Strip it Back

Renee Italia & Joanne Panetta
Подкаст «Strip it Back»

This podcast will help you explore ways to simplify life and live in the moment. If you want to live more mindfully, cultivate community and connection whilst being brave, this is the podcast for you! Joanne Panetta & Renee Italia are two soul sisters with a passion for authentic conversations, a sense of adventure and have a natural ability to create meaningful relationships. Tune in to learn more about the ways they live life simply and with passion and joy. Ask yourself the question, how can you 'strip it back' and live more mindfully today?

Об этом подкасте

This podcast will help you explore ways to simplify life and live in the moment. If you want to live more mindfully, cultivate community and connection whilst being brave, this is the podcast for you! Joanne Panetta & Renee Italia are two soul sisters with a passion for authentic conversations, a sense of adventure and have a natural ability to create meaningful relationships. Tune in to learn more about the ways they live life simply and with passion and joy. Ask yourself the question, how can you 'strip it back' and live more mindfully today?

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