The Coach Debbie Potts Show

Debbie Potts
The Coach Debbie Potts Show

Debbie Potts is the host of 'The Low Athlete Podcast', author, speaker and coach. Transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with The WHOLESTIC Method elements. In this podcast, you will gain the knowledge how to burn fat, optimize health (mitochondria!) and improve athletic performance. If you want to be a peak performer in LIFE and SPORTS, then listen in each week to our conversations on all topics to optimize your health and longevity. Do you want to improve your athletic performance AND the aging process at the same time? Debbie will discuss the elements of with "The WHOLESTIC Method" program: 1. Nutrition 2. Exercise 3. Sleep 4. Stress 5. Movement & Mobility 6. Digestion & Gut Health (Immunity!) 7. Hydration 8. Happiness, Play & Gratitude Life is not a Race… it is a journey. Learn from Debbie’s mistakes in over training and being addicted to busyness for too many years. Now she is on a mission to help others living life as a race to avoid burn out and break down at a cellular level. You will learn how to become metabolically flexible fat burner, optimize your health, and improve your performance for athletics- or just the challenges of daily life! More is not better... The GOLDILOCKS Effect is real! Learn from Debbie's mistakes, experiences and education. Stop over training, under recovering and living each day as a race. You will learn when you should slow down to push the 'pause-reset' button to re-calibrate daily! We discuss external stressors and hidden internal stressors that are impacting your ability to burn fat, performance gains and longevity. Men and women are different but also that we are all bio-individuals with different genetic make up, stressors and lifestyles- so there is NOT once size fits all approach to anything! Join the journey and transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with "The WHOLESTIC Method' elements and Coach Debbie Potts. Debbie is committed to following her purpose, passion and mission to helping transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with "The WHOLESTIC Method". Read all about Debbie's journey in her book 'LIFE IS NOT A RACE' and in her 'The WHOLESTIC Method Manual" on Amazon. Contact Debbie to learn about her "health detective" services on Debbie is a certified Kion Coach, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) and certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) - as well as much more! Learn more about Debbie on Debbie Potts Health Coach, Author, Speaker & Podcaster Host of The Low Carb Athlete Podcast The WHOLESTIC Method Coaching Program FNTP, FDN-P, NASM CPT, CHEK HLC, Kion Coach BURN FAT. OPTIMIZE HEALTH. IMPROVE PERFORMANCE.

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    What is fat oxidation and how do you improve it?

    Understanding Fat Oxidation and How to Improve It for Endurance Athletes In this episode, we dive into the critical role of fat oxidation for endurance athletes and explore practical strategies to enhance it. We also feature insights from Dr. Dan Plews of ENDURE IQ, a renowned expert in sports science and endurance training. What is Fat Oxidation? Fat oxidation is the process by which the body breaks down fats for energy. For endurance athletes, improving fat oxidation is crucial as it allows the body to rely on fat for fuel during prolonged exercise, sparing glycogen and enhancing performance. Key Points on Improving Fat Oxidation: Train at the Right Intensity: Incorporate low-intensity sessions (zone 2 peak fat max) to improve fat utilization. Increase Mitochondrial Density: Regular aerobic training boosts the body’s ability to oxidize fat by increasing mitochondria in muscle cells. Utilize Specific Fueling Strategies: Experiment with fat-based fuels like medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) to promote fat metabolism during training. Periodization of Training: Combine high-intensity and low-intensity sessions to improve metabolic flexibility. Nutrition Adjustments: Focus on a balanced diet that promotes fat metabolism, with adequate healthy fats and nutrient-dense foods. Hydration and Electrolyte Balance: Maintain proper hydration and electrolyte levels to support metabolic functions, including fat oxidation. Monitor and Adjust: Use metabolic testing to track fat oxidation rates and adjust training and nutrition based on performance data. Dr. Dan Plews & ENDURE IQ’s Approach to Fat Adaptation: Dr. Plews highlights the importance of structured training and nutrition strategies to optimize fat oxidation. The ENDURE IQ 101 course includes phases like: Fat Oxidation Base Training  Incorporating fat-burning intervals Fueling experiments  Monitoring performance with tools like metabolic testing By focusing on individualized approaches and periodized training, athletes can enhance fat oxidation, metabolic flexibility, and overall endurance performance. Mentioned in This Episode: Dr. Dan Plews, researcher and coach at ENDURE IQ ENDURE IQ 101 Course for improving fat oxidation and fat adaptation in endurance athletes Listen to the full episode for a deep dive into the science behind fat oxidation and actionable tips to fuel your next race!  Check out the YouTube Channel for many videos on how to fuel and train as an endurance athlete here.

