Season 3 Finale, I talk about the upcoming Podcasting Fur Paws Hosted by A Contagious Smile Victoria Cuore. Also we discuss Owning My Truth's upcoming Summer Guest Series July 14th until August 31st.

Owning My Truth

Owning My Truth is sort of like my baby. Its a lot of work but rewarding at the same time. Season 3 Finale and were about to begin the Summer Guest Series. It starts July 14th and will continue through the end of August, Share Overcome Heal that's what Owing My Truth's all about. So be prepared to have your cup filled and your hope restored as we hear moving Testimonies from Our all star line up, There's a warrior within us all, may these Guest interviews connect with the people who need to hear it. I'm so proud of how far Owning My Truth has grown over the last year. I'd also love to hear from my listeners, please follow me on Spotify, rate me, and please engage with me and leave me a voice message. Ideas for future shows, collaborations, ideas, and feedback of any kind. Let get ready to be inspired. Looking forward to hearing from you. Ceilidh Host/ Creator of Owning my truth.








