Smoking and the Orthodox Christian - St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite
Two passages from St. Nikodemos on how Orthodox Christians should approach smoking in general, and specifically smoking tobacco. St. Nikodemos writes, "But when they inhale and swallow the foul fumes of tobacco through their nose and mouth... how afterwards are they to be, in accord with their calling [i.e. Bishops and Priests, but indeed all Orthodox Christians], sweet perfume and the savor of life to those who approach them?" Reading from _Smoking and the Orthodox Christian_ by Constantine Cavarnos (quoting St. Nikodemos in the section read for this recording). 📖 _Smoking and the Orthodox Christian_ by Constantine Cavarnos 📖 _Exomologetarion: A Manual of Confession_ by St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite 🎧 On Guarding the Mind and the Heart - St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite 🎧 Fasting On Wednesday & Friday - St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite ⛪ FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: _______ St. Nikodemos writes: It is a revolting sight for someone to put in his mouth the stem either of a turned and filthy piece of horn or cob or drilled-out wood, and from that fiery and smoking piece of wood to inhale puffs of hellish smoke through his throat and, exhaling it, to give off smoke like a burning furnace from the mouth and the nostrils, and, like Diomedes' horses and Jason's bulls, to spew out smoke and sparks from the mouth and nose. *Can there be found a filthier, more disgusting, or more detestable act than this?* Since the Bishop is a typos of God and an icon of Christ, all of his morals, then, must be Christlike, pure, and occasion not scandal, but benefit to the people. But what purity is to be had in the indecent use of the filthiest of weeds? And of what benefit-rather what scandal- for Christians to see their Bishop or Priest holding a little drilled-out rod in his teeth; lighting a little bowl at the end of it; exhaling from his mouth and nose foul-smelling smoke; and his house filled with a thick, darkish cloud of loathsome fumes? *Bishops and Priests need to breathe in a spiritual savor through all of their senses, in such a way as to make fragrant all those who approach them,* whether Christians or heathens, as Saint Paul says: "For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish." But when they inhale and swallow the foul fumes of tobacco through their nose and mouth (which causes many who cannot endure this to pass out), how afterwards are they to be, in accord with their calling, sweet perfume and the savor of life to those who approach them? Indeed, if they think it is noble and decorous to smoke a pipe and so on, let them hear how contemporary moral philosophers condemn them for this in their writings on ethics, saying: What kind of nobility and decorousness is this for man, a rational and noble creature, to put a drilled-out piece of wood in his mouth filled with burning weeds, which is what a pipe is? Or to blow out of his mouth and nose a black cloud of offensive smoke, like a furnace, thereby resembling a dragon, which is allegorically the Devil, about whom God says to Job: "Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or cauldron" (Job 41:20)? *What kind of decorousness and nobility, I ask you, is this? I doubt that a more barbaric or disorderly habit than this can be found.* _______ Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!