736 episodes

Are you ready to take your message, your business and your life to the next level? Want to learn from someone with more than a decade of experience, training tens of thousands of people from all around the world?

This podcast will help you change your belief about who you are and what you are able to achieve in this world. It will help you rediscover your ability to dream big dreams. It will help you discover and break free from the limiting thoughts, emotions, behaviors and beliefs that are holding you back from living the life that you were created for.

My name is Cliff (aka The Mindset Answer Man) and I have personally helped thousands of people launch extremely successful podcasts and businesses built around those podcasts. Among my clients are Pat Flynn, Michael Hyatt, John Lee Dumas, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Dan Miller, and so many more.

See a list of other "niche podcasts" that I produce at https://www.cliffravenscraft.com/podcast

The Cliff Ravenscraft Show - Mindset Answer Man Cliff Ravenscraft

    • Business
    • 4.3 • 333 Ratings

Are you ready to take your message, your business and your life to the next level? Want to learn from someone with more than a decade of experience, training tens of thousands of people from all around the world?

This podcast will help you change your belief about who you are and what you are able to achieve in this world. It will help you rediscover your ability to dream big dreams. It will help you discover and break free from the limiting thoughts, emotions, behaviors and beliefs that are holding you back from living the life that you were created for.

My name is Cliff (aka The Mindset Answer Man) and I have personally helped thousands of people launch extremely successful podcasts and businesses built around those podcasts. Among my clients are Pat Flynn, Michael Hyatt, John Lee Dumas, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Dan Miller, and so many more.

See a list of other "niche podcasts" that I produce at https://www.cliffravenscraft.com/podcast

    736 - Overcoming Post-Vacation Blues: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Getting Back on Track

    736 - Overcoming Post-Vacation Blues: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Getting Back on Track

    In this episode, I dive into the reality of post-vacation blues and why it's particularly challenging for us solopreneurs. Returning from a well-deserved break can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to derail your momentum. I share my personal experiences and proven strategies to help you ease back into your routine with renewed focus and energy. From understanding the symptoms to preparing ahead and prioritizing self-care, you'll discover practical tips to transform post-vacation funk into an opportunity for growth and clarity. Join me as we tackle the transition together and turn those blues into a boost for your entrepreneurial journey!


    Please Email Me:
    I'd love to hear what you think! Please share any insights that you took away from this episode. Email me at cliff@cliffravenscraft.com.

    Next Level Mastermind
    As a self-employed business owner, applying for the Next Level Mastermind could be the transformative decision that propels your business and personal growth to unprecedented heights. This mastermind group is designed specifically for driven entrepreneurs like you who seek not only to excel in their business ventures but also to live a life marked by fulfillment, peace, and continuous learning.

    By joining, you will connect with like-minded professionals in a supportive, collaborative environment that challenges you to surpass your current boundaries. Whether it's overcoming obstacles, strategizing for growth, or simply finding your path to personal satisfaction, the Next Level Mastermind provides the community, resources, and expert guidance necessary to make each step forward impactful.

    Don't miss this chance to elevate your business and yourself. Apply today at NextLevelMastermind.info.

    New Group Coaching Program for Early-Stage Entrepreneurs!
    Are you an early-stage entrepreneur or an aspiring one? If so, I have some exciting news for you! I am launching a brand new group coaching program starting on January 9. This weekly, 90-minute session is designed to teach you everything you need to know about building a successful and profitable online business.

    Here's what you can expect from this program:

    Weekly 90-Minute Sessions: Each session will cover essential elements of building an online business. I will share all the valuable insights and strategies I have learned over the years.
    Access to Exclusive Course: You will get access to my existing "Building an Online Business" course, along with all-new content created during our sessions.
    Direct Interaction and Q&A: Every session includes a direct Q&A segment where you can ask me anything related to your business journey.
    Ongoing Support: Whether you're just starting or already running an online business but not yet hitting the $10,000/month income mark, this program is for you.
    Recorded Sessions: Can't make it to a live session? No problem! Every session will be recorded and uploaded to a dedicated archive. You'll receive an email notification with a summary and timestamps, so you can easily find and revisit the topics that interest you most.

    This program will provide you with incredible access to mentorship, coaching, and the support you need to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level.

