The Age of Aquarius

Ramon Juarez
The Age of Aquarius

These are the gnostic teachings for the public. Here you will be involved in the studies of Gnosis at a basic level, you will not acquire initiations of any sort just by reading these lectures, a profound and continues work within yourself is needed in order to enter the path of self-realization…

  1. The Knife of Consciousness

    29 DE JAN.

    The Knife of Consciousness

    Some psychologists symbolize the consciousness as a knife very capable of separating us from that which is fastened to us, extracting our strength. These psychologists believe that the only way to escape the power of this or that “I” is to observe it more clearly, each time with the objective of comprehending it so as to become cognizant of it. These people think that in this way, separation of ourselves from this or that “I” will eventually occur, although it may be just by the width of a knife’s edge. In this manner, they say, the “I” separated by the consciousness resembles a cut plant. Becoming conscious of any “I,” according to them, means separating it from our psyche and condemning it to death. Without question, although apparently very convincing, such an idea fails in practice. An “I” which has been cut off from our personality by the knife of consciousness, thrown out of the house like the black sheep of the family, continues in the psychological space. Transformed into a demon of temptation, it insists on returning home. It does not submit so easily. In no way does it wish to eat the bitter bread of exile. It looks for an opportunity, and when we let down our guard for a minute it accommodates itself anew within our psyche. Gravest of all, is that within an exiled “I,” there is always a certain percentage of Essence, consciousness, imprisoned. All those psychologists who think this way have never been successful in dissolving any of their “I’s”; they have actually failed. No matter how hard one tries to evade the question of the Kundalini, it remains a very serious problem. In fact, the “ungrateful child” never progresses in the esoteric work on himself. Obviously, an “ungrateful child” is anyone who scorns Isis, our own particular, individual, Divine Cosmic Mother. Isis is one of the autonomous parts of our own Being, yet a derivative. The igneous serpent of our magical powers is Kundalini. Obviously, only Isis has the absolute power to disintegrate any “I,” this is irrefutable, indisputable and incontrovertible. Kundalini is a compound word: KUNDA reminds us of the abominable “Kundabuffer organ,” and LINI is an Atlantean term meaning termination. Kundalini means “the termination of the abominable Kundabuffer organ.” In this case, it is imperative not to confuse Kundalini with Kundabuffer. As we already stated in a previous chapter, the igneous serpent of our magical powers is found coiled up three and a half times inside of a certain magnetic center, located in the coccygeal bone at the base of the spinal column. When the serpent rises, it is Kundalini; when it descends, it is the abominable Kundabuffer organ. Through White Tantra the serpent ascends victoriously along the spinal canal awakening the powers of deification. Through Black Tantra the serpent hurtles downward from the coccyx toward the atomic infernos of the human being. This is how many are transformed into terribly perverse demons. Those who make the mistake of attributing all the sinister, negative characteristics of the descending serpent to the ascending serpent, definitely fail in the Work upon themselves. The evil consequences of the abominable Kundabuffer organ can only be annihilated with the Kundalini. It would not be an overstatement to say that such evil consequences are crystallized in the pluralized ego of revolutionary psychology. The hypnotic power of the descending serpent has submerged humanity in unconsciousness. By contrast, only the ascending serpent can awaken us. This truth is an axiom of Hermetic wisdom. Now we understand better the deep significance of the sacred word Kundalini. Conscious will is always represented as a sacred woman, Mary, Isis, who crushes the head of the descending serpent. Frankly speaking, in plain language, the dual flow of light, the living and astral fire of the Earth has been represented in ancient mysteries as a serpent with a bull, billy goat, or dog’s head. It is the double serpent of the Caduceus of Mercury and the tempting serpent of Eden. But it is also, without the slightest doubt, the bronze serpent of Moses entwined in the “Tau,” that is to say, the “generating lingam.” This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Moses-serpent.jpg It is the male goat of the Sabbath and the Baphomet of Gnostic Templars, the Hyle of universal Gnosticism, the double tail of the serpent that forms the feet of the solar cockerel of Abraxas. The “black lingam” inserted in the metallic “yoni,” (symbols of the God Shiva, of Hindustani divinity) is the secret key to awaken and develop the ascendant serpent or Kundalini. This is under the lifelong condition of never spilling the “vessel of Hermes Trismegistus,” the thrice great God, Ibis of Thoth. We have spoken between the lines for those who know how to understand. Whosoever has understanding let them understand, for herein lies wisdom. Black Tantra practitioners are different. They awaken and develop the abominable Kundabuffer organ, serpent of temptation from Eden, when they commit the unforgivable crime of spilling the sacred wine during their rites. Samael Aun Weor

