
Elle Kaye

Love science and conservation? Want to discover new ways to protect our species? Elle Kaye chats with guests who work within the science genre, but whose job titles may need a little unpacking. Strap in for entomology, taxidermy, diaphonization, pet remains, human pathology and all those that work with specimens.

  1. Dr. Matthew Kasson - Mycologist + Plant Pathologist


    Dr. Matthew Kasson - Mycologist + Plant Pathologist

    In episode 046 Elle chats with Dr. Matthew Kasson: Mycologist and Plant Pathologist who studies fungus biodiversity centered around tree diseases and fungus-arthropod interactions.  Socials: https://x.com/ImperfectFunGuy https://twitter.com/plantdisease Research, Sci-Comm and related press and media: Online media, Nightmare-fuel fungi exist in real life, Popular Science (PopSci) https://www.popsci.com/environment/zombie-fungus-real-life-diseases/. Single author piece on the real-life fungal threats we face given all the attention fungi are getting from HBO’s The Last of Us. Feb. 3, 2023.  Online media, How to keep your jack-o’-lantern from turning into moldy, maggoty mush before Halloween, The Conversation, How to keep your jack-o'-lantern from turning into moldy, maggoty mush before Halloween (theconversation.com). Single author piece on how fungi impact our seasonal celebrations and rituals particularly around Halloween. Oct. 6, 2022. Re-published by Scientific American, Popular Science, and PBS.  Printed and Online media, Wild mushrooms are curious organisms that require respect, The Washington Post, Wild mushrooms aren't all poisonous, but they all require caution - The Washington Post. Single author piece on how our fears of a small number of fungi shape our willingness to interact with them. August 24, 2022  Online media, Beyond flora and fauna: Why it’s time to include fungi in global conservation goals, The Conversation, Beyond flora and fauna: Why it's time to include fungi in global conservation goals (theconversation.com). Co-authored piece with Brian Lovett (WVU PSS) and Patty Kaishian (Bard College) on how fungi are regularly excluded from talks on global conservation. May 17, 2022. Re-published in Indonesian.  Online media, Finding mental-health clarity under pandemic pressures. Nature. Finding mental-health clarity under pandemic pressures (nature.com) Single author column on my mental health struggles in academia. Dec. 14, 2021.   Research Podcast with Online Media, Episode 25: “Of Peeps and People…and Plant Pathology” Plantopia, https://www.plantopiapodcast.org/25.  The official podcast on The American Phytopathological Society featuring my work in forest pathology, science communication, and advocacy. July 21. 2022.  Podcast with Online Media, Episode 4: How cicadas become flying saltshakers of death Overheard at National Geographic, Episode 4: How cicadas become flying saltshakers of death (nationalgeographic.com) May 25, 2021.  National Radio with Online Media, Drugged Cicadas Mate Like Wild After Their Butts Fall Off, All Things Considered, National Public Radio., Drugged Cicadas Mate Like Wild After Their Butts Fall Off : NPR Coverage of Brood X and my lab’s research of cicada fungus Massospora. May 18, 2021.  Online Media, Drugged, Castrated, Eager to Mate: the Lives of Fungi-Infected Cicadas, The New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/28/science/cicadas-fungus-butts.html, Coverage of our Fungal Ecology paper on cicadas " Psychoactive plant- and mushroom-associated alkaloids from two behavior modifying cicada pathogens.", July 28, 2019.  Online Media, This Parasite Drugs Its Hosts With the Psychedelic Chemical in Shrooms, The Atlantic, https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/07/massospora-parasite-drugs-its-hosts/566324/, Coverage of our BioRxiv pre-print "Psychoactive plant- and mushroom-associated alkaloids from two behavior modifying cicada pathogens.", July 30, 2018.   SciComm  Online media, These fungi demand more pumpkin in their pumpkin spice lattes. Popular Science. Some fungi are fans of pumpkin spice lattes, too | Popular Science (popsci.com). Coverage of my Sept. 9, 2022 viral tweet seeing which fungi preferred growth media with real pumpkin compared with pumpkin spice and pumpkin spice latte-substituted growth media. Sept. 15, 2022.  National Radio with Online Media, A Disturbing Twinkie That Has, So Far, Defied S

