Real Science Radio

Bob Enyart
Real Science Radio

Welcome to Real Science Radio with co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams who talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, geology, astronomy, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) Not only do we get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott, and easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne, but we also occasionally interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.


  1. OCT 12

    Refuting Professor Dave Pt IV

    TELETHON MONTH: We've got an exciting new announcement! With October being our telethon month, we're looking for 50 new sign-ups for Bob Enyart Subscriptions. These are the best of the best available only at ENYART.SHOP! Please do whatever you can to help us reach our telethon goal of 50 new sign-ups to keep the ministry alive and well!     *More On Biology w/"Prof" Dave: finally this week  Fred Williams and Doug McBurney offer RSR's "definitive" refutation of David James YouTube series allegedly debunking biblical creation.   *Holey Jeans: actually genes... and assumptions David James makes about their contributions to the origins of enzymes, including gene duplication and other evidence "thought to be" in support of evolutionary biology. Sal Cordova dropped the big hammer on such nonsense last May right here on RSR!    *Mutation as Design: Fred critiques the rank stupidity of asserting that genetic mutations produce lots of complex functions and that this can appear as design to the "unprepared" mind, (meaning the mind unprepared by evolutionary propaganda). Even David James' hell bound, fellow traveling, evolutionist fellows at the NIH and Nature know that gene mutations are overwhelmingly harmful!   *RNA from Nothing: Well, not exactly nothing, but David James' assertion that random DNA mutations are an ample source of functional RNA and peptides is equally absurd, and has been refuted by (among others) Rob Carter at Creation Ministries International.   *Haekel, Hox & a Million Bucks: When David "Professor Dave" James Farina condescends to defend, (and even show) Haeckel's hoax slides RSR declares an end to his career. And it's sad that it ended before he could earn the million dollars he bets against creation.      *Body Check: Find out the truth behind more of Professor Dave's "body" of claims at our Professor Dave FACT CHECK page!

  2. SEP 21

    Refuting Professor Dave Pt I

    *One Last Refrain: (Well maybe three to five), because this week  Fred Williams and Doug McBurney take on one of Youtube's deeper basement dwellers: "Professor Dave" (David James Farina) and his thinly veiled cries for momma disguised as "debunking" God's record of creation.   *A Scale of Dumb to Dave: Doug asks why "theistic" and "deistic evolution" rate higher than Intelligent Design on Dave's spectrum from least to most "scientific", (which are really listed from least to most "secular"), except for David's odd conjunction of Flat Earth and geocentrism, (as if the two cannot be considered separately).   *Holey Cheese: Fred compares "professor" Dave's debunking tactics to a hunk of swiss cheese, full of holes, attractive to rats and mice (and the longer it sits around the stinkier it gets). Unlike his debate with James Tour, which for Christian creationists is aging quite well thank you very much.   The Stuff of Giants: In the case of David James the stuff is straw and his straw men fall like rhetorical giants, slain by the distractional force of irrelevant assertions, (like his assertion that creationists fear telescopes).   *Elephants in the Room: Hear a point by point debunking of David James' careful "bunking" around all the elephantine facts that falsify his big bang, evolutionary naturalistic worldview, (like the growing mountain of evidence against the Big Bang being accumulated just by the Hubble, JWST, & Planck telescopes)!

  3. SEP 14

    ezWater with Dr. Gerald Pollack Part II The Physics

    *Hear Part I: Listen to the first half of our interview with Dr. Pollack regarding how Fourth Phase Water acts as a battery and can supply energy to the cell and lots of other interesting items from damp to soaking wet.   *Dr. Gerald Pollack: Fred Williams and Doug McBurney welcome back Gerald Pollack, Ph.D. who maintains an active laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WATER: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal; Executive Director of the Institute for Venture Science; co-founder of 4th-Phase Inc.; and founder of the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water.  He has received numerous honors including: the Prigogine Medal for Thermodynamics; the University of Washington Annual Faculty Lecturer; the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award; and the 1 Emoto Peace Prize.  He is recognized internationally as an accomplished speaker and author of The Fourth Phase of Water.   *Might the Mitochondria? Hear Dr. Pollack's alternative view of power in the so-called "power source" of the cell: the mitochondria.   *Contractual Obligation: Hear how changes in water, via energy delivered by the mitochondria, have been observed to be responsible for actions in the cell and even muscle contraction!     *Here's to your Health: Based on Dr. Pollack's research, getting some modest, daily doses of Infrared light, (especially morning and evening) is good for your health, pain relief, wound healing and disease prevention because IR & ez combine for lots of good effects "under the sun."   *Atomic Fundamentals: Dr. Pollack challenges the traditional model of the atom, suggesting that the current understanding is erroneous and proposes a new model that he will be presenting in an upcoming book.   *Feed the Trees: Ever wonder how water gets to the top of a Redwood Tree? Hear a theory with a twist from Dr. Pollack based on experimental evidence. And hear how these experiments confirm that your heartbeat alone cannot provide your body with sufficient blood circulation to live!   *A Fresh Look: Hear about atomic theory, quantum theory, modelling assumptions, a book recommendation (Make Physics Great Again), and the potential for purifying saltwater using a "filterless filter."

