Orthodox Wisdom

Readings from Saints of Holy Orthodoxy
Orthodox Wisdom

Readings of the Writings and Lives of Orthodox Christian Saints. These recordings are free to download and share. All I ask is that you do so respectfully and reference this channel. You can also contact me, Timothy Honeycutt, at: orthodoxwisdom1@gmail.com Glory to Jesus Christ!

  1. Orthodox Spirituality and the Technological Revolution - Elder Aimilianos

    2일 전

    Orthodox Spirituality and the Technological Revolution - Elder Aimilianos

    Elder Aimilianos the Athonite discusses the post-industrial and digital information era, its blessings and dangers, and how Orthodox Christians can preserve a true life in Christ. As he says, "In post-industrial society, [people] are also becoming consumers and slaves to images and information, which fill their lives. Restraint and spiritual vigilance are... a weapon... which abolishes the servitude of humanity and preserves our health and sovereignty as children of God." 📖 Orthodox Spirituality and the Technological Revolution https://deathtotheworld.com/articles/orthodox-spirituality-and-the-technological-revolution/ 📖 The Life and Teachings of Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra, "The Orthodox Word", St. Herman of Alaska Press https://www.scribd.com/document/412122487/Orthodox-Word-296-2014-G-Aimilianos 🎧 On Reception into the Orthodox Church - Elder Aimilianos Receives Roman Catholic Fr. Placide https://youtu.be/OnRLdIWrfaE 🎧 Marriage: The Great Sacrament - Elder Aimilianos of Mount Athos https://youtu.be/V7dnuDo48zQ 🎧 The Divine Liturgy: The Window of Heaven - Elder Aimilianos https://youtu.be/DafPBuGokEE ⛪ FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery: https://orthodox-world.org/ https://orthodoxyinamerica.org/ Text is from “The Authentic Seal: Spiritual Instruction and Discourses” by Archimandrite Aimilianos. These talks were given between 1968 and 1994. I am not certain when this present talk was given. _______ Elder Aimilianos teaches: Through the blessings of God and wearisome toil, the gradual appearance of technology from agriculture through to industrialization thus provides Man with the opportunity to retain his position as lord over nature, despite the ancestral Fall. Technology is occasioned by Man’s powers of reason and is a way of compensating for his weakness, as against animals, which have sufficient strength to survive, as against the forces of nature, the necessities of life (Gregory of Nyssa, PG 44, 140D-144AB) and so on. It is natural that the rapid progress in nuclear physics and in genetics should open up new scientific horizons, but also create problems and dangers for the human race, so it is obvious that there is an imperative need for moral intervention in the field of technology. What is worrying is the absurd and “carefree” optimism of many scientists and political agencies. According to them, technological development contains within itself the solution to the problems which it causes, and hence it ought not to be trammelled, so that “technical solutions” to the various problems can arise. For example, who can exercise control in an ideological regime, when they are deliberately seeking to create a type of technological man? The saying of Saint Paul applies here: “Let do us do evil, that good may come” (Rom. 3:8). In general terms, our watchword should be: “Let the common aim be the meeting of a need” (PG 31, 968B). And Saint Peter the Damascene adds: “For everything which does not serve a pressing need, becomes an obstacle to those who would be saved; everything, that is. which does not contribute to the salvation of the soul or to the life of the body” (Philokalia, vol. III, p. 69, 11. 32-34). These principles are certainly not for monasteries alone. They could be guidelines for control over technology, unless we want to be exterminated. In the industrial era, people became consumers and slaves to things produced. In post-industrial society, they are also becoming consumers and slaves to images and information, which fill their lives. Restraint and spiritual vigilance are, for all those who come into the world, a weapon made ready from the experience of the monastic life and Orthodox Tradition in general, one which abolishes the servitude of humanity and preserves our health and sovereignty as children of God. _______ Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!