    42 min
  2. Jazmine Miles-Long - Taxidermist


    Jazmine Miles-Long - Taxidermist

    In episode 045 Elle chats with Jazmine Miles-Long; Taxidermist, Artist, Educator and Natural History Restorer based in Hastings UK. Jazmine calls herself an ‘ethical’ taxidermist to describe the way she produces work only using animals that have died from natural causes. Jazmine specialises in creating ethically sourced bespoke taxidermy for galleries and museums, promoting ethical practices and delivering lectures and workshops at various institutions. She aims to elevate taxidermy as a respected art form, shedding light on its scientific and cultural benefits, and also runs educational workshops focusing on ethics and the role of makers in creating a better future for the planet. Jazmine uses sustainable and stable Oddy tested and conservation grade materials to produce her work. Social media links https://www.jazminemileslong.com/ https://www.instagram.com/jazmine_miles_long/ https://www.facebook.com/EthicalTaxidermyLondon https://twitter.com/taxidermylondon Subscribe to Jazmine's mailing list https://jazminemileslong.us14.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=5041980cec6eb13ed8422bbc3&id=3d3aefd05e Jazmines work for sale https://www.jazminemileslong.com/For-Sale Videos https://www.jazminemileslong.com/Videos Recent Press https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-68129637 https://www.brightonandhovenews.org/2024/01/26/booth-museum-to-unveil-first-new-display-in-92-years/ https://thelatest.co.uk/brighton/2024/01/26/first-new-diorama-to-be-unveiled-in-booth-museum-of-natural-history-in-nearly-a-century/ https://www.ryezine.com/articles/taxidermist https://www.elle.com/uk/life-and-culture/culture/articles/a32430/how-taxidermy-became-cool-again/ https://www.qest.org.uk/alumni/jazmine-miles-long/ https://www.theguardian.com/careers/2015/oct/27/taxidermist-tales-from-the-career-job-art DYCP Funding https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/dycp QEST scholarship https://www.qest.org.uk/ ODDY testing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oddy_test SPNHC: The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections https://spnhc.org/meetings/ Martha Maxwell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Maxwell https://www.cogreatwomen.org/project/martha-maxwell/ https://americacomesalive.com/martha-ann-maxwell-1831-1881-naturalist-taxidermist/ Elle Kaye socials www.instagram.com/ellekayetaxidermy www.twitter.com/ellektaxidermy Podcast socials www.instagram.com/specimenspod wwww.twitter.com/ellektaxidermy www.patreon.com/specimenspod www.ellekayetaxidermy.co.uk/product-page/specimenspodmerch Artwork ©  2021 Madison Erin Mayfield www.instagram.com/madisonerinmayfield www.twitter.com/MEMIllustration Music Giraffes - Harrison Amer via premiumbeat.com Researched, edited and produced by Elle Kaye Concept/Title ©  2020 Elle Kaye

    45 min
  3. Dr. Samuel Mitchell - Volcanologist + Marine Geologist


    Dr. Samuel Mitchell - Volcanologist + Marine Geologist

    In episode 044 Elle chats with Dr. Samuel Mitchell, volcanologist, marine geologist and earth and ocean science communicator based at the University of Bristol, UK. His main research focuses on volcanic eruptions in our oceans, which has taken him across the world conducting field research on volcanoes on land and on the seafloor using oceanographic research vessels. Beyond academic interests, Samuel is an active science communicator across various social media platforms, podcast host, and chair of an international commission on submarine volcanism. Social media links https://www.smitchellscience.com/ https://www.instagram.com/smitchell_science https://www.tiktok.com/@sams_volcano_stories https://linktr.ee/smitchell_science https://twitter.com/smitchell_sci Samuel's podcast and socials https://www.volcaknowledge.com/ https://www.instagram.com/volcaknowledge/ School of Sciences at Bristol https://www.bristol.ac.uk/earthsciences/ Natural events mentioned by Samuel Sumatra–Andaman earthquake - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake_and_tsunami Mount Pinatubo - https://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/1997/fs113-97/ Hula https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hula Dante's Peak https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dante%27s_Peak Watch via Amazon Prime TV, Apple TV or YouTube Further reading https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/the-surprising-history-of-hawaiis-hula-tradition Geological Society US - https://www.geosociety.org/ UK - https://www.geolsoc.org.uk/ Dr. Samuel's work https://www.smitchellscience.com/fieldwork Outreach https://www.smitchellscience.com/outreach Submersible Alvin and Research Vessel Atlantis https://www2.whoi.edu/site/seafloortospacestation/submersible-alvin-and-research-vessel-atlantis/ Elle Kaye socials www.instagram.com/ellekayetaxidermy www.twitter.com/ellektaxidermy Podcast socials www.instagram.com/specimenspod wwww.twitter.com/ellektaxidermy www.patreon.com/specimenspod www.ellekayetaxidermy.co.uk/product-page/specimenspodmerch Artwork ©  2021 Madison Erin Mayfield www.instagram.com/madisonerinmayfield www.twitter.com/MEMIllustration Music Giraffes - Harrison Amer via premiumbeat.com Researched, edited and produced by Elle Kaye Concept/Title ©  2020 Elle Kaye

