34 min

Tech Innovations from Restaurant Royalty: Alex Canter of Canter's Deli and Ordermark FULL COMP: The Voice of the Restaurant Industry Revolution

    • Entrepreneurship

I often wonder what the next generation thinks when they look at the way we do business. They grew up with the internet as a part of their daily life and they go to work in restaurants with POS systems older than they are. Well, it appears they've had quite enough of that...

Alex Canter is a new breed of restaurateur working to fix the problems he sees within the industry by creating the solutions himself. Today we discuss the tech he created to serve his own needs and how we, as an industry, can benefit from his efforts.

For more on his projects go to http://www.cantersdeli.com and https://www.ordermark.com


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The Happy Mouth Morning Show

Restaurant Marketing School

The Playbook

I often wonder what the next generation thinks when they look at the way we do business. They grew up with the internet as a part of their daily life and they go to work in restaurants with POS systems older than they are. Well, it appears they've had quite enough of that...

Alex Canter is a new breed of restaurateur working to fix the problems he sees within the industry by creating the solutions himself. Today we discuss the tech he created to serve his own needs and how we, as an industry, can benefit from his efforts.

For more on his projects go to http://www.cantersdeli.com and https://www.ordermark.com


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Book time on Josh's personal calendar

We have a lot more content coming your way! Be sure to check out the FULL COMP media universe by visiting:


The Happy Mouth Morning Show

Restaurant Marketing School

The Playbook

34 min