  2. Renovated Orthodoxy: The Liturgical Theology of Fr. Alexander Schmemann - by Fr. Michael Pomazansky

    1월 3일

    Renovated Orthodoxy: The Liturgical Theology of Fr. Alexander Schmemann - by Fr. Michael Pomazansky

    A thorough examination of Fr. Alexander Schmemann's views on the historical development and meaning of the Orthodox Church's prayer and worship. Fr. Michael Pomazansky, author of the popular book Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, provides an antidote to the poisonous stance of Fr. Alexander, which Fr. Seraphim Rose warns of, describing it as "the inevitable iconoclastic conclusions from Fr. Schmemann's already Protestant views". 0:00 Beginning 0:11 Introduction by Fr. Seraphim "Renovated Orthodoxy": The Liturgical Theology of Father A. Schmemann 2:10 Article Begins 3:50 The Orthodox Liturgical Order 9:51 The Constantinian Era 13:37 The Sacraments and the Sanctifying Element In Sacred Rites 21:53 The Hierarchy and the Sacrament of Priesthood 28:13 The Invocation and Glorification of Saints 41:43 Church Feasts 48:30 Conclusion Letters 51:13 "If Fr. Schmemann is their 'theologian'..." -Fr. Seraphim, Apr 26/May 9, 1970 52:31 “Who are not Orthodox” -Fr. Seraphim, June 8/21, 1970 📖 "Renovated Orthodoxy": The Liturgical Theology of Father A. Schmemann (published both by Holy Trinity Publications and St. Herman Press) http://orthodoxinfo.com/phronema/pom_lit.aspx https://archive.org/details/100101V17N05061981SepOctNovDec/035%20V06N06%201970%20Nov%20Dec/ 📖 Selected Essays of Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky https://bookstore.jordanville.org/9780884651451 📖 Unpublished Letters of Fr. Seraphim https://thoughtsintrusive.wordpress.com/letters-of-fr-seraphim-rose-1961-1982/ ⛪ FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery: https://orthodox-world.org/ https://orthodoxyinamerica.org/ _______ In this article the work on liturgical theology of one well known and widely respected contemporary Russian theologian is carefully criticized and its "reformist" tendency pointed out. In all fairness it should be noted that Fr. Schmemann probably does not see himself as a 'reformer," and it will doubtless be left to other less sensitive souls, another generation removed from the life of genuine Orthodoxy, to draw the inevitable iconoclastic conclusions from Fr. Schmemann's already Protestant views. -Fr. Seraphim Rose, Introduction The author is convinced that he has succeeded, as he expresses it, in "escaping Western captivity" while using non-Orthodox sources. He avoids the extreme affirmations of Protestant historians. He writes: "We categorically reject the understanding of the Peace of Constantine (i.e., the era of Constantine the Great) as a 'pseudo-victory' of Christianity — victory bought at the price of compromise." But such affirmations are not enough in themselves, and we consider it our obligation to focus attention on the book's contents in one respect: has the author indeed escaped Western captivity? As many facts testify, he has in fact not escaped it. -Fr. Michael Pomazansky Basing himself on the ready conclusions of Western researchers in his judgements on the ancient Church, the author pays no attention to the direct evidence of the apostolic writings, even though they have the primary significance as memorials in the life of the early Christian Church. -Fr. Michael Pomazansky And which for us is more necessary and important: to strive for ecumenical communion and union with those who think differently and who remain in their different opinion, or to preserve catholic communion of spirit with those teachers of faith, luminaries of faith, who by their life and by their death showed faithfulness to Christ and His Church and entered into yet fuller union with Her Head? -Fr. Michael Pomazansky _______ Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!

