros" which has garnered millions of views and a devout fanbase, aptly named the "Buttergang".Along with these films, they've created and produced everything from live sporting events on ESPN, music videos, and commercials to a plethora of popular features for the internet, including the web series “Road to the Games.” Heber's goal in life, is to use various storytelling talents to inspire others to become the best version of themselves possible.In this interview, we discuss his story, Cross-fit, fitness as a part of life, film and creativity and why you need more butter in your life! If you are liking the show, please remember to subscribe on your podcast platform and follow on social media. All likes, subscribes and comments, help grow the show! 







    OTHER LINKSWatch 'Resurgence' on iTunes. View all the 'ButteryBros' documentaries here. 

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    KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

    Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate onFollow your passions and interests as you never know where they may take you, Heber did and ended up taking over film productions and becoming a well known Cross-fit documentaries!  It is OK to feel pain and hurt when rejected but not live in it. Heber felt sadness when he was let go from the Cross-fit HQ role, but he used it as a motivational pivot point to go and create the work he wanted to do. Now flip this, and think: what can you learn from your rejection, how can you use it as a new starting point to change and grow and create the work that you want in your life?Life is too short to do things that don't make you happen and fill you with passion - stop living the life that others and society wants for you, and find you own path ... if there is not currently a path, make one! Heber has made fitness a part of his life and a non-negotiable to him - too many people allow work and stress to be the only things they have on a daily basis. You need to set a proper self-care and self-growth routine in your life, with eating like a grown up, proper sleep, and some form of fun exercise and movement a day preferably, from a walk to a horizontal jog and anything in between! Make fitness a system and a non-negotiable from now on! Make it fun, and it won't seem like a work out!  Heber looked to develop his skills by sourcing a coach that is great at teaching the sports-specific thing he wants to do. You aren't expected to do it all on your own or know everything. You can cut the learning curve and level up your skills with a coach! https://youtu.be/9H0IgoylbG4?si=2XgV9l90zgl8USn6

    Heber practiced the craft of film-making in every way he could, such as making videos for a gym, making videos for fun, learning editing tricks etc. By opening yourself up to opportunities to learn and grow, you can bypass someone who is interested but not willing to put in the work. This approach helped me obtain jobs via having more experience than those with qualifications,

    • 1 hr 41 min
    Episode #199 Jamie Date on how to level up your love life: fall in love with yourself so women do the same!

    Episode #199 Jamie Date on how to level up your love life: fall in love with yourself so women do the same!

    TODAY's GUEST IS jamie date!

    Today’s guest is Jamie Date!Jamie is a men's dating coach, whose aim is to teach men how to fall in love with themselves, so beautiful women can do the same. TikTok’s viral sensation, Jamie Date, prides herself on never having a bad date, and she can show you how. She has a knack for making the dating process fun and enjoyable, yet refrains from sugarcoating just what her clients need to hear to reach their dating goals. Jamie Date’s clients have found tremendous success learning how to attract more high-quality women, both in person and online.As a professional catfish who picks up women just to show her clients how it’s done, Jamie will teach you the ins and outs of swiping left and right. She is an expert in conversation, banter, and can teach you how to escalate flirtation and build sexual tension with ease. Often called “The Red Flag Whisperer” she will coach you on how to identify red flags and how to navigate a healthy relationship…or relationships if that’s what you’re after.With a background in door-to-door sales and a deep respect for men trying to better themselves, Jamie uses her interpersonal communicative expertise to teach with a very practical step-by-step approach to meeting and attracting women, no vague cliché advice here!Whether it's teaching the art of conversation or showing you how to own your confidence, Jamie’s approach is not only effective, but entertaining. Want to up your dating game? Jamie Date is the one to call.If you are liking the show, please remember to subscribe on your podcast platform and follow on social media. All likes, subscribes and comments, help grow the show! 






    OTHER LINKSBook a strategy call with Jamie and her team here.Get her free '“Ins And Outs Of Swiping” Blueprint e-book here! Buy the grooming products that Jamie recommends here.I think that this is the mushroom podcast we discuss here from Huberman Lab. Buy Jamie's great book 'How to Make Online Dating Suck Less: Lessons from a Professional Catfish'

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    KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

    Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on:Dating is a skill that we can all learn, it is not something that we are born with, we can learn how to connect better, and get the women we deserve in life. Jamie noticed that a lot of men go wrong in the same kinds of ways when they approach and try to connect with partners - hiring a coach like Jamie will help you eliminate these issues that hold the majority of men back from getting the partners they want!Power, looks, a successful job is not enough anymore to be truly attractive and successful to help you connect and attract those you want in your life. Self-improvement and self-development is not a 'you' thing - you need to interact with people, to connect, to date, to evolve with and find your true authentic self by social connection.Social groups, clubs and festivals, Meetup.com groups are fantastic places to meet new people, meet potential new friends and it is a perfect place to connect with like-minded people who share similar interests as you.Men think of building attraction wrong. Think about it as an escalator, not an elevator! Lead with purpose and invite her into your fun, into your enjoyment of the world!  https://youtu.be/GBH1frHNUbg?si=V0GerZNo2w5WR3DfNegging is a pointless exercise that is worthless and should be put in the bin! Forget pickup and learn how to connect properly with the people you want to have in your life.You can learn how to date and have better relationships, but you don't need to know everything to start or get better.