    Interested? Here's How to Join: Email me at cliff@cliffravenscraft.com with the subject line "Online Coaching Program For Business Owners". Let me know you heard about this offer, and I'll get back to you with more details and answer any questions you might have.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your business and achieve your goals. Take action now and secure your spot in this transformative coaching program.

    • 56 min
    735 - Why Rest is the Ultimate Productivity Hack for Entrepreneurs

    735 - Why Rest is the Ultimate Productivity Hack for Entrepreneurs

    In this episode, I dive deep into the often overlooked yet incredibly powerful concept of rest and its profound impact on entrepreneurial productivity.

    I share personal stories of my journey through burnout, how redefining rest transformed my life, and wisdom that supports the necessity of both work and rest for a fulfilling life.

    Listen now to learn why rest is not a luxury, but an essential productivity hack that can unlock your creative potential and drive your business to new heights.

    You will discover practical ways to integrate rest into your routine and how doing so can lead to greater clarity, creativity, and overall success in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

    "Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less" by Alex Su Jung Kim, Michael Pang
    "How to Relax" by Thich Nhat Hanh
    "Upgrade Your Peer Group" podcast: UpgradeYourPeerGroup.com
    “Train With Cliff Audio Journal Podcast”: TrainWithCliff.com

    Please Email Me:
    I'd love to hear what you think! Please share any insights that you took away from this episode. Also, any feedback on how the episode was structured would be super helpful. Email me at cliff@cliffravenscraft.com.

    Next Level Mastermind
    As a self-employed business owner, applying for the Next Level Mastermind could be the transformative decision that propels your business and personal growth to unprecedented heights. This mastermind group is designed specifically for driven entrepreneurs like you who seek not only to excel in their business ventures but also to live a life marked by fulfillment, peace, and continuous learning.

    By joining, you will connect with like-minded professionals in a supportive, collaborative environment that challenges you to surpass your current boundaries. Whether it's overcoming obstacles, strategizing for growth, or simply finding your path to personal satisfaction, the Next Level Mastermind provides the community, resources, and expert guidance necessary to make each step forward impactful.

    Don't miss this chance to elevate your business and yourself. Apply today at NextLevelMastermind.info.

    New Group Coaching Program for Early-Stage Entrepreneurs!
    Are you an early-stage entrepreneur or an aspiring one? If so, I have some exciting news for you! I am launching a brand new group coaching program starting on January 9. This weekly, 90-minute session is designed to teach you everything you need to know about building a successful and profitable online business.

    Here's what you can expect from this program:

    Weekly 90-Minute Sessions: Each session will cover essential elements of building an online business. I will share all the valuable insights and strategies I have learned over the years.
    Access to Exclusive Course: You will get access to my existing "Building an Online Business" course, along with all-new content created during our sessions.
    Direct Interaction and Q&A: Every session includes a direct Q&A segment where you can ask me anything related to your business journey.
    Ongoing Support: Whether you're just starting or already running an online business but not yet hitting the $10,000/month income mark, this program is for you.
    Recorded Sessions: Can't make it to a live session? No problem! Every session will be recorded and uploaded to a dedicated archive. You'll receive an email notification with a summary and timestamps, so you can easily find and revisit the topics that interest you most.

    This program will provide you with incredible access to mentorship, coaching, and the support you need to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level.

    Interested? Here's How to Join: Email me at cliff@cliffravenscraft.com with the subject line "Online Coaching Program For Business Owners". Let me know you heard about this offer, and I'll get back to you with more details and answer any questions you might have.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your business and achieve your goals. Take action now and secure yo

    • 1 hr 30 min
    734 - Is It Worth Having A Video Version of Your Audio Podcast?

    734 - Is It Worth Having A Video Version of Your Audio Podcast?

    Have you ever felt the magic of something you love slowly slipping away? In this episode, I share how my experiment with creating a video version of this podcast was diminishing the magic of my beloved audio-first approach to creating podcast content.

    Tune in to this in-depth exploration of the potential value of creating a video version of an audio-only podcast. I share the highs, lows, and the pivotal decision that brought the spark back to my content creation journey.


    I recount my recent journey of returning to a consistent weekly production schedule. With a desire to maximize my reach, I decided to create a live-streamed video version of my podcast. Despite my extensive experience with live streaming and video production, I soon realized that my current approach was introducing more challenges than benefits.

