🌟 *Sponsored by Azure Standard's AzureWell Supplement Line* 🌟 *Use Code: THELIFE15* for 15% OFF orders of $100+! Shop now: https://www.azurestandard.com/ ☕ Sponsored by Shepherd's Crook Coffee! ☕ Get 25% off your first order with code THELIFE at checkout: shepherdscrookcoffee.com Support a family-run, Torah-Observant business that offers delicious, organically sourced, fair trade, roasted-to-order coffee. (Excludes subscriptions and bulk orders. Limit one per customer. No expiration date!) 📅 *Join The LIFE Digital Meetups* Connect with like-minded believers each month and support THE LIFE! Sign up here: https://www.patreon.com/c/TheLifeWithLuke Kayte and I talk about tiny house life, our daily workflow, motivation, rewards and discouragement. We get into where we "draw the line" on all sorts of issues, plus thoughtful media consumption, dream podcast guests and how to change the world. A Quick Tour of Our Tiny House: https://www.instagram.com/p/CBwVB0uJrIt/ Using Social Media For Business - Book Recommendation: "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk: https://amzn.to/4hoZVB4 The Opt-Out Family: How to Give Your Kids What Technology Can't" Book: https://amzn.to/4aqrt6Z Holy Labor Book: https://amzn.to/4h9zWhs *The Quote We Referenced:* You, enlightened, self-sufficient, self-governed, endowed with gifts above your fellows, the world expects you to produce as well as to consume, to add to and not to subtract from its store of good, to build up and not tear down, to ennoble and not degrade. It commands you to take your place and to fight your fight in the name of honor and of chivalry, against the powers of organized evil and of commercialized vice, against the poverty, disease, and death which follow fast in the wake of sin and ignorance, against all the innumerable forces which are working to destroy the image of God in man, and unleash the passions of the beast. There comes to you from many quarters, from many voices, the call of your kind. It is the human cry of spirits in bondage, of souls in despair, of lives debased and doomed. It is the call of man to his brother ... such is your vocation; follow the voice that calls you in the name of God and of man. The time is short, the opportunity is great; therefore, crowd the hours with the best that is in you.” ― John Hibben ✨ *Explore Our Work:* 🎥 *THE WAY Documentary* The Way is the story of countless believers around the world who’ve traded Easter ham for Passover lamb and Sunday church for Saturday Sabbath - all in an effort to live like the Savior. Watch now: https://www.thewaydoc.com/collections/the-way-documentary 📚 *THE TRUTH: REFORMATION 2.0* A bold, fun apologetics book by Luke Abaffy tackling objections to Torah observance with biblical answers. Get your copy: https://www.thewaydoc.com/collections/the-truth-reformation-2-0 🎄 *THE CHRISTMAS QUESTION Documentary* Unravel the history of Christmas and its implications for today’s Christians. Watch here: https://www.thewaydoc.com/collections/the-christmas-question 🔔 *Subscribe to The LIFE Podcast* Join meaningful conversations about living out Torah daily. Stay connected with a vibrant faith-based community! #TorahObservant #marriage #parenting #ditl