  3. Attire Befitting A Priest — Ecumenical Canons, Commentary, & Stories

    1월 2일

    Attire Befitting A Priest — Ecumenical Canons, Commentary, & Stories

    A short but substantive article on priestly attire and why it is important that they wear their cassocks. Ecumenical Canons, comments from the author (a priest of the Russian Church Abroad), and stories illustrating the importance of the cassock for priests provide a memorable word on this topic. A reading of "Priestly Attire" from Orthodox Life, Jan-Feb, 1991 (Holy Trinity Seminary & Monastery, Jordanville, New York) 0:00 Introduction 1:29 Canons 3:52 Commentary 4:35 Stories7:23 Concluding Remarks Thumbnail: Patriach Pavle of Serbia walking down a crowded street (Left); The priest mentioned in the article who desired to be photographed with his cross in his pocket (Right) 📖 Priestly Attire (Orthodox Life, Jan-Feb, 1991) https://orthodoxlifemagazines.blogspot.com/2015/10/v41-1.html ⛪ FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: https://orthodox-world.org/ https://orthodoxyinamerica.org/ _______ The 27th Canon of the 6th Ecumenical Council states: "None who is counted with the clergy should dress inappropriately, when in the city, nor when travelling. Each should use the attire which was appointed for clergy members. If someone breaks this rule, may he be deprived of serving for one week." Here everything is clear. If you do not wish to wear a priest's clothing, do not dare to stand before the altar of God. The great interpreter of Church Canons, Balsamon, in his interpretation of the 14th canon of the 7th Ecumenical Council, which speaks of the ordination of readers, notes: "He who has put on black attire with the purpose of entering the clergy, cannot remove it, for he has stated his intent of serving God and therefore cannot break his promise to God and ridicule this holy image, as other ridiculers do." If constant wearing of "black attire" is expected of the first rank of the priesthood, the reader, then all the more does it refer to those who are fully in the rank of the priesthood. We must remember that if the Church canons and laws were not important, the Church would not have written them. Physician heal thyself. I must admit, that I am a young priest, and at times find it very difficult to follow the above rules. There are times when one's nerves are raw, and I want to go somewhere with my Matushka and children and not stand out, i.e., be "one of the crowd." I am overweight, and in the summer it is hard to bear the heat in my cassock. Yet all this merely exposes my weakness, my lack of desire to constantly be a confessor of my faith; my lack of desire to suffer for Christ even to the most microscopic degree. A certain priest decided to have a photograph of himself made. He put on his coat and hat. For some reason he was embarrassed to be photographed with a cross on. He took the cross off and put it into his left coat pocket. The photograph was taken, developed and printed. To the amazement of both the photographer and the priest, on the photograph there was a huge ray (by shadows one can see that this ray is not from the sun), which pointed to the pocket, where the hidden cross lay. Batiushka asked to have this published after his death. Concerned about the question, "should and can a priest possible always wear a cassock?", I began asking the grown children of elderly or deceased pastors, whether or not their fathers always wore a cassock. Almost everyone has answered in the affirmative, recalling that they rarely saw their father-priest without a cassock. There are even cases where the children said that they never saw their father without a cassock. This means that the requirement of the Church is possible to fulfill with God's help. One only needs to try. _______ Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!

  4. The Aether, The Soul's Covering, & How Saints Hear Prayers - St. Theophan the Recluse

    2024. 12. 31.

    The Aether, The Soul's Covering, & How Saints Hear Prayers - St. Theophan the Recluse

    St. Theophan discusses the aether, the way our prayers reach God, Saints, and Angels, the covering of our souls, and how to live life according to the Spirit. A reading of letters 13, 14, and 15 from _The Spiritual Life And How to Be Attuned to It_ 0:00 Beginning 0:15 Letter 13: Aether, True Happiness, Soul's Covering 11:19 Letter 14: The Covering of the Soul 17:36 Letter 15: How Saints Hear Our Prayers, Aether, Prayer From the Heart 📖 _The Spiritual Life And How to Be Attuned to It_ https://stpaisiusgiftshop.com/new-products/the-spiritual-life-new-edition/ 🎧 Excerpt from "Creation, Early Man, & Evolution" - St. Theophan the Recluse https://youtu.be/HRZHvGc6XTk ⛪ FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: https://orthodox-world.org/ https://orthodoxyinamerica.org/ _______ St. Theophan wrote: In case you have not forgotten, at one time I began talking with you about *an exceedingly subtle element that is finer than light. It is called ether.* Let us suppose that it exists as a matter of fact, and not just in name. *I recognize that such a very subtle element exists, and that it penetrates and passes everywhere, serving as the smallest particle of material substance.* Along with this, I suppose that *within this element soar all the blessed spirits—the angels and Divine saints—who are themselves garbed in a kind of raiment made of that very same element.* The covering of our soul (understand this word to refer also to the spirit, which is the soul of our human soul) is also made of this very same element. *The soul itself is the immaterial spirit; but its covering is made from this ethereal immaterial element.* Our bodies are coarse; *but that covering of the soul is very fine and serves as the intermediary between the soul and body. Through it the soul acts on the body and the body on the soul.* I am speaking of this only in passing, however. Just keep in mind that the soul has this very fine covering, and that our souls have the very same kind of covering as do all spirits. From this it will not be hard for you to conclude that *this omnipresent element, very fine, out of which these coverings are made and in which all spirits soar, is the intermediary for the intermingling of our souls and these spirits.* When true prayer that is, sincere prayer—moves in the soul, then that prayer, by means of the action of the element upon it, flies as if on a beam of light to the saints, and tells them what we want and what we are praying about. There is no gap between the time we make our prayer and when it is heard; the only necessity is that it come from our heart. (Note: Bolding is as found in the book) _______ Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!