    43 min
  4. Leif Bersweden - Botanist, Author + Nature Communicator


    Leif Bersweden - Botanist, Author + Nature Communicator

    In episode 043 Elle chats with Leif Bersweden, botanist, author and nature  communicator. Leif Bersweden is a writer and botanist with a lifelong interest in nature, focusing on wild plants from the age of seven. He grew up in rural Wiltshire where he taught himself how to identify the local flora, eventually becoming a botanical tutor for The Species Recovery Trust. In 2016, Leif graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Biology and has completed a PhD at Kew Gardens. In a world where an interest in botany is becoming increasingly rare, he wants to help put plants back on the map and is endeavouring to do this through his teaching, research and publications. Leif’s first book, The Orchid Hunter was published in 2017 and his second, Where the Wildflowers Grow in 2022. Social media links Twitter: www.twitter.com/LeifBersweden TikTok: @leifbersweden Instagram: www.instagram.com/leifbersweden Website: www.leifbersweden.com   Purchase Where the Wildflowers Grow https://www.wherethewildflowersgrow.co.uk/ Independent sellers: https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/where-the-wildflowers-grow-my-botanical-journey-through-britain-and-ireland-leif-bersweden/6751767?ean=9781529349535 https://www.waterstones.com/book/where-the-wildflowers-grow/leif-bersweden/9781529349573 https://www.hodder.co.uk/titles/leif-bersweden/where-the-wildflowers-grow/9781529349535/   Audible Version https://www.amazon.co.uk/Where-Wildflowers-Grow-Botanical-Journey/dp/B09TQ4LS27/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=   Elle Kaye socials www.instagram.com/ellekayetaxidermy www.twitter.com/ellektaxidermy   Podcast socials www.instagram.com/specimenspod www.twitter.com/ellektaxidermy www.patreon.com/specimenspod www.ellekayetaxidermy.co.uk/product-page/specimenspodmerch   Artwork © 2021 Madison Erin Mayfield www.instagram.com/madisonerinmayfield https://twitter.com/MEMIllustration   Music Giraffes - Harrison Amer via premiumbeat.com Researched, edited and produced by Elle Kaye Concept/Title © 2020 Elle Kaye

    46 min
  5. Sophie Pavelle - Science Communicator + Author


    Sophie Pavelle - Science Communicator + Author

    In episode 042 Elle chats with Sophie Pavelle,  science communicator and author. Sophie finds creative routes to storytelling, putting a contemporary twist on the natural history genre across wide audiences through her compelling science communication and candid approach. Sophie currently works as Communications Coordinator for Beaver Trust and presented their award-winning documentary Beavers Without Borders. She is also an Ambassador for The Wildlife Trusts, and sits on the RSPB England Advisory Committee. Sophie co-hosts The LodgeCast for Beaver Trust, and has narrated several independent natural history documentaries, as well as narrating her own audiobook for Bloomsbury. She also narrates the long-read articles for the Geographical podcast. Sophie has been a keynote speaker for festivals and conferences, including Kendal Mountain Festival, The Southwest Outdoor Festival, Top of the Gorge Festival, the Festival of Nature, the University of Exeter, University of Bristol and UWE. Her research into science communication via social media (2020) is peer reviewed, and published in academic journal Frontiers. Her data and related seminars have been presented at institutions including the University of Washington (USA), Brown University (USA) and UWE. Sophie’s writing has appeared in New Scientist, The i Newspaper, National Geographic Traveller, The Guardian, The Metro, BBC Wildlife, BBC Countryfile, Coast and The Scotsman.   She has featured as an expert panelist and contributor on programmes for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio 5 Live, as well as on Channel 4 News, BBC Points West, BBC Spotlight and ITV Westcountry.   Sophie’s social links Website: https://www.sophiepavelle.com/  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sophiepavs/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/sophiepavs YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4Mmjm22GiY   Sophie Pavelle is the author of Forget Me Not: Finding the forgotten species of climate-change Britain, published in paperback by Bloomsbury on 22nd June. Pre-Order Paperback Forget Me Not! https://linktr.ee/forgetmenotbook Audible Version https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Forget-Me-Not-Audiobook/B0B2F62Q2G   Guardian review/Book of the Day: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/jun/24/forget-me-not-sophie-pavelle-review-britain-undersung-species-hares-salmon-climate-crisis Caught by the River review: https://www.caughtbytheriver.net/2022/06/sophie-pavelle-forget-me-not-review/  Geographical review: https://geographical.co.uk/book-reviews/forget-me-not-by-sophie-pavelle  Podcast interviews: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5t2oWcDdlQj7QiEqucvHnG?si=a5e516a555c14eb2  https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Nxw2WIjuxQev5CaHI5dZG?si=524aadc483d0477c   Elle Kaye socials www.instagram.com/ellekayetaxidermy www.twitter.com/ellektaxidermy   Podcast socials www.instagram.com/specimenspod www.twitter.com/ellektaxidermy www.patreon.com/specimenspod www.ellekayetaxidermy.co.uk/product-page/specimenspodmerch   Artwork © 2021 Madison Erin Mayfield www.instagram.com/madisonerinmayfield https://twitter.com/MEMIllustration   Music Giraffes - Harrison Amer via premiumbeat.com Researched, edited and produced by Elle Kaye Concept/Title © 2020 Elle Kaye