    I share my history with live streaming, from early audio live shows via SkypeCast to video streaming on Ustream, and the transition back to audio-only content, until just recently. I discuss the technical hurdles and time demands that came with producing high-quality video content, and how these challenges led me to reconsider my approach.

    After recounting my recent explorations and the lessons I've learned, I offer recommendations for those considering adding a video version to their audio-first podcast. Join me on this evolving journey as I deliver valuable insights to help you weigh the pros and cons of creating a video version while preserving the essence of your audio-first podcasting approach.


    Join My New Group Coaching Program for Early-Stage Entrepreneurs!
    Are you an early-stage entrepreneur or an aspiring one? If so, I have some exciting news for you! I am launching a brand new group coaching program starting on January 9. This weekly, 90-minute session is designed to teach you everything you need to know about building a successful and profitable online business.

    Here's what you can expect from this program:

    Weekly 90-Minute Sessions: Each session will cover essential elements of building an online business. I will share all the valuable insights and strategies I have learned over the years.
    Access to Exclusive Course: You will get access to my existing "Building an Online Business" course, along with all-new content created during our sessions.
    Direct Interaction and Q&A: Every session includes a direct Q&A segment where you can ask me anything related to your business journey.
    Ongoing Support: Whether you're just starting or already running an online business but not yet hitting the $10,000/month income mark, this program is for you.
    Recorded Sessions: Can't make it to a live session? No problem! Every session will be recorded and uploaded to a dedicated archive. You'll receive an email notification with a summary and timestamps, so you can easily find and revisit the topics that interest you most.

    This program will provide you with incredible access to mentorship, coaching, and the support you need to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level.

    Interested? Here's How to Join: Email me at cliff@cliffravenscraft.com with the subject line "Online Coaching Program For Business Owners". Let me know you heard about this offer, and I'll get back to you with more details and answer any questions you might have.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your business and achieve your goals. Take action now and secure your spot in this transformative coaching program.

    Until next time, I encourage you to take everything you do to the next level.

    Cliff Ravenscraft


    • 1 hr 32 min
    733 - Let’s Put An End To The Myth of The Overnight Success

    733 - Let’s Put An End To The Myth of The Overnight Success

    I’ve been observing an alarming trend. Many people are prematurely quitting their day jobs, having fallen for the myth of overnight success. In this episode, I will discuss the myth of overnight success and its negative impact on the wellbeing of those who believe in it. I will introduce three questions to consider before quitting your day job and four essential business foundations to establish beforehand. Additionally, I will provide three suggestions for those who may have prematurely left their day jobs.

    Next Level Mastermind
    As a self-employed business owner, applying for the Next Level Mastermind could be the transformative decision that propels your business and personal growth to unprecedented heights. This mastermind group is designed specifically for driven entrepreneurs like you who seek not only to excel in their business ventures but also to live a life marked by fulfillment, peace, and continuous learning.

    By joining, you will connect with like-minded professionals in a supportive, collaborative environment that challenges you to surpass your current boundaries. Whether it's overcoming obstacles, strategizing for growth, or simply finding your path to personal satisfaction, the Next Level Mastermind provides the community, resources, and expert guidance necessary to make each step forward impactful.

    Don't miss this chance to elevate your business and yourself. Apply today at NextLevelMastermind.info.


    Outline for this episode
    Central Theme(s)

    Let’s put an end to the Myth of The Overnight Success.
    Let’s stop the trend of people quitting their day jobs prematurely.

    Three Questions To Ask Before You Quit Day Job

    Do I have a track record of meeting the needs of a community of people?
    Are people telling other people about the important work that I am doing in the world?
    Are people coming to me and asking me for help with an offer to pay for that help?

    Four Key Foundations For A Thriving Business

    Financial Stability

    A Proven and sustainable business model.

    (Validated Products/Services)

    Significant Savings (Min 9-12 months runway)

    Revenue Consistency

    A regular and sufficient income from the business.
    An understanding of the true timeline for building a profitable business.

    Mindset Development

    An ability to manage emotions, unmet expectations and significant risk.

    Skill Development

    A commitment to developing necessary entrepreneurial skills.

    (Time Management, Pricing, Sales, Marketing, Software, etc.)

    Three Recommendations For Those Who Have Quit The Day Job Prematurely

    Review The Financial Health of the Business

    Evaluate current financial situation. Discover and document any potential financial gaps.
    Identify alternative income sources if necessary.