    33 min
  2. 5 DAYS AGO

    Episode #549 What is the Carnivore Revolution with Serena and Coach Debbie Potts

    In this episode, Coach Debbie Potts sits down with Serena to explore the growing Carnivore Diet movement. Together, they discuss what the carnivore diet entails, who might benefit from adopting a strict elimination diet, and how this lifestyle can help people struggling with carb addiction and overeating. If you’ve ever wondered whether the carnivore approach could be the key to improving your health, this episode is packed with practical insights and expert advice! Key Discussion Points on video and audio:  Hit subscribe on YouTube for new video alerts as What is the Carnivore Diet? Serena and Debbie break down the fundamentals of the carnivore diet, which focuses exclusively on animal-based foods like meat, fish, and animal fats. Learn how this diet eliminates plant-based foods to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and support metabolic health. Who Needs a Strict Elimination Diet? Find out why the carnivore diet can be a powerful reset for people with autoimmune conditions, food sensitivities, or chronic digestive issues. Serena shares her personal experience and insights on how a simplified diet can uncover hidden food intolerances and lead to better overall health. How the Carnivore Diet Helps with Carb Addiction & Overeating Discover how the carnivore diet can be an effective solution for those struggling with carb addiction, emotional eating, and overeating. Serena and Debbie explain how removing carbohydrates from the diet stabilizes blood sugar levels, reduces cravings, and helps regulate appetite. Bio-Individuality: Is the Carnivore Diet Right for You? While the carnivore diet has numerous benefits, it’s not for everyone. Debbie and Serena emphasize the importance of bio-individuality and personalized nutrition when considering any dietary changes. Follow Serena and learn more on: Connect and Follow Coach Debbie: Life is Not a Race...It is a Journey: Learn how to pace the WHOLE you with The WHOLESTIC Method WEB:

    1h 1m
  3. OCT 18

    Kisspeptin, Hormonal Health & Fat Metabolism for Female Athletes

    Kisspeptin, Hormonal Health, and Metabolism in Female Athletes Kisspeptin Overview: A neuropeptide crucial for regulating sex hormones, reproductive health, glucose control, and appetite. It is more sensitive in women and can be disrupted by stress, energy deficits, or nutrient deprivation, leading to reproductive and metabolic issues. Impact of Kisspeptin Disruption: Menstrual irregularities and reduced sex hormone production. Decreased insulin sensitivity and increased appetite. Changes in body composition and overall hormonal imbalances. Metabolism & Hormones: Developmental Influence: Metabolic factors influence kisspeptin neurons throughout life, especially during puberty and adulthood. Energy availability (calories/nutrients) impacts reproductive maturity. Transient vs. Permanent Changes: Metabolic states can cause temporary or long-term changes in kisspeptin activity, with some influences becoming permanent, especially during key developmental periods. Regulation at Multiple Levels: Kisspeptin neurons are regulated by metabolites (e.g., glucose, fatty acids) and hormones (e.g., insulin, leptin), controlling energy balance and reproduction. Kisspeptin and Energy: Although its role in food intake is debated, kisspeptin appears to play a key role in energy expenditure, possibly working with co-transmitters like glutamate to influence energy use in the body. Solutions: Balanced Nutrition: Adequate carbohydrates and healthy fats to support hormone function. Sufficient protein intake for muscle recovery and metabolism. Stress Management: Lower cortisol through mindfulness, proper recovery, and sleep. Use cold/heat exposure with moderation to help regulate stress and hormones. Exercise Modulation: Avoid overtraining; balance high-intensity and recovery workouts. Incorporate fat-adaptive training to improve cortisol and fat metabolism. Thyroid Support: Ensure intake of nutrients like iodine, selenium, zinc, and vitamin D. Avoid excessive calorie restriction to maintain thyroid function. Hormonal Balance: Maintain a balanced energy state to support kisspeptin and reproductive health. Consider hormone replacement or supplements if needed. Mitochondrial Health: Support mitochondria with CoQ10, magnesium, and antioxidants. Promote fat metabolism through endurance training and targeted nutrition. In summary, to optimize hormonal health and performance, aging female athletes should focus on balanced nutrition, recovery, stress management, and supporting mitochondrial function.  Talk to Coach Debbie Potts to get a personalized program at