    • 1 hr 22 min
    Episode #198 Gabriella Lester on making life magical by living your passions!

    Episode #198 Gabriella Lester on making life magical by living your passions!

    TODAY's GUEST IS Gabriella Lester!

    Today’s guest is Gabriella Lester! Gabriella is a 20 year old internationally award winning magician.Drawing inspiration from her passions in life, she has built a dedicated fan-base, with her own brand of mind-blowing tricks, startling stage presence and a healthy dose of sarcasm. At 14, she was the youngest performer to ever do Houdini's daring suspended straitjacket escape, where she escapes a strait jacket whilst been suspended in the air by her feet. She has performed on some of the biggest stages in Vegas, while being a frequent headliner at the World Famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California.Her highlight reel is mind-blowing for a performer at such a young age - Most recently, she appeared on Penn and Teller's hit show 'Fool Us', but she has also been featured in the New York Times, and performed over 500 shows in 2023 whilst solo touring in Europe and North America.In this interview, we cover her journey from awe-struck audience member to magic-performing rock-star, how she dealt with the woes of COVID and heart-break to become a stronger person, performing to legends like Penn and Teller, evolving your performance as you grow as a person, how you can chase your dreams at any age and so much more!#GabriellaLester#pennandteller #pennandtellerfoolus #magic #performer #chaseyourdreams #followyourownpath #COVID #podcast #passions #performance #divaofdeception If you are liking the show, please remember to subscribe on your podcast platform and follow on social media. All likes, subscribes and comments, help grow the show! 






    OTHER LINKSHer linktr.ee can be found here.You can buy her class merch here. 

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    KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

    Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on:We all have passions in life, and where could you be if you followed what excites you in life rather than the path others expect or pick for you? You can't do it all, you will need support and mentors to help out. There are role models, coaches, mentors and so much more out there. Google local clubs, Meetup groups and the likes to connect with like minded people, and find coaches, mentors, accountability partners etc that will help you on your journey towards your goals! People are attracted to enthusiasm and people that give themselves to the art and activity. People are drawn to Gabriella's drive and passion for magic, and can see her potential, and want to help her find it. Those are the people you want in your life. You are the average of the five people you hang around with most in life, choose wisely! Performance will bring feedback, critics and good alike. You need to understand that you will not always win over others, you will not always perform to your best or be the best, stop putting so much pressure on yourself. Listen to the comments, take the feedback and see if it's valid, listen to the negativity but don't take it to heart - use what you hear to improve your performance and keep improving! Gabriella went through some seriously hard times during COVID, professionally and personally. The time would crumble most people, but Gabriella used the purpose and lure of her passions, to keep her moving forward, to drag her on, to help deal with the grief. Gabriella let her performer side go on auto-pilot and let her passion draw her onwards out of the shit and pain holding her back at the time. https://youtu.be/0mpmctv_LYo?si=Gn9D7kXK0h6AMc1IGabriella's parents encouraged her to follow her passion, try new things and be herself and follow what she wants in life. If you have kids,

    • 1 hr 30 min
    Episode #197 Nick Hutchison on how to level up your life by reading: a true superpower!

    Episode #197 Nick Hutchison on how to level up your life by reading: a true superpower!

    TODAY's GUEST IS Nick Hutchison!

    Today’s guest is Nick Hutchison! Nick stands as the visionary force behind BookThinkers, a growing 7-figure marketing agency that seamlessly bridges the worlds of authors and readers.In just over 7 years, he has organically built a platform that reaches over 1,000,000 people each month. Nick's podcast, BookThinkers: Life-Changing Books, is a global top 2% show that features captivating interviews with world-class authors such as Grant Cardone, Lewis Howes, and Alex Hormozi.Through the use of his platform, Nick has helped hundreds of authors expand their reach to hundreds of millions of readers and drive significant revenue growth as part of their book campaigns. His expansive services include short-form video production, podcast booking and social media brand building.Now, Nick has dedicated his life to helping millions of readers take action on the information they learn and rise to their potential through his books, speaking, and personal brand as a whole. This was the inspiration for his new book, Rise of the Reader, where he dives into the strategies for mastering your reading habits and applying what you learn.In this interview, we discuss the power of books, his new book 'Rise of the Reader', how you can reduce the learning curve for success through reading, and how you can level up your life with a book and so much more!If you are liking the show, please remember to subscribe on your podcast platform and follow on social media. All likes, subscribes and comments, help grow the show! 