  2. Intellectual Norms


    Intellectual Norms

    In the field of practical life, each person has his own criteria, his own more or less stale way of thinking, and never opens himself to anything new; this is irrefutable, indisputable, incontrovertible. The mind of the intellectual humanoid is degenerated, deteriorated, in a clear state of devolution. Indeed, the intellectual capacity for understanding of today’s humanity is similar to that of an old, inert and absurd mechanical structure, itself incapable of any authentic flexible phenomena. The mind lacks ductility, it is bottled up in multiple rigid and outdated norms. Each person has their own criteria and certain rigid rules within which they act and react incessantly. The most serious thing about this whole issue is that the millions of criteria are equivalent to millions of putrid and absurd norms. In any case, people never feel wrong, each mind is a world itself and there is no doubt that among so many mental recesses there are many distracting sophisms and unbearable stupidities. But the narrow criteria of the multitudes do not even remotely suspect the intellectual bottleneck in which they find themselves. These modern people with “cockroach brains” think the best of themselves, they boast of being liberals, of super-geniuses, they believe that they have very broad criteria. The enlightened ignorants turn out to be the most difficult, because in reality, speaking this time in the Socratic sense we will say: “Not only do they not know, but, in addition, they ignore that they do not know.” Socrates The intellectual scoundrels clinging to these antiquated norms of the past are violently prosecuted by virtue of their own bottleneck and emphatically refuse to accept something that in no way can fit within their steel standards. The enlightened know-it-alls think that everything that for one reason or another goes outside the rigid path of their rusty procedures is one hundred percent absurd. In this way, these poor people with such difficult judgments deceive themselves miserably. The pseudo-sages of this era boast of being brilliant, they look down on those who have the courage to depart from their time-worn norms, the worst of all is that they do not even remotely suspect the harsh reality of their own obtuseness. The intellectual pettiness of stale minds is such that they even allow themselves the luxury of demanding demonstrations about what is real, about what is not of the mind. People with a rickety and intolerant intelligence do not want to understand that the experience of reality only comes in the absence of the ego. Unquestionably, in no way would it be possible to directly recognize the mysteries of life and death as long as the *inner mind has not been opened within ourselves. *(Study the lecture “The Three Minds” here) It is worth repeating in this chapter that only the superlative consciousness of the Being can know the truth. The inner mind can only function with the data provided by the Cosmic Consciousness of the BEING. The subjective intellect, with its reasoning dialectic, can know nothing about that which escapes its jurisdiction. We already know that the content concepts of reasoning dialectics are elaborated with the data provided by the senses of external perception. Those who are bottled up within their intellectual procedures and fixed norms always resist these revolutionary ideas. Only by radically and definitively dissolving the EGO is it possible to awaken consciousness and truly open the inner mind. However, since these revolutionary declarations do not fit within formal logic, nor within dialectical logic, the subjective reaction of the involutionary minds opposes violent resistance. These poor intellectual people want to put the ocean in a glass, they assume that the university can control all the wisdom of the universe and that all the laws of the Cosmos are obliged to submit to its old academic norms. The ignorant paragons of wisdom do not even remo