    1h 1m
  4. OCT 15

    Episode #548 Peter Defty & Debbie Potts on Optimal Fat Metabolism

    Are you confused how to fuel and train to perform your best each day -as well as to be your best version of yourself in the future?? Peter Defty explain optimal fat metabolism and how VESPA can help improve fat oxidation. Fat loss vs. performance vs. longevity fitness plans  Matching fueling with training Intensity - zone 4/5 vs. zone 1/2 Fat oxidation- do we need carbs first to burn fat (fat metabolism) Learn more in my blog and audio podcast coming out soon: and watch our video here to see slides How does VESPA “work?” if it only contains 19 calories? Vespa is a metabolic catalyst (“Nature’s Catalyst’) which works with your natural fat burning physiology to enhance your ability to tap into YOUR virtually unlimited energy source: FAT. In other words, Vespa’s 19 calories helps access the thousands of calories you are meant to burn aerobically. The key ingredient in Vespa is “Wasp Extract,” a naturally-occurring bio-active peptide derived from the Asian Giant Wasp. This allows this predatory wasp to fly 60-100 Kilometers per day, kill prey, and carry 1/3 of it’s weight in a food ball back to the colony to feed to larvae, all done using “Fat for Fuel!” Because animal cells are remarkably similar across species the Japanese entomologists who made this discovery of nature, theorized this peptide would have a similar physiological response across species. Studies in Japan and Vespa’s 23 year real world success at the highest levels of sport confirm this. Save on VESPA with our code COACHDEBBIEPOTTS upon checkout via link: Learn more about OFM: Optimal Fat Metabolism here: and Are you an ambitious, high performer on a mission to improve the aging process? Do you struggle to get the desired results even when doing all the "right" things? What are you doing today to live your best self at age 70, 80 and 90 plus years old? Are you taking ownership of your health and your future self now so you can thrive as you age instead of struggle?? Life is not a race. It is a Journey. External and HIDDEN internal sources of CHRONIC Stress will impact all efforts... check out the elements of what I call "The WHOLESTIC Method" to transform the WHOLE you from the inside out to burn fat, improve performance and longevity. There is not a once size fits all solution. We are all unique. The struggle is real and I understand the challenges as well as frustrations in finding the right answers to feeling and looking your best -especially when you think you are doing everything "right". Doctors may tell you that your lab results are "normal" and there is nothing is wrong with you - but you know that you are off and not performing your best in life or sports. Let's investigate what is actually going on under the hood and put your missing of your health puzzle back together again. Choose to thrive each day and not survive the day. Contact Coach Debbie for a complimentary 20-minute call to discover more. Connect and Follow Coach Debbie: Life is Not a Race...It is a Journey: Learn how to pace the WHOLE you with The WHOLESTIC Method WEB:

    1h 12m
  5. OCT 14

    Coach Debbie Potts on Fat Burning Zone 2, HIIT and mitochondria health!

