EMBody Radio

Welcome to EMBody Radio - a podcast devoted to educating and empowering listeners on all things training, nutrition, wellness, and growth. Host Emily Duncan is an exercise science major, bikini competitor, coach, and sports nutrition specialist devoted to bringing you nothing but the best in educational and uplifting content. This is THE show to teach you how to improve your body, expand your mind, and live your fullest life.
Evolution and growth baby
2023. 11. 06.
I absolutely love this podcast and how it’s evolved. Getting more into the habits, mindset and educational pieces to connect all those dots is just chefs kiss. Emily not only is your voice so soothing and like we’re talking like friends but you really bring home topics that hit close to the heart too. The athletic identity episode is one that is near and dear to my heart going on 10 years and still working on it 🤍 Also the light heartedness of other episodes with friends/interviews is so refreshing.
Save yourself the time
2024. 07. 23.
Emily Duncan is an educated woman with a large platform dedicated to helping women become healthier and more educated in their approach to that healthier self. That being said, her boyfriend ruins the brand for her. Emily Duncan’s boyfriend took to Instagram on July 22, 2024 to relay the following message: “ This has escalated to the point that people Emily does not know are texting and harassing her and she is scared for her safety and I have promised her that she need not fear for her physical safety. Do everyone a favor, and keep it on the internet because I don't break promises ...” As aforementioned, Emily’s customer base is primarily women. It can be assumed anyone harassing Emily is a woman. While harassment is wrong, condoning the “promise” of violence is an abhorrent rhetoric that must be stopped. I enjoyed the podcast but won’t be returning. I will be reaching out to sponsors and guests regarding the promise of violence being promoted on Emily’s personal Instagram account.
Love me some EmDunc
2023. 01. 03.
I love Emily’s insight and realness on so many topics. From heath and wellness, to mindset, to spirituality, she provides quality information. I initially started following her based on health and fitness, but I’ve found her other topics to be just as beneficial in changing my mindset and providing me with other perspectives.
Centering, Raw, Fulfilling
2022. 12. 30.
Emily has helped me many times through her podcast to find my center, feel heard, ask myself and others important questions, teach me new things/ways to reframe, and remind myself of what is possible. I love Emily’s perspective and hearing her thoughts on the world around her as well as her own world. I am grateful for her openness and the time, thoughtfulness, energy, and love she puts into this podcast. Thank you Emily for all that you do, and to anyone looking for a new podcast to aid their personal growth, I recommend giving this one a listen😊🤍
- 채널
- 제작진Emily Duncan
- 방송 연도2017년 - 2025년
- 에피소드241
- 등급무삭제판
- 저작권© 2022
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