Wiser World

Wiser World

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체험 후 월 $5.99 또는 연 $49.99

Did you forget your world history, and now feel lost when world topics come up in current events? Designed for busy people who forgot (or never learned it in the first place) and need a quick refresh, Wiser World takes foundational world history and makes it approachable and concise. As a former teacher, Alli Roper wants to remind us of the world's foundational, basic history so we can have the context we need think historically about current events, travel, and global topics. Episodes are published once or twice a month, and consist of 101 episodes (100-ish year deep dives into various countries), Know Before You Go episodes (brief histories for highly-traveled spots), and pretty much any other world-related topic that you wish you'd been taught in history class.

  1. 1월 29일

    Cuba 101 Part 1

    In this episode we take Cuba's history from pre-1492 (Columbus) to 1902 (Independence), giving a high-level look at Cuba for those who know little to nothing about it and would like foundational understanding. Questions we answer: Where is Cuba located, and what is it like geographically? What was it like before 1492? What role did Christopher Columbus play in the history of Cuba? How did Spanish colonization influence the island? What role did the transatlantic slave trade play in the sugar industry, and how was Cuba involved? What role did Great Britain and United States play in Cuba during the 1800s? Who was José Martí and how did he influence Cubans? How did Cuba eventually gain its independence from Spain? This episode is sponsored by Quince. Go to quince.com/wiserworld for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns. For extra resources to further your study, head to Patreon. The transcript for this episode is found here. Sources used in making this episode found here. ---- This podcast is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Visit airwavemedia.com to learn about other fantastic history and education-centric shows that are created for curious, thoughtful people. Please contact advertising@airwavemedia.com if you would like to advertise on our podcast. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wiserworldpodcast/ Website (sign up for email newsletter): https://wiserworldpodcast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  2. 2024. 07. 31.

    43. South Indian Weddings // Dheeraj Varanasi

    In this episode, my guest Dheeraj Varanasi and I talk about some of the basic rites, rituals, and traditions involved in a traditional South Indian Hindu wedding. There is no way we could cover everything, but this covers many of the essentials, and is designed for non-Indians who know little to nothing about these weddings and want to learn more. For extra resources to further your study, head to Patreon. This episode is sponsored by Stride K12 Powered Schools. For more information, head to K12.com/wiserworld. A transcript for this episode is found here. ---- Vocabulary from this episode with some links for further information and images: Jeelakarra-Bellam - cumin and jaggery paste tradition Mangalsutra - thread tying Saptapadi - 7 steps Twin Star System Mythology Sindoor - sometimes called Vermillion, this red powder is often used in Hindu traditions, and is sometimes placed along the hairline of women to show they are married. ---- Bio on Dheeraj I am Dheeraj Varanasi, hailing from Hyderabad, India. I am a research engineer by profession trying to blend academic research with always short-on-time industry. I am currently working at Leica Biosystems, Germany as Sr. Blade Engineer, in the domain of healthcare and cancer diagnostics.  I moved to Hungary in 2016 to pursue my PhD in Materials Science. I defended my thesis in 2021 (Summa Cum Laude) followed by a post-doctoral position for 2 years at Academy of Sciences Hungary. I published in total 11 scientific papers and have submitted a patent application (submitted, it's a long process :P).  I am an avid traveller, having been across the whole of Europe, Morocco, parts of the USA totaling to about 31 countries to date. I am a sports fanatic especially for football, tennis and field hockey and try to support my favorite teams/athletes by traveling to stadiums across the world.  Besides work, I play tennis on the weekends and am learning Violin. A small pipe dream is to play as a street performer someday and donate whatever I collect for charity.  I read a lot on History, science and politics and am confident to hold conversations in 5 languages.  ---- This podcast is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Visit airwavemedia.com to learn about other fantastic history and education-centric shows that are created for curious, thoughtful people. Please contact advertising@airwavemedia.com if you would like to advertise on our podcast. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wiserworldpodcast/ Website (sign up for email newsletter): https://wiserworldpodcast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  3. 2024. 06. 26.

    Behind the Scenes of Wiser World // Rachel Cox

    How do we choose our episode topics? How do we find our research material and what is our research process? How do we retain what we learn? How does studying world history affect our relationships? Has our research ever spurred us to take action? What are some of the happiest lessons we’ve learned from making the podcast? In this episode my research assistant Rachel and I answer these questions and give you a little behind-the-scenes look at Wiser World. For extra resources to further your study, head to Patreon. Transcript for this episode here. This episode is sponsored by HelloFresh. Go to hellofresh.com/wiserworldapps for free appetizers for life! One appetizer item per box while subscription is active. This episode is also sponsored by K12 Powered Schools. You can learn more about these tuition-free accredited public schools for Kindergarten through 12th grade at K12.com/wiserworld. ---- A transcript for this episode is found here. ---- This podcast is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Visit airwavemedia.com to learn about other fantastic history and education-centric shows that are created for curious, thoughtful people. Please contact advertising@airwavemedia.com if you would like to advertise on our podcast. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wiserworldpodcast/ Website (sign up for email newsletter): https://wiserworldpodcast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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Did you forget your world history, and now feel lost when world topics come up in current events? Designed for busy people who forgot (or never learned it in the first place) and need a quick refresh, Wiser World takes foundational world history and makes it approachable and concise. As a former teacher, Alli Roper wants to remind us of the world's foundational, basic history so we can have the context we need think historically about current events, travel, and global topics. Episodes are published once or twice a month, and consist of 101 episodes (100-ish year deep dives into various countries), Know Before You Go episodes (brief histories for highly-traveled spots), and pretty much any other world-related topic that you wish you'd been taught in history class.

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