The Pituitary World News Podcast

The Pituitary World News Podcast

Knowledge and information are critical tools to affect early diagnosis in pituitary disease. Join Dr. Lewis Blevins and Jorge D Faccinetti cofounders, as they navigate the wonders and complexities of pituitary conditions. Each episode brings conversations with information and experiences from expert professionals and people living with these challenging disorders.

  1. 2024/01/30

    S10E2: A view from across the pond: The Spanish Endocrine Society Conference

    The Spanish Endocrine Conference was organized late last year by the "Sociedad Española de Endocrinologia y Nutricion (SEEN). SEEN offers an excellent resource for information to the Spanish-speaking world. Spain and Spanish-speaking countries have been our focus as we seek to develop more content in Spanish for our edition of Pituitary Word New in Español. Today's podcasts covers part of the conference and shares my conversations with three world-renowned Spanish endocrinologists. Don't miss my chat with Dr. Elena Valassi on how Cushing's and acromegaly affect bones and muscles. Dr. Manel Puig Domingo talks about his views on the new nomenclature or terminology between adenomas and neuroendocrine tumors (PitNets), a thorny issues we've been covering from all angles. He also gives us an update on his projects on facial recognition in acromegaly;  a fascinating subject since it could have a considerable impact on the early diagnosis of acromegaly. Lastly, I chatted with my good friend Dr. Javier Salvador, who recently retired from clinical work after almost 50 years as one of Spain's leading endocrinologists and professors at the University of Navarra. We chatted about endocrine education, awareness, technology, early diagnosis, and his new assignment teaching medical ethics. I hope this podcast will give you a new perspective from these leading researchers and physicians tackling these challenging diseases.

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Knowledge and information are critical tools to affect early diagnosis in pituitary disease. Join Dr. Lewis Blevins and Jorge D Faccinetti cofounders, as they navigate the wonders and complexities of pituitary conditions. Each episode brings conversations with information and experiences from expert professionals and people living with these challenging disorders.