  3. The Kundalini


    The Kundalini

    The Kundalini We have arrived at a very thorny point, I want to refer to this question of the Kundalini, the igneous serpent of our magical powers, mentioned in so many texts of oriental wisdom. Undoubtedly, the Kundalini has a lot of documentation and is something worth investigating. In the texts of Mediaeval Alchemy, the Kundalini is the astral sign of the sacred sperm, STELLA MARIS, the VIRGIN OF THE SEA, who wisely guides the laborers of the Great Work. Among the Aztecs she is TONANTZIN, among the Greeks the CASTE DIANA, and in Egypt she is ISIS, the DIVINE MOTHER of whom no mortal has lifted the veil. There is not any doubt whatsoever that Esoteric Christianism never stopped adoring the Divine Mother Kundalini; obviously she is MARAH or better said RAM-IO, MARIA or MARY. What orthodox religions did not specify, at least as far as the exoteric or public circle is concerned, is the aspect of ISIS in her human individual form. Ostensibly, only in secret were the initiates taught that this Divine Mother exists individually within each human being. It is not superfluous to emphatically clarify that Mother-God, REA, CYBELES, ADONIA or whatever we wish to call her, is a variant of our own individual Being here and now. Specifying, we will say that each of us has his own particular, individual, Divine Mother. There are as many Mothers in heaven as creatures on earth. The Kundalini is the mysterious energy which makes the world exist, an aspect of BRAHMA. In its psychological aspect manifest in the occult anatomy of the human being, the KUNDALINI is coiled three and a half times within certain magnetic center located in the coccygeal bone. There rests numb as any other snake the Divine Princess. In the center of that Chakra or room, exists a female triangle or YONI where there is a male LINGAM established. The sublime serpent KUNDALINI coils around this atomic or magical LINGAM which represents BRAHMA’s sexual creating power. The igneous queen in its serpent form, wakes up with the secretum secretorum of certain alchemical craft which I have clearly taught in my work titled: The Mystery of Golden Blossoming. Unquestionably, when this divine force awakes, victorious it ascends through the spinal medullary canal to develop in ourselves the powers which deify. The sacred serpent, in its subliminal divine transcendental aspect, transcending the merely physiological, anatomical, in its ethnic state, is, as I have already said, our own Being though derived. It is not my purpose to teach in this treatise the technique for the awaking of the sacred serpent. I only want to put some emphasis on the harsh realism of the Ego and the inner urgency related to the dissolution of its diverse inhuman elements. The mind by itself cannot radically alter any psychological defect. The mind can mark in a name on any defect, move it from one level on to another one, hide it from the same mind or from other people, excuse it, etc., but never eliminate it. Comprehension is a fundamental part, but this is not all, it is necessary to eliminate. A defect which has been observed must be analyzed and wholly comprehended, before proceeding to its elimination. We need a power superior to the mind, a power capable of atomically disintegrating any defect-“I” which we have previously discovered and profoundly judged. Fortunately, such power is deeply underlying beyond the body, affections and the mind, although it has its concrete exponents in the bone of the coccygeal center, as we have already explained in previous paragraphs of this chapter. After having wholly comprehended any defect-“I”, we must submerge ourselves in profound meditation, begging, praying, asking our own individual particular Divine Mother to disintegrate the previously comprehended defect-“I”. This is the precise technique required for the elimination of the undesirable elements which we carry within. The Divine Mother Kundalini has power to reduce to as

  4. Creative Comprehension


    Creative Comprehension

    Being and knowing must be balanced to establish a blaze of comprehension within our psyche. When knowing is greater than being, it causes all kinds of intellectual confusion. If being is greater than knowing, it can produce cases as serious as that of a stupid saint. In everyday life, it is advisable to observe oneself with the purpose of self-discovery. It is precisely everyday life, the psychological gymnasium, through which we can discover our defects. In a state of alert perception, watchful attention, we can directly verify that the hidden defects flare-up spontaneously. Clearly, we must work on the discovered defect consciously with the purpose of separating it from our psyche. Above all, we must not identify with any I-defect if we really want to eliminate it. Imagine that we are standing on a board and we wish to raise it to a position of it leaning against a wall. It would be impossible to do so if we were still standing on it. Obviously, we must begin by separating the board from ourselves, removing ourselves from it and then lifting the board with our hands to a reclining position against the wall. Similarly, we must not identify with any psychic aggregate if we truly wish to separate it from our psyche. When one identifies with this or that I, one really strengthens, rather than disintegrates it. Let us suppose that some lustful self took possession of any stereotypical image in the intellectual center to project lascivious and sexually morbid scenes on the screen of the mind. Unquestionably, identifying with the passionate picture greatly strengthens that lustful ego. If, however, instead of identifying with such an entity, we separate it from our psyche, considering it as an intrusive demon, then obviously creative comprehension will have emerged within us. Subsequently, we could have the luxury of analytically judging the aggregate in question with the purpose of becoming fully conscious of it. The seriousness of the problem lies precisely with people’s identification, and this is most regrettable. If people were familiar with the Doctrine of the Many Selves, if they actually understood that not even their own lives belong to them, they would not make the mistake of identification. Scenes of anger, pictures of jealousy, etc., in everyday life, are useful when we find ourselves in constant psychological self-observation. Thus, we prove that neither our thoughts, nor our desires, nor our actions belong to us. Unquestionably, multiple I’s intervene like bearers of an ill omen, putting thoughts in our minds, emotions in our hearts and actions of all kinds in our motor center. It is deplorable that we are not masters of ourselves and that various psychological entities make of us whatever they will. Unfortunately, we do not even remotely suspect what is happening to us and we act like simple puppets, controlled by invisible strings. Worst of all, instead of fighting for independence from all these secret tyrants, we make the mistake of fortifying them, and this occurs when we become identified. Any street scene, any family drama, any silly quarrel between spouses is undoubtedly due to this or that I, and is something of which we must always be aware. Everyday life is the psychological mirror in which we can see ourselves just as we are. First, we must understand the need to see ourselves and the need to change radically. Only in this way will we want to really observe ourselves. Whosoever is content with the state in which he lives, the foolish one, the dawdler, the negligent one, will never feel the desire to see himself; he will love himself too much to ever be willing to review his conduct and way of being. We will say clearly that in some comedies, dramas and tragedies of everyday life various “I’s” take part. These “I’s” must be understood. What comes into play in any scene of passionate jealousy are the egos of lust, anger, pride, jealousy, etc. We must later ana

