Listeners, please welcome Courtney Manthey to the show a guest! In this episode, Courtney takes a break from running the HBA social media accounts and being on the elected student committee to talk about her research regarding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Also, the human biology word of the day is: hirsutism. Find the publication discussed in today’s episode via this citation: Manthey, C., Cepon-Robins, T., & Warrener, A. (2024). Hyperandrogenism associated with polycystic ovary syndrome may have a protective effect against fracture risk in female athletes: A pilot study. American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council, 36(8), e24070. ------------------------------------------------------------ Courtney Manthey is a PhD student at the University of Montana, where she studies ancient DNA under the guidance of Dr. Meradeth Snow. She is also a Research Affiliate at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, a Research Collaborator on the Rural Embodiment and Community Health (REACH) project, and Project Manager for the NSF-funded project, “The Effects of Shared Markers of Identity on Inflammation and Stress,” among other initiatives. Courtney’s research interests include reproductive health, maternal-fetal evolutionary genetics, energetics, and women’s diseases. She is the Principal Investigator for the "PCOS in the Pacific" project, which examines the prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome across the Pacific region through ancient DNA and disease prevalence studies, as well as the "PCOS Patient, Partner, Parent Stigma" project. Additionally, Courtney serves on the research and patient advisory boards of the National Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association and the PCOS Multidisciplinary Clinic at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. She is also a Patient Family Partner at the Preeclampsia Foundation and a Junior Service Fellow at the Human Biology Association. In her free time, Courtney is a childbirth doula, specializing in supporting adolescent mothers through the birthing process. ------------------------------------------------------------ Courtney Manthey, Special Guest, Website: E-mail: Chris Lynn, HBA Public Relations Committee Chair Website:, E-mail: cdlynn at, Cara Ocobock, Website:, Facebook: Website:, Instagram: humbioassoc