    Mitochondrial Health & Fat Metabolism In this episode, we dive into the critical role of mitochondrial health in metabolic efficiency, fat metabolism, and overall energy production. We explore how understanding your resting metabolic rate (RMR) and active metabolic rate (AMR) through PNOE testing can provide insights into how well your mitochondria are functioning, and how to optimize them for better fat burning and performance. Here’s a breakdown: Key Topics: Mitochondrial Health & Energy Production Mitochondria are the powerhouse of cells, responsible for converting food and oxygen into energy (ATP). Poor mitochondrial function can lead to fatigue, impaired metabolism, and difficulty in losing fat. Understanding RMR & AMR with PNOE Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): Reflects your body's energy expenditure at rest, and can indicate mitochondrial efficiency. Fat vs. Carb Utilization: Efficient mitochondria burn more fat at rest, improving metabolic flexibility. Low RMR can signal inefficient mitochondrial energy production. Active Metabolic Rate (AMR): Shows how your body meets increased energy demands during physical activity. Efficient mitochondria improve fat oxidation and oxygen utilization during exercise, enhancing performance. Key Metrics from PNOE Testing: VO2 Max: Higher mitochondrial efficiency leads to better oxygen uptake and a higher VO2 max, improving endurance. Respiratory Quotient (RQ): Indicates fuel usage (fat vs. carbs) during activity. Balanced RQ shows good metabolic flexibility. Peak Fat Burning Range: The exercise intensity where fat is the primary fuel source. Metabolic Crossover Point: When the body switches from burning fat to carbohydrates. Improving Mitochondrial Health Exercise: Incorporate Zone 2 training and HIIT to promote mitochondrial biogenesis (new mitochondria production) and improve metabolic flexibility. Nutrition: A diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and key nutrients (CoQ10, magnesium, B-vitamins) supports mitochondrial function. Functional Lab Tests: Organic Acids Test (OAT), nutrient deficiency testing, and oxidative stress markers can further reveal mitochondrial health. Zone 2 Training for Fat Metabolism Mitochondrial Benefits: Promotes new mitochondria, improving ATP production and efficiency. Fat Oxidation: Encourages the body to use fat as a primary fuel source during lower-intensity exercise, improving endurance and metabolic flexibility. Stabilized Blood Sugar Levels: Helps maintain stable glucose levels, reducing insulin spikes. PNOE Metabolism Testing: Offers detailed insights into how efficiently you use different fuel sources during exercise. Helps determine your peak fat-burning range and metabolic crossover point for better fat utilization. Consistency & Progression: Consistent training in Zone 2, alongside HIIT and resistance training, will enhance mitochondrial density and capacity over time, leading to better energy production, fat metabolism, and overall metabolic health. Optimizing mitochondrial health through personalized training and nutrition can significantly enhance fat metabolism, energy levels, and performance. PNOE testing provides a precise picture of how well your mitochondria are functioning and can guide you toward more effective training and nutrition strategies. Actionable Steps for Listeners: Consider a PNOE test to get a detailed view of your metabolic health. Incorporate more Zone 2 training into your routine to boost mitochondrial function and fat burning. Support mitochondrial health through targeted nutrition and possibly supplements like CoQ10 and magnesium. Be sure to subscribe and listen to upcoming episodes for more tips on improving your health and performance!