  5. Work Memory


    Work Memory

    Without a question, each person has his own particular psychology. This is indubitable, indisputable, and irrefutable. Unfortunately, people never think about this, and many never accept it. This is because they are trapped within the sensorial mind. Anyone would admit to the reality of the physical body since it can be seen and touched. Our psychology, however, is a different matter. It cannot be perceived by the five senses. For this reason we have a general tendency to reject or simply underestimate and scorn it, qualifying it as something of no importance. Undoubtedly, when someone begins to self-observe, it is an unmistakable sign that they have accepted the tremendous reality of their own psychology. Clearly, no one would attempt self-observation without having previously found a fundamental reason for doing so. Obviously, someone who initiates self-observation becomes a very different person from others. This, in fact, indicates the possibility for change. Unfortunately, people do not want to change; they are content with the state in which they live. It pains one to see how people are born, grow, reproduce like animals, suffer indescribably and die without ever knowing why. To change is fundamental but it is impossible if we do not initiate psychological self-observation. We must start by seeing that our purpose is to acquire self knowledge, since rational humanoids really do not know themselves. When one discovers a psychological defect, a great step has actually been taken, because this allows one to study and even radically eliminate that defect. Indeed, we could not succeed in counting all of the psychological defects we have within since there are so many, not even if we had a steel palate and a thousand tongues to speak with. Gravest of all is that we do not know how to measure the dreadful reality of any defect. We always look at it superficially without due attention. We see it as something unimportant. When we accept the Doctrine of the Many Selves and understand the harsh reality of the seven demons that Jesus the Christ drove from the body of Mary Magdalene, obviously, our way of thinking (with regard to psychological defects) undergoes a fundamental change. It cannot be asserted emphatically enough that the Doctrine of the Many Selves is 100 percent Tibetan and Gnostic in origin. It is not at all pleasant to find out that within each person there lives hundreds and thousands of psychological people. Each psychological defect is a different person existing within us, in the here and now. The seven demons that the great Master Jesus the Christ threw out of the body of Mary Magdalene are the seven deadly sins: anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness, and gluttony. Naturally, each one of these demons leads separately to a legion. In the Pharaohs’ ancient Egypt, an Initiate had to eliminate the red demons of Seth from his inner nature if he wanted to achieve the awakening of consciousness. Considering the reality of psychological defects, the aspirant longs for change. He does not want to continue in the state in which he lives with so many people within his psyche. He then begins self-observation. As we progress in our inner work, we can verify for ourselves an interesting order in the system of elimination. One is astonished when one discovers that there is an order in the work related to the elimination of the multiple psychic aggregates that personify our errors. What is most interesting about all of this, is that such an order in the elimination of defects comes about gradually, and is processed according to the dialectic of consciousness. The dialectic of reasoning will never surpass the formidable work of the dialectic of consciousness. In time, the facts show us that the psychological order in the work of eliminating defects is established by our own profound inner Being. We must clarify that a radical difference exists between the ego and the Being. The “I” ca

