Talkin' Yanks Voicemail Show

Big Baby David and Joez McFly listen to your voicemails to hear your thoughts and answer your questions on the New York Yankees! Be part of the show by calling in at 908-845-5792
Change the Graphic
Great show. Great compliment to talkin yanks. But get your own graphic I only stumbled across this show because I never was able to listen to the pre game show before the game.
Love it
Please keep doing the show we all love it P.S no audio for last EP
The BBD Show!
Loving the BBD centric pre-game show this year!
Love it
Big Baby David and Joez McFly listen to your voicemails to hear your thoughts and answer your questions on the New York Yankees!
Be part of the show by calling in at 908-845-5792
- Channel
- CreatorJomboy Media
- Years Active2019 - 2024
- Episodes360
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright© 879241
- Show Website