    Strengthen Business Foundations

    Focus on building a consistent client base.
    Refine products/services to meet market demand.

    Your Product/Service should MEET DEMAND, not try to create it.

    Mindset and Continued Learning

    Invest in your growth in the area of mindset and emotional state management.
    Consistently expand your professional skill development. (Especially in the areas of sales and marketing)


    • 1 hr 8 min
    732- From Shiny Objects to Steady Progress: Leveraging What You Already Know

    732- From Shiny Objects to Steady Progress: Leveraging What You Already Know

    Are you constantly tempted by the latest tools and strategies, believing they hold the key to your entrepreneurial success? In this episode, I talk about the insight that we often need to be reminded more than we need to be taught. I'll share why the pursuit of shiny new tactics can hinder your progress and how fully leveraging what you already know can accelerate your journey. Using real-world examples, including my experience with promoting the Next Level Coaching Program, I'll reveal the power of refining and executing familiar strategies. Tune in to discover how focusing on the fundamentals can transform your business and help you achieve lasting success.

    Let's Work Together
    Interested in direct access to me through either a paid mastermind, group coaching program and/or one-on-one mentoring?  Email me Cliff@CliffRavenscraft.com. 

    • 29 min
    731 - Top 3 Online Business Mistakes I've Made Over the Past 4 Years

    731 - Top 3 Online Business Mistakes I've Made Over the Past 4 Years

    In this episode, I open up about the top three mistakes I've made over the past.

    I'll share how stopping my weekly podcast content, neglecting consistent email communication with my audience, and abandoning my life-giving early morning routine impacted my journey.

    Join me as I share the lessons I've learned from these mistakes and how they are shaping my approach moving forward.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, content creator, or someone striving for personal growth, there's something valuable in these reflections for you.

    Next Level Mastermind
    As a self-employed business owner, applying for the Next Level Mastermind could be the transformative decision that propels your business and personal growth to unprecedented heights. This mastermind group is designed specifically for driven entrepreneurs like you who seek not only to excel in their business ventures but also to live a life marked by fulfillment, peace, and continuous learning.

    By joining, you will connect with like-minded professionals in a supportive, collaborative environment that challenges you to surpass your current boundaries. Whether it's overcoming obstacles, strategizing for growth, or simply finding your path to personal satisfaction, the Next Level Mastermind provides the community, resources, and expert guidance necessary to make each step forward impactful.

    Don't miss this chance to elevate your business and yourself. Apply today at NextLevelMastermind.info.


    • 50 min

Customer Reviews

4.3 out of 5
333 Ratings

333 Ratings

John Budd ,

A Life-Changing Podcast for Over a Decade!

I've been following Cliff Ravenscraft's podcast for well over 10, maybe even 15 years, and it has been an incredible journey. I first stumbled across Cliff when I was contemplating starting my own podcast, and I've been hooked ever since.

Cliff covers a range of topics, but what stands out most to me is his deep dive into what it takes to run a successful business and his focus on mindset. His insights have profoundly impacted both my personal and professional life. Through his podcast, I've learned the importance of continuous growth and self-improvement. Attending his workshop several years after I started listening was a pivotal experience for me, as it not only expanded my knowledge but also connected me with like-minded individuals.

While many episodes have been valuable, the recent ones have been particularly great, although I can’t single out just one. Cliff's style is both open and honest. He is transparent about his journey and genuinely aims to help people shift their mindset, especially in the business world.

I've had the pleasure of interacting with Cliff directly via email and social media, and I've attended two of his paid events. The first workshop was enlightening, revealing that I had a lot more to learn, while the second event, FREE THE DREAM was simply awesome.

For anyone considering starting to listen to Cliff's podcast, I highly recommend it. Whether you are looking to start an online business or need to change your mindset about various aspects of life, Cliff's insights are invaluable. I've even found ways to apply lessons from his podcast to my non-online job.

This podcast is a must-listen for anyone serious about personal and professional growth. Thank you, Cliff, for all the wisdom and guidance over the years!



Cliff Ravenscraft is truly inspirational. I seem to be improving my mindset every time I listen.

Ciga213 ,

Tone down the ego

Listened to just a handful of episodes and in each one, Cliff just couldn’t help himself by boosting his own ego and making others feel less than. It would probably be a good podcast otherwise, but it’s impossible to get over his superiority, it’s too bad.

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