  6. The Three Minds


    The Three Minds

    Everywhere there are many scoundrels of the intellect lacking positive direction and who are poisoned with loathsome skepticism. Certainly, the repugnant poison of skepticism has infected human minds alarmingly since the eighteenth century. Before that time, the famous Nontrabada, or Encubierta island, located off the Spanish coast, was constantly visible and tangible. There is no doubt that such an island is situated in the fourth dimension. Many are the anecdotes related to this mysterious island. After the eighteenth century, the aforementioned island was lost in eternity; no one knows anything at all about it. In the times of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, elementals of Nature were manifest everywhere, deeply penetrating our physical atmosphere. Many are the tales of elves, leprechauns, and fairies, which still abound in green Erin, Ireland. Unfortunately, all these things of innocence, all this beauty from the soul of the Earth is no longer perceived by humanity. This is due to the intellectual scoundrel’s pedantries and the animal ego’s excessive development. Nowadays, the know-it-all ignoramuses laugh at all these things, rejecting them, though deep down they have not even remotely achieved happiness. If people understood that we have three minds, it would be a very different story. They might even become more interested in these studies. Unfortunately, learned ignoramuses, absorbed as they are in the labyrinth of their own difficult scholarly pursuits, do not even have the time to pay any serious attention to our studies. These hopeless people are self-sufficient; they are conceited with vain intellectualism; they think that they are on the right path; and they do not have even the slightest idea that they are up a blind alley. In the name of truth we must state that in synthesis we have three minds. The first one we can and must call the Sensual Mind. The second we shall christen with the name of Intermediate Mind. The third we shall call the Inner Mind. Now we are going to study each of these three minds separately and judiciously. The Sensual Mind Unquestionably, the Sensual Mind develops its basic concepts via external sensory perceptions. Under these conditions, the Sensual Mind is terribly crude and materialistic. It cannot accept anything which has not been physically demonstrated. Since the fundamental concepts of the Sensual Mind are based on external sensory data, undoubtedly, it can know nothing about what is real, about the truth, about the mysteries of life and death, about the Soul and the Spirit, etc. For the rogues of the intellect, totally trapped by their external senses and incarcerated within the basic concepts of the Sensual Mind, our esoteric studies are lunacy. In the reasoning of the unreasonable, in an insane world, they are right, due to the conditioning by the external sensory world. How could the Sensual Mind accept what is not sensory? If information from the senses serves as a secret means for all functions of the Sensual Mind, then it is obvious that the latter generates sensory concepts. The Intermediate Mind The Intermediate Mind is different. It has no direct knowledge of what is real either; it confines itself to belief and that is all. Found in the Intermediate Mind are religious beliefs, unbreakable dogmas, etc. The Inner Mind The Inner Mind is fundamental for the direct experience of the truth. Undoubtedly, the Inner Mind creates its basic concepts with information contributed by the superlative consciousness of the Being. Unquestionably, the consciousness can live and experience reality. Without a doubt, the consciousness knows the truth. To manifest itself however, the consciousness needs a mediator, an instrument of action, and this in itself is the Inner Mind. Consciousness knows directly the reality of each natural phenomenon and can manifest it through the Inner Mind. To open the Inner Mind would be the appropriate

  7. Darkness



    Certainly, one of the most difficult problems of our epoch stems from the intricate labyrinth of theories. Undoubtedly, in these times there is an exorbitant multiplicity of pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist schools here, there, and everywhere. The marketing of souls, books, and theories is frightening. Rare are those who really manage to find the secret path among the many cobwebs of contradictory ideas. Gravest of all is intellectual fascination. There is a tendency to nourish ourselves only intellectually with all that reaches the mind. The vagabonds of the intellect are no longer content with all the subjective literature and the ordinary types of books found in abundance in the bookstores. Now, to make matters worse, they also stuff themselves to the point of indigestion with cheap pseudo-esotericism and pseudo-occultism that abound everywhere like weeds. The result of all this is a gibberish of confusion and manifest disorientation amongst the villains of the intellect. I constantly receive all sorts of letters and books. Those who send them to me usually inquire about this or that school, this or that book. I confine myself to the following reply: “Refrain from idle mental curiosity. There is no need for you to be involved in other people’s business. Disintegrate the animal ego of curiosity, for the business of other schools is not your concern. Become serious, know yourself, study yourself, observe yourself, etc.” Really, the important thing is to know ourselves profoundly in all mental levels. Darkness is unconsciousness; light is consciousness. We must allow light to penetrate our own darkness; obviously, light has the power to defeat darkness. Regrettably people find themselves incarcerated within the fetid, filthy environment of their own minds, worshipping their beloved ego. People do not want to realize that they are not masters of their own lives. Indeed, each person is controlled from within by many other persons. I refer emphatically to the multiplicity of I’s that we carry within. Evidently, each one of these I’s puts in our minds what we must think, in our mouths what we must say, and in our hearts what we must feel, etc. Under such conditions the human personality is no more than a robot governed by different people, each disputing its superiority and aspiring to supreme control of the major centers of the organic machine. In the name of truth, we solemnly affirm that the poor intellectual animal mistakenly called human being, though believing himself balanced, lives in a complete psychological imbalance. The intellectual mammal is by no means unilateral, otherwise he would be balanced. Unfortunately, the intellectual animal is multilateral, as has been proven repeatedly. How can the rational humanoid be balanced? In order for perfect equilibrium to exist, we need an awakened consciousness. Only the light of consciousness, directed not from different angles, but fully focused and centered upon ourselves, can put an end to the contrasts, to the psychological contradictions. Only thus can we establish within ourselves the true inner equilibrium. The awakening of our consciousness will come if we dissolve the whole collection of I’s that we carry within, thus the consequence or corollary will be the true balancing of our own psyche. Unfortunately, people do not want to realize that they live unconsciously. They are deeply asleep. If people were awake, each one of us would feel our fellow beings within ourselves. If people were awake, our fellow beings would feel us within themselves. Then, obviously, wars would not exist and the Earth would be, in truth, a paradise. The light of consciousness endows us with true psychological balance and comes to establish each thing in its place. Anything that previously entered into intimate conflict with us, in fact, stays in its appropriate place. The unconsciousness of the multitude is such that they are even unable to find

