OMR Media
Im OMR Media Podcast werden die Trends, Hypes, Hoffnungen und Erwartungen der digitalen Medienwelt diskutiert. Wie verändert sich der Journalismus, welche Geschäftsmodelle sind vielversprechend, welche Tools sollte man kennen? Interviewpartner aus der deutschen und internationalen Verlagswelt geben exklusiven Einblick, wie der digitale Wandel die Medien verändert. Alle bisherigen und alle neuen Folgen PodTalk – dem Podcast übers Podcast-Business findet ihr ab sofort hier: Produziert von Podstars by OMR.
Favorite Podcast for Subway Ride Home
As I work for a technology company catering to the media industry it hits exactly the sweet spot of being informative and relevant to my work, yet it is also surprisingly funny and light hearted and often makes me laugh out loud (apologies to the folks sitting next to me on the train). It’s a great listen for both people in the industry and people who are looking to learn more about it. What I love most about the podcast is the caliber of industry leaders interviewed and the inside peek into their minds & businesses. With a mix of German and English episodes it has something for everyone who speaks either of those two languages (but is even better for me who speaks both). Keep doing what you are doing. I can’t find a fault.
Mais de OMR
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