  4. SEP 7

    ezWater with Dr. Gerald Pollack Part I: The Energy

    *Dr. Gerald Pollack: Fred Williams and Doug McBurney welcome Gerald Pollack, Ph.D. who maintains an active laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WATER: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal; Executive Director of the Institute for Venture Science; co-founder of 4th-Phase Inc.; and founder of the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water.  He has received numerous honors including: the Prigogine Medal for Thermodynamics; the University of Washington Annual Faculty Lecturer; the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award; and the 1 Emoto Peace Prize.  He is recognized internationally as an accomplished speaker and author of The Fourth Phase of Water.   *Water, Water Everywhere! Did you know there's more fresh water in the atmosphere than in all the rivers on earth! And Antarctica contains 90%+ of ALL the freshwater on Earth! And if we can ever figure out how to get it, there may be even more in Earth's mantle. Finally we're reminded that before God formed the planets He spoke of "the deep", and that His Spirit moved upon the face of the waters, (Gen 1:1-2).   *Structured Water: Hear the story of how Dr. Pollack became aware of Gilbert Ling's work suggesting that assumptions about water as it relates to cells and biology need to be updated in light of experiments revealing the sophisticated, and potentially revolutionary properties of water.   *Let There be Light: Dr. Pollack highlights the importance of light, particularly infrared and red light, in expanding water's alternately charged Exclusion Zone.   *E.Z. & the Fourth Phase: Hear how Fourth Phase Water acts as a battery and can supply energy to the cell. Dr. Pollack suggests this research may challenge the traditional belief that ATP is the primary source of energy in cells, suggesting that energy accumulated in water's "Exclusion Zone" may play a significant role!   *Walking the Planck: From Giordano Bruno and the Catholics, to Ignaz Semmelweis and the medical establishment of his day hear more about the suppression of revolutionary scientific ideas throughout history, (recalling Max Planck's axiom that "science progresses one funeral at a time"),  and the need for further research to validate experimental findings that challenge the scientific orthodoxy.

  5. AUG 31

    The Shroud of Turin and Other Science Headlines

    *Cool, Clear Water: Tune in NEXT FRIDAY to hear Dr. Gerald Pollack describe some mind blowing experiments revealing the beautiful sophistication of water! *Millions and Millions: Well a million anyway... RSR just went over 1 million views on YouTube! *X Marks the Shroud: Updating RSR's coverage, hear how Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering has dated the Shroud of Turin to around the time of Christ, and how the standard biblical refutation of a separate head cloth from John 20:7 may be explained in light of the linen cloth of Joseph of Arimathea in Matthew 27:59. *Big Bag of Nothing: Hear how the hunt for Dark Matter & WIMPs using LUX-ZEPLIN is going! *Revisiting Dr. Seyfried: Hear the latest from Dr. Pierre Kory on cancer research questioning the Somatic Mutation Theory & re-assessing the Metabolic Theory of cancer as described on RSR by Dr. Thomas Seyfried. *Cane These Hooligans! ...and the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board! The hooligans for destroying ancient sandstone formations, and the Chronical for claiming they know how they formed 40 million years ago. *Blondes Have More Follicles: It turns out his familiarity with the protective nature of melanin against UV damage of DNA was the key to helping Doug nail the Interesting Fact of the Week! *God and Elon Musk: The Wall Street Journal borrows credibility from both Jesus Christ and Elon Musk in order to get attention, and give RSR the opportunity to help Elon better understand the Bible! *Rescue Device: Hear about NASA's search for a vehicle to rescue the two astronauts that Boeing stranded on the International Space Station. *Working for Walt Brown: Astro-Alexandra makes another appearance on behalf of Walt Brown describing the sulfur found on Mars. *Melting, Modelling & Continental Formation: Fred covers another geo-physics  model that argues against plate tectonics!

  6. AUG 24

    Back to School with Brian Lauer

    *Houston, We Have Contact: Creation Speaker Brian Lauer has been in contact with at least one child abusing school district administrator, and through her has impacted at least one deviant curriculum director with the reality of obvious errors in the Deep State textbooks. But instead of timely correction and hearty thanks, he's faced resistance and deflection, (and they didn't even drop by his booth at the Benton County Fair)!   *Riddled with Errors: Brian discusses his battle to expose "errors" in the deep state school textbooks in Minnesota, (and your school district too). Hear all about inaccuracies like the 1.6% difference between the human genome and chimpanzees', how the human eye is wired "backwards", how "water equals life", and even drawings based on Ernst Haeckel's 100 years debunked fraudulent embryo illustrations, despite their discredited status.   *Standard of Deception: Hear a dissembling bureaucrat defend the lies in her school's textbooks by claiming everyone involved is just "teaching to the state standard". You know, like the NAZIs at Nuremberg insisted they were "just following orders."   *Lies Do Not Deserve Equal Time: Our guest emphasizes the importance of exposing falsehoods and providing students with a balanced perspective, but not balancing the truth with equal time for lies.   *So Sue Me: Lawyers interested in suing co-host Doug McBurney on behalf of Discovery Ed, or St Cloud Area School District 742, should be aware that: Doug hitherto and furthermore indemnifies any and all persons, entities their assigns or affiliates who may or may not have appeared on this segment of Real Science Radio, and who may or may not exists in fact or in reality, or otherwise, being held harmless from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses arising out of any claims relating to Mr. McBurney's statements regarding matters having anything at all to with anything to do with, anything at all to do with this. Please just google Doug McBurney he's not hard to find.

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81 Ratings


Welcome to Real Science Radio with co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams who talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, geology, astronomy, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) Not only do we get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott, and easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne, but we also occasionally interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

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