    39 min
  6. Celina Chien - Intersectional Environmentalist + Visual Storyteller


    Celina Chien - Intersectional Environmentalist + Visual Storyteller

    In episode 041 Elle chats with Celina Chien, intersectional environmentalist and storyteller. She combines her work as an ecologist, photojournalist and artist to harness empathy for change and to advocate for biodversity. Celina contextualises her work within the climate and biodiversity crises, whilst also discussing enviornmental and social issues. As a photographer, Celina’s documentary work has focused on exploring the nuances of environmental topics from palm oil expansion to the zoo debate to the wildlife trade. She also releases her work as fine art pieces, most recently after a successful exhibition in October 2022 in support of leopard conservation with Dolce&Gabbana. This work strives to forge links between the fashion, artistic and conservation worlds with more collaborative releases to follow. In 2021, Celina placed in the prestigious 57th Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition as a highly commended finalist in the photojournalism category. She sits on the judging panel of the same competition hosted by the Natural History Museum of London in 2023.  Celina is a TEDx speaker and serves on the board and council of numerous international NGOs such as Panthera, Rewriting Extinction, Reserva Youth Land Trust, Girls Who Click and more. In 2021, Celina was a highly commended finalist in the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition and currently sits on its 2023 judging panel. She has a BSc in Biological Sciences and MRes in Tropical Forest Ecology from Imperial College London. Celina's social links   Website: celinachien.com Instagram: @celinaxchien Twitter: @celinaxchien   Panthera Exhibition + Press for 'Leopard Honouring the Muse': A Celina Chien X Dolce&Gabbana Photographic Exhibition https://panthera.org/leopard-honouring-muse https://celinachien.sumupstore.com/product/honouring-the-muse-a-visual-companion   Reserva: The Youth Land Trust https://reservaylt.org/   Girls who Click https://girlswhoclick.org/   Outside reading + watching on Celina: 'In Conservation with...' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDIx65y0bVc Wildlife Photographer of the Year - https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/wildlife-photographer-of-the-year-nature-through-a-different-lens.html TEDx Talk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRFP5SuaOB0 Women of STEM Interview - https://women-of-stem.medium.com/provoking-conservation-action-with-photography-celina-chien-19a02bd8d1bf Article in Wild Lens Magazine - https://www.thewildlensmagazine.com/past-issues   Elle Kaye socials www.instagram.com/ellekayetaxidermy www.twitter.com/ellektaxidermy   Podcast socials www.instagram.com/specimenspod www.twitter.com/ellektaxidermy www.patreon.com/specimenspod www.ellekayetaxidermy.co.uk/product-page/specimenspodmerch   Artwork © 2021 Madison Erin Mayfield www.instagram.com/madisonerinmayfield https://twitter.com/MEMIllustration   Music Giraffes - Harrison Amer via premiumbeat.com Researched, edited and produced by Elle Kaye Concept/Title © 2020 Elle Kaye

    42 min
out of 5
38 Ratings


Love science and conservation? Want to discover new ways to protect our species? Elle Kaye chats with guests who work within the science genre, but whose job titles may need a little unpacking. Strap in for entomology, taxidermy, diaphonization, pet remains, human pathology and all those that work with specimens.

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