  5. A Love Poem to Jesus - St. Joseph the Hesychast

    2024. 12. 19.

    A Love Poem to Jesus - St. Joseph the Hesychast

    A love poem written by St. Joseph to our Lord Jesus Christ. One can quickly feel the deep love he has for Christ. Reading from _Letters & Poems by Saint Joseph the Hesychast_ , p. 529-531 📖 _Letters & Poems by Saint Joseph the Hesychast_ https://www.monasterevmc.org/en-us/products/letters-poems 📖 _Monastic Wisdom: The Letters of Elder Joseph the Hesychast_ https://stanthonysmonastery.org/products/monastic-wisdom 📖 _My Elder Joseph the Hesychast_ https://stanthonysmonastery.org/products/my-elder-joseph-the-hesychast 📖 _Saint Joseph the Hesychast: A Narrative Biography for Children_ https://newromepress.com/saint-joseph-the-hesychast/?srsltid=AfmBOorhQKPF5m_Xxvl-g5UxUa0NyvhmdZZ9FWG2p-bRr9fXn5Oqnr7h 🎧 Elder Ephraim of AZ & St. Joseph the Hesychast - Readings (PLAYLIST) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzFKi22k2KYg5pt1Tvc3lnjd41E9pdR-p ⛪ FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: https://orthodox-world.org/ https://orthodoxyinamerica.org/ _______ St. Joseph wrote: My sweetest Jesus, balsam of my soul, Love of my heart, air of my breath, Noetic Light most sweet, my eros, my strength, Amazing love, yearning of my life, My faith and hope, my sweet love, O most coveted Savior, sweet consolation, Come, my sweet breath; come my divine life; Come, light of mine eyes, my sweet joy, And enlighten my bowels, mind, and heart, And bestow upon my body perfect dispassion. Flash in my mind Thy divine illumination- The most brilliant movement of Thy divine knowledge. _______ Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!

  6. Smoking and the Orthodox Christian - St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite

    2024. 12. 17.

    Smoking and the Orthodox Christian - St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite

    Two passages from St. Nikodemos on how Orthodox Christians should approach smoking in general, and specifically smoking tobacco. St. Nikodemos writes, "But when they inhale and swallow the foul fumes of tobacco through their nose and mouth... how afterwards are they to be, in accord with their calling [i.e. Bishops and Priests, but indeed all Orthodox Christians], sweet perfume and the savor of life to those who approach them?" Reading from _Smoking and the Orthodox Christian_ by Constantine Cavarnos (quoting St. Nikodemos in the section read for this recording). 📖 _Smoking and the Orthodox Christian_ by Constantine Cavarnos https://easternchristiansupply.biz/index.php/ecs/catalog/product/view/id/2888/s/smoking-and-the-orthodox-christian/category/41/ 📖 _Exomologetarion: A Manual of Confession_ by St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite https://uncutmountainpress.com/shop/product/exomologetarion-a-manual-of-confession/ 🎧 On Guarding the Mind and the Heart - St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite https://youtu.be/QYD5-u6sGRQ 🎧 Fasting On Wednesday & Friday - St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite https://youtu.be/4dqIdbwLX4w ⛪ FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: https://orthodox-world.org/ https://orthodoxyinamerica.org/ _______ St. Nikodemos writes: It is a revolting sight for someone to put in his mouth the stem either of a turned and filthy piece of horn or cob or drilled-out wood, and from that fiery and smoking piece of wood to inhale puffs of hellish smoke through his throat and, exhaling it, to give off smoke like a burning furnace from the mouth and the nostrils, and, like Diomedes' horses and Jason's bulls, to spew out smoke and sparks from the mouth and nose. *Can there be found a filthier, more disgusting, or more detestable act than this?* Since the Bishop is a typos of God and an icon of Christ, all of his morals, then, must be Christlike, pure, and occasion not scandal, but benefit to the people. But what purity is to be had in the indecent use of the filthiest of weeds? And of what benefit-rather what scandal- for Christians to see their Bishop or Priest holding a little drilled-out rod in his teeth; lighting a little bowl at the end of it; exhaling from his mouth and nose foul-smelling smoke; and his house filled with a thick, darkish cloud of loathsome fumes? *Bishops and Priests need to breathe in a spiritual savor through all of their senses, in such a way as to make fragrant all those who approach them,* whether Christians or heathens, as Saint Paul says: "For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish." But when they inhale and swallow the foul fumes of tobacco through their nose and mouth (which causes many who cannot endure this to pass out), how afterwards are they to be, in accord with their calling, sweet perfume and the savor of life to those who approach them? Indeed, if they think it is noble and decorous to smoke a pipe and so on, let them hear how contemporary moral philosophers condemn them for this in their writings on ethics, saying: What kind of nobility and decorousness is this for man, a rational and noble creature, to put a drilled-out piece of wood in his mouth filled with burning weeds, which is what a pipe is? Or to blow out of his mouth and nose a black cloud of offensive smoke, like a furnace, thereby resembling a dragon, which is allegorically the Devil, about whom God says to Job: "Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or cauldron" (Job 41:20)? *What kind of decorousness and nobility, I ask you, is this? I doubt that a more barbaric or disorderly habit than this can be found.* _______ Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!