    1h 3m
  6. OCT 10

    Coach Debbie Potts on Optimal Fat Metabolism & Vespa Intro

    Here is a little overview of Optimal Fat Metabolism (OFM) and Vespa before we release another episode with Peter Defty. Optimizing Fat Metabolism for Peak Performance with VESPA In this episode, we dive deep into the world of endurance performance and how athletes can unlock their body’s full potential by shifting from carbohydrate dependence to fat as a primary fuel source. We explore the science and application of the Optimized Fat Metabolism (OFM) approach, with a special focus on VESPA, a groundbreaking natural supplement designed to enhance fat metabolism. Key Discussion Points: Fat as Fuel: Learn how OFM helps reset your body to efficiently burn fat, even at higher aerobic intensities, making fat the primary source of energy for endurance activities. Understand why humans naturally store large amounts of fat and how this abundant energy source can power your performance. Strategic Use of Carbohydrates: Discover how OFM incorporates carbs in a targeted way, using them only when needed for quick energy during high-intensity efforts. Find out how fat-adapted athletes can use smaller amounts of carbs more effectively to boost performance. What is VESPA? Uncover the science behind VESPA, a supplement based on the peptide from the Asian Mandarin wasp, which helps lock your body into a fat-burning state. Hear how VESPA aids athletes in optimizing fat metabolism for enhanced endurance, recovery, and overall performance. Health & Performance Benefits: Enhanced endurance: Tap into your large fat stores to sustain energy for long periods without “bonking.” Reduced GI issues: Avoid common stomach problems by relying on fat as fuel instead of heavy carb loads during races. Improved recovery: Learn how fat as an energy source creates less oxidative stress and inflammation, speeding up recovery times. Mental clarity: Keep your energy stable and maintain focus through long, challenging efforts. OFM vs. Ketogenic Diet: Understand the key differences between OFM and a strict ketogenic diet. Learn how OFM incorporates carbohydrates strategically to improve performance, rather than following a constant low-carb approach. The OFM Pyramid: Explore how the OFM Pyramid helps athletes customize their program based on individual needs and training goals, with the foundation being a fat-adapted metabolic state. Takeaways: Optimizing fat metabolism through OFM and VESPA can be a game changer for endurance athletes, helping you access your body’s natural energy stores, recover faster, and improve performance without relying heavily on carbs. Learn how to become fat-adapted and fine-tune your carbohydrate intake based on your unique training demands. Save on VESPA with our code COACHDEBBIEPOTTS at checkout! Learn more

    44 min
  7. OCT 8

    Episode #547 Anti-Aging Skin Health Tips with Charles Mayfield

    Skin Health, Aging & Lard Conversations with Coach Debbie Potts & Charles Mayfield Let's talk about skin fitness and anti-aging protocols! Shocker... we are talking about LARD! Charles is a father, bestselling author, entrepreneur, and risk management strategist. He is the founder of Farrow Skincare, a lard-based skincare brand that was launched following Charles’ unique experiences as a regenerative farmer and health enthusiast. Prior to launching Farrow, Charles started Mayfield Pastures, a regenerative farming enterprise focused on producing high quality pasture based meat for a small group of high integrity food enthusiasts in the Southeast. In addition to his farming background, Charles is also the coauthor of the Paleo Comfort Food cookbook series. Charles’ unique experiences in the nutrition, culinary, farming, health coaching, and risk management industries provide him with an exceptional perspective on the health of our skin and environment. Trusting in our institutions for personal and environmental health is no longer tenable. The lens Charles will provide the listener can equip them with the knowledge to make smarter choices about their health, longevity, and environment. Your skin is your largest organ, it needs proper nutrition. How and where that nutrition comes from is the key to a healthier human and planet. Let Charles tell you why the Swine is Divine but the Lard is Hard! Skincare is not only toxic, but not effective. Farrow is the first Lard-Based skincare company and sources 100% of the ingredients from high-integrity regenerative farms. What is regenerative farming? What's wrong with Skincare Today? What's so special about Smart Lard? How do you and others use your products? What skin conditions is Farrow ideal for? Stay connected with Farrow to learn about their upcoming launch of our G.O.A.T Soap product!  REMEMBER ... Life is not a race. It is a Journey. External and HIDDEN internal sources of CHRONIC Stress will impact all efforts... check out the elements of what I call "The WHOLESTIC Method" to transform the WHOLE you from the inside out to burn fat, improve performance and longevity. There is not a once size fits all solution. We are all unique. The struggle is real and I understand the challenges as well as frustrations in finding the right answers to feeling and looking your best -especially when you think you are doing everything "right". Doctors may tell you that your lab results are "normal" and there is nothing is wrong with you - but you know that you are off and not performing your best in life or sports. Let's investigate what is actually going on under the hood and put your missing of your health puzzle back together again. Choose to thrive each day and not survive the day. Contact Coach Debbie for a complimentary 20-minute call to discover more. Connect and Follow Coach Debbie: Life is Not a Race...It is a Journey: Learn how to pace the WHOLE you with The WHOLESTIC Method WEB: Coach Debbie Potts