    OTHER LINKSBuy a copy of Nick's brilliant book here: Rise of the Reader: Strategies for Mastering Your Reading Habits and Applying What You LearnWant to get the books that Nick recommends? Of course you do! Check them out here! Learn about Nick's ' BookThinkers: Self-Help Books Podcast' here. 

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    KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

    Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on:Those who don't read are no further forward than those can't. Reading is a literal superpower to changing your life for the better! Books contain the expert wisdom of the millions who have lived before us. They demonstrate how to level up in life, with a shortening learning curve. You can level up and learn on your commute, lunch hour and so much more. While others are wasting their time talking about TV, you can be learning on a variety of topics. Allow yourself to read across topics, across authors and areas. Let your interest spread, and read the things that interest you. Then as you look around, you will be drawn towards things that you are struggling with, and then look to help change the challenges you are facing. "Reading is not enough ... you need to take action on what you learn". The person you will be in five years, is shaped by the media that you consume and action from - choose wisely! If you want to meet new friends and accountability partners, you can meet like minded people who want to get more from life by joining fan clubs, book clubs, comment sections of your favourite book or self-development person and the like or googling groups on topics on sites like Meetup.com and similar. Those who are in these groups, tend to what to improve themselves and will want to do the same things as yourself. https://youtu.be/tgCNU5coYxc?si=DRUNBM1hvc1CEHw2Reading a book isn't enough, you need to apply the learning, and use the teaching to grow and evolve in life.You can level up all areas of your life by a bo...

    • 1 hr
    Episode #196 Jennifer Cohen on why being bold is a superpower that can change your life right now!

    Episode #196 Jennifer Cohen on why being bold is a superpower that can change your life right now!

    TODAY's GUEST IS Jennifer Cohen!

    Today’s guest is Jennifer Cohen! Jennifer Cohen is an entrepreneur, podcaster, educator and bestselling author. Her latest book, Bigger Better Bolder hit #1 in business on Amazon and the Wall Street Journal Bestselling list. Her book explains why boldness is a super power and an untapped skill that can change your life to a level you didn't know was possible!She’s been a long-time authority in health and wellness where she has co-founded numerous companies, including No Gym Required and Hot 5, which was acquired by Weight Watchers.Jennifer has well established expertise and experience in branding and non-traditional marketing working as a spokesperson and advisor to some of the best known companies today.Her podcast “Habits and Hustle” is regularly ranked in the top 10 business podcasts in the world on Apple podcasts and is widely regarded for helping thousands of people with their wellness and productivity. Some past guests include, Mark Cuban, Simon Sinek, Mathew McConaughy, ChelseaHandler, Tony Robbins and many more.Jennifer is also an in-demand motivational speaker for a range of companies as well as business schools, and her TEDx talk has more than 7 million views on YouTube.Jennifer lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their two little superstars, Dylan and Sydney.In this interview, we discuss how boldness is a superpower to getting the life you want, the principles for success, the power of accumulating small wins, how to start changing your life right now and so much more.If you are liking the show, please remember to subscribe on your podcast platform and follow on social media. All likes, subscribes and comments, help grow the show! 







    OTHER LINKSBuy Jennifer's amazing book here - Bigger, Better, Bolder: Live the Life You Want, Not the Life You Get Subscribe to Habits and Hustle here. Listen to Jennifer's podcast on YouTube

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    KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

    Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on:Life favours the bold. We all fit into the herd, but it is those who step out their comfort zone and step into their boldness, who will succeed. Sadly in society, we are controlled by other people's opinions and stopped by worry about what people think of us. It is only late in life, that you realise no one is thinking about you anyway and worrying about themselves only ... so what can you do now that you know no one is focusing on you, YOU can do what YOU want!"Rejection stings for a moment ... regret lives with you forever"!Accepting being 'good enough' is a death sentence. You need to realise the comfort zone is just the warm area you stay in waiting for your death. It is outside the comfort that real life happens. Start small. Become bolder in small parts of life, let the confidence from doing this build confidence and self-esteem in you, and use this to jump into the next one, and slowly build up your bold attempts. Don't try and do it all yourself, find your bold directors, other people who will inspire, motivate and push you onto success and to be bold in life, and you will do the same to them. Find people who will help you, coach you, inspire you, drive you on, encourage you and are like minded and you will help each other towards your goals. https://youtu.be/bwDNTqUfdpw?si=02gBmD5RRJ7ueqrnBoldness is a super power that we can all tap into and change our lives. The way to overcome self-doubt is by taking action and taking steps, doing things that are hard and towards what you want to do.

    • 46 min

Customer Reviews

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5 Ratings

AClifford.H ,

A Great Podcast to Help Level Up

Ian is truly enthusiastic about his guests, and he delivers an inspiring show. A great interview show!

Frank Blaney ,

Most excellent podcast on self-improvement!

Just found this podcaster through Twitter. Great interviewer who has an excellent balance of humility and respect in speaking with guests, while asking precise questions that get the diamonds of wisdom. I work with clients and businesses teaching peak business performance using success tactics and the modality of Qigong. I will be recommending this podcast to my clients for sure.

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