The Growth Mindset

Silawath Irshad
The Growth Mindset

Welcome to The Growth Mindset Podcast, where we unleash your potential. Hosted by Silawath Irshad, we explore topics like personal and professional growth, finance, science, religion, health, and more. Each week, experts share their success stories and offer practical tips to help you develop a growth mindset. Our goal is to inspire you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals by embracing growth and continuous learning. Join us for inspiration, motivation, and practical advice on cultivating a growth mindset. #GrowthMindset #Inspiration #Motivation #Success #Podcast.

  1. From 9-to-5 to Spartan Mindset: Joe De Sena on Fitness, Motivation, and Overcoming Mental Struggles

    26 DE JAN.

    From 9-to-5 to Spartan Mindset: Joe De Sena on Fitness, Motivation, and Overcoming Mental Struggles

    Joe De Sena is the founder of Spartan, a leader in the world of endurance racing, and a passionate advocate for physical and mental resilience. He is also the author of bestselling books like Spartan Up!, Spartan Fit!, and The Spartan Way. In this episode, we dive into topics like the importance of physical health for those with 9-to-5 jobs, how to eat better and make health resolutions, the Spartan way of life, and much more. Interview Breakdown:1:08 min – The importance of physical health for those with 9-to-5 jobs2:48 min – Starting 2025: A walk-through on eating better and making health resolutions6:13 min – Joe De Sena introduces himself8:14 min – Motivational message for the audience: Getting off the couch and taking action10:25 min – Key ingredients for staying disciplined: Practical tips and life hacks12:26 min – The Spartan diet: Foods that should be consumed13:33 min – What is the Spartan way? How to live a Spartan life15:27 min – Advice for those mentally struggling or feeling stuck17:48 min – Joe De Sena defines masculinity in today’s world19:45 min – Finding inspiration: Books, people to follow, and the path to self-improvement21:08 min – Men and their emotions: A conversation about emotional well-being22:40 min – Regrets, growth, and overcoming setbacks: Joe’s personal journey23:18 min – How to reach out to Joe De Sena and final words of wisdom for the audience Follow us to find daily updates and success hacks on The Growth Mindset Page below:Instagram: Interested in talking to Joe De Sena? You can find him here: Instagram: ⁠

  2. Understanding Flawed Human Nature - Impact of Stress, Irrational Decisions, and Why people believe in Conspiracy Theories with Dan Ariely, a leading Behavioral Scientist

    14 DE JAN.

    Understanding Flawed Human Nature - Impact of Stress, Irrational Decisions, and Why people believe in Conspiracy Theories with Dan Ariely, a leading Behavioral Scientist

    Dan Ariely is a Professor of Psychology , Behavioral Economics at Duke University, and the Author of multiple best-selling books like Predictably Irrational, Misbelief, The Upside of Irrationality, The Honest truth about Dishonesty, and more. In this episode, we talk about "Why people believe in conspiracy theories", "The Impact of Stress and Emotions", "How are Human Psyches with respect to the Environment", and much more. Interview Breakdown: 1:30 min – Do humans actually make rational decisions? 8:15 min – As per science and research, how can you start making better decisions? 16:00 min – How can we control the urge of consuming sugar or anything sweet? 19:16 min – Do men make more rational decisions compared to women? What does the data say? 21:16 min – How does stress and emotions impact your life and how can you manage it? 28:36 min – How can you start feeling more secure and build relationships that support you? 31:42 min – Should you mix finance with friendships? 37:11 min – How can someone build resilience and thrive in high-stress situations? 39:31 min – Do rich people have better IQs compared to the poor? 44:30 min – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? 48:55 min – How can you help your loved ones before they fall for conspiracy theories? 54:58 min – Practical method on how to differentiate between facts and false information. 58:01 min – How can you find Dan. Follow us to find daily updates and success hacks on The Growth Mindset Page below: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook: Linkedin: Interested in talking to Dan Ariely? You can find him here:

  3. Daanish Mahmood on Islamic Principles for Modern Productivity - How Young Muslims Can Balance Faith, Motivation, and Succeed in Both Worlds


    Daanish Mahmood on Islamic Principles for Modern Productivity - How Young Muslims Can Balance Faith, Motivation, and Succeed in Both Worlds

    Daanish Mahmood is a Medical Student, Social Media, Content Creator, and Writer. In this episode, we dive deep into how young Muslims can integrate Islamic teachings into their daily lives to become organized, boost productivity and effectiveness. Discover practical tips on planning, maintaining motivation, and staying disciplined while aligning with your faith. We explore how Islam supports mental well-being, including managing anxiety and depression, and scientific discoveries mentioned in the Quran. Plus, get insights into recommended readings and personal reflections from our guest, Daanish, on living a balanced and impactful life. Interview Breakdown: 1:44 min: What can Muslim youngsters do to become more effective, productive, and plan their lives better? 5:15 min: How does Islam connect with the modern world? What is the proof that Islam is the true religion? 13:07 min: What daily practices should Muslims incorporate to enhance productivity and effectiveness for the future? 19:25 min: How does your schedule look? 24:00 min: How are you staying motivated and disciplined at the same time? 28:45 min: A quick introduction to Danish. 30:40 min: How is Islam connected to managing depression and anxiety? How can it help combat these issues? 39:38 min: Scientific Discoveries mentioned in the Quran, way before Modern Scientists confirmed them. 51:34 min: How to prepare well for exams using the "Forgetting Curve" and "Space Repetition." 1:03:16 min: Books recommended by Danish on Islam and becoming more organized in life. 1:07:45 min: How would Danish like to be remembered? Follow us to find daily updates and success hacks on The Growth Mindset Page below: Youtube: Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin: Interested in talking to Daanish Mahmood? You can find him here: Website: Instagram: Youtube: Linkedin:

  4. Navigating Youth Challenges - Social Media, Depression, Moving Abroad, and Trauma Recovery with Siddharth Choudhary


    Navigating Youth Challenges - Social Media, Depression, Moving Abroad, and Trauma Recovery with Siddharth Choudhary

    Siddharth Choudhary is a Social Media Influencer, former Squash player who represented India, a PR holder of Australia, and also works in the Australian Government. In this episode, we talk about "The Realities of moving to a new country", "The Impact of Social Media on the Youth", "How can you deal with Traumas and Depression", and much more. Interview Breakdown: 0:30 – Are English Speakers really Smarter compared to Hindi Speakers? We kick things off by exploring the popular stereotype that English speakers are inherently smarter. Is there any truth to this claim? Sid provides a fresh perspective on this notion. 6:40 – Tips for Young Professionals Moving Abroad: What Should You Keep in Mind? Thinking of working or studying overseas? Sid offers essential advice on what to consider before making the big move. 12:15 – Meet Sid: A Quick Introduction to Our Guest Get to know Sid as we give a glimpse into his background, experiences, and what drives him. 18:10 – Living in Northern Australia: Fascinating Stories from the Outskirts Sid recounts our adventures living in the less-traveled northern regions of Australia and shares his encounters with Snakes and Crocodiles. 23:45 – The Impact of Social Media on Youth: Is It Helping or Harming? What Can Be Done? We delve into the role of social media in the lives of young people—how it influences them, both positively and negatively, and what can be done to make it a force for good. 28:27 – Navigating Tough Times: How to Handle Trauma and Overcome Challenges We provide valuable insights on managing tough times and coping with trauma. Learn practical strategies to navigate life's challenges with our guidance. 33:28 – Depression and Social Media: Are They Connected? Our Insights We explore the connection between depression and social media use. Discover our thoughts on whether these two issues are linked and how to address them. 40:05 – Social Media and Youth: Competing with AI and Software Engineers—What’s the Impact? In a world where youth are up against advanced AI and software engineers, we discuss the implications and how young people can stay ahead. 42:11 – Actionable Steps to Improve Your Life Starting Today: Practical Advice from Us Looking to make positive changes in your life? We offer actionable advice that you can start implementing right away. 48:40 – Sid's Future Plans Find out about Sid's current projects and future plans. 52:27 – Must-Read Books for Youngsters: Sid's Top Recommendations for Personal and Professional Growth Sid shares his top book recommendations that can help youngsters grow personally and professionally. Get your reading list ready! 55:00 – How to Connect with Us: Ways to Reach Out Interested in connecting with Sid? Learn how to reach out and stay in touch. 56:40 – How Would Sid Like to Be Remembered? Our Legacy and Final Thoughts We wrap up with reflections on our legacy and how Sid hopes to be remembered. A heartfelt end to a captivating conversation. Follow us to find daily updates and success hacks on The Growth Mindset Page below: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook: Linkedin: Interested in talking to Siddharth Choudhary? You can find him here:

  5. Combating Climate Change: How Eating Sustainably, Technology, and Policy Makers Can Make a Difference with Scott Bales


    Combating Climate Change: How Eating Sustainably, Technology, and Policy Makers Can Make a Difference with Scott Bales

    Scott Bales is a Senior Director in one of the leading IT companies in the US, a Technology Expert, and an Environmental Steward. In this episode, we talk about "Why should someone care about Climate Change and Global Warming", "The Impact of eating Greens and Meat on the planet", "How can Technology help us combat climate change", and much more. Interview Breakdown: 1:39 min– Understanding Global Warming and Climate Change: What are they, how do they differ, and why should they matter to everyone? 3:54 min– Human Impact on Climate: How do activities like droughts and wildfires relate to human actions? Are we inadvertently contributing to global warming? 5:34 min– Greenhouse Gases Explained: What are greenhouse gases, and why are they significant in the climate change conversation? 10:06 min– Sustainable Eating: Should we be eating more greens and organic foods? Discover how our food choices impact the environment starting from organic foods, meat, vegetables, and much more. 25:27 min– A quick introduction to our guest Scott Bales. 28:15 min – Technology’s Role in Climate Solutions: Explore how technological advancements can help tackle climate change and global warming. 37:04 min– Corporate Responsibility: What can companies do to become more environmentally friendly and contribute to sustainability? 40:04 min– Policy Makers and Climate Action: Discuss the role of policy makers in addressing climate issues and what actions they can take. 48:09 min – Final Thoughts on Climate Change and what can you do about it. Follow us to find daily updates and success hacks on The Growth Mindset Page below: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: Youtube: Interested in talking to Scott Bales, contact us and we should be happy to assist!

  6. Mastering English - Essential Tips for Fluency, Exam Success, and Vocabulary Growth with Michael Anton


    Mastering English - Essential Tips for Fluency, Exam Success, and Vocabulary Growth with Michael Anton

    Michael Anton is the Founder of English At The Ready which was started in 2022. Michael is from Vancouver, Canada, and Received his Cambridge CELTA certification (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) in December 2022. He has helped over 4,000,000 students from all over the world improve their English on social media, & 1000+ students privately, in group classes, in his Club, and through his course. In this episode, we talk about "Why should someone care about learning and improving their English", "The Rules of the English Language", "Common Mistakes everyone is making while talking in English", and many more. Interview Breakdown: 01.13 min - Why should someone care about Learning English or Improving their English? 02.13 min - What are some common mistakes that people usually make when it comes to whenever they are speaking English? 04.29 min - Things you can do to practice speaking in English. 11.22 min - Why did Michael start coaching people on learning in English? 17.01 min - How to prepare for TOEFL or IELTS exams? 23.00 min - The evolution of the English Language and is it's quality falling? 27.02 min - English is not what it seems. The pattern behind how different words are pronounced. 29.57 min - Must Know Rules of the English Language. 34.28 min - Ways to improve your Vocabulary. 37.35 min - Ways to increase your memory so that you don't forget new words that you are learning. 40.18 min - Sneakpeak into the kinds of training Michael provides to improve speaking English. 44.13 min - Some final tips on what books and content can you consume to advance your English speaking and it's understanding. 46.24 min - Ways to get in touch with Michael Anton. Follow us to find daily updates and success hacks on The Growth Mindset Page below: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: Youtube: You can find Michael Anton here: Website: Instagram: Linkedin: Youtube:

  7. Shameek Chakravarty on Organic Foods, Why you should care about what you eat, and Secrets Big Food companies don't want you to know


    Shameek Chakravarty on Organic Foods, Why you should care about what you eat, and Secrets Big Food companies don't want you to know

    Shameek Chakravarty is the Founder and CEO of Farmizen. Farmizen is a source traceable farm-to-fork marketplace, enabling discovery, transactions, and fulfilment between organic farmers and consumers looking for clean food. In this episode, we talk about "Why should people care about eating Organic Foods", "Why are Organic Fruits Often costly", "Secrets Big Food Companies that control the world don't want you to know about Food", and many more. Interview Breakdown: 1.20 mins - What are organic foods and why should you care about them. 2.10 mins - What is the difference between Organic Foods vs What you get from a general store. 4.07 mins - How do Fruits and Vegetables brought from the general store impact your body and health. 39.57 mins - Who is Shameek and Why should you listen to him? 50.57 mins - Secrets Big Food Companies don't want you to know and are hiding from you. 59.10 mins - How you can reach out to Shameek. Follow us to find daily updates and success hacks on The Growth Mindset Page below: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: Youtube: You can find Shameek Chakravarty here: Website: Linkedin: Twitter:

  8. Chandan Singh Padiyar giving Crash Course on Investing for 2024, How to Build Wealth, and Mistakes to Avoid when it comes to Investing (HINDI)


    Chandan Singh Padiyar giving Crash Course on Investing for 2024, How to Build Wealth, and Mistakes to Avoid when it comes to Investing (HINDI)

    Chandan Singh Padiyar is the Founder of He is a SEBI Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) and a Fee-Only Financial Planner in India. In this episode, we talk about "What is Investing in simple terms", "Mistakes to avoid in Investing", "Everything you should know about Investing discussed", and many more. Interview Breakdown: 1.10 min a quick introduction about yourself where are u from. 1.48 min - What is SEBI and Who are the right financial planners? 2.47 min- What types of Financial Planners exist in Market today? 5.58 min - Things you should know before you start investing 8.56 min- Starters Guide to Investing in 2024 kese wo log apne financial planning start kar sakte hai. 11.35 min- Next Level of Investing after you've started investing a year or two ago. ASSEST CLASSES. 14.46 min- What is Inflation in simple terms. 16.30 min - Where should you invest in 2024: EPF, VPF or PPF 19.47 min - What is Equity/Stock Market and how to invest in them 27.15 min - What is SIP and things the market doesn't want you to know about it? 32.35 min - Old Tax Regime vs New Tax Regime. What can benefit you. 35.36 min - Should you take Home Loan and Should you repay it sooner? 38.55 min - Tips from Chandan around Financial Planning to you 42.58 min - Should you keep paying Minimum Amount on your Credit card? Should you invest or clear all your debts first? Follow us to find daily updates and success hacks on The Growth Mindset Page below: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: Youtube: You can find Chandan Singh Padiyar here: Website: Linkedin: Facebook:



Welcome to The Growth Mindset Podcast, where we unleash your potential. Hosted by Silawath Irshad, we explore topics like personal and professional growth, finance, science, religion, health, and more. Each week, experts share their success stories and offer practical tips to help you develop a growth mindset. Our goal is to inspire you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals by embracing growth and continuous learning. Join us for inspiration, motivation, and practical advice on cultivating a growth mindset. #GrowthMindset #Inspiration #Motivation #Success #Podcast.

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