Plants And Planets For Communication

Toxic Silence

‘Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice. It's not a thing to be waited for, it's a thing to be achieved’. I had this quote by William Jennings Bryan stuck on my fridge for decades, as I've often thought about the difference between fate and destiny. Maybe we can control our destinies, but not necessarily our fate. And the difference is what? Some would say that destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left along the path, but fate on the other hand is a one way. So is my fate predetermined then, but the stops along the way are up to me? These are some of the questions that many thinkers throughout history have also asked themselves. Medical astrology was used by our elders to help decode this existential angst. 

Astronomy and astrology were combined with medicine for thousands of years, beginning in Mesopotamia about 4,000 years ago, the oldest recorded civilization in the world, now modern Iraq, and continuing well into the 18th century. In fact, ancient physicians were required to pass astrological exams within their medical training as physicians. 

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, based his medical theories on the relationship between the heavenly bodies and human bodies, stating, as a physician without a knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician. Likewise, Galen, the Greek physician, writer and philosopher agreed, further developing Hippocrates’ work. 

Medical astrology however, came later, reaching its epitome in Europe about 500 years ago. Part art, part science, and not without controversy, the use of astrology in medicine was by no way fringe. It was prominent in the training of physicians and lay practitioners alike by the end of the Middle Ages. 

This fascinating and ancient science illustrates centuries of connections between astrology, human personality, and health. Medical practitioners used astronomy and astrology as a key part of diagnosis and prescription. It's an ancient branch of astrology based mostly on the idea that various parts of the body, diseases and medicine, have an association with the nature of heavenly bodies, such as the sun, moon, planets, and the 12 astrological signs. It associates each sign of the zodiac with parts of the body, from head - Aries, to toes - Pisces, and everything in between. These associations and the impact of the heavens on the earth of us humans were believed equally by both the educated elite, and average working class folk for millennia.

Centuries later, we're once again starting to study plants and their own individual embodiment of the planetary forces which are uniquely expressed in them. Once this plant to planet relationship was reintroduced to us, it enabled us herbalists and astrologers to not only better understand the plant, but helped us to understand how to strengthen its medicine and therefore healing capabilities on a profound level.

To get a better understanding of all of this and how to relate it to Toxic Silence, I'm so pleased to introduce Naturopath, Herbalist and Medical Astrologer, Elizabeth Cowley. Elizabeth has been working with plants and planets for over 20 years so she knows this stuff on a deep level, and I'm thrilled to be allowed to pick her Mercurial brain. Yep she's got a Gemini sun. 

Elizabeth Cowley

Elizabeth is a highly experienced Naturopath and Medical Herbalist with over 20 years clinical experience. She combines herbs, flower essences, nutrients and her keen intuition to help re-balance her clients. 

Elizabeth can be reached here - 0409 336 922


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