    1h 3m
  8. OCT 3

    Understanding Metabolism, Metabolic Health, and VO2 Max with Coach Debbie Potts

    "Understanding Metabolism, Metabolic Health, and VO2 Max" In this episode, we dive into the fundamentals of metabolism, metabolic health, and the significance of VO2 Max for longevity and overall well-being. Here's a breakdown: What is Metabolism? Metabolism refers to the complex chemical processes that convert food into energy, build tissues, and eliminate waste. It consists of two main categories: Catabolism – Breaks down molecules to release energy. Anabolism – Builds complex molecules using energy. What is Metabolic Health? Metabolic health is about how well your body regulates energy use, including blood sugar, body composition, and cardiovascular health. Optimal metabolic health lowers the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. VO2 Max and Longevity VO2 Max measures how much oxygen your body can use during intense exercise and is a key predictor of overall fitness and longevity. A higher VO2 Max: Reflects better cardiovascular health Reduces the risk of chronic diseases Enhances daily functional capacity Mitochondrial Health and VO2 Max Healthy mitochondria are essential for energy production and overall metabolic efficiency. Improving mitochondrial health through aerobic and resistance exercise, proper nutrition, and lifestyle strategies can boost VO2 Max, endurance, and long-term health. PNOE Metabolic Analyzer We also explore how the PNOE analyzer assesses metabolism by measuring VO2, fuel utilization, and respiratory efficiency, offering personalized insights to optimize training and improve metabolic health. Key Takeaways: Regular exercise improves metabolic health and VO2 Max. VO2 Max is a crucial indicator of fitness and longevity. Enhancing mitochondrial health supports energy efficiency and overall health. Tune in for more insights on how to optimize your metabolism and longevity through personalized strategies!  Schedule a discovery call with Coach Debbie to learn more solutions based on what YOU need and want!  Read more on

    53 min
out of 5
49 Ratings


Debbie Potts is the host of 'The Low Athlete Podcast', author, speaker and coach. Transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with The WHOLESTIC Method elements. In this podcast, you will gain the knowledge how to burn fat, optimize health (mitochondria!) and improve athletic performance. If you want to be a peak performer in LIFE and SPORTS, then listen in each week to our conversations on all topics to optimize your health and longevity. Do you want to improve your athletic performance AND the aging process at the same time? Debbie will discuss the elements of with "The WHOLESTIC Method" program: 1. Nutrition 2. Exercise 3. Sleep 4. Stress 5. Movement & Mobility 6. Digestion & Gut Health (Immunity!) 7. Hydration 8. Happiness, Play & Gratitude Life is not a Race… it is a journey. Learn from Debbie’s mistakes in over training and being addicted to busyness for too many years. Now she is on a mission to help others living life as a race to avoid burn out and break down at a cellular level. You will learn how to become metabolically flexible fat burner, optimize your health, and improve your performance for athletics- or just the challenges of daily life! More is not better... The GOLDILOCKS Effect is real! Learn from Debbie's mistakes, experiences and education. Stop over training, under recovering and living each day as a race. You will learn when you should slow down to push the 'pause-reset' button to re-calibrate daily! We discuss external stressors and hidden internal stressors that are impacting your ability to burn fat, performance gains and longevity. Men and women are different but also that we are all bio-individuals with different genetic make up, stressors and lifestyles- so there is NOT once size fits all approach to anything! Join the journey and transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with "The WHOLESTIC Method' elements and Coach Debbie Potts. Debbie is committed to following her purpose, passion and mission to helping transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with "The WHOLESTIC Method". Read all about Debbie's journey in her book 'LIFE IS NOT A RACE' and in her 'The WHOLESTIC Method Manual" on Amazon. Contact Debbie to learn about her "health detective" services on Debbie is a certified Kion Coach, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) and certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) - as well as much more! Learn more about Debbie on Debbie Potts Health Coach, Author, Speaker & Podcaster Host of The Low Carb Athlete Podcast The WHOLESTIC Method Coaching Program FNTP, FDN-P, NASM CPT, CHEK HLC, Kion Coach BURN FAT. OPTIMIZE HEALTH. IMPROVE PERFORMANCE.

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