  7. Satan Multiplies Heretics When Christians Abound In Love - Pope St. Leo (Nativity Fast, Homily 5)

    2024. 12. 17.

    Satan Multiplies Heretics When Christians Abound In Love - Pope St. Leo (Nativity Fast, Homily 5)

    St. Leo the Great, Pope of Rome (+461) offers another homily during the Holy Fast of Nativity calling us again to active love for God and neighbor. "[Satan] is aroused with keener stings of hatred, that under a false profession of the Christian name he may corrupt those whom he is not allowed to attack with open and bloody persecutions, and for this work he has heretics in his service whom he has led astray from the catholic Faith..." 📖 Read the homily here: https://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2017/12/sermon-5-on-fast-of-advent-st-leo-great.html 🎧 By Almsgiving We Redeem Our Sins - Pope St. Leo the Great (Nativity Fast, Homily 1) https://open.spotify.com/episode/6TWyeeSPJR4uDiE4uOpAWO?si=ppllmzpoQ5akNa_D6lnYuQ ⛪ FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: https://orthodox-world.org/ https://orthodoxyinamerica.org/ _______ St. Leo teaches: And while all seasons are opportune for this duty, beloved, yet this present season is specially suitable and appropriate, at which our holy fathers, being Divinely inspired, sanctioned the Fast of the tenth month, that when all the ingathering of the crops was complete, we might dedicate to God our reasonable service of abstinence, and each might remember so to use his abundance as to be more abstinent in himself and more open-handed towards the poor. For forgiveness of sins is most efficaciously prayed for with almsgiving and fasting, and supplications that are winged by such aids mount swiftly to God's ears: since as it is written, "the merciful man does good to his own soul" (Prov. 11:17), and nothing is so much a man's own as that which he spends on his neighbor. But at all these acts of godliness, dearly-beloved, which commend us more and more to God, there is no doubt that our enemy, who is so eager and so skilled in harming us, is aroused with keener stings of hatred, that under a false profession of the Christian name he may corrupt those whom he is not allowed to attack with open and bloody persecutions, and for this work he has heretics in his service whom he has led astray from the catholic Faith, subjected to himself, and forced under various errors to serve in his camp. And as for the deception of primitive man he used the services of a serpent, so to mislead the minds of the upright he has armed these men's tongues with the poison of his falsehoods. But these treacherous designs, dearly beloved, with a shepherd's care, and so far as the Lord vouchsafes His aid, we will defeat. And taking heed lest any of the holy flock should perish, we admonish you with fatherly warnings to keep aloof from the "lying lips" and the "deceitful tongue" from which the prophet asks that his soul should be delivered ; because "their words," as says the blessed Apostle, "do creep as does a gangrene" (2Tim. 2:17). Display then a holy zeal of religious vigilance, and let all the faithful rise in one body against these savage enemies of their souls. For the merciful God has delivered a certain portion of our noxious foes into our hands in order that by revelation of the danger the utmost caution might be aroused. Let not what has been done suffice, but let us persevere in searching them out: and by God's aid the result will be not only the continuance in safety of those who still stand, but also the recovery from error of many who have been deceived by the devil's seduction. And the prayers, and alms, and fasts that you offer to the merciful God shall be the holier for this very devotion, when this deed of faith also is added to all your other godly duties. _______ Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!