  8. The Psychological "I"


    The Psychological "I"

    This question of the me, myself, of what I am, of that which thinks, feels, and acts, is something that we must explore within ourselves in order for us to gain profound knowledge. Everywhere there are lovely theories which attract and fascinate us. However, they are of no use at all if we do not know ourselves. It is fascinating to study astronomy or to amuse ourselves somewhat reading serious works. Nevertheless, it is ironic to become erudite and not know anything about the me, myself, about the “I,” about the human personality we possess. Everyone is very free to think whatever they want and the subjective reason of the “intellectual animal” mistakenly called man is enough for everything, it can just as easily turn a flea into a horse as it can turn a horse into a flea; There are many intellectuals who live playing with rationalism. And what after all? To be scholarly does not mean to be wise. Learned ignoramuses are as abundant as weeds. Not only do they not know, but they are not even aware they do not know. Learned ignoramuses are those know-it-alls who believe they know everything and who indeed do not even know themselves. We could theorize splendidly on the psychological I, but that is not exactly what interests us in this chapter. We need to know ourselves directly as we are, without involving a depressing process of “options.” This would in no way be possible unless we were to observe ourselves in action from instant to instant, from moment to moment. This is not a matter of seeing ourselves through theories or by simple intellectual speculation. We are interested in seeing ourselves directly as we are; this is the only way we will be able to gain true knowledge of ourselves. Although it might seem incredible, we are mistaken with regard to ourselves. Many things we believe we have, we do not have, and many things that we do not believe we have, we do. We have formed false concepts about ourselves, and we must, therefore, do an inventory to find out what we have too much of and what we lack. We assume that we have such and such qualities, which indeed we do not, and we are surely ignorant of many virtues that we do possess. We are asleep, unconscious, and that is very serious. Unfortunately, we think the best of ourselves and never even suspect that we are asleep. The Holy Scriptures insist on the need to awaken, but do not explain the system to achieve this awakening. Worst of all, there are many who have read the Holy Scriptures and still do not understand that they are asleep. Everyone believes that they know themselves and do not have even the faintest idea that there exists a Doctrine of the Many. Indeed, each person’s psychological “I” is multiple; it always consists of many. By this we mean that we have many selves and not just one, as is always assumed by learned ignoramuses. To deny the Doctrine of the Many is to make fools of ourselves. In fact, it is the height of absurdity to ignore the intimate contradictions which each of us possess. “I am going to read a newspaper,” says the “I” of intellect. “To heck with reading,” exclaims the “I” of movement, “I prefer to ride my bicycle.” “Forget it,” shouts a third ego in disagreement, “I’d rather eat, I’m hungry.” If we could see ourselves in a full-length mirror, just as we are, we would discover for ourselves directly the Doctrine of the Many. The human personality is only a marionette controlled by invisible strings. The ego which swears eternal love for Gnosis is later replaced by another which has nothing to do with the pledge; then the individual leaves. The “I” which swears eternal love for one woman is later replaced by another one which has nothing to do with that oath. Then the person falls in love with another woman, and like a house of cards it all collapses. The “intellectual animal” mistakenly called human being is like a house filled with many people. There is



These are the gnostic teachings for the public. Here you will be involved in the studies of Gnosis at a basic level, you will not acquire initiations of any sort just by reading these lectures, a profound and continues work within yourself is needed in order to enter the path of self-realization…

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