  8. On the Canons of the Ecumenical Councils - Fr. Seraphim Rose

    2024. 12. 13.

    On the Canons of the Ecumenical Councils - Fr. Seraphim Rose

    A few passages from Fr. Seraphim Rose regarding the canons of the Ecumenical Councils. There are other passages from Fr. Seraphim one should find and read (see link below, for example). This collection presents a good overview of his views. The canons are laid down by the fathers of the Ecumenical Councils, are the teachings of the Holy Spirit, and are the responsibility of bishops and priests to apply and enforce. But they are also profitable for laypeople to know, as long as divine discernment is applied. As Fr. Seraphim says, the canons "have their place", but "we must go deeper into our faith" "if we are to remain in the Church in these difficult times." 0:00 Beginning 0:08 Concerning Canons - Letter dated Oct. 18/31, 1972 to Fr. Alexey Young (excerpt) 2:50 We Must Go Deeper - "Orthodox Christians Facing the 1980's" (excerpt) 3:50 Iconoclast and Met. Sergius - Letter Mar. 25/Apr. 7, 1971 to Daniel Olsen (excerpt) 6:44 Advice for a New Convert - Letter Apr. 20/May 3, 1979 to Barry (excerpt) 📖 Fr. Seraphim's unpublished letters: https://thoughtsintrusive.wordpress.com/letters-of-fr-seraphim-rose-1961-1982/ 📖 The Rudder (Pedalion; Collection of Canons with Commentary) by St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite https://www.scribd.com/doc/113651636/The-RUDDER-Copyright-Ralph-J-Masterjohn-2006 🎧 Fr. Seraphim Rose - Articles and Teachings (PLAYLIST) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzFKi22k2KYjDHTp3rJVE7B66juR7bDzI ⛪ FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: https://orthodox-world.org/ https://orthodoxyinamerica.org/ _______ Fr. Seraphim Rose wrote: The canons were made for man, and not man for the canons. Some canons simply cannot or should not, at certain times or in certain circumstances, be applied with strictness; hence the Church’s “economy.” Also, as a rule, the application of the canons (and their “economy”) is the business of bishops, and they do as much as possible with mutual consultation. How much more, then, should the rest of us refrain from trusting our own judgment with regard to them? Some of them, to be sure, that concern us directly, we must know about and, if possible, being taught by or consulting with others wiser in the faith, must be prepared to defend—for example, the canons regarding common prayer with heretics, the transgressing of which involves a betrayal of the very idea of the Church of Christ. Other canons, such as the permissible age for ordination to diaconate or priesthood, do not involve any such betrayal and are none of our business, and if we were to start making bishops accountable (to ourselves!) for them it would be exactly the same as if the bishops were to start interfering in the home and job life of ordinary parishioners. In general, however, the canons are doubtless too much stressed in polemics, and if we are to remain in the Church in these difficult times it will be primarily because we are faithful to the Spirit of the Church, and not to the canons. In the testimony of the Catacomb bishops of the late 1920’s one finds again and again that the GPU agents asked them first of all whether they were for or against Sergius, and if they were against, then these agents demonstrated that Sergius had “violated neither dogmas nor canons”! Thus, either the atheist torturers are “defending the Church”—or else there is something dreadfully wrong, and the Church is up against an extremely formidable enemy. As it turns out, however, there are several dogmatic and canonical grounds on which Sergius was wrong; but first of all the Orthodox soul sensed that he was on the wrong side. _______ Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!

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Readings of the Writings and Lives of Orthodox Christian Saints. These recordings are free to download and share. All I ask is that you do so respectfully and reference this channel. You can also contact me, Timothy Honeycutt, at: orthodoxwisdom1@gmail.com Glory to Jesus Christ!

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